Need help to add front-end on slatwall eCommerce - coldfusion

I am trying to build the eCommerce store by using Slatwall and lucee. Slatwall is the ColdFusion based eCommerce framework. The admin part is working fine. But I could not create the user side. I also referred the slatwall documentation. But no luck I couldn't seen any clear example and document for adding the front end on slatwall. If anyone knows help me please?
Slatwall frontend document

As OP says, SlatWall has excellent $upport, that's where they make a living. You now have three choices for a front end:
1) Slatwall latest versions have their own integrated CMS now. I'd recommend you export your product info, install the latest Slatwall, import the data back in.
2) Load MuraCMS, an Open Source Content Management (i.e. front-end) system that has integration to Slatwall (or the other way round, IIRC)
3) Roll your own in ColdFusion after learning ins and outs of the Slatwall api. Not recommended unless you're already CF experienced and have some previous experience with an api, any api.

For completeness I am going to answer this question even though its months old, for anyone else that views this.
You have a couple options here but the easiest way:
There is a complete example of a fully implemented Slatwall site including product listing pages, shopping-cart, and checkout included with Slatwall.
You may view the sample site by visiting http://{yourslatwallsite}/meta/sample
On the sample site, you can choose from the menu to view your products, add them to your cart, or checkout. Make sure your products are both active and published in the admin or you will not see them on the sample site. If you go through the .cfm pages that makeup the sample site, there are many examples documented (as comments in the code). Note that the actual .cfm files will be stored in /public/views/xxx.cfm and the meta folder just references them. /public/views/templates/slatwall-productlisting.cfm for example has complete examples on listing products on the frontend.
The sample site is powerful enough that you could restyle it and use it as your store


Building a dynamic asynchronous filesystem in django: best practices

I am trying to rebuild our website in Django, and I am currently facing a series of rather difficult challenges for which I am not prepared. I was hoping to get some help in the matter.
The website I am building is an online archival platform for artists called Lekha. The core of Lekha is the dashboard page (which you can check out on this link, just sign in with the email and the password test if you have the patience).
On the dashboard page, users have access to a hierarchical filesystem that we would like to function like a desktop filesystem for ease of use. Users can use the filesystem to organize their 'artworks' into folders. These artworks themselves are a collection of media, along with the metadata of the artwork. To upload this media and fill in the metadata, users will use a form. If users want to edit an artwork's metadata, they can do so through an auto-populated form on the same page.
The issue that I am facing is that I am struggling to find an elegant way to make all of this happen without reloading the page. Users need to be able to add, delete, and rename folders in the filesystem without reloading the page (just like dropbox). They also need to be able to add 'artwork' database entries using a popup form, and edit 'artworks' they have created through an auto-populated form that is also served to them without reloading the page (as it is currently implemented on our existing dashboard page).
All of the Django tutorials I have seen delete items using a dedicated /delete/ page, but this would require reloading the page. Based on my research, the solution I am looking for has to do with asynchronous updating through AJAX.
I wanted to ask all the Django experts out there what the best way to go about this would be. Are there any best practices I should know about before going into this? We are building our website to be robust and scale well.
Are there any specific libraries for asynchronous stuff in Django that are best?
How do asynchronous websites scale if we have several users on them at the same time, and should I write the backend in any specific way to account for potential scaling issues?
What is the difference between ASGI and WSGI?
Are there tools that I can use such as htmx to make my life easier?

File browser with Django and Alfresco

I have a Django site and a local install of Alfresco (community edition). One of my model contains a file reference which maps to a document in Alfresco. The view should have a field that spawns a file browser that can access the repository structure within Alfresco so that the user can pick whichever file they want at whichever version.
I looked at the CMSIlib module and it seems to be providing all the interaction I need for the back end code. Although downloading a document seems clunky.
There are lots of Django file browsers but none seem to interface with CMSIlib.
Do I have to code my own or have I missed something?
The version is Alfresco Community v5.0.0 (d r99759-b2) schema 8022 Spring Surf and Spring WebScripts - v5.0.0.
To be honest, I am not a python guy ! But I heard over the official #alfresco IRC channel that cmislib is not so much of an active project, and questions about it only bump once in a while .... The RESTful api however may be considered as a good alternative in your use case:
To access alfresco content using the RESTful api, you should be querying this webscript: /alfresco/d/<d|a>/<workspace>/<store>/<nodeId>/<filename>
where :
d and a refer to direct / attached mode
<workspace>, <store> and <nodeId> reference your content nodeRef
<filename> a file name of your choice
So you should be making a GET Request an a URL that looks something like this http://<host>:<port>/alfresco/d/d/workspace/SpacesStore/8444ad61-4734-40e3-b2d4-b8b1c81347fd/myFile.ext
Note : Depending on the permission set on your node, you might need to attach an alf_ticket to the URL for an authenticated alfresco user. Please check this for further insights.
If you have a problem identifying your file nodeRef, then you can setup a repo webscript implementing your custom logic (browsing some folder / searching for a document by name or metadata ....)
If your are not familiar with webscript development check Jeff Pott's tutorial on the subject
To get started with your webscript development check out Alfresco docs/wiki!
Check this wiki page to learn how to retrieve children for a given node !
Or check this wiki page to learn how to develop webscripts implementing your custom business logic.
If you do not have anything against the YUI javascript library (that is no longer actively maintained), you can integrate the object-finder already available in Alfresco Share. The library is in
You will need to modify it a bit given that you are not inside Share.
To be totally honest, I do not know if it is feasible because it has other dependencies but being a browser site library, in theory can be integrated everywhere.

ember hash urls in google

I am concerned about page ranking on google with the following situation:
I am looking to convert my existing site with 150k+ unique page results to a ember app, off the route. so currently its something like - With ember and hash change - it will be /#/model/id. I really want history state but lack of IE support doesn't leave that as a option. So my Sitemap for google has lots and lots of great results using the old model/id. On the rails side I will test browser for compatibility, before either rendering the JS rich app or the plain HTML / CSS. Does anyone have good SEO suggestions with my current schema for success.
Linked below is my schema and looking at the options -
History state is awesome but it looks like support is only around 60% of browsers.
Thanks guys for the suggestions, the google guide is similar to what I'm going to try. I will roll it out to 1 client this month, and see what webmasters and analytics show.
here is everything you need to have your hash links be seo friendly:
basically You write Your whole app with hashlinks, but You have to add "!" to them, so You have #!/model/id. Next You must have all pages somewhere generated and if google asks for them, return "plain html" as described here:
use google webmaster tools to check if Your site is crawlable.
I'm not sure if you're aware that you can configure Ember to use the browser history for the location API and keep using your pages the way they are reference now. All you need to do is configure the Route's location property
location: 'history'
See more details about specifying the location api here

Tracking User Actions on Landing Pages in Django

I'm developing a web application. It's months away from completion but I would like to build a landing page to show to potential customers to explain things and gauge their interest--basically collecting their email address and if they feel like it additional information like names + addresses.
Because I'm already using Django to build my site I thought I might use another Django App to serve as this landing page. The features I need are
to display a fairly static page and potentially a series of pages,
collect emails (and additional customer data)
track their actions--e.g., they got through the first two pages but didnt fill out the final page.
Is there any pre-existing Django app that provides any of these features?
If there is not a Django app, then does anyone know of another, faster/better way than building my own app? Perhaps a pre-existing web service that you can skin and make look like your own? Maybe there's the perfect system but it's PHP?--I'm open for whatever.
Option 1: Google Sites
You can set it up very very quickly. Though your monitoring wouldn't be as detailed as you're asking for.. Still, easy and fasssst!
Option 2: bbclone
Something else that may be helpful is to set up some PHP based site (wordpress or something) and use bbclone for tracking stuff on it. I've found bbclone to be pretty intense with the reporting what everyone does - though it's been a while since I used it.
Option 3: Django Flatpages
The flatpages Django contrib app is pretty handy for making static flat pages. I'd probably just embed a Google Docs Form to collect email addresses (as that's super fast and lets you get back to real work). But this suggestion would still leave you needing to figure out how to get the level of detail you want on the stats end.
Perhaps consider Google Analytics anyway?
Regardless, I suggest you use Google Analytics with everything. That'll work with anything you do really, and for all I know, perhaps you can find a way to get the stats you're really looking for out of it.

A CMS for multiple user login

I am trying to create a portal.
The portal should allow multiple user logins. The users are customers and upon login they should be able to check their sales, repository and stuff like that. Users won't need to be post blog, or anything like that, just simple checking of their daily sales.
As the admin, i, of course, should be able to edit all accounts.
I am contemplating to use a CMS such as Drupal, unless there is no such solutions, maybe a framework such as RoR would work too.
My question is, which open source CMS/framework should I use?
I would recommend you try Drupal because you can create your sales and repository info as "content". If it's suitable it would be much more productive and less error-prone than coding up something from scratch.
A common misconception of Drupal is that it is only suited for editorial written content like blog posts or articles. By using CCK and views you can quickly set up some CRUD functionality and more.
Here's a nice intro to CCK.
That sounds like pretty standard requirements for a extranet site, django or RoR seem a obvious choice. CMS's like Drupal, django-cms, Plone etc. are more concerned with content such as texts.
Choose your tool according to your current skills. I myself prefer django, but RoR will be better if you already know ruby.
CMS won't suit you because they are basically designed for managing content. Your requirements seem to far simple from that. If you are familiar with python, you can do such a site in 20 mins using Django.
I have no experience with Ruby of RoR!