ember hash urls in google - ember.js

I am concerned about page ranking on google with the following situation:
I am looking to convert my existing site with 150k+ unique page results to a ember app, off the route. so currently its something like domain.com/model/id - With ember and hash change - it will be /#/model/id. I really want history state but lack of IE support doesn't leave that as a option. So my Sitemap for google has lots and lots of great results using the old model/id. On the rails side I will test browser for compatibility, before either rendering the JS rich app or the plain HTML / CSS. Does anyone have good SEO suggestions with my current schema for success.
Linked below is my schema and looking at the options -
History state is awesome but it looks like support is only around 60% of browsers.
Thanks guys for the suggestions, the google guide is similar to what I'm going to try. I will roll it out to 1 client this month, and see what webmasters and analytics show.

here is everything you need to have your hash links be seo friendly: https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/
basically You write Your whole app with hashlinks, but You have to add "!" to them, so You have #!/model/id. Next You must have all pages somewhere generated and if google asks for them, return "plain html" as described here: https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/getting-started
use google webmaster tools to check if Your site is crawlable.

I'm not sure if you're aware that you can configure Ember to use the browser history for the location API and keep using your pages the way they are reference now. All you need to do is configure the Route's location property
location: 'history'
See more details about specifying the location api here


How to use react-router and Django templates

I am pretty sure I am not the first one to stumble on this problem. But somehow I am unable to find any relevant resources out there.
Here is my issue, I have a backend in Django and my front completely written in Reactjs- React Router - Redux (nice combo right).
when entering the url webhost.com/, django provides me with a page with links to a bundle that is my whole react application and different stylesheets
The problem arise when I want to refresh a page, the browser still tries to query the server even though a route exists in my react-router configuration.
I had a look at the answer here (catch-all option) React-router urls don't work when refreshing or writting manually , but I don't quite understand it and I am afraid to have a new redux state everytime Django will provide the user with a new page.
You can setup up a wildcard url pattern that will render the same view that gets rendered when a request is sent to webhost.com. I don't know if that's going to retain your store though.

Need help to add front-end on slatwall eCommerce

I am trying to build the eCommerce store by using Slatwall and lucee. Slatwall is the ColdFusion based eCommerce framework. The admin part is working fine. But I could not create the user side. I also referred the slatwall documentation. But no luck I couldn't seen any clear example and document for adding the front end on slatwall. If anyone knows help me please?
Slatwall frontend document
As OP says, SlatWall has excellent $upport, that's where they make a living. You now have three choices for a front end:
1) Slatwall latest versions have their own integrated CMS now. I'd recommend you export your product info, install the latest Slatwall, import the data back in.
2) Load MuraCMS, an Open Source Content Management (i.e. front-end) system that has integration to Slatwall (or the other way round, IIRC)
3) Roll your own in ColdFusion after learning ins and outs of the Slatwall api. Not recommended unless you're already CF experienced and have some previous experience with an api, any api.
For completeness I am going to answer this question even though its months old, for anyone else that views this.
You have a couple options here but the easiest way:
There is a complete example of a fully implemented Slatwall site including product listing pages, shopping-cart, and checkout included with Slatwall.
You may view the sample site by visiting http://{yourslatwallsite}/meta/sample
On the sample site, you can choose from the menu to view your products, add them to your cart, or checkout. Make sure your products are both active and published in the admin or you will not see them on the sample site. If you go through the .cfm pages that makeup the sample site, there are many examples documented (as comments in the code). Note that the actual .cfm files will be stored in /public/views/xxx.cfm and the meta folder just references them. /public/views/templates/slatwall-productlisting.cfm for example has complete examples on listing products on the frontend.
The sample site is powerful enough that you could restyle it and use it as your store

Ember.js change route without page reload

I am planning an Ember web app which I want to operate on one page without page reloads.
However, I also want to be able to share the state of the app at any time, and therefore make use of Ember's URL-centric design.
As a total Ember noob, I am wondering if and how Ember accomplishes this (relying on routes, but without page reloads).
Any info is greatly appreciated!
I would recommend reading up on "Query Parameters" (see here) as that is the feature it sounds like you are looking for.

How Google crawls Angular-based apps with HTML5 urls

I'm building a web application with the following url structure:
/ is the landing page, not angular based
/choose uses Angular, it basically contains search
/fund/<code> also with Angular, contains specific data for a certain fund
There's no problem indexing /, it's just a plain and simple html, already SEO optimized. But I need both /choose and /fund/... being crawled by Google, that's the problem.
My app uses the HTML5 mode, and we never point to the app urls using hashbangs like foo.com#!/choose, always foo.com/choose.
Also, according to Google's docs on that matter, I put <meta name="fragment" content="!"> on the head of every Angular page we have. But using "fetch as google" to inspect my site, I can't realise how Google's asking the pages for my server. I'm using Django on the backend and I built a middleware to catch _escaped_fragment_ and act on it, but Google's never sending it.
So, simply put, my questions are:
Why isn't Google fetching my urls using _escaped_fragment_?
How Google will fetch the pages?
According to the google specs, You should use
But As mentioned here, you don't seem to need hashfragment and the equal sign part since your url is already mapped on your Django server side. So, get rid of it and give it a try.
Your final url should look like this: foo.com/choose?_escaped_fragment_.
Hope it helps!

Tracking User Actions on Landing Pages in Django

I'm developing a web application. It's months away from completion but I would like to build a landing page to show to potential customers to explain things and gauge their interest--basically collecting their email address and if they feel like it additional information like names + addresses.
Because I'm already using Django to build my site I thought I might use another Django App to serve as this landing page. The features I need are
to display a fairly static page and potentially a series of pages,
collect emails (and additional customer data)
track their actions--e.g., they got through the first two pages but didnt fill out the final page.
Is there any pre-existing Django app that provides any of these features?
If there is not a Django app, then does anyone know of another, faster/better way than building my own app? Perhaps a pre-existing web service that you can skin and make look like your own? Maybe there's the perfect system but it's PHP?--I'm open for whatever.
Option 1: Google Sites
You can set it up very very quickly. Though your monitoring wouldn't be as detailed as you're asking for.. Still, easy and fasssst!
Option 2: bbclone
Something else that may be helpful is to set up some PHP based site (wordpress or something) and use bbclone for tracking stuff on it. I've found bbclone to be pretty intense with the reporting what everyone does - though it's been a while since I used it.
Option 3: Django Flatpages
The flatpages Django contrib app is pretty handy for making static flat pages. I'd probably just embed a Google Docs Form to collect email addresses (as that's super fast and lets you get back to real work). But this suggestion would still leave you needing to figure out how to get the level of detail you want on the stats end.
Perhaps consider Google Analytics anyway?
Regardless, I suggest you use Google Analytics with everything. That'll work with anything you do really, and for all I know, perhaps you can find a way to get the stats you're really looking for out of it.