OpenGL make rotation function give vector - c++

Is there a way to record glrotatef() rotation so that I can get a directional vector out of it? For example, I have drawn a line on the Y-Axis. I then rotate using glrotatef() to get the new line in light blue. The rotation function (to my understanding) moves the "screen" such that everything is rotated. How can I get the information of the new light blue line?

Using glGet, you can get the current Modelview matrix (that is used to store all your transformations, including the rotation you just made).
GLfloat matrix[16];
glGetFloatv (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, matrix);
It is then up to you to multiply your vector with this matrix to get the resulting vector after the transformation. Look here for reference:


Rotating object around camera and getting transformed coordinates?

I'm using OpenGL to draw an object in my scene, but I can't seem to get it to rotate around the camera rather than just rotating in place.
What can I do to have it rotate around the camera instead? I know that I can draw it in camera/view space, but I need to get the object's position and rotation from after the transformation (so that I can give that object a rigid body with Bullet). If the position and rotation can still be retrieved from an object rendered in the view space, then please disregard the first part of the post.
In other words, how can I move and rotate the object around the camera and get it's coordinates and rotation from the ModelMatrix so that I can fill these:
glm::vec3 objectPosition;
glm::quat objectRotation;
I've seen similar posts online that use older OpenGL/not the MVP framework, so I'm not sure how to do this. Cheers.
Have you tried using MVP2 without the projection matrix? The projection matrix splats it on to the screen. So, taking that out might help.

OpenGL chained translations/rotations

I have a generic OpenGL 3D world, centered on (0,0,0) at start. I implemented a standard trackball, based on this code. This implements rotations as small increments/transformations to the current modelview matrix,
// We need to apply the rotation as the last transformation.
// 1. Get the current matrix and save it.
// 2. Set the matrix to the identity matrix (clear it).
// 3. Apply the trackball rotation.
// 4. Pre-multiply it by the saved matrix.
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, (GLfloat *)objectXform);
glRotatef(rot_angle, rotAxis.x, rotAxis.y, rotAxis.z);
glMultMatrixf((GLfloat *)objectXform);
This part works perfectly. But then I wantes to implement translations, and I am doing this also as small increments to the modelview matrix,
glTranslatef(-dx, -dy, 0.f);
This also works as expected (no matter how the world is rotated, the translation goes along with the mouse, i.e., the model goes behind the mouse.
The problem comes when I try to rotate after the translation: I want the rotation to be around the world center, but that will not happen after user translations. I tried to store the absolute translation and compensate for it, but obviously it does not work. I did it as folows:
// Translation part, store absolute translation
m_mouseInfo.m_fTotalTranslationX -= dx;
m_mouseInfo.m_fTotalTranslationY -= dy;
glTranslatef(-dx, -dy, 0.f);
// Rotation, try to apply the rotation around (0,0,0)
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, (GLfloat *)objectXform);
// Try to compensate for the translation and do the rotation aroun (0,0,0) but won't work
glTranslatef(m_mouseInfo.m_fTotalTranslationX, m_mouseInfo.m_fTotalTranslationY, 0.f);
glRotatef(rot_angle, rotAxis.x, rotAxis.y, rotAxis.z);
glTranslatef(-m_mouseInfo.m_fTotalTranslationX, -m_mouseInfo.m_fTotalTranslationY, 0.f);
glMultMatrixf((GLfloat *)objectXform);
How can I store the absolute translation to compensate for it when I apply the rotation and therefore rotate the scene around the origin?
Or, in other words, how can I just rotate the world around the origin when I have cumulative transfromations?
To translate around a point (x,y), first translate by (x,y), then rotate, then translate by -(x,y).
Now, if your world has been transformed by M (some matrix), then the origin of the world before that transformation is located at M^-1 (0,0).
Suppose your world transformation from the original is M, and you want to perform some rotation R, but that rotation should be around the original origin, but the rotation matrix R is expressed in terms rotation around the point (0,0) (as is the style).
Then R' = M R M^-1 will generate a new matrix R' that consists of rotating by R around the original (0,0). Then M' = R' M is the matrix that represents starting with nothing, and then doing M, then doing R around the origin.
If you are doing cumulative transformations on some model, simply keep track of the product of said transformations, along side modifying the scene.
Alternatively, store the original scene, and instead of doing cumulative transformations on it, always apply M to get the current scene.

Rotation and translation of the Earth opengl c++

I am trying to get a sphere to rotate around another simulating the orbit of the Earth.
I am able to get the Earth to orbit around the sun; however, I can't get it to rotate around itself.
This is the code I have so far:
glTranslate(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glRotate(15.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
drawEllipsoid(10.0, 1.0, 4, 4);
glTranslate(105.0, 0.0, 0.0);
drawPlanetGrid(5, 1, 4, 4, 1);
orbit += .1;
if (orbit > 360)
orbit = 0;
Could anyone help me move in the right direction? I also needed to know how I can get the Earth to orbit around the sun in a tilted angle.
Basically, you need to manage some model matrices. The sun's model matrix (if centered in (0,0,0) has just a rotational part). The earth rotating around the sun, needs a model matrix which is first rotated and then translated to be placed in the orbit of the sun. So when calculating a new frame you increase your rotation parameter, create the rotation and then apply the translation. If you want to add a moon, you need another model matrix, which is accumulated. That is, the moon needs a separate rotation and translation (like the sun) but you have to account also for the transformation of the earth. Make sure that you understand what a transformation matrix does. In that case the transformation matrix is just a coordinate transformation. So, you have your sun, earth and moon in a local frame. The model matrices achieve the transformation from local coordinate system to the world coordinate system. The view matrix transforms world coordinates to eye coordinates. And then there is only projection left for you.
To solve this, you need to understand the idea of co-ordinate systems and how to use them within OpenGL.
A co-ordinate system is just a set of points that share the same XYZ axes. In each system, the XYZ axes do not necessarily point in the same direction, so in one system moving in positive X could move in negative Y in other system. To convert points from one system to another you use a transformation matrix.
A scene is made up of several co-ordinate systems:-
World space
Camera space (or view space)
Object space
Model space
So, your model (the Earth, say) has a transformation from its model space to object space - this is the rotation of the earth around the vertical axis. Then it has a transformation from object space to world space - this is the translation about the sun and tilting. The final transformation is from world space to camera space.
So, you need three matrices to put your Earth model into the right place on screen. this may seem like a lot of processing, but the thing about these matrices is that they can be multiplied together to form a single object->camera space matrix.
Once you've set up the scene using the various co-ordinate systems and transformations, it should work.
You may want to work with cubes rather than spheres to start with as it's easier to follow what is happening to the vertices as they're being transformed.

Input Light Position with Arcball

I am trying to implement a functionality in OpenGL using GLUI such that the "Arcball" control is used to input the position of the light. I'm not sure how to go about this as the rotation matrix given by the arcball is of 4x4 dimensions, while the light position is an 1-D array of 3 coordinates.
Rotationg a light around the scene makes only sense for directional lights (i.e. positions at infinity). So you're not rotating a point, but a direction, just like a normal. Easy enough: Let the unrotated light have the direction (0,0,1,0). Then to rotate this around the scene you multiply it by the transpose-inverse of the given matrix. But since you know, that this matrix does contain only a rotation, this is a special case where the transpose-inverse is the same as the original matrix.
So you just multiply your initial light direction (0,0,1,0) with the matrix.
We can simplify this even further. If you look at the multiplication, you see, that it essentially just extracts the (weighted) column(s) of the matrix for which the original light position vector is nonzero. So, if we really start with a light direction of (0,0,1,0), you just take the 3rd column from the arcball rotation matrix.

using glulookat to rotate the camera

I need to find a way to rotate the camera in its own axis using glulookat. I need to calculate the up vector for this. Assuming the up = {0,1,0} intially. I need to rotate this vector by angle ax,ay,az and find the resulting vector to use in glulookat function. Is there an readymade method or any other easy method rather than applying combined rotation matrix multiplication on the unit vector (0,1,0) to do this?
Have you tried working with Spherical Coordinates? You just get the angles that you need to move with and then transform the spherical to cartezian coordinates and then you should be able to calculate the up vector.