Input Light Position with Arcball - opengl

I am trying to implement a functionality in OpenGL using GLUI such that the "Arcball" control is used to input the position of the light. I'm not sure how to go about this as the rotation matrix given by the arcball is of 4x4 dimensions, while the light position is an 1-D array of 3 coordinates.

Rotationg a light around the scene makes only sense for directional lights (i.e. positions at infinity). So you're not rotating a point, but a direction, just like a normal. Easy enough: Let the unrotated light have the direction (0,0,1,0). Then to rotate this around the scene you multiply it by the transpose-inverse of the given matrix. But since you know, that this matrix does contain only a rotation, this is a special case where the transpose-inverse is the same as the original matrix.
So you just multiply your initial light direction (0,0,1,0) with the matrix.
We can simplify this even further. If you look at the multiplication, you see, that it essentially just extracts the (weighted) column(s) of the matrix for which the original light position vector is nonzero. So, if we really start with a light direction of (0,0,1,0), you just take the 3rd column from the arcball rotation matrix.


How to calculate a linear tapering transformation matrix

I need to calculate a 4x4 matrix (for OpenGL) that can transform a 3d object on the left to one on the right. Transformation applied only in one axis.
The inputs are a given 3d object (points) to be deformed and a single variable for the amount of deformation.
A picture represents a cube projected to plane showing only relevant changes. There are no changes in the axis perpendicular to view plane.
The relative position of these two objects is not relevant and used only to show "before and after" situation.
******* wrong answer was here *******
It's somewhat opposite to 2D perspective matrix with further perspective division. So, to do this "perspective" thing inversely, you need to do something opposite to perspective division then multiply the result by an inverted "perspective" matrix. And though the perspective matrix may be inverted, I have no idea what is "opposite to perspective division". I think you just can't do it with matrices. You'll have to transform Y coord of each vertex instead

OpenGL make rotation function give vector

Is there a way to record glrotatef() rotation so that I can get a directional vector out of it? For example, I have drawn a line on the Y-Axis. I then rotate using glrotatef() to get the new line in light blue. The rotation function (to my understanding) moves the "screen" such that everything is rotated. How can I get the information of the new light blue line?
Using glGet, you can get the current Modelview matrix (that is used to store all your transformations, including the rotation you just made).
GLfloat matrix[16];
glGetFloatv (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, matrix);
It is then up to you to multiply your vector with this matrix to get the resulting vector after the transformation. Look here for reference:

OpenGL camera direction

So I was reading this tutorial's "Inverting the Camera Orientation Matrix" section and I don't understand why, when calculating the camera's up direction, I need to multiply the inverse of orientation by the up direction vector, and not just orientation.
I drew the following image to illustrate my insight of the tutorial I read.
What did I get wrong?
Well, that tutorial explicitely states:
The way we calculate the up direction of the camera is by taking the
"directly upwards" unit vector (0,1,0) and "unrotate" it by using the
inverse of the camera's orientation matrix. Or, to explain it
differently, the up direction is always (0,1,0) after the camera
rotation has been applied, so we multiply (0,1,0) by the inverse
rotation, which gives us the up direction before the camera rotation
was applied.
The up direction which is calculated here is the up direction in world space. In eye space, the up vector is (0,1,0) (by convention, one could define it differently). As the view matrix will transform coordinates from world space to eye space, we need to use the inverse to transform that up vector from eye space to the world space. Your image is wrong as it does not correctly relate to eye and world space.

C++ raytracer and normalizing vectors

So far my raytracer:
Sends out a ray and returns a new vector if collision with sphere
was made
Pixel color is then added based on the color of the sphere[id] it collided with.
repeats for all spheres in scene description.
For this example, lets say:
sphere[0] = Light source
sphere[1] = My actual sphere
So now, inside my nested resolution for loops, I have a returned vector that gives me the xyz coordinates of the current ray's collision with sphere[1].
I now want to send a new ray from this collision vector position to the vector position of the light source sphere[0] so I can update the pixel's color based off this light's color / emission.
I have read that I should normalize the two points, and first check if they point in opposite directions. If so, don't worry about this calculation because it's in the light's shadow.
So my question is, given two un-normalized vectors, how can I detect if their normalized unit's are pointing in opposite directions? And with a point light like this, how could that works since each point on the light sphere has a different normal direction? This concept makes much more sense with a directional light.
Also, after I run this check, should I do my shading calculations based off the two normal angles in relationship to each other, or should I send out a new ray towards the lighsource and continue from there?
You can use the dot product of the 2 vectors, that would be negative if they are in the opposite direction, ie the projection of one vector onto another is going in the opposite direction
For question 1, I think you want the dot product between the vectors.
u.v = x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2
If u.v > 0 then the angle between them is acute.
if u.v < 0 then the angle between them is obtuse.
if 0.v == 0 they point at exactly 90 degree angle.
But what I think you really mean is not to normalize the vectors, but to compute the dot product between the angle of the normal of the surface of the sphere at your collision xyz to the angle from your light source to the same xyz.
So if the sphere has center at xs, ys, zs, and the light source is at xl, yl, zl, and the collision is at xyz then
vector 1 is x-xs, y-ys, z-zs and
vector 2 is xl-x, yl-y, zl-z
if the dot product between these is < 0 then the light ray hit the opposite side of the sphere and can be discarded.
Once you know this light ray hit the sphere on the non-shadowed side, I think you need to do the same calculation for the eye point, depending on the location of the light source and the viewpoint. If the eye point and the light source are the same point, then the value of that dot product can be used in the shading calculation.
If the eye and light are at different positions the light could hit a point the eye can't see (and will be in shadow and thus ambient illumination if any), so you need to do the same vector calculation replacing the light source coordinate with the eye point coordinate, and once again if the dot product is < 0 it is visible.
Then, compute the shading based on the dot product of the vector from eye, to surface, and surface to light.
OK, someone else came along and edited the question while I was writing this, I hope the answer is still clear.

How does zooming, panning and rotating work?

Using OpenGL I'm attempting to draw a primitive map of my campus.
Can anyone explain to me how panning, zooming and rotating is usually implemented?
For example, with panning and zooming, is that simply me adjusting my viewport? So I plot and draw all my lines that compose my map, and then as the user clicks and drags it adjusts my viewport?
For panning, does it shift the x/y values of my viewport and for zooming does it increase/decrease my viewport by some amount? What about for rotation?
For rotation, do I have to do affine transforms for each polyline that represents my campus map? Won't this be expensive to do on the fly on a decent sized map?
Or, is the viewport left the same and panning/zooming/rotation is done in some otherway?
For example, if you go to this link you'll see him describe panning and zooming exactly how I have above, by modifying the viewport.
Is this not correct?
They're achieved by applying a series of glTranslate, glRotate commands (that represent camera position and orientation) before drawing the scene. (technically, you're rotating the whole scene!)
There are utility functions like gluLookAt which sorta abstract some details about this.
To simplyify things, assume you have two vectors representing your camera: position and direction.
gluLookAt takes the position, destination, and up vector.
If you implement a vector class, destinaion = position + direction should give you a destination point.
Again to make things simple, you can assume the up vector to always be (0,1,0)
Then, before rendering anything in your scene, load the identity matrix and call gluLookAt
gluLookAt( source.x, source.y, source.z, destination.x, destination.y, destination.z, 0, 1, 0 );
Then start drawing your objects
You can let the user span by changing the position slightly to the right or to the left. Rotation is a bit more complicated as you have to rotate the direction vector. Assuming that what you're rotating is the camera, not some object in the scene.
One problem is, if you only have a direction vector "forward" how do you move it? where is the right and left?
My approach in this case is to just take the cross product of "direction" and (0,1,0).
Now you can move the camera to the left and to the right using something like:
position = position + right * amount; //amount < 0 moves to the left
You can move forward using the "direction vector", but IMO it's better to restrict movement to a horizontal plane, so get the forward vector the same way we got the right vector:
forward = cross( up, right )
To be honest, this is somewhat of a hackish approach.
The proper approach is to use a more "sophisticated" data structure to represent the "orientation" of the camera, not just the forward direction. However, since you're just starting out, it's good to take things one step at a time.
All of these "actions" can be achieved using model-view matrix transformation functions. You should read about glTranslatef (panning), glScalef (zoom), glRotatef (rotation). You also should need to read some basic tutorial about OpenGL, you might find this link useful.
Generally there are three steps that are applied whenever you reference any point in 3d space within opengl.
Given a Local point
Local -> World Transform
World -> Camera Transform
Camera -> Screen Transform (usually a projection. depends on if you're using perspective or orthogonal)
Each of these transforms is taking your 3d point, and multiplying by a matrix.
When you are rotating the camera, it is generally changing the world -> camera transform by multiplying the transform matrix by your rotation/pan/zoom affine transformation. Since all of your points are re-rendered each frame, the new matrix gets applied to your points, and it gives the appearance of a rotation.