MFC - Change font in a CMFCToolTipCtrl used in CDialogEx control - c++

I'm trying to display a ToolTip for a CStatic derived control in my dialog.
What I've already done:
Added a CMFCToolTipCtrl item to my CDialogEx member.
In the init dialog member I've specified CMFCToolTipInfo structure and passed it as argument in CMFCToolTipCtrl item constructor.
Call the EnableToolTips(); member for my CStaticExts and for my CDialogEx.
Overrided the PreTranslateMessage of my CDialogEx adding the "RelayEvent".
Set "Notify: TRUE" in the resource editor.
Doing so I managed to display the tooltip in a partially customized way (baloon and background color) but now I would like to enlarge the font, make it bold and, eventually, display an icon, similarly to the tool tips I can see on my toolbar.
I already tried calling "SetFont" and "SetIcon" methods for the CMFCToolTipCtrl item but it didn't work.
Is that possible?

The normal Font that is used in CMFCToolTipCtrl ist retrieved from a global data store inside the MFC (see GetGlobalData()->fontTooltip). This data structure AFX_GLOBAL_DATA is filled when the MFC is started. SetFont has no effect here.
If you want to change the behaviour you have to create your own CMFCToolTipCtrl class and overwrite OnDrawLabel. You have the source of the MFC so it is easy to provide your own implementation.


Possible to Superclass a Dialog Box in Win32?

I'm using raw Win32 and C++ for a project. As I understand it, I am able to superclass Windows controls by retrieving the class information, replacing the procedure, then registering this as a new class and using it when creating a new window. Subclassing is done by replacing the window's procedure after the window is created. The advantage of superclassing is that you are able to process messages before CreateWindow() returns.
I'm looking to see if it's possible to superclass a dialog box created with CreateDialog() because I'd like to use a resource file for the dialog layout. The problem is that I don't know how I would provide my superclass when I create a dialog box. Is it even possible? Any idea how MFC handles this?
If you use an extended dialog box template to create your dialog, you can specify a custom window class as part of the DLGTEMPLATEEX definition.
The dialog manager will create and layout your dialog as normal, and call your window procedure for any dialog messages. You can use the DefDlgProc function to obtain default processing for any dialog messages you don't want to handle yourself.

MFC Custom Control Not Appearing On Dialog

Using Visual Studio 2013, I created a dialog resource using the resource editor. It is a child control with no border and is just a collection of radio buttons, push buttons, and static text. I want to turn this into a custom control in order to place this in several different locations. Let's call this a "Panel".
I then created a regular dialog and using the Toolbox "Custom Control", defined an area for the Panel. The Panel registers itself and has a valid window handle.
I used the following example:
The parent's DDX gets hit and the _panel is properly instantiated:
MyDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CUSTOM_PANEL, _panel)
I read that I need to override the OnPaint() and OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) methods so the Panel class has these but they are empty. I do not have any custom painting to do as the Panel contains nothing but regular buttons.
What do I have to include in OnPaint()?
I also noticed that none of the member buttons are instantiated in the Panel like would normally happen in a dialog's DoDataExchange method. Instead, I've had to resort to dynamically creating each of the control's inside the Panel's PreSubclassWindow() method:
void MyPanel:PreSubclassWindow()
_groupBox.Create(_T("Options"), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_GROUPBOX, CRect(11, 11, 112, 231), this, IDC_STATIC_GROUPBOX);
//... do this for every dialog element??? seems like overkill...
Why do I need to do this when I've already defined/designed the Panel and each of its controls in the resource editor?
If I do not do this in the PreSubclassWindow method, nothing will appear on the dialog.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
The article says override OnPaint and OnEraseBkgnd if you want to change the functionality. It doesn't say you have to override always.
Just remove ON_WM_PAINT and ON_WM_ERASEBKGND, remove OnPaint and OnEraseBkgnd if you don't need them. Or call the base class implementations if you are not making any changes:
void MyPanel::OnPaint() { CWnd::OnPaint(); }
BOOL MyPanel::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) { return CWnd::OnEraseBkgnd(pDC); }
This will show a blank control with nothing in it, unless you add a child window to _panel as you have done in MyPanel:PreSubclassWindow
You are adding _groupBox to _panel. And you are adding _panel to the MyDialog.
MyDialog::DoDataExchange(...){DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CUSTOM_PANEL, _panel)} is needed to invoke SubclassWindow for _panel. That in turn calls _groupBox.Create.
If MyPanel::OnPaint and MyPanel::PreSubclassWindow are not doing anything MyPanel appears as a blank control.
... do this for every dialog element??? seems like overkill...
You can directly add _groupBox to the main dialog. But if you want to add specific controls within MyPanel then you have to do it manually.
You can also create a child dialog within a main dialog. For example that's how a tab control works.

Updating CMFCRibbonBar elements from document

I would like to update the ribbon from the CDocument derived class because the information relevant for ribbon's status is stored there. The was created by the Wizard and edited in resource manager
Some elements (Buttons, checkboxes) can be updated with ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI macro.
But I have a headache with update other things like CMFCRibbonComboBox or CMFCRibbonProgressBar because CCmdUI doesn't provide suitable functions to deal with them (ie AddItem)
Other option using GetDlgItem doesn't work, because neither CDocument nor RibbonBar elements are derived from CWnd.
So what is the way to update CMFCRibbonComboBox and others?
I faced a similar problem with combo boxes on a toolbar. The combo box was used to display the current mouse coordinates of a point in "world coordinate" space while the mouse was moved. I derived my own class for the combo and exposed some methods that would update its contents. I then picked the most appropriate point in the code to make the appropriate calls to those methods. That may be during the paint cycle (eg. OnDraw), or, during idle time. A similar approach of deriving and exposing methods should work for you. The only caveat is to pick the correct location to inject your calls to perform the update.
I first tried RogerRowland's solution, but it soon became annoying to add a function to MainFrame for every trifle , then to call AfxGetMainWnd() from document and apply static_cast on it.
Instead I now store pointers to the ProgressBar and the combobox inside the document. I added the methods to CMainFrame to get them and removed the rest.
The only dificulty with it is the fact that the document is constructed before the main window. So I have to delay the initialisation of the mentioned pointers. I solved it by adding setRibbonBarPointers() to the document and calling it from OnInitialUpdate() of the view

Tab Order with CTabCtrl and child CFormViews

In my application I have a CFormView with a CTabCtrl, I also have 4 CFormViews that are children of the main CFormView and that are shown/hidden when the user changes the selected tab.
However, I can't find a way to make the Tab Order to work properly. If the CTabCtrl has the focus, pressing the Tab key has no effect and if one of the child CFormView has the focus the Tab key will move the focus only around the controls inside the CFormView.
I tried changing the z-order of the visible child CFormView to be right after the CTabCtrl with SetWindowPos, changed the child CFormViews styles to WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT but nothing seems to work.
You've started out from the wrong implementation: you shouldn't make a CFormView with a CTabCtrl and then stuff more CFormViews into it. This isn't going to work right. Instead, you should work with CPropertySheet and CPropertyPage, where focus handling has already been taken care of. You will still be able to access the CTabCtrl owned by the CPropertySheet by calling GetTabControl(), but MFC will take care of the problems you've encountered.
Briefly: derive classes from CPropertySheet for each of the dialog windows you want to show (e.g., CConfigPage1, CConfigPage2). Create a Dialog resource in the Resource Editor for each of them, and do all of the other standard CDialog setup.
Next, derive a class from CPropertySheet (e.g., CProps), and (optionally) handle WM_SIZE and TCN_SELCHANGE.
Finally, derive a class from a CView descendent, like CScrollView (e.g., CViewMyAwesomeStuff). Then add member variables for the CPropertySheet and CPropertyPages, and handle WM_CREATE where you Add() each page to the property sheet and then Create(this,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE) the property sheet.
Bonus: You can forward the CView::OnUpdate to each child CPropertyPage by calling GetPage() in a loop and calling a function on each of them, or you can send a message to each of them (use a user-defined message, like WM_APP+1). They can discover their parent's CDocument by calling GetParent()->GetParent()->GetDocument().

How to create and add a custom made component to a Dialog based app (MFC)?

I want to make a custom made component (a line chart), that would be used in other applications.
I don't know 2 things:
Where should I use (within component class!) the methods for drawing, like FillRect
or PolyLine? In OnPaint handler that I should define and map it in MESSAGE MAP? Will
it (OnPaint handler) be called from OnPaint handler of the dialog of the application
or where from?
How to connect the component, once it is made, to the test application, which will
for example be dialog based? Where should I instantiate that component? From an
OnCreate method of the MyAppDialog.cpp?
I started coding in MFC few days ago and I'm so confused about it.
Thanks in advance,
Painting the control is handled exactly like it would be if it wasn't a control. Given that you're using MFC, that (at least normally) means you do the drawing in the View class' OnDraw (MFC normally handles OnPaint internally, so you rarely touch it).
Inserting the resulting ActiveX control in the host application will be done like inserting any other ActiveX control. Assuming you're doing your development in Visual Studio, you'll normally do that by opening the dialog, right clicking inside the dialog box, and clicking "Insert ActiveX Control..." in the menu that pops up. Pick your control from the list, and it'll generate a wrapper class for the control and code to create an object of that class as needed. From the viewpoint of the dialog code, it's just there, and you can use it about like any other control.
For create new component in MFC, you must create a class from the window class (CWND),
after that you can have your MessageMap for the component and your methods and also can override CWND::OnDraw method to draw the thing you want.
Before that I suggest you to take a look to device context
Good Luck friend.