Updating CMFCRibbonBar elements from document - mfc

I would like to update the ribbon from the CDocument derived class because the information relevant for ribbon's status is stored there. The was created by the Wizard and edited in resource manager
Some elements (Buttons, checkboxes) can be updated with ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI macro.
But I have a headache with update other things like CMFCRibbonComboBox or CMFCRibbonProgressBar because CCmdUI doesn't provide suitable functions to deal with them (ie AddItem)
Other option using GetDlgItem doesn't work, because neither CDocument nor RibbonBar elements are derived from CWnd.
So what is the way to update CMFCRibbonComboBox and others?

I faced a similar problem with combo boxes on a toolbar. The combo box was used to display the current mouse coordinates of a point in "world coordinate" space while the mouse was moved. I derived my own class for the combo and exposed some methods that would update its contents. I then picked the most appropriate point in the code to make the appropriate calls to those methods. That may be during the paint cycle (eg. OnDraw), or, during idle time. A similar approach of deriving and exposing methods should work for you. The only caveat is to pick the correct location to inject your calls to perform the update.

I first tried RogerRowland's solution, but it soon became annoying to add a function to MainFrame for every trifle , then to call AfxGetMainWnd() from document and apply static_cast on it.
Instead I now store pointers to the ProgressBar and the combobox inside the document. I added the methods to CMainFrame to get them and removed the rest.
The only dificulty with it is the fact that the document is constructed before the main window. So I have to delay the initialisation of the mentioned pointers. I solved it by adding setRibbonBarPointers() to the document and calling it from OnInitialUpdate() of the view


How insert multiple FormView in View of an SDI application

I searched on the forum and I don't find a solution for my issue. So I hope you can help me :)
I work on a personal project for SFC designing (Sequential functional chart) and I'm working with visual studio in SDI(I'm using MFC library). If you see the "design" of an SFC you can see the different elements needed to compose this. So you can find Step, Transition, and more. If I take a step for explaining my issue, after double click on the step a popup dialog is opened with the elements to define this step (actions on this step, and more). The issue is here, I can't see two or more step elements at the same time. I want to reuse the existing concept on other software, see this.
Step close
Step open
Dialog to add
My question is, how I can implement a dialog with my graphic element in mainframe (In this case, a step)? I don't know how I can insert a dialog with my element, I think I need to use CFormView, but I don't know.
This dialog needs to be resizable and reduce directly by the step graphic.
any idea?
Thank you in advance! Sorry for my English ..
Sorry, I think my request is not clear .. (Thank you for your answer)
The context, it's an SDI application with the Document/View architecture. Actually the view is derived from CScrollView.
So, in the document class, you have the different lists of components for make SFC (Steps, transitions and symbols ..). I'm working today on Step element.
The user inserts a new step, the step is draw on the view like this :
enter image description here
And now the user want change the events on this Step, for this after double click on the step the events editor is opened at right of step draw, like this :
enter image description here
For this, I've created a new dialog resource and create the class by wizard in CForwView derived class. In step attribute, you can find one instance of this derived class (The derived class of dialog).
But this doesn't work correctly, I think my method is bad. At the first try, I have sent the pointer of the current document to the "CFormView::Create" function for having the "Save" button active with the focus on the FormView. But after destroying the step, the instance of FormView is destroyed and the document with the instance of formview ...
No problem, you can use "Create" within CCreateContext a null pointer. But with the document or without I have a lot of problems (graphic design not correct in FormView, regularly (not systematic I have assert fail on Proc exchange (for differents reason)). But the "concept" is good, the editor follows the draw if I scroll, I can open or close the editor at any time and on any elements.
For the old capture, it's my SFC designer "model". My application is a complement to this application, so I want a similar design. I don't know how work my model application ..
On my application all is draw by MFC GDI, I don't use ActiveX or other tools.
So what is the correct way to implement one instance of editor by instance of step ?
For the implementation on this FormView I have :
- Make new dialog in ressource
- Create a derived class of CFormView with the created dialog
- Add one instance in attributes of Step element
- "OnDbClickOnStep" -> Call "Create" with the good position / size, pointer of mainview (in my case the CSrollView derived class)
- Done, FormView inserted in a mainview, I can edit my step events.
? Not done, I lost save button and other function linked to the document with the focus on a control in FormView. The app want a document with this view, how to override this ?
? Error in Proc exchange, for different reason...
You have an idea ?
You normally don't draw anything in the "main frame" (or the "MDI clild frames", in the case of a MDI application), this is done by the library, and imo sufficiently so. You display your data in a CView-derived class.
CView is the base class of all other MFC view classes. It's a simple graphical class - you need to paint it yourself in the OnDraw() member.
CScrollView is a descendant of CView, adding scrolling functionality (scroll-bars are automatically displayed if the scrollable area is bigger than the visible window area).
CFormView is a descendant of CScrollView, displaying a dialog resource-script, containing "controls" (edit-boxes, check-boxes, images, ActiveX etc).
As in your case the "controls" won't be initially known (except maybe for some few special cases) and rather programatically created, the resource script will most likely be empty, so using either CFormView or CScrollView will basically be the same. I would suggest starting with CFormView, and "downgrade" it to CScrollView if CFormView is not necessary or causes you troubles.
What are those "Step" items shown in the pics? ActiveX controls, child dialogs maybe? These work best as child controls on a dialog window. Are they already implemented, or they are just pics of some other software? Btw ActiveX is a way to define controls that can be used in other projects too, without having to include them in the project source.

MFC: Which CFrameWnd function is called after CView::OnInitalUpdate() is called?

I have an MFC app that uses a CSplitterWnd to create multiple-pane views. That process is done in the CFrameWnd::OnCreateClient() call. After that, at some point, the various views have their CView::OnInitialUpdate() function called. One of the views is a CTreeView and another a CListView with multiple columns that are setup within the OnInitialUpdate(). I need to setup the default CTreeView Item which updates the CListView as well. However, if I set the default within OnInitialUpdate the CListView has not yet setup the various columns. Therefore it seems I need to set the default CTreeView Item after all that is done. I presume I'd do this in some CFrameWnd callback. My question is at what point do I do that?
It appears that you have dependencies between your views; that's not right.
The data should be stored in the document (even the current selection, if it supposed to be shared between views).
Than the view that is responsible for the change should call CDocument::UpdateAllViews(). As a result, all other views OnUpdate() will be called.
Please see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/mfc/reference/cview-class?view=vs-2019

When is CMFCListCtrl::OnGetCellBkColor function called?

I'm using CMFCListCtrl to control background color of each cell when i want in my MFC Project..
so I'm overriding OnGetCellBkColor() to define each cell's background color.. but the problem is this funcion is never called during runtime.
even when I add the items. when is this function called? Can i call this function manually when I want?
OnGetCellBkColor is called from within OnCustomDraw. So it is called in a normal sequence when items are drawn. But it is never called when you defined you list control as owner drawn. So LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED must not be set to the styles.
You have the source code to find this information by yourself.
Also a problem might be that you didn't subclassed the created control or never created the control as a CMFCListCtrl.

How to Create Custom, Instant, Arrow-Shaped ToolTip with unique shape?

On many web-pages nowadays, you'll frequently see instant tooltips with an arrow that points to their target, similar to:
(More specifically, I'm looking for something like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Jedht9Arec)
How would you exactly replicate this in QT? I'm not necessarily looking for something super automated, just something that can be given a position to appear at, and a function call to remove it. Furthermore, if possible, it should have curved, anti-aliased corners.
I've tried using custom QToolTip, but it's behavior does not meet my standards. I've also tried a custom QDialog with a Popup flag, but it freezes the dialog it appears above.
Any recommendations on how to proceed?
As requested by two comments below, here is the code for the QDialog scenario previously referenced. Prepare yourself, it's a lot:
// Assuming "this" is the parent dialog
QDialog* popup = new QDialog(this, Qt::Popup);
This code blocks mouse hover events of the parent dialog (the "this" object), thus making it unsuitable as a tool-tip replacement.
You can use QWidget::setMask to specify custom shape of a widget. Additionally you'll have to set widget's window flags to include Qt::ToolTip.

Getting notified when a list box has an item removed?

I use CListBox::SetItemData to store a pointer to some data in my ownerdrawn CListBox-derived class, and I'd like the listbox itself to keep track of it and free the memory when its no longer needed.
For that I'd need to be notified each time an item is deleted (including LB_RESETCONTENT and every possible other case where an item is deleted). Is there an event or events that I can handle to achieve that?
As its owner drawn with one of the LBS_OWNERDRAW* styles you can look out for WM_DELETEITEM;
Sent to the owner of a list box or combo box when the list box or
combo box is destroyed or when items are removed by the
message. The system sends a WM_DELETEITEM message for each deleted
No. A ListBox only generates notifications for things that the user does. The user cannot remove or add or empty a list box, that can only be done by your own code. So the philosophy here is that the control doesn't have to tell you about something you already know. You can arbitrarily generate your own message in the code that modifies the content. But of course inheriting your own class from CListBox and adding your own virtual methods would be better.
Since you're subclassing the listbox already anyway, the 'proper' design would (IMO) be to add data management functionality to the listbox, which would then know when items are removed and can delete the data as required. What I mean is, let's say your list keeps track of people, you'd add AddPerson(Person p) and RemovePerson(Person p) methods to your class. The implementation of RemovePerson would remove the respective entry from the list, and delete all data related to it. So don't use CListBox::DeleteString to remove things, use the higher-level API that you implement yourself.
It's easy - just subclass the list box and add message handlers for LB_DELETESTRING and LB_RESETCONTENT
See here for details: