Optaplanner Mista 2013 Output files - scheduling

I was reading through the MISTA 2013 challenge document. The suggested output format was--
For each activity j of project i,
 the selected mode mij ,
 and the start time sij ,
Right now the output of optaplanner is an XML file. Is there any code developed to convert it into the output format as required by MISTA. Can anyone please share the same


officedown::rdocx_document showing no number in figure and table captions

The number is not appearing in the table and figure captions. For example, even if I compile a default document in r studio i.e. New File -> R Markdown... -> From Template -> Advanced Word Document, and then knit the document, I see missing table and figure numbers.
Session info:
1 C:/Users/xxxx/Documents/R/win-library/4.1
2 C:/Program Files/R/R-4.1.3/library
I have also tried with block_caption but the problem remains unchanged.
Does anyone know what is going wrong here?
Thank a lot in advance.

adjusting the project.xml file in a SAS Enterprise Guide project outside SAS EG

We are going to migrate our EG projects (over 1000 projects) to a new environment.
In the old environment we use "W-Latin" as encoding on the Teradata database.
In the new environment we will start using "UTF-8" as encoding on the Teradata database.
And a lot of other changes which I believe are not relevant for this question.
To prevent data issues we will have to replace functions like REVERSE, etc with KREVERSE, etc
We could do this by opening al projects and clicking through it to change the functions in the expression builder.
This would be really time consuming, considering that we have over 1000 .egp files
We already have a code scanner that unzips the .egp file and detects al the use of these functions in the project.xml file.
The next step could be that we find and replace the functions and put the project.xml file back in the .egp file.
Who can tell me how to put the project.xml file back in the .egp file without corrupting the .egp file
I was able to do this.
tl;dr -- Zip the files back up and change the extension to .egp.
Created a new EG project and added a code node to create sample data:
data test;
do cat = "A", "B", "C";
do i=1 to 10;
r = rannor(123);
drop i;
I then added a Query node to the output to do a "SUM" of the r column by cat.
Ran the flow and got expected output.
Saved the EG project.
Opened the EG Project in 7zip and extracted the archive to a location.
In project.xml, I found the section for the Query and changed the SUM to MEAN
<InFormat />
<LHS_Calc />
<RHS_StringTwo />
Selected the files and added them to an achieve using 7zip. Selected "zip" compression and saved the file with ".egp" extension.
I opened the project in EG and ran the flow. The output was now the MEAN of R and not the SUM.

faliure in reading training data: tagger.cpp (393) CRF++

While I am running CRF++ on my training data (train.txt) I have got the follwoing error
C:\Users\2012\Desktop\CRF_Software_Package\CRF++-0.58>crf_learn template train.d
ata model
CRF++: Yet Another CRF Tool Kit
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Taku Kudo, All rights reserved.
reading training data: tagger.cpp(393) [feature_index_->buildFeatures(this)]
0.00 s
My training data contains Unicode characters and the data is saved using Notepad (encoding= Unicode big indian)
I am not sure If the problem with the template or with the format of the training data. How can I check the format of the training data?
I think this is because of your template file.
Please check whether you have included the last column which is gold-standard as training features. The column index starts from 0.
E.g if you have 6 column in your BIO file.
The template should not have something like %x[0,5]
The Problem is with the Template file
check your features for incorrect "grammer"
U10:%x[-1,0]/% [0,0]
you realize that after the second % there is a missing 'x'
the corrected line should look like the one below
I had the same issue, files are in UTF-8, and template file and training file are definitely in the correct format. The reason was that CRFPP expects at most 1024 columns in the input files. Would be great if it would output an appropriate error message in such a case.
The problem is not with the Unicode encoding, but the template file.
Have a look at this similar Q: The failure in using CRF+0.58 train NE Model

Number formatting in pivot table with Aspose.Cells

I am creating a pivot table in excel sheet by aspose.cells. I want the values to be formatted as Accounting, with a symbol, a comma and 2 decimal places. Is this possible with aspose.cells? Please suggest how to do this with Aspose.Cells and c#.
If you need Accounting number formatting for the PivotField, you may try to use the following numeric formatting using PivotField.Number attribute instead.
pivotTable.DataFields[0].Number = 43; //You may also try it with 44 if it suits your needs.
Alternatively you may try to use the following formatting string for NumberFormat custom attribute of PivotField. You may also check in MS Excel to get your desired custom strings to try with NumberFormat property.
_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(#_)
If you still face any confusion/issue, can you please share the sample Excel file in which you may manually set the desired number formatting for the Pivot Table fields in MS Excel, and share the file with us, so that we can test the scenario at our end.
Furthermore, can you please share the code/sample application with the template files (input, output and expected output file etc.). The files can also be shared in Aspose.Cells product support forum.
Please try using PivotField.NumberFormat property to specify his desired formatting, see the code segment below for reference:
//Specify the number formatting to the first data field added.
pivotTable.DataFields[0].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
Moreover, we also recommend you use our latest version of Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.4.0 in which we made some more enhancements regarding PivotTables.
PS, I am working as Support developer / Technical Evangelist at Aspose.

Advice on reading in Excel file using C++

I am writing a program which uses an exported Excel document from a POS system. I would like to read in the information from the excel document and then make my necessary calculations.
The problem I am having here is reading in the information from the excel file. I am open minded to converting it to CSV although it would be easier not to.
Here is a sample of the doc needed to be read:
35204 Sales 180.19 Cash 5
3453 arnova child pad 92709 1
35205 Sales 614.78 Credit Card 7
3637 panasonic fz60 96409 1
2797 Bower SCB650 9309 1
2599 Dane-Elec 16GB SDHC 9709 1
I would need these datas read in for the first sale: eg: 1.35204, 2. 180.19, 3. Cash, 4.'5', 5.92709, 6.Cash
I should mention I am a second year programmer so please keep it basic! any help is appreciated thanks.
I see three options here.
Convert to CSV whatever way you can.
Use some 3rd party Excel reader like Spreadsheet::ParseExcel for
Perl5 or xlrd for Python to convert to any format that your C++
application can digest.
Use Excel through its COM or .NET (preferable, easier)