C-Builder Load Image from File (With Classes) - c++

I have a project to make in C-builder. I have to make Chess. The problem is that I have to make it using CLASSES. Like, class Board, class Square, class Piece. I can't find any helpful links.
If someone knows how to make classes and to move random the pieces on the board please help me. I was thinking about something like that: class Pawn : public class Piece.
Anyway, my real problem is this. For example, I'm trying to make class Piece and class Pawn. In class Piece I got 1 image that applies at all pieces depending by a code (#define PAWN 13). In class Pawn I need to load an image from file. How do I do that?
Look what I made until now:
File whRook.h :
class whRook : public Piesa
AnsiString strwhRookImg;
void LoadImg();
File whRook.cpp :
whRook::whRook(TForm * form):Piesa(form){
strwhRookImg = "graphics/bmp/wh_rook.bmp";
void whRook::LoadImg(){
File Piece.h :
class Piece
TImage *imPiesa;
} piece[32];
Errors: At TImage *imPiece:
Type name expected
Declaration missing ;


Unreal engine Abstract class example c++

i have been looking for quite some time online for a good Abstract class (UCLASS(Abstract)) example but haven't came accross a good one yet.
Is there anyone with a good Link i can goto or Anyone who could show me a simple example, i would appreciate alot.
UCLASS(Abstract, Blueprintable)
class FPS_API AWeaponBase : public AActor
// Sets default values for this actor's properties
/** This will be used in sub classes */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Functions")
virtual void OnFire(AFPSCharacter* Character);
class FPS_API AWeapon_Assault : public AWeaponBase
FVector spread;
#include "Weapon_Assault.h"
spread = FVector(0.5f, 0.0f, 100.0f);
// this function from abstract super class
void OnFire(AFPSCharacter* Character)
The original code is quite big so i don't want to post it here, but this is basically what it looks like, and i keep getting errors.
Also i can't even declare "OnFire" in main class and subclass at the same time?!
All class definitions must have ; after last } Like this:
class UAnimalBase : public UObject
UAnimalBase(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);
You need to add a declaration of an overridden function to your Weapon_Assault.h
class FPS_API AWeapon_Assault : public AWeaponBase
FVector Spread;
virtual void OnFire(AFPSCharacter* Character) override; // THIS ONE
Note that you don't need UFUNCTION() specifier above the overridden function, only on the first declaration.
AWeapon_Assault::AWeapon_Assault() also has a mistake. You don't call constructors of parent classes in C++ they will be called automatically.
// AWeaponBase(); THIS LINE IS WRONG
Spread = FVector(0.5f, 0.0f, 100.0f);
Create a definition for your functions in the abstract class (they can stay empty). Yes, it doesn't make sense though it does. Abstract is a specifier only inside of UnrealEngine but code still needs to be compiled with C++ standards. The absence of these definitions will cause compile errors.
We use UpperCamelCase or PascalCase in Unreal Coding Standart which is nice to have. But that one is not necessary.
So your variable should be FVector Spread; Also you probably shall wrap it with UPROPERTY() macro but that's a different topic.

I cant acces functions of a base class

Currently, I am learning c++ and just for fun, I wanted to code a little chess game (without an AI of course). I use visual studio community aside and SFML 2.5 as a renderer and for graphical objects. I tried to make a model called "figure" for all figures. So I have a figure class that inherits from sfml sprite (a drawable) and a pawn class f.e. that inherits from the figure. Sf:: sprite -> figure-> pawn/queen/tower etc... but for some reason, I can't use the pawn as a sprite, for example, I can't draw it with the draw function of my windowRenderer.
But the function documentation says it requires a drawable object. I get an error message that says something like: the conversation in the base class that is not accessible is not valid. Have I done something wrong or is it not possible to use a sprite like this. Here are my constructors because I think I its most likely I made an error there. I have only coded in java so far so the separation into header and implementation file is a little foreign for me also the constructor syntax is different.
class figure : sf::Sprite {
figure(int startPosition);
void changeImage(std::string);
void dissapear();
void loadImage(std::string);
sf::Image img;
figure::figure(int startPosition):sf::Sprite(){
class pawn :
public figure
pawn(int startPosition);
void move(bool canBeat, bool isAsStart);
pawn::pawn(int startPosition):figure (startPosition)
in main.cpp:
pawn pawn1(position);
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(sets.windowX, sets.windowY), "frame");
Try this
class figure : public sf::Sprite
Inheritence for classes is private by default.

Change base class of existing derivated class

At the moment I'm writing an application which shows level measurement data into some graphs. Always I have date/time on x-axis and data on th y-axis. I use Qwt for this and modified QwtPlotPicker class to show proper time labels. I did this by derivation and redefining a member function:
class myQwtPlotPicker : public QwtPlotPicker {
explicit myQwtPlotPicker( QWidget* canvas, bool DateScale = false );
explicit myQwtPlotPicker( int xAxis, int yAxis, QWidget* canvas, bool DateScale = false );
explicit myQwtPlotPicker( int xAxis, int yAxis, RubberBand rubberBand, DisplayMode trackerMode, QWidget* canvas, bool DateScale = false );
virtual ~myQwtPlotPicker() {};
virtual QwtText trackerTextF( const QPointF &position ) const {
... redefinition of the label text ...
As you can see I also added a new parameter DateScale which turns date labels on or off. This works perfectly, but there is a class QwtPlotZommer which is derivated from QwtPlotPicker:
class QWT_EXPORT QwtPlotZoomer: public QwtPlotPicker { };
Now, the problem is, how do I get the class QwtPlotZommer to derive from myQwtPlotPicker and not from QwtPlotPicker?
Or course I could edit the Qwt sources, but there has to be a proper way of doing this.
I hope there is a proper way to do this. I would be glad, if someone could help me with this.
Try multiple inheritance:
class myQwtPlotZoomer : public QwtPlotZoomer, public QwtPlotPicker { };
There's no way to change class hierarchy at runtime in C++.
I guess that you should reconsider your design - you cannot and should not change the inheritance hierarchy of some library class.
Did you look at some examples to see how the classes you mentioned are intended to be used? Perhaps you should ask a new question to find out how to solve the problem you are actually facing (i.e. how to create a zoomable plot in qwt if I understand you correctly)
You have to overload QwtPlotZoomer reimplementing trackerTextF(). If you also have a use case of a standalone QwtPlotPicker - not being a QwtPlotZoomer - you have to do it twice:
class YourPicker: public QwtPlotPicker ...
class YourZoomer: public QwtPlotZoomer ...
As your implementation is a one-liner I don't see a problem in writing it twice, but if you want to avoid that, you have to put the code to some other class, that is called in both overloaded methods.

Initializing references in the constructor

I am working on a game project, and my teammate has a certain way of solving our reference issues, and it works great, except, when the game is big, we will end up with massive constructors.
class Player
Weapon *w1, *w2, *w3;
Armor *a1, *a2;
Player(Weapon *w1, Weapon *w2, ...) : w1(w1), w2(w2), ...;
Then my constructor is Player(w1, w2, w3, ...); which is disturbing, what if the player class had 100 references?
Is there a way to make this syntax simpler, or are we doing it wrong? Is there a better way of making references to variables which are outside the player class?
The above is purely an example, a poorly written one. I don't just have weapons and armors. I have a ton of classes. I have a developer console reference, I have armor references, items, I have references to the debugging class, the logger class, and the list goes on. A vector is not helpful for me. Sorry for the poor example.
Why not use vectors ?
std::vector<Weapon *> W;
std::vector<Armor *> A;
You can indeed put it all in a single vector, if you use inheritance.
For a fantasy-themed game (which I assume you're writing) it could be something like this:
// The base object, contains common attributes
class Object { ... };
// The item class
class Item : public Object { ... };
class Weapon : public Item { ... };
class Sword : public Weapon { ... };
class Clothing : public Item { ... }
class Armour : public Clothing { ... };
Then it's enough with one vector for all equipment:
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Item>> inventory;
For worn stuff, you could have separate variables, like
std::shared_ptr<Weapon> wielded;
std::shared_ptr<Clothing> head; // Helmets, hats, etc.
Or use a map for the equipped stuff:
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Item>> equipped;
Then you can use e.g.
to get the wielded item.
For completeness, some other possible classes in the class tree above might be:
class Character : public Object { ... }
class Player : public Character { ... }
class Monster : public Character { ... }
class Dragon : public Monster { ... }
class RedDragon : public Dragon { ... }
class TheUltimateBossDragon : public RedDragon { ... }
As a side note, I have used hierarchies like the above in my own games previously. However in my next game (when and if I get that far) I will probably use another pattern, where classes indicates behavior. For example, a sword is equipable, it's a damage_inflicter, it's takeable, etc. This means more complex inheritance hierarchies, with much more multiple inheritance, and will probably use RTTI more. But on the bright side it will hopefully be more flexible.
Rather than having a fixed number of pointers to a small number of types, try using vectors:
class Player
std::vector<Weapon*> weapons;
std::vector<Armor*> armors;
Player(const std::vector<Weapon*>&, const std::vector<Armor*>&);

c++ creating object inside the class

I have created 2 classes.One is called Shape and its a virtual class.The other one is called Circle(I intend to create more of them like : triangle,square ....).I want to find circle area of the object,but that isnt important.Here is my problem.When I want to create an object like this :
vector<Shape *> mStack;
Shape *newShape = NULL;
newShape = new Circle(10.6);
I can create it in the main file without problems.But when I try to create a function of it inside the "Shape" class..like this:
void Shape::Create()
Shape *newShape = NULL;
newShape = new Circle(10.6);
I get following error: syntax error: identifier 'Circle'
... Here are my classes.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Shape
vector<Shape *> mStack;
virtual double Circle_area() = 0;
#pragma once
#include "Shape.h"
class Circle : public Shape
double m_r;
Circle(double r);
double Create();
double Circle_area();
Where is the problem here? How can I create an object inside the parent class? I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Thanks for the help.
Your Design is now improper. By proper design, your shape could act as an abstract class or base class for the real circles or rectangles. If then your design will be.,
And in main() you could maintain, a list of shapes vector<Shape *> mStack; which will not create problem. But you must not create circle or rectangle in shape. Thats a wrong design in my point of view.
Your base class is more than weird.
a base class should have virtual destructor
having a collection of itself is suspect for overreaching (you might have a CompositeShape down the hierarchy...)
It has a function named as a subclass. (could be shape_area() or just area())
Your implementation trouble is coming from this too: if the collection is not in shape, then create would not want to fill it, and problem gone.
From the provided info it's not clear where the content of create should go, may be the app, or may be some specific complex shape -- those could simply include all the required headers.