Let a class hierarchy :
class Base { virtual ~Base() throw(); };
class DerivedA : public Base { };
class DerivedB : public Base { };
I would like to have some code specific to each of these derived classes. However that code also being specific to the application that makes use of this class hierarchy, I do not want to embbed this derived-class-specific code into these derived classes. To avoid doing so, I thought about writing free functions :
void DerivedASpecificWork( DerivedA da );
void DerivedBSpecificWork( DerivedB db );
However, when given an instance of a derived class through a reference/pointer to a Base, I do not have access to the actual type of the instance, and thus cannot call the proper Derived*SpecificWork() function.
I would like to know if there is nome kind of design pattern that would allow me to call a derived-class-specific function without knowing the actual type of the instance, i.e having the same mechanism as virtual functions provide, but without having these virtual functions that would require me to embbed application-specific code into that class hierarchy.
Actually, why I want to do that is to provide informations about an exception that occured within a natively implemented function called by a Lua script. Each exception carrying its own set of information, the way I want to represent the error within the script depends on the type of the exception. I could create a pure virtual method in the base class that would be implemented by derived classes, but this would require me to embbed Lua-related code into my exception hierarchy, which I do not want to do since the Lua is specific to one of the application using that exception hierarchy.
Also I cannot use C++11.
Thank you.
May be Brigde pattern can help you.
This pattern can be used when you want to avoid a permanent binding between an abstraction and it's implementation.
(I don't see your comment about your restriction in using c++11, but you can remove std::unique_ptr, std::move and override keyword)
class AppSpecificImp
virtual void DoWork() = 0;
class Base
virtual ~Base() throw();
virtual DoWork() = 0;
class DerivedA : public Base
DerivedA(std::unique_ptr<AppSpecificImp> appImp)
: imp(std::move(appImp))
void DoWork() override
// DerivedA specific code
std::unique_ptr<AppSpecificImp> imp;
class DerivedB : public Base
DerivedB(std::unique_ptr<AppSpecificImp> appImp)
: imp(std::move(appImp))
void DoWork() override
// DerivedB specific code
std::unique_ptr<AppSpecificImp> imp;
Edit to show Visitor pattern usage:
With visitor pattern you can do what you want but with more Effort.
class Visitor
virtual void VisitDerivedA(DerivedA* object) = 0;
virtual void VisitDerivedB(DerivedB* object) = 0;
class Base
virtual void Visit(Visitor* visitor) = 0;
class DerivedA : public Base
virtual void Visit(Visitor* visitor)
class DerivedB : public Base
virtual void Visit(Visitor* visitor)
class AppSpecificVisitor : public Visitor
void VisitDerivedA(DerivedA* object)
// Do any work related to DerivedA class
void VisitDerivedB(DerivedB* object)
// Do any work related to DerivedB class
int main()
AppSpecificVisitor myVisitor;
Base* myBase = // any class in your hierarchy
As I said in comments with Visitor pattern you can add new functionally without changing the main hierarchy(Base->Derived types). You just define a new visitor implementation and write your logic for every class in main hierarchy. In your example you can pack app specific logic in an object and reference that in your derived objects that is an easier approach.
Why not using a new set of hierarchy for application specific implementation ?
class AppBase
virtual ~AppBase() throw();
virtual void work_with_app() = 0;
class Base
Base(AppBase& app) : m_app(app) {}
virtual ~Base() throw();
AppBase& m_app;
class DerivedA : public Base { DerivedA(AppBase& app) : Base(app) {} };
class DerivedB : public Base { DerivedA(AppBase& app) : Base(app) {} };
// Application specific implementation :
class AppLuaSpecific : public AppBase
void work_with_app() { /* Lua app specific */ }
This way, your 1st hierarchy : Base, DerivedA, DerivedB can live without knowing anything about the app specific code implemented in AppLuaSpecific.
You can implement your own app-specific dispatch as follows (check it live on Coliru):
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
struct Base { virtual ~Base() {} };
struct DerivedA : public Base { };
struct DerivedB : public Base { };
namespace AppSpecific
template<class F>
void dispatch(const Base& b)
const std::type_info& t = typeid(b);
if ( t == typeid(DerivedA) )
F::doit(static_cast<const DerivedA&>(b));
else if ( t == typeid(DerivedB) )
F::doit(static_cast<const DerivedB&>(b));
struct Foo
static void doit(const DerivedA& da) { std::cout << "Foo(DerivedA)\n"; }
static void doit(const DerivedB& db) { std::cout << "Foo(DerivedB)\n"; }
struct Bar
static void doit(const DerivedA& da) { std::cout << "Bar(DerivedA)\n"; }
static void doit(const DerivedB& db) { std::cout << "Bar(DerivedB)\n"; }
} // namespace AppSpecific
int main()
DerivedA da;
DerivedB db;
Base& b1 = da;
Base& b2 = db;
Apologies for this quite abstract title.
More clearly:
I have two classes Controler and Interface (hardware sense, unrelated to design pattern)
Both are abstract with some pure virtual methods and hence intended to be subclassed
I need each Controler created to be associated with an Interface object
Each Controler subclass only work with a subset of Interface subclasses (ControlerA + InterfaceA or ControlerB + InterfaceB but not ControlerA + InterfaceB)
Each Interface subclass has its own methods not inherited (this is why only one kind of Controler can use it)
The Controler base class need to call some method of the base class Interface
I try to pass an Interface objet to the Controler constructor, hence in my class definition the Interface attribute represents the abstract base class. But if my Controler subclass A need to call a specific method of the Interface A, an compilation error is raised as the Interface base class doesn't own this method.
The only workaround I found was to call dynamic_cast, but it obviously seems wrong.
Here are my Interface classes:
class Interface {
Interface() {};
virtual void method() = 0;
class InterfaceA : public Interface {
InterfaceA() : Interface() {};
void method() override { cout << "A overriding" << endl; }
void onlyA() { cout << "A only" << endl; }
class InterfaceB : public Interface {
InterfaceB() : Interface() {};
void method() override { cout << "B overriding" << endl; }
void onlyB() { cout << "B only" << endl; }
Here are my Controler classes:
class Controler {
Controler(Interface* i) : m_interface(i) {};
virtual void uniqueMethod() = 0;
void commonMethod() { m_interface->method(); }
Interface* m_interface;
class ControlerA : public Controler {
ControlerA(InterfaceA* i) : Controler(i) {};
void uniqueMethod() override {dynamic_cast<InterfaceA *>(m_interface)->onlyA();}
class ControlerB : public Controler {
ControlerB(InterfaceB* i) : Controler(i) {};
void uniqueMethod() override {dynamic_cast<InterfaceB *>(m_interface)->onlyB();}
And here is how I plan to use them:
auto ia = new InterfaceA();
auto ca = ControlerA(ia);
ca.commonMethod(); // Method defined in the base class
ca.uniqueMethod(); // Method defined in InterfaceA only
You can try it on Repl.it.
Is there any design pattern to solve this issue?
There is a problem indeed. There exists an invariant between the dynamic type of m_interface and the dynamic type of the object that implement Controler. But this invariant cannot be maintained by the Controler class. So the m_interface member is not a the right place.
The consequence is that you need to check at runtime that this member has the right type by using the dynamic_cast each time you call uniqueMethod. If the invariant is broken, the code will have UB because it would dereference a null pointer.
So this is not really a design pattern issue, but more fundamentally an object oriented programming recommendation: classes must ensure invariants.
class Controler {
virtual void uniqueMethod() = 0;
virtual void commonMethod() = 0;
class ControlerA : public Controler {
ControlerA(InterfaceA* i):m_interface{i} {
void uniqueMethod() override { m_interface->onlyA();}
void commonMethod() override { m_interface->method(); }
private: InterfaceA* m_interface;
class ControlerB : public Controler {
ControlerB(InterfaceB* i):m_interface{i} {
void uniqueMethod() override { m_interface->onlyB();}
void commonMethod() override { m_interface->method(); }
private: InterfaceB* m_interface;
So now, it looks that we have a regular pattern, so this is where we can think about a more generic design:
template<class Inter,void(Inter::* OnlyFunc)()>
class ControlerImpl : public Controler {
ControlerImpl(Inter* i):m_interface{i} {
void uniqueMethod() override { (m_interface->*OnlyFunc)();}
void commonMethod() override { m_interface->method(); }
private: Inter* m_interface;
using ControlerA = ControlerImpl<InterfaceA,&InterfaceA::onlyA>;
using ControlerB = ControlerImpl<InterfaceB,&InterfaceB::onlyB>;
My code structure is like below where multiple classes implement Interface. In Example class I store a pointer to the Interface and new() it in the constructor appropriately (depending on constructor parameters not shown here). I'm looking for ways to avoid using new() in this scenario but haven't got a solution yet. What's the best practice for something like this?
class Interface
virtual void Foo() = 0;
class A : public Interface
void Foo() { ... }
class B : public Interface
void Foo() { ... }
class Example
Interface* m_bar;
m_bar = new A(); // deleted in destructor
There are two ways this is typically done, each with their own merits.
If A is truely defined at compile time, than a typical way to handle this is to simply use a template type:
template <typename T>
class TemplateExample
T m_bar;
TemplateExample() : m_bar() {};
This has some downsides. TemplateExample<A> becomes unrelated to TemplateExample<B>, the error messages when T doesn't follow the correct interface are pretty obtuse, ect. The upside is this may use duck typing rather than interface typing, and m_bar is a concrete instance.
The other (arguable more common) way is to do the following
class UniquePtrExample
std::unique_ptr<Interface> m_bar;
UniquePtrExample() : m_bar(new A()){}
This has the benefit of being able to be run time configuratble if you follow a cloable pattern:
class Interface
virtual void Foo() = 0;
virtual Interface* clone() const = 0;
template <typename T>
class CloneHelper : public Interface
virtual Interface* clone() const { return new T(static_cast<const T&>(*this));}
class A : public CloneHelper<A>
virtual void Foo() { std::cout << 'A' << std::endl; }
class B : public CloneHelper<B>
virtual void Foo() { std::cout << 'B' << std::endl; }
class UniquePtrExample
std::unique_ptr<Interface> m_bar;
UniquePtrExample() : m_bar(new A()){}
UniquePtrExample(const Interface& i) : m_bar(i.clone());
Note you can further extend the above to have a move variant of the clone function.
Hi I would like use a virtual function of an inherited class without having to include it in the class prototype that would end up going in a header file. Is there any way to do this?
class Base {
virtual void func () = 0;
class Derived : public Base {
void Derived::func () {
Is what I am thinking. In the case I am actually working with there are a large number of virtual function I may possibly use with any function and I don't want to bog down the class declaration with all the extra functions.
This is not possible with plain inheritance / virtual functions, but you could inject your implementation of func:
// header file
#include <functional>
class Base {
Base(std::function<void()> func_impl)
: m_func_impl{ std::move(func_impl) }
void func() { m_func_impl(); }
std::function<void()> m_func_impl;
class Derived : public Base {
// implementation file
static void Derived_func()
// your implementation of func
: Base{ Derived_func }
You could accomplish the same by using the pimpl idiom. This avoids having a std::function for every method, but requires a secondary class hierachy:
// header file
#include <memory>
class Base {
struct Impl
virtual ~Impl() {}
virtual void func() = 0;
Base(std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl)
: m_impl{ std::move(impl) }
void func() { m_impl->func(); }
std::unique_ptr<Impl> m_impl;
class Derived : public Base {
// implementation file
class Derived_Impl : public Base::Impl
virtual void func() override
// your implementation of func
: Base{ std::unique_ptr < Impl > {new Derived_Impl} }
Both solution have their drawbacks, most notably that the implementation is not within the derived class, so you have to think about how to adress scoping issues (e.g. accessing private members of the derived class in your implementations).
I'm sure i'm missing something elemental here, but i cannot get my head around it.
Let's say we have several possible implementations of a Managerclass which handles objects of type Base. It should be possible to define which implementation to use at runtime.
Based on the implementation of the Manager, they will have to set and get specific properties from Base, therefore the derivations DerivedA and DerivedB which they use internally. Is there a way to circumvent the need for downcasting the parameter in the Handle methods in order to get to the implementation-specific properties?
class Base { /* Abstract class with common properties */ };
class DerivedA : public Base { /* DerivedA-specific properties */ };
class DerivedB : public Base { /* DerivedB-specific properties */ };
class IManager { /* These functions must be implemented by every Manager implementation */
virtual Base* Create() = 0;
virtual void Handle(Base*) = 0;
class AManager : public IManager
Base* Create() override { return new DerivedA(); }
void Handle(Base* pFoo) override
// Now if we want to access pFoo's specific properties, we will need to dynamic_cast it
class BManager : public IManager
Base* Create() override { return new DerivedB(); }
void Handle(Base* pBar) override { /* same here */ }
void Run(bool useAManager)
IManager* pManager = nullptr;
if (useAManager)
pManager = new AManager();
pManager = new BManager();
Base* pData = pManager->Create();
/* use Base specific properties ... */
Edit: Thank you all for the valuable input. I will accept #jpo38's post since it provides a possible solution to this problem. After some consideration however, I found that there is an underlying problem with the class design.
You can use the visitor pattern. In your example, this would be:
class DerivedA;
class DerivedB;
class Visitor
virtual void visitA( DerivedA& a ) = 0;
virtual void visitB( DerivedB& b ) = 0;
class Base
virtual void Accept( Visitor& visitor ) = 0;
class DerivedA : public Base
virtual void Accept( Visitor& visitor ) { visitor.visitA( *this ); }
class DerivedB : public Base
virtual void Accept( Visitor& visitor ) { visitor.visitB( *this ); }
Then, from AManager or BManager:
void Handle(Base* pFoo)
class MyVisitor : public Visitor
virtual void visitA( DerivedA& a )
// do somethiong specific to a, you have access to DerivedA
virtual void visitB( DerivedB& b )
// do somethiong specific to b, you have access to DerivedB
MyVisitor v;
pFoo->Accept( v );
The disadvantage of visitor pattern is that you'll have to define a new visitor class every time you'll want to do something specific.
You can also consider doing this (but I definitely recommend visitors, very helful if you add DerivedC later or want to share some specific operation through shared visitor classes).
class Base
virtual DerivedA* GetAsA() = 0;
virtual DerivedB* GetAsB() = 0;
class DerivedA : public Base
virtual DerivedA* GetAsA() { return this; }
virtual DerivedB* GetAsB() { return NULL; }
class DerivedB : public Base
virtual DerivedA* GetAsA() { return NULL; }
virtual DerivedB* GetAsB() { return this; }
Then, from AManager or BManager:
void Handle(Base* pFoo)
if ( pFoo->GetAsA() )
// use GetAsA to access DerivedA object avoiding downcasting
if ( pFoo->GetAsB() )
// use GetAsB to access DerivedB object avoiding downcasting
Not really. If you absolutely need to treat specific subtypes in a different way, dynamic_cast is the cleanest solution.
Strictly speaking, the real problem here starts at the word "properties". An object-oriented base class does not have properties but operations, and when you accept a Base parameter, all you are interested in are those abstract operations. In completely clean object-oriented designs, at least.
Your class design is just not cleanly object-oriented, that's all. But that's not a problem in itself. If it works for you and the code is easy to read and maintain, then everything is fine.
I have a hierarchy of nodes, where "diamond" can occurred.
Every node must be clonable but I don't want to write clone method to every node. So I use CRTP.
class Node
Node(Fill*) { }
virtual ~Node() {}
virtual Node * clone() const = 0;
virtual void id() { std::cout << "Node\n"; }
template <typename Base, typename Derived>
class NodeWrap : public Base
NodeWrap() { }
NodeWrap(Fill * arg1) : Base(arg1) { }
virtual Node *clone() const
return new Derived(static_cast<Derived const &>(*this));
works as follows:
class NodeA : public NodeWrap<Node, NodeA>
typedef NodeWrap<Node, NodeA> BaseClass;
NodeA() { }
NodeA(Fill * f) : BaseClass(f) { }
virtual void id() { std::cout << "NodeA\n"; }
First question:
There is know BUG in VS when "covariance is used with virtual inheritance".
Is there a way to overcome the bug, and still have covariant types is clone method?
I changed return type to be Node instead of Base. I can live with that, but I would like to have Base as return type
Second question:
Problem occurred when multiple inheritance comes to play. I created new wrapper, which inherits virtually
template <typename Base, typename Derived>
class NodeWrapVirtual : public virtual Base
NodeWrapVirtual() { }
NodeWrapVirtual(Fill * arg1) : Base(arg1) { }
virtual Node *clone() const
return new Derived(static_cast<Derived const &>(*this));
and now building diamond structure:
class NodeB : public NodeWrapVirtual<Node, NodeB>
typedef NodeWrapVirtual<Node, NodeB> BaseClass;
NodeB() { }
NodeB(Fill * f) : BaseClass(f) { }
virtual void id() { std::cout << "NodeB\n"; }
class NodeC : public NodeWrapVirtual<Node, NodeC>
typedef NodeWrapVirtual<Node, NodeC> BaseClass;
using BaseClass::clone;
NodeC() { }
NodeC(Fill * f) : BaseClass(f) { }
virtual void id() { std::cout << "NodeC\n"; }
and problematic diamond node:
class NodeD : public NodeWrap<NodeB, NodeD>,
public NodeWrap<NodeC, NodeD>
typedef NodeWrap<NodeB, NodeD> BaseClassB;
typedef NodeWrap<NodeC, NodeD> BaseClassC;
NodeD() { }
NodeD(Fill * f) : BaseClassB(f), BaseClassC(f) { }
using BaseClassB::clone; // (1)
virtual NodeD *clone() const { return new NodeD(*this); } // (2)
virtual void id() { std::cout << "NodeD\n"; }
where are 2 lines I am curious about. (line (1) and (2))
If both lines are removed, there is oblivious compile error, because there is ambiguous clone method (from every parent). Since I don't use covariant return types, there should work clone method form each parent, so i use line (1) but it doesn't work. Still ambiguous.
So I use line (2) and it works.
Is there a nice way, to avoid writing line (2)?
HERE is full working example on ideone.
First you should be very carefull to use virtual inheritance with members inside the virtual base (look at https://stackoverflow.com/a/1193516/1918154, "Effective C++", item 20: "Avoid data members in public interfaces" and http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/multiple-inheritance.html#faq-25.8). Your node gets an pointer to a fill which is not used, but it looks like you need it somewhere.
Your problem can be solved when you move the inhertance relationship (public virtual and public) in the base class for your NodeWrap.
template <typename Base>
class InheritVirtual
: public virtual Base
template <typename... Bases>
class InheritBases
: public Bases...
virtual Node* clone() const = 0;
virtual void id() const = 0;
class NodeB : public NodeWrap<InheritVirtual<Node>, NodeB>
class NodeC : public NodeWrap<InheritVirtual<Node>, NodeB>
class NodeD : public NodeWrap<InheritBases<NodeB,NodeC>, NodeD>
Running Example.
The pure virtual methods in InheritBases are needed because the so called domination rule (Dominance in virtual inheritance).
The problem to be solved is a way to transfer paramters to the right constructor in case of multiple bases. Unlike Node (wich is a virtual base) it is ok to let NodeB and NodeC have member variables and non trivial constructors.
Each virtual function must have a unique final overrider in each derived class. This has nothing to do with name lookup (the requirement is for the functions, not for their names), thus using is irrelevant.
Use a multi-base-classed node class template:
template <class Derived, class Base1, class Base2>
class node2 : // etc
// or use a variadic template if you have more than two bases
As for covariant returns, they are strictly unnecessary, if convenient. You can always split each virtual function into a private virtual and a public non-virtual. This comes handy if you want to return covariant smart pointers, which is not supported by the regular covariant return machinery at all.