Newbie contribution to cloud foundry - cloud-foundry

I am a newbie to cf and want to contribute cloud-foundry. Can somebody point me to a newbie guide? or anything else?

There are a lot of ways that you can contribute.
The easiest is to help answer questions. You can do that here on SO, on the CF mailing lists or on Slack.
Another easy way to help is with documentation. Docs are managed on Github and it's easy to submit fixes and improvements via PRs.
If you want to contribute code then you're going to need to dig in a bit more first. Cloud Foundry is a large project made up of many different pieces, so the first step is picking a component that interests you / where you'd like to contribute. This page in the docs has a good overview of the different components, so it's a good reference.
Once you've narrowed it down to a specific component of CF, then check the Github page for that component and look for instructions on contributing. Most of the teams have details about how to get started hacking on their projects. Here's one example, which is the Loggregator project.
You can also check the Issues page in Github or the team's Tracker project for outstanding issues that might need resolved. That can give you inspiration for ways to pitch in and help with the code.
Hope that helps!


Example notebook, sample for google cloud pipeline component

I am looking for a sample or a tutorial notebook with specifically the "CustomPythonPackageTrainingJobRunOp" google cloud pipeline component. I have been trying to use this but keep getting into errors.
PS: I have already posted a question about the errors here and also requested a sample, but posting again regarding the sample since I feel that that is a pretty long post and the request is buried with other code details.
I was not able to find any reference documents or sample code for your requirement.
From your other question, I can understand that you’ve resolved the argument error in the “CustomPythonPackageTrainingJobRunOp”.
Feature Request
However if you would still require a documented approach, you can let Google know that this is a workflow that is important and that you would like to request they provide a sample code for it.
Google's Issue Tracker is a place for developers to report issues and make feature requests for their development services. I'd suggest you make a feature request there. The best component to file this under would be the AI & Machine Learning, with the Feature Request template.

Python flask Resources

Good day everyone, please I just started using flask for web development can anyone recommend books or courses that will aid my journey in becoming a proficient web developer with flask?
You can find several resources on the internet itself which includes:
walkthrough tutorials/lectures -- that are either free on platforms like youtube or paid-ones like that on udemy, udacity and others.
blog posts: Providing a detailed overview of the fundamentals and to complement the same, do a project for the same.
Flask Documentation itself: Since the best resource to consult would be the documentation itself.
Now, that it is clear that you're starting out. It is highly likely that a walk-through tutorial will be an ideal choice to start with. Among free ones, I'd personally recommend:
Cory Schafer on Youtube as a starting point. You're however free to choose any paid versions (that usually have a milestone project as well to make sure you have hands-on with what you're learning, but not cramming and cluttering your mind).

Mint clone with Rails 4?

I have been playing with Rails 4 for last couple of months. Since I don't have any original ideas, I am practicing by building clones of famous sites like Stackoverflow, Twitter, Facebook, IMDB, Pinterest, Wordpress blog etc. I was thinking of building clone of Mint. Can somebody breakdown the steps required? If you could specify gems that could be best for it, that would be great.
The initial challenge is retrieving the data from your users' financial institutions. Unless you're just going to support a couple of banks, that will be a very large effort for one person to implement and maintain.
Yodlee has APIs to do just this for you. As a matter of fact, Mint used to use Yodlee. I found one gem for Yodlee's API but it doesn't look to be actively maintained. You can also check out David Lesches's five part series on Rails and Yodlee.
Once you've got the transactional data you'll have to categorize each transaction, which is the core of the value Mint brings. You'll have to look at the data you get back from Yodlee to figure out the best way to do this.

Ripping unnecessary/unused modules from Liferay portal

We are using only portal part of the liferay to show data from some of our applications. It is done thro liferay-ext. Is it possible to rip out the modules unused by us like communities, forums, blogs etc that we dont use. These seem to be hogging tomcat memory.
You can deactivate some portlets that you don't use from ext, it should be available in liferay's administration guide or developer guide on Depending on the amount of work you're prepared to put into this you might also want to think about dimensions of your caches and other settings. However, I consider an additional piece of memory to be a lot cheaper than investing the time (again on each update) to trim down Liferay, if it's only for memory reasons.
However, if you "easily" trim Liferay through some means, please provide your findings in the Liferay forums as well - it might be worth feeding it back.

Sample Flow Charts

I need to create a flowchart to show Developer computers, Development server, Development DB,
QA Server, QA DB, Staging Server, Staging DB, Production Server and Production DB as part of creating a process so that developers follow the same during the development to staging to production development cycle.
Could you please direct me to the right URL or resource.
Thanks in advance
If you're looking for inspiration, figure A in this post looks similar to what you're trying to do, albeit simplified slightly:
I have used Microsoft Visio in the past for my flowcharts and it meets the basic needs.
Most of the standard components - servers etc are all there and you can usually find and download free stencils from the net for more specific needs
A process flow like you are talking about should be easily manageable using the standard stecils itself.
There seem to be a lot of online sites that provide this kind of service free lately.
You can check out this link. I have not used any of these before so cannot vouch for them though i did try out and it seemed pretty ok
You are looking for a tool to make network diagrams.
These are some candidates I found looking for Network Diagram at Google:
SmartDraw, A friend recommended it to me some time ago
Gliffy looks promising
To make a flowchart from source code is so complicated, but I found an code to flowchart converter software, it can create flowchart from source code automatically, I got this software from It is free to download and free to try.