Create Droppable file link in Windows from QTableWidget row/cell Drag - c++

I would like to allow the user to drag a file path from a QTableWidget cell and drop this in a file manager (e.g. Windows Explorer) to create a link (Windows file shortcut).
I assume this requires modifying the dragged object data in place?
To start with, I have tried subclassing QTableWidget to reimplement the events
#include <QTableWidget>
#include <QEvent>
class tableWidget : public QTableWidget
tableWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event);
void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event);
void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event);
void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
and "promoted" QTableWidget in Qt Designer to my tableWidget (be sure not to have the objectName identical to the class) and set dragEnabledto true.
However, the event handlers seem not to be executed.
So I thought I might be looking in the wrong place, but QTableWidgetItem does not appear to have Drag and Drop events implemented, although its documentation says
By default, items are enabled, editable, selectable, checkable, and can be used both as the source of a drag and drop operation and as a drop target.
What do I need to do in order to create this behaviour? Is it necessary to create a QDrag object manually as shown in Drag and Drop?

To answer my own question: Yes - it seems that installing an object with eventFilter method allows handling the widget's viewport()'s QMouseEvent's, where a QDrag object is set up according to the documentation linked in the question.
Then use
QTableWidgetItem *twi = ui->tWidget->itemAt( mouseEvent->pos() );
QString dirname( twi->text() );
to retrieve the dragged table cell data
However, passing the link file contents in QDrag object MIME data does not seem to work, as also noted here. Instead, passing the url ("file:///...") of an existing .lnk file works with Windows Explorer.
This does not really make a difference, as the link file needs to be created with e.g. QFile::link() anyway. Remove it after operation is completed.
While several Mime data segments can be passed (see Qt\Examples\Qt-5.5\widgets\draganddrop\dropsite) I have not yet figured out what the order of preference is - e.g. the target application uses either the plain text target path or the reference url to the link file.
When using right mouse button for a drag-n-drop action, a context menu will be shown on release, depending on the DropActions specified as supportedActions in exec(). The dropAction returned by exec then might also be TargetMoveAction and IgnoreAction. Not sure if the context menu can be disabled.


How to add hyperlinks in Qt without QLabel?

I have some labels and layouts nested inside a QWidget to build a part of a sidebar. Each QWidget is its own section and one component currently looks like this:
To my understanding, you can only set hyperlinks with QLabel, but I'm trying to get the whole area between the white lines clickable. This is including the icon and the whitespace. Is there any way to achieve this?
This got marked as a duplicate to the opposite of what I was asking, so I'd like to reiterate that I'm trying to implement a hyperlink without QLabel.
You can easily have a widget open a link on click:
class Link : public QWidget {
Link(QUrl url, QWidget p = nullptr) : QWidget(p), _url(url) {}
QUrl _url;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(_url); }
You can avoid any extra signals and connections, and have each link widget store its own link internally, the url can be set on construction and changed at any time. Not using signals and slots makes it easier to change the link too, without having to disconnect previous connections.
IMO going for a signals and slots solution is only justified when you want different arbitrary behavior. In this case you always want the same - to open a particular link, so you might as well hardcode that and go for an easier and more computationally efficient solution.
I would just manually catch the SIGNAL for clicked() and use desktop services to open the url in code.
bool QDesktopServices::openUrl ( const QUrl & url ) [static]
Opens the given url in the appropriate Web browser for the user's desktop environment, and returns true if successful; otherwise returns false.
Using this type of syntax, or in the designer, you can also connect a signal to a slot.
connect(widgetThatRepresentsURL, SIGNAL(clicked()),
handlerThatWillOpenTheURL, SLOT(clicked_on_url()));
For widgets that don't have a signal set up for clicked (or whatever event you are interested in), you can subclass the widget in question and reimplement...
void QWidget::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * event ) [virtual protected]
Specifically for creating a signal, there is emit. I've used this in the past like the following
void Cell::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e)
emit focus(this, true);
with the following in the header
void focus(Cell *, bool);

How to break the tab order chain of widgets in Qt?

In Qt you can define the tab order by using the Qt Designer or by using C++. The relationships between widgets are set relatively to each other, so there is no index or such thing. What I want right now is to "break" the circular chain of widgets so that I get a beginning and an end of the chain.
A circular tab order would be:
A - B
| |
D - C
I want (note missing link between A and D):
A - B
D - C
which is more like a line instead of a circle:
A - B - C - D
So the user "stops" at one end and has to go back using the other direction.
Update: I have another idea now. What if i reimplement:
bool QWidget::focusNextPrevChild(bool next)
According to the documentation one can use this to implement custom focus behavior.
In my dynamic scenario where buttons in the GUI are adjusted at run-time I will have to overload the function and set, for example, an internal flag allowFocusNext and allowFocusPrev which then ignores the focus request if necessary. I will report back here, when I have tried it. Meanwhile any comments are welcome!? :-)
I found a solution, but it is a bit hacky. The QWidget::setTabOrder will not allow to chain a widget with itself, so this approach won't help (even if you are using focus proxies)
However, you can define a "Focus Forwarder":
class FocusForwarder : public QWidget
explicit FocusForwarder(QWidget *proxy) :
QWidget((QWidget *) proxy->parent()),
void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *) {
QWidget *m_proxy;
And add them at the beginning and end of you chain:
FocusForwarder *w1 = new FocusForwarder(ui->bA);
FocusForwarder *w2 = new FocusForwarder(ui->bD);
QWidget::setTabOrder(w1, ui->bA);
QWidget::setTabOrder(ui->bA, ui->bB);
QWidget::setTabOrder(ui->bB, ui->bC);
QWidget::setTabOrder(ui->bC, ui->bD);
QWidget::setTabOrder(ui->bD, w2);
For setTabOrder to work, the widgets must be in the same window. To ensure this, the Forwarder is placed in the proxy's parent (in the initializer list).
For this mechanism, the focus direction (Tab or Shit+Tab) does not matter. As soon as a FocusFowarder receives the focus, it will "forward" it to its proxy.
The direction is handled by Qt internally. You just add "sentinels" around your chain.
Use in QtDesigner
When you want to use it in QtDesigner, you'd create a Widget and promote it to the forwarder. As you cannot set the proxy directly, you could add a dynamic property for the proxy's name, like this:
class FocusForwarderDesigner : public QWidget
Q_PROPERTY(QString proxyName READ proxyName WRITE setProxyName)
QString proxyName() {
return (m_proxy) ? m_proxy->objectName() : QString::null;
void setProxyName(QString name) {
m_proxy = parent()->findChild<QWidget *>(name);
explicit FocusForwarderDesigner(QWidget *parent = NULL) :
QWidget(parent) {}
void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *) {
if (m_proxy) m_proxy->setFocus();
QWidget *m_proxy;
In the designer, you would add a string-property with name proxyName and set it to the proxy's name. Don't forget to set the focus policy to Tab Focus in designer.
After some additional thoughts I post an answer to my own question because it is a working solution but it is not ideal. Therefore, I'm still searching for a better one! As a note, my application mainly relies on mouse wheel interactions for changing the focus of widgets.
In my question I mentioned that overriding:
bool focusNextPrevChild(bool next)
could lead to a working system. The "receiving" widget would simply ignore the focus by returning "true" if it is marked as "last item" or "first item" and the "next" parameter would lead to a circular behavior. Although this works for the tab and space+tab key combinations, there are cases where focusNextPrevChild is not called explicitly. In my case it is not called for focus changes related to mouse wheel events.
What I do instead is overriding:
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event)
This gives me direct control over all the focus events related to the mouse wheel. My overridden function looks like this:
void SelectionIconButton::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event)
bool next = event->delta() > 0;
if (m_IsLastInFocusChain && next) {
if (m_IsFirstInFocusChain && !next) {
So this system's requirements are:
Each widget has to somehow implement two bools and handle their
Each of those widgets has to be configured either at startup
or in dynamic screens during appliation use
Listening only to
wheelEvent does not allow me to handle tab key and space+tab key
You see that this solution works but it involves some effort to apply it to a large application. I was thinking about a more general solution. Maybe a global list that is updated when a screen is changing. This global list would then somehow decide if a focus change is allowed or not. Unfortunately, this again is problematic with mouse wheel events because some widgets are "active" and the wheel event does not even want to change focus but alter the value in an input field, for example, instead.
I might have to add that the default implementation of QWidget::wheelEvent() and QPushButton::wheelEvent() and many more Qt-Widgets just ignore the event by setting event->ignore().
In my application all those ignored events are caught at a high level widget which then interprets the QWheelEvent and uses its delta to call focusPreNextChild() the right amount of time.

Close QFileDialog only when click "open"

Whenever I select a file in my QFileDialog the accepted signal is fired and the window closes. I want to keep the window open so I can select multiple files and then capture the signal fired when "open" is clicked.
QFileDialog* myDialog = new QFileDialog(this);
What signals should I be connecting here to achieve this effect?
The QFileDialog::ExistingFiles should guarantee that multiple files can be selected. Given that, you can connect to the signal:
void QFileDialog::filesSelected(const QStringList & selected)
Directly from the documentation:
When the selection changes for local operations and the dialog is accepted, this signal is emitted with the (possibly empty) list of selected files.
However, if you are only interested in collecting such files, you can totally avoid signal-slot and write (taken again from the documentation):
QStringList fileNames;
if (dialog.exec())
fileNames = dialog.selectedFiles();
Note that in this case dialog object has been created on the stack (which is the common approach for such objects).
Your code looks fine to me. I believe you are double clicking on the file inside the dialog instead of holding on the Ctrl and single clicking on all the files you need.
You can optionally use an event filter and ignore the double click event.
Once you click on Open, you can get a list of all the file paths in the QStringList given by QFileDialog::selectedFiles(). Also it's better to use a stack variable here and use exec method to launch it as pointed out by BaCaRoZzo.
QFileDialog myDialog(this);
qDebug() << myDialog.selectedFiles();
Whenever I select a file in my QFileDialog the accepted signal is fired and the window closes. I want to keep the window open so I can select multiple files
All other answers is just solution for selection many files one time and CLOSE window after Open button pressing. Get my solution, it is not very simple because it required lot of work:
I used lamda expressions and new signals and slots syntax in my answer, but you can use old syntax or add
CONFIG += c++11
to the .pro file and use lambdas.
Subclass QFileDialog:
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QDebug>
class CustomFileDialog : public QFileDialog
explicit CustomFileDialog(QWidget *parent = 0);
void setDefaultGeo(QRect);
void newPathAvailable(QStringList list);
public slots:
bool openClicked;
QRect geo;
When you click open, you hide your dialog, not close! Cpp:
#include "customfiledialog.h"
CustomFileDialog::CustomFileDialog(QWidget *parent) :
openClicked = false;
connect(this,&QFileDialog::accepted,[=]() {
openClicked = true;
qDebug() << openClicked;
emit newPathAvailable(this->selectedFiles());
void CustomFileDialog::setDefaultGeo(QRect rect)
geo = rect;
CustomFileDialog *dialog = new CustomFileDialog;
QStringList fileNames;
connect(dialog,&CustomFileDialog::newPathAvailable,[=](QStringList path) {
qDebug() << path;
Why do you need setDefaultGeo? Without this method, your window will move after Open pressing.
What we get?
I open filedialog and select two files:
I clicked Open, but window didn't close! You can choose new files again and again!
One more file and so on:
Window will closed only when user press Close button, but you will have all path which user choose.
As you said:
I want to keep the window open so I can select multiple files
You get this.
I don't think anyone has understood the question (or it could be just me looking for my own solution)...
I had the same issue. As soon as I clicked a file the dialog would close. I couldn't ever select a file and then click "Open" because the dialog instantly closed as soon as I single clicked a file.
It turns out it was my linux os settings (under mouse). File opening was set to single-click. I still feel like something external might have toggled this but that is just speculation. It appears Qt was going the right thing. Check another application, like kate on KDE and see if it has the same behavior. That is what clued me in to the source of my issue.

Modifying QFileDialog::getOpenFileName to have an additional drop down

I am a student programmer using Qt to build a reader Table for my company. This reader is both an editor and converter. It reads in a .i file allows table editing of a text document and then puts out a .scf file which is essentially a separated value file stacked under a legend built with headers. I digress... Basically the file format imported is really hard to scan and read in(mostly impossible) so what I'd like to is modify the open file preBuilt QFileDialog to include an additional drop down when older file types are selected to declare their template headers.
When the user selects .i extension files(option 2 file type) I would like to enable an additional drop down menu to allow the user to select which type of .i file it is(template selected). This way I don't have to deal with god knows how many hours trying to figure out a way to index all the headers into the table for each different type. Currently my importFile function calls the dialog using this:
QString fileLocation = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,("Open File"), "", ("Simulation Configuration File(*.scf);;Input Files(*.prp *.sze *.i *.I *.tab *.inp *.tbl)")); //launches File Selector
I have been referencing QFileDialog Documentation to try and find a solution to what I need but have had no avail. Thanks for reading my post and thanks in advance for any direction you can give on this.
UPDATE MAR 16 2012;
First I'd like to give thanks to Masci for his initial support in this matter. Below is the connect statement that I have along with the error I receive.
//Declared data type
QFileDialog openFile;
QComboBox comboBoxTemplateSelector;
connect(openFile, SIGNAL(currentChanged(const &QString)), this, SLOT(checkTemplateSelected()));
I also noticed that it didn't like the way I added the QComboBox to the modified dialog's layout(which is the second error). I really hope that I'm just doing something dumb here and its an easy task to overcome.
In response to tmpearce's comment heres my header code;
#include <QWidget>
namespace Ui {
class ReaderTable;
class ReaderTable : public QWidget
explicit ReaderTable(QWidget *parent = 0);
public slots:
void checkTemplateSelected();
void importFile();
void saveFile();
Ui::ReaderTable *ui;
Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any contributions to this challenge!
Instance a QFileDialog (do not call getOpenFileName static method), access its layout and add a disabled QComboBox to it.
// mydialog_ and cb_ could be private fields inside MyClass
mydialog_ = new QFileDialog;
cb_ = new QComboBox;
connect(mydialog, SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(checkFilter(const QString&)));
if (mydialog_->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
QString selectedFile = mydialog_->selectedFiles()[0];
QString cbSelection = cb_->currentText();
the slot would be something like:
void MyClass::checkFilter(const QString& filter)
cb_->setEnabled(filter == "what_you_want");
returning from the dialog exec(), you could retrieve selected file and cb_ current selection.
Notice you could add something more complex than a simple QComboBox at the bottom of the dialog, taking care of gui cosmetics.
Actually I don't like very much this approach (but that was what you asked for :-). I would make a simple dialog like this:
and enable the combo only if the selected file meets your criteria. The "browse" button could call getOpenFileMethod static method in QFileDialog.
You can handle item selection by this signal:
void QFileDialog::fileSelected ( const QString & file )
Then it occurs, call setFilter with type you want.
Sorry, if i don't understand your task.

Qt doesn't display child widget

How can i access ui files of children of a class. Lets say MainWindow class has twoa child dialog. I want to access LINEEDIT of dialog so that i can take text from there. Similarly how can i access ui files of parent inside child class in QT. Note: I havn't inherited any thing from Parent class.
I have writen the following code, in order to display a dialog but it won't show!
void MainWindow::displaydialog()
ItemDialog dialog= new ItemDialog(this);
dialog->show(); // it is not displaying the dialog
and how can i access the ui widgets like check whether ListWidget item has been selected or not.
Here is the code of itemdialog,
#include "itemdialog.h"
#include "ui_itemdialog.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
ItemDialog::ItemDialog(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::ItemDialog)
setWindowTitle("Status Dialog");
delete ui;
void ItemDialog::on_pushButton_clicked()
MainWindow obj;
Please review an example such as this:
It explains how to use the ui files that you generate from Qt Designer. You shouldn't really think of them as "ui files" in the sense of accessing them on the widgets in your class. The idea is that you include them, and then use their setupUi() function to apply them to your given class. At that point, everything you created in qt designer, and that is in that ui file, is now a member of your class. They can be accessed via the naming you used in qt designer.
As for why your dialog isn't showing...I don't know because you only included 3 lines of code as an example. Theoretically it should show if Mydialog was properly set up. You could just try changing it to a QDialog to make sure you didn't do anything wrong with your custom class.
It depends what you want that dialog for. Either it's a modal dialog - some kind of a information display or retrival that blocks the function of your program until user reacts, or it's somekind of toolbox or similar, in which case you probably should not use QDialog.
If a modal dialog with a line edits and/or additional features is what you want, you should read up on QDialog in the doc. See the exec() function. Basic usage would go like this:
void MainWindow::displaydialog()
ItemDialog *dialog = new ItemDialog();
if (dialog->exec() == someApropriateReturnStatus)
QString somevalue = dialog->someValue();
int dialog->someOtherValue();
//do something with the value
delete dialog;
The point is that the ItemDialog class handles the UI internally and implements the getter functions accordingly, you should not (in most typical cases) access it's UI from outside.
If a simple line edit is all you want, you'd be better off using one of the standard dialogs already implemented in Qt, have a look at the Standard Dialogs Example