How to get computer device manager information as text result in cpp code? [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How to get computer device manager information (in Windows (especially win 10)) as text result in cpp code?. In addition I don't want to use registry i my code.

You can get information of device manager using Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) or by using Setup APIs. One example of Setup APIs for getting device manager information can be found in code project.


How to create an installer with InnoSetup running in only one computer to prevent unauthorized copy [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am using Innosetup to create an installer for my application (test.exe using Qt creator). I need that my application should be running on only one machine (unauthorized copies in other computer). I don't know how to make a function in Innosetup to identify if the address IP corresponds to the authorized machine or not. Else it should not run my application.
If you are looking for an solution for anti-copy the application, you can read the SID of the PC installed, store the SID in your application. Every time your application launches, the first step is to read the SID, then compare to the initial SID, if not match, exit your application.

Programmatically get active connections in windows [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to get all active connections (similar to TCPView from sysinternals) on a windows machine, using WinAPI.
How can I do this using Winsock ?
Winsock does not provide any functionality to get a list of active connections.
The GetTcpTable(), GetTcpTable2(), GetTcp6Table, and GetTcp6Table2() functions of the IP Helper API provide the information that you are looking for.

is there any function in wxwidgets to check pdf software is available or not [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am using wxwidgets 2.8.10 with c++ and I am using both windows xp and windows 7.
Is there any function to see if "pdf" software is available in my computer or not by using wxwidgets?
Presumably you want to know whether a PDF viewer is available in order to open a PDF document. And if this is the case, you should just try opening it and then handle the error.

Remote program control using winapi [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How I can remotely control a GUI program using winapi?
I need to open skype or icq and click on the right contact and then read the last message. There's a program in VS spy++, but if you want to trace window messages, you need to remotely control spy++. So the problem is how can you remotely control a program and the other thing, where can you find application codes.
The White framework hides a lot of the details of UI automation, and you may find it easier to use than raw UI Automation.

Online Anti-Virus service [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How would it be possible to design an online-antivirus service. I was thinking about creating an online version of some open-source antivirus. Would it be possible to upload something like a binary image of the selected folders, and then pass that as an argument to the antivirus service installed on the web server?
Take a look at - this is how they do it. BTW - hashing previous results would probably save you a lot of time on scanning duplicate requests.
Sure. Be quicker to have them fedex their hard drive, though.