How does django work with websocket server and webserver simultaneously? - django

I think I have some confusion in the understanding of websocket server and webserver.
So I followed the tutorial of django channels, where I created a little app that listens on a channel and returns some response.
At the same time, I can still serve webpages with normal view functions, so how does django do this magic so that it works without me modifying anything in the nginx server config?

The documentation mentions how this works:
It separates Django into two process types:
One that handles HTTP and WebSockets
One that runs views, websocket handlers and background tasks (consumers)
They communicate via a protocol called ASGI, which is similar to WSGI but runs over a network and allows for more protocol types. [...] probably Daphne


Daphne server unable to handle http requests

I have a django application that I want to deploy using daphne.
Django application supports both websockets and http requests. I've converted the django to support ASGI.
I'm starting the server using :
daphne <project_name>.asgi:application
The server is able to accept websocket connections but unable to handle the incoming HTTP requests (throws 404).
Where am I going wrong over here?
P.S.: I'm not using django channels.
I had forgotten to instantiate 'get_asgi_application' while creating the django application. Hence, it wasn't able to accept HTTP requests.

Is it possible to make Django send data over tls protocol?

I am currently working on a web project in django and there is a requirement to ensure the safety of transmitting data over a network (passwords, usernames etc.).
I've read on owasp cheat sheet about authenication that for safety reasons all passwords should be sent from a client to a server over tsl protocol.
Django framework sends these over http protocol. Is it possible to make django send it over tsl or work around it in another way?
When you run a Django application on the Internet, it's usually looking something like this:
[Django Application] <-> [uWSGI] <-> [nginx] <-> [web browser]
You can use different components, e.g. Gunicorn instead of uWSGI or Apache instead of nginx.
The thing is, you simply configure the webserver (Apache or nginx or whatever) with an SSL certificate and listen for https instead of http.
I think you're using Django runserver command for server your app over HTTP. It is absolutely not made for production and is a really HTTP (only) server for development.
For serve your app across SSL/TLS, you must use a frontend as described in henrikstroem's response

Handle request over TCP connection using django

I'm developing a server using django. There are numbers of devices that connect to this server and send request periodically. How can I handle these requests properly?
You'll probably want to look into django signals to setup webhooks to listen for certain things to call other things etc... signals was built to keep your app in sync with changes being made throughout.

How to get a WebSocket server run on aws

I'm developing an iOS app that requires realtime dual-way server/client messaging.
I'm trying to use WebSocket++ to develop a WebSocket server app on an AWS EC2. Have to use C++ because that's the only language I know on the server side.
The problem is I'm a fresh guy on server side development. I have 2 very basic questions:
1, Do I need have to setup an HTTP server like apache/nginx in order to get websocket running?
That is, can websocket app live independently alone?
2, I have now setup an nginx server in case it is a must have, is there any resource that I can refer to to make nginx & websocket work together well?
No, you don't need a Web server, a (reverse) Web proxy or anything to have your C++ WebSocket server talk to WebSocket clients.
Nginx (as HAproxy) supports reverse proxying WebSocket. This can make sense in certain situations, like you want to terminate TLS at the proxy and forward plain WebSocket to your backend server, or you want to load-balance incoming WebSocket connections to multiple backend nodes. However, as said, this isn't required.
No you don't, websocket and socket for an HTTP server are two diffent things.
HTTP server is for the HTTP protocol while there is not protocol defined for websocket, you have to define it yourself typically by the mean of sending/receiving Json message (a stream of character which each side (the server and the client) knows how to read/write).
The goal of websocket is to offer to javascript through HTML5 an easy, light and quick way to communicate through a socket, without websocket you have to do that with web services and in that case you need a http server.
With websocket you can create an html file leveraging html tag and javascript, javascript use client side of websocket to communicate with a C++/websocket server program, and you do not need even a web server, in this scenario you have a "desktop web app" ! (here web term is only because you use html tags)
Same question, same answer, no again ;-)
Good luck, and welcome in the wonderful world of asio !

Why do web frameworks serve via FastCGI/SCGI, rather than HTTP?

Major web frameworks (such as Django, Pyramid, Rails, etc) are often run as persistent servers, with a separate web server like nginx serving as a frontend. The web server connects via a protocol like FastCGI or SCGI:
browser --[http]--> nginx --[fastcgi]--> flup -> django
This seems convoluted to me; why is the request converted to an entirely different protocol, when the backend could just run its own HTTP server?
browser --[http]--> nginx --[http]--> wsgiref -> django
This approach appears to be both simpler and more flexible, since there's only one transport protocol and it's an RFC.
However, I don't think I've ever seen a web framework encourage the http-only design, so I assume there must be a reason for it.
What are the advantages of using a protocol like FastCGI/SCGI here?
HTTP is a large, complex protocol. Paring the interface down to the capabilities provided by FastCGI or WSGI allows the framework to handle requests faster than if it had to deal with the original.