I have the original dataset
What I want is:
My code:
proc transpose data = lib.original
out= lib.new(rename=(col1=Mean col2=Median));
var WBCmean RBCmean WBCmedian RBCmedian;
But I get
Can you give some hint?
If I add by statement,
proc transpose data = lib.original
out= lib.new;
by Gender;
var WBCmean RBCmean WBCmedian RBCmedian;
then I get
One way is to convert to a tall skinny format.
proc transpose data = have out=middle ;
by gender ;
var WBCmean RBCmean WBCmedian RBCmedian;
Then generate the new variables needed,
data middle;
set middle ;
testcode = substr(_name_,1,3);
_name_ = substr(_name_,4);
you might need to sort the data depending on the order of variable names in your original VAR statement,
proc sort data=middle;
by gender testcode _name_;
and then transpose into the new arrangement.
proc transpose data=middle out=want ;
by gender testcode ;
id _name_;
var col1 ;
I want the first wide dataset to be as the second long datafile, I have thought about using array, but considering I have 100 variables (the example only have 2), do I need 100 arrays?
Could you let me know how to do?
Use a double transpose. First transpose to a tall structure. Then split the name into the basename and time. Then transpose again. Here is untested code since no example data was provided (only photographs).
proc transpose data=have out=tall ;
by id;
var _numeric_;
data fixed ;
set tall ;
time = scan(_name_,-1,'_');
_name_ = substr(_name_,1,length(_name_)-length(time)-1);
proc sort data=fixed ;
by id time;
proc transpose data=fixed out=want ;
by id time ;
id _name_;
var col1;
So I have a dataset that has the sample size and the seed for each stratum.
How do I reference these in a proc surveyselect?
My Code:
proc surveyselect data=hca2 (where =(disp=1 and fin=1 and dol_str=1))
Does anyone know how to do this?
There is a secondary input data set reference in proc surveyselect, which may be your anwser.
SAS Help Center: Secondary Input Data Set
And the following is a simple example:
proc sort data = sashelp.class out = class;
by sex name;
data config;
do sex = 'F','M';
_seed_ = 42;
_nsize_ = 6;
proc surveyselect data = class out = result method = srs seed=config sampsize=config outseed;
strata sex;
Open data set result and see if it is what you need.
In SAS, you can use PROC PRINT to sum a column and display the sum:
proc print data = dataset.project_out;
sum variable;
How can I get this function to only print the sum line and not the rest of the data?
I don't think you can do it with proc print. The closest you can come is the empty var statement:
proc print data=sashelp.class;
var ;
sum age;
But sum adds the sum variable to the var list.
You can certainly accomplish this a number of other ways.
PROC SQL is the one I'd use:
proc sql;
select sum(Age) from sashelp.class;
PROC REPORT, often called "pretty PROC PRINT", can do it also:
proc report data=sashelp.class;
columns age;
define age/analysis sum;
PROC TABULATE can do it:
proc tabulate data=sashelp.class;
var age;
tables age*sum;
proc means data=sashelp.class sum;
var age;
Etc., plenty of ways to do the same thing.
I want to format the result of the following call to PROC UNIVARIATE (TestForLocation).
proc sort data=sashelp.class; by sex; run;
proc univariate data = sashelp.class mu0 = 1;
ods select TestsForLocation;
var age;
by sex;
ods output TestsForLocation=ttest;
data ttest; set ttest; keep sex test stat pvalue;run;
proc print data=ttest;run;
How can I trasnpose the output into a datset with the following columns?
Obs, Sex, StudentsT_Stat, StudentsT_pValue, SignedRank_Stat, SignedRank_Pvalue
You need to double transpose here. Make a dataset with 12 observations, with four columns: Obs, Sex, ID being the combination of Test and (Stat|pValue) that you want as your eventual variable name, and Value being the value you want transposed into the variable. Then,
proc transpose data=ttest_double out=ttest_transposed;
by obs sex;
id ID;
var Value;
(ID and Value can be any variable name you like.)
I need help with proc transpose procedure in SAS. My code initially was:
proc transpose data=temp out=temp1;
by patid;
var text;
Id datanumber;
This gave me error "The ID value " " occurs twice in the same BY group". I modified the code to this:
proc sort data = temp;
by patid text datanumber;
data temp;
set temp by patid text datanumber;
if first.datanunmber then n = 0;
proc sort data = temp;
by patid text datanumber n;
proc transpose out=temp1 (drop=n) let;
by patid;
var text;
id datanumber;
This is giving me error: variable n is not recognized. Adding a let option is giving a lot of error "occurs twice in the same BY group". I want to keep all id values.
Please help me in this.
Data Example:
Patid Text
When you get that error it is telling you that you have multiple data points for one or more variables that you are trying to create. SAS can force the transpose and delete the extra datapoints if you add "let" to the proc transpose line.
Your data is possibly not unique? I created a dataset (with unique values of patid and datanumber) and the transpose works:
data temp (drop=x y);
do x=1 to 4;
do y=1 to 3;
proc sort; by _all_;
proc transpose out=temp2 (drop=_name_);
by patid;
var text;
id datanumber;
my recommendation would be to forget the 'n' fix and focus on making the data unique for patid and datanumber, a dirty approach would be:
proc sort data = temp nodupkey;
by patid datanumber;
at the start of your code..
Try to sort your dataset by patid text n datanumber, (n before datanumber).
Try to sort your dataset by patid n datanumber, (n before datanumber). and proc transpose "by patib n ";