Transpose output of PROC UNIVARIATE:TestsForLocation - sas

I want to format the result of the following call to PROC UNIVARIATE (TestForLocation).
proc sort data=sashelp.class; by sex; run;
proc univariate data = sashelp.class mu0 = 1;
ods select TestsForLocation;
var age;
by sex;
ods output TestsForLocation=ttest;
data ttest; set ttest; keep sex test stat pvalue;run;
proc print data=ttest;run;
How can I trasnpose the output into a datset with the following columns?
Obs, Sex, StudentsT_Stat, StudentsT_pValue, SignedRank_Stat, SignedRank_Pvalue

You need to double transpose here. Make a dataset with 12 observations, with four columns: Obs, Sex, ID being the combination of Test and (Stat|pValue) that you want as your eventual variable name, and Value being the value you want transposed into the variable. Then,
proc transpose data=ttest_double out=ttest_transposed;
by obs sex;
id ID;
var Value;
(ID and Value can be any variable name you like.)


How to create nested rows in SAS?

I am a beginner so my knowledge is lacking. I have a data set consisting of the following columns:
I wish to create a table such that for every 1 person i have three rows called Age, Height, Weight.
I have tried to use Proc Tabulate :
proc tabulate data=new;
class person;
table person,NEWCOLUMN;
However i am getting an error because the new column is not the correct type.
You can pivot the data per person and REPORT or TABULATE the cell values.
proc transpose data=sashelp.class out=pivoted;
by name;
var age height weight;
where name <= 'C';
ods html file='output.html' style=plateau;
options nodate nonumber nocenter;
title; footnote;
proc report data=pivoted;
column name _name_ col1;
define name / ' ' order order=data;
define _name_ / ' ';
define col1 / ' ';
proc tabulate data=pivoted;
class name _name_ / order=data;
var col1;
table name*_name_='', col1=''*min='' / nocellmerge;
ods html close;

Weighted mean in SAS

I have problem with some SAS code. Within first weighted mean grouping by "date", I want to compute again weighted mean using "group" with by option and "w2" as weight. How can I do this?
proc univariate data=set_out;
by date;
weight w1;
VAR price;
The weight statement accepts only one variable, so you will need to use UNIVARIATE twice:
proc sort data=have;
by date;
proc univariate data=have;
by date;
weight w1;
VAR price;
output out=want mean=mean_price;
proc sort data=have;
by group;
proc univariate data=have;
by group;
weight w2;
VAR price;
output out=want mean=mean_price;
If you don't want to sort the data use a CLASS statement instead of BY

Transpose the dataset

I have the original dataset
What I want is:
My code:
proc transpose data = lib.original
out= col2=Median));
var WBCmean RBCmean WBCmedian RBCmedian;
But I get
Can you give some hint?
If I add by statement,
proc transpose data = lib.original
by Gender;
var WBCmean RBCmean WBCmedian RBCmedian;
then I get
One way is to convert to a tall skinny format.
proc transpose data = have out=middle ;
by gender ;
var WBCmean RBCmean WBCmedian RBCmedian;
Then generate the new variables needed,
data middle;
set middle ;
testcode = substr(_name_,1,3);
_name_ = substr(_name_,4);
you might need to sort the data depending on the order of variable names in your original VAR statement,
proc sort data=middle;
by gender testcode _name_;
and then transpose into the new arrangement.
proc transpose data=middle out=want ;
by gender testcode ;
id _name_;
var col1 ;

How to PROC PRINT only the sum of a column of data

In SAS, you can use PROC PRINT to sum a column and display the sum:
proc print data = dataset.project_out;
sum variable;
How can I get this function to only print the sum line and not the rest of the data?
I don't think you can do it with proc print. The closest you can come is the empty var statement:
proc print data=sashelp.class;
var ;
sum age;
But sum adds the sum variable to the var list.
You can certainly accomplish this a number of other ways.
PROC SQL is the one I'd use:
proc sql;
select sum(Age) from sashelp.class;
PROC REPORT, often called "pretty PROC PRINT", can do it also:
proc report data=sashelp.class;
columns age;
define age/analysis sum;
PROC TABULATE can do it:
proc tabulate data=sashelp.class;
var age;
tables age*sum;
proc means data=sashelp.class sum;
var age;
Etc., plenty of ways to do the same thing.

Using proc freq with repeated ID variables

I would like to use proq freq to count the number of food types that someone consumed on a specific day(fint variable). My data is in long format with repeated idno for the different food types and different number of interview dates. However SAS hangs and does not run the code. I have more than 300,000 datalines.Is there another way to do this?
proc freq;
tables idno*fint*foodtype / out=countft;
I am a little unsure of your data structure, but proc means can also count.
Assuming that you have multiple dates for each person, and multiple food types for each date, you can use:
data dataset;
set dataset;
proc means data=dataset sum;
class idno fint foodtype;
var count;
output out=countft sum=counftpday;
/* Usually you only want the lines with the largest _type_, so keep going here */
proc sql noprint;
select max(_type_) into :want from countft;
quit; /*This grabs the max _type_ from output file */
data countft;
set countft;
where _type_=&want.;
Try a proc sql:
proc sql;
create table want as
select distinct idno, fint, foodtype, count(*) as count
from have
order by 1, 2, 3;
Worse case scenario, sort and count in a data step.
proc sort data=have;
by idno fint foodtype;
data count;
set have;
by idno fint foodtype;
if first.foodtype then count=1;
else count+1;
if last.foodtype then output;