Using RegEx on CSV File before HTTP Request - JMeter - regex

Is it possible to first load CSV, then use RegEx on it and use that data extracted for HTTP Request? At this moment I have RegEx's prepared, but it doesn't seems to work. When I use reference to them in HTTP Request it doesn't see this variable. It looks like my RegEx ain't used before HTTP Request.
My RegEx is prepared with settings checked:
Apply to: JMeter Variable
Field to check: Body

Regular Expression Extractor is a PostProcessor, it means that it is executed after the request. If you need to apply the regular expression to a JMeter Variable in the time of the request I would suggest to consider __regexFunction() instead.
JMeter Functions can be placed anywhere in the script and they are evaluated directly when they are called so it seems it is something you're looking for.
For extended information on JMeter Functions check out How to Use JMeter Functions posts series


How to extract Cookie Data from Jmeter Request

On Jmeter: View Result tree: Request: Raw
Cookie Data:
Regular expression extractor
Main Sampler Only
Request Headers
Regular Expression : Cookie Data:(.*)
Template : $1$
Match No : 1
Still getting Null Value
Also tryed with
Cookie Data:\n(.*)
Please Suggest.
Given the value is stored in the HTTP Cookie Manager, you can access it using below steps:
Add line to file
Restart JMeter to pick the property up
Access the cookie value as ${COOKIE_.ASPXAUTH} where required.
See Using the HTTP Cookie Manager in JMeter article for more detailed explanation of the above steps
In Regular Expression Extractor, under Field to check, please select Response Headers radio button.
To save Cookies automatically, In file, set as following:
Restart Jmeter.
You can access the saved cookies with COOKIE prefix.
example (in your case):
${COOKIE_Cookie_Data} # confirm the same in debug sampler result in View Results Tree
I strongly suggest adding Debug Sampler & View Results Tree, which shows the saved cookie values.
Try "Cookie Data:\n(.+)" as your regex.
= Anything In ()
= At least one character in ()

How to convert url to regex statement

I want to use ACL for authorization ( but i can't use it with complex urls like
Using node js, express can handle finding right function from the url from request's originalUrl or something else. I need to put regular expressions statements of requested urls into configuration of ACL.
I debugged express step by step and found regex form of url on 84th line of Layer.js but I need to know every regex form of url to use ACL module as a middleware.
Is there any way to get regexp string (like in the picture below) of url to use in middleware?
Use path-to-regexp module which is used internally by expressjs (actually you were very close to finding it while debugging)

URL route matching with Regex

I'm trying to build my own URL route matching engine, trying to match routes using regular expressions.
For example, let's consider the scenario where a server application allows to set custom parameterized routes and then execute a function when the route it's being invoked by an HTTP request. The developer could create the following routes:
And each one of them would be associated with a different request handler/function.
Now, on an incoming request, the server should be able to match the requested path to the proper handler. So for example if a client application requests, the server should be able to tell that the requested URL belongs to the /users/{id}/doSomething route definition, and then execute the associated handler.
Personally they way I would build the route matcher would be to take the requested URL, loop over the route definitions and, if a definition matches the requested URL, execute the handler. The tricky part is the dynamic parameters matching.
How would you build a regular expression that matches the URL segments?
I'm currently using the following regular expression to match segments: ([^/\?])+.
For example to check if a request path belongs to the first route I would match it against:
Which is a very permissive regex.
First concentrate on how the developer could create the routes. What must she type for entering dynamic parameters ? Then writing the dynamic parameters matching will be easier.
In Java, I recently worked with Jersey. Here is how one can define an url route:
Some expected urls:
The matcher would parse the route provided by the developer for finding dynamic parameter using a regex like this:
Check the demo:
Once done, the matcher can build the regex below on the fly for matching the route:

How to distinguish between a data uri and an image url?

I have a php script that handles the url sent to it via ajax from a js file. This is either a data uri or an image url. What would be the best way to distinguish whether the string supplied is a data uri or an image url, from the php script. I was thinking of using a regex to test the data uri. But i dont seem to come with a right regex that can handle the data uri.
Well... if it starts with data: then it's a data URL. So... if( substr($url,0,5) == "data:") should do it.
Remember: KISS.
Check the extension of the URL.
Regex: \.[^\.]*$

how to extract json response data in jmeter using regular expression extractor?

I am just trying to extract json response data using jmeter but not able to do so.
I am getting something like {"authorizationToken":"abcdef"}.
I am trying to get authorizationToken but not able to get this.
Can anyone help me getting this working?
Is authorizationToken appearance unique in response (does it appear only once)?
If it does you may simply use Regular Expression Extractor added to the HTTP Request which returns json response, with regex like following:
HTTP Request
Regular Expression Extractor
Reference Name: authToken
Regular Expression: "authorizationToken":"(.+?)"
Template: $1$
Match No.: 1
and refer further extracted value as ${authToken}.
But if your case is more complicated and there several appearances of authorizationToken in json response and you have to extract concrete one you may use e.g. BeanShell PostProcessor / BSF PostProcessor added to the same HTTP Request to extract value with beanshell code + json processing library.
If not - the first solution above should help.
At the moment the most comfortable way to process JSON responses seems to be custom JSON utils for jmeter (JSON Path Assertion, JSON Path Extractor, JSON Formatter) which are also part of Jmeter Plugins.
In this particular case you can use JSON Path Extractor.