How to extract Cookie Data from Jmeter Request - regex

On Jmeter: View Result tree: Request: Raw
Cookie Data:
Regular expression extractor
Main Sampler Only
Request Headers
Regular Expression : Cookie Data:(.*)
Template : $1$
Match No : 1
Still getting Null Value
Also tryed with
Cookie Data:\n(.*)
Please Suggest.

Given the value is stored in the HTTP Cookie Manager, you can access it using below steps:
Add line to file
Restart JMeter to pick the property up
Access the cookie value as ${COOKIE_.ASPXAUTH} where required.
See Using the HTTP Cookie Manager in JMeter article for more detailed explanation of the above steps

In Regular Expression Extractor, under Field to check, please select Response Headers radio button.
To save Cookies automatically, In file, set as following:
Restart Jmeter.
You can access the saved cookies with COOKIE prefix.
example (in your case):
${COOKIE_Cookie_Data} # confirm the same in debug sampler result in View Results Tree
I strongly suggest adding Debug Sampler & View Results Tree, which shows the saved cookie values.

Try "Cookie Data:\n(.+)" as your regex.
= Anything In ()
= At least one character in ()


How can I decode the http encrypted cookie in Jmeter

I am now using Jmeter to prepare a test plan for my web. The rough flow of the script is that I can check my profile after login. I tried to run my recorded script, and found that the cookie is encoded in http format which I don't want it to be.
Therefore, I would like to ask is there anyway so that I can have a not encrypted cookie value?
[I applied a cookie manager in the script.
The value of the cookie now is something like "%22mh8eIAH8rfsZsM3r%22".
The value that I want is something like "mh8eIAH8rfsZsM3r"]
%22 means " which is percent-encoded, if you want to decode it back - take a look at __urldecode() function:
In general you should not be recording any cookies, you need to add a HTTP Cookie Manager and JMeter will automatically extract incoming cookies from Set-Cookie response header and add them to the next request as Cookie header if domain and path match the ones in the cookie, it's not expired, etc
If you need to access the cookie value as a JMeter Variable the easiest way is adding the next line to file:
and upon JMeter restart you will be able to use the cookie value as ${COOKIE_your-cookie-name-here}
More information: HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide

avoid cookie duplicate in jmeter with JSR223 preprocessor

I am using a JSR 223 preprocessor to generate cookie from a text file and it works just fine. However, this cookie gets duplicated on every HTTP sampler request i have.
How can i avoid this ?
My testplan structure is :
---JSR223 PreProcessor
----Transaction controller
-----HTTP request1
-----HTTP request2
-----HTTP request3
-----HTTP request4
in the first http request the cookie appear just once, however on HTTP request 2,3,4 the cookie is duplicated 2,3,4 times even though i checked the "clear cookie each itteration" in the cookie manager. How can i avoid this ?
Please note i'm a beginner to jmeter
Be aware of JMeter Scoping Rules, given the current placement of the JSR223 PreProcessor it will be executed before every HTTP Request sampler.
The easiest workaround is just moving it to be a child of the HTTP Request 1
Alternatively you can check the presence of cookie and add it only if it's absent, something like:
if (sampler.getCookieManager().getCookies().find { cookie -> cookie.getName().equals('your-cookie-name-here') } != null) {
//the code to add cookie from the text file here
More information: Modifying Cookies in JMeter with Groovy

JMeter, Regular Expression Extractor

I am having a hard time get the "Regex Expression Extractor" working in Jmeter for the following:
Response Header is something like:
Set-Cookie: Token=dfrtydgsdttetert;; Path=/;
Expires=Fri, 19 Oct 2018 18:54:18 GMT; Secure
ETag: W/"41c-gdf+/mzdw"
In JMeter Regular Expression Extractor:
Apply to: main sample and sub-samples
Field to check "Response Header"
Name of create Variable: extracted_token
Regular Expression: (?<=Token=)(.*)(?=; Domain) <- the goal is
the get the string "dfrtydgsdttetert"
Template: $1$
Match No: 1
Default Value: ERROR
I tried the above configuration and the extracted_token variable is always "ERROR"
if I change the regex to Token=
then I get:
Please guide me how to fix my configuration so I can retrieve "dfrtydgsdttetert" in the response header.
To do this extraction the most performing way is to use Boundary Extractor:
If you still want Regular Expression Extractor:
The "response header" you're trying to extract is basically a HTTP Cookie, JMeter automatically handles cookies via HTTP Cookie Manager so you can just add it to your Test Plan and it will be way more convenient than manually extracting the values from the Set-Cookie header and adding them to Cookie header.
If you need the cookie value for other reason you can get it from the HTTP Cookie Manager itself
Add the next line to file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
Restart JMeter to pick the property up (the change will be permanent)
Add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan
That's it, now you will be able to refer your Token cookie value as ${COOKIE_Token} where required, no need to extract it from the header.
More information: HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide

jMeter Cookie Manager doesn't store all cookies

After reading documentation and posts in Internet I still cannot solve the problem with Cookie Manager in jMeter.
I got sid ID in response header but it is not stored in my cookies manager.
Below are the screens of my test plan and response with connect.sid
Could you help to figure out what is wrong?
Response with cookie
Cookie is not stored
In order to be handled by JMeter (and web browsers as well) your cookie needs to be compliant with some policies i.e. domain and path should not clash with the current URL, expiration date should not be in the past (your cookie expiration date is 20:33, looking into the time at your machine you have 23:21), etc.
Also your set-cookie header name looks suspicious, I used to see it with first capital letters like Set-Cookie
Try out different "Cookie Policy" options:
Add the next line to file (lives in JMeter's "bin" folder)
Points 2 and 3 don't help you can get some extra information by enabling debugging output by adding the next line to the aforementioned file:
and look into jmeter.log file for anything connected with CookieManager, HC4CookieHandler or HC3CookieHandler
As a last resort you can always get any cookie value using Regular Expression Extractor, the relevant configuration would be something like:

How to change cookie values between pages in JMeter

I know how to modify cookies using BeanShell PreProcessor from:
How to modify / add to Cookie in JMeter?
Thanks to PMD UBIK-INGENIERIE for the answer!
Now, my question is: how do I modify the cookie value between pages? Let me explain, I've a cookie called 'Answers' that for the first page is empty, i.e., Answers="" (empty), then in second page takes the value Answers="-,-,-,-,-,-"; finally in a third page it takes a longer value Answers="-,A,B,-,C,- ..."
How do I modify the same cookie in different pages? I have seen the CookieManager API:
But can anyone please explain with an example? Thank you!
As there cannot be 2 cookies having the same name, the CookieManager is smart enough to replace existing cookie with a new value (see removeMatchingCookies(c); // Can't have two matching cookies line)
Request 1: nothing required as you cannot send a cookie having empty value
Requests 2 and 3: Add a Beanshell PreProcessor with the same code like:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
CookieManager manager = ctx.getCurrentSampler().getProperty("HTTPSampler.cookie_manager").getObjectValue();
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("Answers", "**VALUE**", sampler.getDomain(), sampler.getPath(), false, System.currentTimeMillis());
Where **Value** for Request 2 will be -,-,-,-,-,- and for Request 3 will be -,A,B,-,C,- ...
For more information on Beanshell scripting and kind of Beanshell cookbook refer to How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide.