WSO2 Governance Registry Json Schema - wso2

I'm facing some problems regarding the publication GREG using Swagger. I wonder if you have any way to make GREG recognize the JSON Schema, because I saw that it only recognizes XML Schema which ends up forcing me to use WADL.

I presume you are using G-Reg 4 series which does not have Swagger support. However, in G-Reg 5 series WSO2 have enabled this and you can find the latest version which is G-Reg 5.3.0 from here. Other than that, new G-Reg offers you some more very useful features to enhance SOA governance capabilities.
Adding a SOAP service using a Swagger
Adding the Swagger file
To enable json schema you have to create a handler. Please refer below sample media type handlers available in greg(carbon-registry)
Please find this useful article which will teach you how to create a simple handler.

You can find information regarding the support given for swagger in WSO2 Governance Registry in the following documentation.
[1] -
[2] -
Note: As mentioned in #thusharaK s answer, these capabilities are available in the latest version of the product.


WSO2 API Manager 3.1.0 - Response Header update

I am studying Open source API manager implementation on microservices and I start with WSO2 API Manager 3.1.0 using the available documentation but many solutions mentioned in the document doesn't work.
For example, I checked a forum where people are trying to remove some parts of Response headers especially server: WSO2 Carbon Server. As per documentation it says update <API-M_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/sequences/main.xml and add lines mentioned here This did not work for me.
Is this something only available in licensed version or what is the correct process?

WSO2 API Manager - API Usage statistics by each user is missing in latest release 2.0.0

I am using WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0 along with WSO2 DAS 3.0.1
Query : API Usage statistics in PUBLISHER STATISTICS does not have user-wise split in latest version. Based on the documentation and webinars of WSO2, looks like user-wise split for API usage statistics was available in earlier versions. Am i missing any configurations here? Please clarify.
If you are referring to APIM 1.10, then AFAIK there is no major difference in statistic bases in APIM 1.10 and 2.0. The statistics module in both versions is able to show publisher wise user statistics. For that you can use this guide.As in the documentation you can check the user statistics by clicking on the API and referring to its Users tab.
Hope this helps.

WSO2 GREG 5: how to upload a Word document and associate it with SoapService?

I am evaluating WSO2 Governance Registry version 5.
I added some Web services using new Governance Center - Publisher web frontend - it works just fine.
But now I would like to upload a Word document (specification charter) to repository and associate it with my SoapService so it is visible in SoapService detail page.
I found how to do it using console:
It works but such associated document is not visible in Governance Center / Publisher.
So the question is: is it possible with WSO2 Greg to have a Word (or other) documents associated with Soap service?
Yes, This is possible with new GReg 5 series. Please find this blog post which explains a basic handler for your requirement.
To get it work you will need to write a handler and publisher/store extensions. There is a sample handlers comes with the WSO2 GReg pack. The handler needs to write kind a looks like swagger handler which comes GReg out of the box. Other than that user wanted to write a rxt such as wsdl/wadl or swagger rxt. For more information please refer WSO2 Governance registry 5.1.0 documentation.
Hope this helps

Criteria for choosing simple Apache Synapse Vs WSO2

While evaluating various ESB's, I came across Apache Synapse & WSO2. In WSO2 it's mentioned that WSO2 completely uses Synapse and built on top of it.
However I am not still clear what additional features does WSO2 offer over Synapse? (Apart from commercial support).
One difference I could see is the web UI to manage proxy definitions, sequences creation etc. Are there any other features which WSO2 provides over Synapse? Also please share if there are any guidelines to choose between Synpase & WSO2
I just wanted to be sure why I am going to WSO2 over Synapse.
WSO2 ESB offer many great features on top of synapse. I am listing few here.
Graphical management console to create/manage/monitor proxies/APIs and services.
Support for many transports [1].
Statistics, logging and auditing support
Support for many content types
And industry accepted proven performance.
List can go on and on. Hence I am referring you to WSO2 documentation on features[2]. Hope you can get some idea from there.

Error occurring while Listing wsdl from wso2 governance

I have added wso2 governance registry on wso2 BPS 3 as a feature from
and restarted.
When tried to add wsdl from file it giving error:
org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.exception.GovernanceException: Attribute Search Service not Found.
I am trying to use BPS, GREG as a single component to reduce servers in my project. After GREG added as a feature it adding ".wsdl" file at "_/system/governance" and it is not forming endpoints,services as GREG normally do.
Is there any way to get out of this problem.
Thank's in advance....
The reason for this is missing some of the features which needed in ordered to work governance features. I think best option is using Governance Registry separately and mount the registry of it to BPS. By doing this you can add services from Governance Registry and use them in BPS. You can follow this document for more information on registry mounting.