What link references to include when setting up foundation project in phpStorm - zurb-foundation

Firstly I am new to using foundation.
When you go onto foundations website and you download the complete foundation file you get this index file:
that has link references to the stylesheets and the Js files and if you start coding everything works just fine, but if I create a foundation project through php storm it downloads the foundation release straight from GitHub, but this folder:
does not have a index file that includes the required css and js files, and I have tried to find the files but they are not included in this version from github. What files do I need to link to get foundation working.

In short, you'd need to link foundation.min.css and foundation.min.js. also, make sure you include jquery before the js.
I suggest downloading a bundle from Zurb's site in this link and recieve a good and working bundle.
Foundation is a great framework so don't give up, it's totally worth it.


Cannot add extra styles to django-ckeditor

django-ckeditor packages comes with highlight.js library for code snippets and that library comes with some pre-installed styles.
As I prefer seti-ui style, I download it from highlightjs.org. Inside the downloaded package is seti-ui.min.css file and I copy it to \venv\Lib\site-packages\ckeditor\static\ckeditor\ckeditor\plugins\codesnippet\lib\highlight\styles where all other styles are and then set this in my settings.py:
'codeSnippet_theme': 'seti-ui' # based on the name of css file
And it doesn't work. The editor shows the code snippet but without any style. I've tried several other pre-installed themes like monokai and foundation and they work fine.
Then I noticed that seti-ui.min.css is inside a subfolder base16 in the package I downloaded from highlightjs.org, so I tried \venv\Lib\site-packages\ckeditor\static\ckeditor\ckeditor\plugins\codesnippet\lib\highlight\styles\base16 too but didn't work either.
So what is the correct method to add it?

Linking libjpeg to an xCode project for iOS dev

Good evening,
I have been working on a C++ project from someone of my University which I had to improve for my Bachelor thesis. It basically uses the library libjpeg to do some computation resulting in a steganographic process in order to embed a message into a given image.
Now that the C++ code works smoothly, I'd like to create a little iOS app allowing the user to encrypt whatever message he'd like into an image of his choice. So I created an xCode project following this procedure: using c++ in an iOS app
I also found the following file: libjpeg for iOS which allowed me to compile libjpeg for iOS. Since I'm not so sure how to use the framework freshly created and couldn't find anything sufficiently convincing on the internet, I put all the files (.c and .h) of the libjpeg library into my "include" folder where I have my own .hpp.
xCode only throws me the following error:
xCode error
From what I could gather on several posts, I have to modify the build options of my xCode project to link manually the library, so I tried the following:
Other linking flags
Library search path
This wasn't enough to do the trick and I'm still struggling with the same error xCode throws at me. Any help would be very appreciated on how to proceed!
Thanks a lot,
Do not add the .c files to your project, add the libjpeg.a file produced by your build to your project. Add the .h files as you are already doing, or edit the project settings to include their containing folder in the search path.

using sass in ember.js addon

I am developing an addon in ember.js for my new ember app.
I am trying to figure out how to use sass as styles with my addon and make it independent from my app.
Saying that addon uses sass but the app using it dones't necessary has to have ember-cli-sass in its packages.json.
I've tried almost every solution that there is to be found on google, co I come here for the help :)
Lets say my addon name is awesome-tables, so if I put a css file in awesome-tables/addon/styles/addon.css the styles are concatenated into vendor.css as expected, but it doesn't work for sass / scss
For addons you should add #import intro your app.scss like next ( both from addons )
#import 'ember-freestyle';
#import "pod-styles";
such instructions usually described in README.md for repo. If it's your repo - check next code https://github.com/ebryn/ember-component-css/blob/ae18f897d5b40ef1b3346d8857f6a1136d1b7b4b/lib/include-all.js#L56 as example ( https://github.com/ebryn/ember-component-css/ work with css/less/sass )
P.S. check naming for addon styles
Addon Development
If you want to use ember-cli-sass in an addon and you want to
distribute the compiled CSS it must be installed as a dependency so
that addon/styles/addon.scss is compiled into dist/assets/vendor.css.
P.P.S SASS with Ember CLI addons

Where to add css and js files in ember-cli app?

In rails,
js files are located under
Similarly where to add js and css files in ember-cli app ?
app/styles/ should contain your stylesheets:
Contains your stylesheets, whether SASS, LESS, Stylus, Compass, or plain CSS
(though only one type is allowed, see Asset Compilation).
These are all compiled into <app-name>.css
If you need external JavaScript libraries, you should manage them in dependency sections of package.json and bower.json. You may have to include the assets manually in the build. This could be done by app.import() in ember-cli-build.js or by using ember-auto-import. Have a look in the User Guide for more details.
User Guide also contains a section about folder layout in ember-cli.

Keeping source folder structure in windows runtime application assets

I am trying to create a Windows runtime application (in c++) and I want to store some "external" files in the application's Assets. I figured out there is a 'Content' flag which makes the file included in the package. However, if files are not located in the solution folder, all the files from all subfolders go directly into the Assets folder, which creates a huge mess. I want to keep my source folder structure. This works if the assets are located in the solution folder, but this is inconvenient for me.
On Android, you simply specify any assets folder location, and this folder is packaged as is. Can I do something like this on windows?
This post sort of gives answer to this question: Assets folder for Windows 8 Phone app.
However it feels like almost nobody including me have that drop-down option on the Add button (I am using VS2013 Ultimate Update 4).
So is there another solution? Can I for instance edit the visual studio project by hands?
Add as Link is only available for C# and VB Projects.