Restrict image upload size in sitecore - sitecore

Is there a way to control image upload size in Sitecore?
is it possible to have a custom warning message on uploading a large file?
We are on Sitecore 8.1 update 3.

You can use setting:
<setting name="Media.MaxSizeInDatabase" value="500MB"/>


Django-CKEditor Image Upload File Types

I have successfully installed Django CKeditor with Uploader but I have one problem I cannot find information about. When I select Upload I get the standard Windows file browser but it is set to all files. How can I configure CKUploader to just show supported image file types?
You can restrict upload to image only by setting CKEDITOR_ALLOW_NONIMAGE_FILES = False in

Is there a way to force sitecore users to upload media as file?

Just as the title says, I need a way to force users to only upload media as file. From what I've seen the only way to upload as file is to upload using the advanced upload options.
You can use Media.UploadAsFiles setting to force Sitecore to store all media items as files:
Controls whether Sitecore stores media as files or as database records by default.
This setting is ignored if the Media.DisableFileMedia setting is true.
Default: false
<setting name="Media.UploadAsFiles" value="false"/>

Sitecore advanced upload option is missing from admin panel

I was trying to upload an image using Sitecore [Version 6.5] media library to my existing sitecore website. I see the Advance Upload Files option is completly missing. Later, I tried to install a default sitecore instance and I see the Advanced Upload option is there. But it is completely missing to the existing sitecore website.
Here, is the snapshot of my site where the Advanced upload option is completely missing:
And here is the snapshot of my default sitecore site where the Advanced upload option is there:
To fix this, I tried to change couple of configuration files. But still the same issue. The Advanced upload files option is completely missing. Did you face the same type of issue or if you know how to fix this issue, can you please share your thoughts. Or if I need to change any of the configuration files, then can you share your thoughts about that change of any of the configuration file?
Upload files (Advanced) button is hidden in 2 cases:
Folder does not use Media Folder template. Just check your folders - maybe they use standard Folder template instead of Media Folder.
Upload.Classic setting is set to false. Open /sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx and look for Upload.Classic value. When it's set to true, Sitecore uses flash upload instead.
If none of above is the case, maybe you have some custom code which hides Upload files (Advanced) button from you editors.

Media Library not listing any media items when browsed from Image Field of an item in content editor in sitecore

Media Library not listing any media items when browsed from Image Field of an item in content editor.
Steps to reproduce:
Create an item from Content Tree
Browse for an image from Image field.
Media Library UI displayed without previously uploaded images.
Expected : Media Library should display all media items available.
Inconsistency observed on multiple attempts(occasionally loads with a delay of 20 seconds - Is there any solution/fix to reduce this delay?)
Network is not an issue
User is having all the necessary roles and permissions.
Issue observed in all the browsers.
Version: Sitecore.NET 7.1 (rev. 130926)
Any help would be appreciated in knowing the root cause for Media Library not listing the media items.
Please see below attached screenshot -
Make sure your indexes have been built. The Sitecore 7.1 image UI uses the search API to display content, so if the indexes haven't been updated/build properly it will not show any data.
You can rebuild your indexes by logging into the desktop, click the Sitecore button in the bottom left, go to Control Panel and select Indexing. Click the Index Manager and follow the wizard to rebuild.
Have you specified a data source in the media field? That version of Sitecore has a known bug where such sources doesn't work. If so, ask Sitecore support for the workaround patch for this.
In Sitecore.Speak.ItemWebApi set allowanonymousaccess to true for the site name="shell"
This resolved the issue.
We have to enable the Sitecore.Speak.ContentSearch.Solr.config if using SOLR.

Sitecore Media Library upload error

I am a newbie to Sitecore 6.4.
I tried to upload an image to Media Library/Images. However, the system always tells me "One or more files could not be uploaded. See the Log file for more details.".
The error message is "IOErrorEvent type="IOError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2038"
I've assigned all the permission to sitecore\Admin, default\Anonymous, extranet\Anonymous.
Did I miss anything?
I checked the log folder under my sitecore site. There is a file called WebDAV.log.*.txt.
Inside the file, it said:
"WebDAV feature is supported for Internet Explorer browser only."
Then I switched to IE9, it works.
There appears to be a fix apparently from the Sitecore team that involves enabling "'Anonymous' authentication in IIS for ‘/sitecore/shell/Applications/FlashUpload’ and ‘/sitecore/shell/Applications/Media’."