How does one go about partial updates? - ruby-on-rails-4

How does one go about partial updates (i.e. via PATCH)? rake routes indicates that def update handles PUT and PATCH. This is how my Rails API is setup:
#user.first_name = user_params[:attributes][:'first-name']
#user.last_name = user_params[:attributes][:'last-name']
In user model. Both first_name and last_name have validates … presence: true. However, client, is trying to hit the endpoint with just attributes[first-name]. Note, attributes[last-name] is not being passed in the request. Rails thinks that #user.first_name has a value, but #user.last_name is nil. So a validation error is thrown
One way I thought of going about this was something like:
#user.first_name = user_params[:attributes][:'first-name'].present? ? user_params[:attributes][:'first-name'] : #user.first_name
#user.last_name = user_params[:attributes][:'last-name'].present? ? user_params[:attributes][:'last-name'] : #user.last_name
Is this a viable approach? Or is there something better I can consider?
EDIT. A more sophisticated problem is when I need to pre-calculate before actually saving the object. Take for example a product trying to update its price against a discount value, if present
def update
product = Product.find(params[:id])
product.amount_in_cents = product_params[:attributes][:'amount-in-cents']
product.discount_in_percentage = product_params[:attributes][:'discount-in-percentage'].present? ? product_params[:attributes][:'discount-in-percentage'].to_f : nil # Can be 0.10
if product.discount_in_percentage.present?
product.amount_in_cents = product.amount_in_cents + (product.amount_in_cents * product.discount_in_percentage)
product.amount_in_cents = product.amount_in_cents
# ...

In Rails, we have a convention that the attributes in Model should be fetched to the Rails App like user[first_name] , user[last_name] and in controller we build a private method like users_params which will represent the data to be fed to the User model. like
# in controller
def update
user = User.find(params[:id])
# This will prepare a whitelisted params data
def users_params
params.require(:user).permit(:first_name, :last_name, ...)
No need of this
#user.first_name = user_params[:attributes][:'first-name'].present? ? user_params[:attributes][:'first-name'] : #user.first_name
#user.last_name = user_params[:attributes][:'last-name'].present? ? user_params[:attributes][:'last-name'] : #user.last_name
In your case, you need to reformat the params keys to first_name instead of first-name and so forth. This will help you do your stuff with ease.
Tip: Try to keep it simpler as possible


Testing Elixir/Ecto dates

I have yet another problem with testing in Elixir and Phoenix. I have a module which represents users which looks like so:
defmodule AppExample.Accounts.User do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
alias SecuritytrailsApi.Accounts.User
schema "users" do
field :email, :string
field :password, :string, virtual: true
field :password_hash, :string
field :last_login, :naive_datetime
def registration_changeset(%User{} = user, attrs \\ %{}) do
|> changeset(attrs) # validating and castnig email
|> validate_required([:password])
|> put_password_hash # creates password hash from password
|> set_default_date
defp set_default_date(chanegset) do
case changeset do
%Ecto.Changeset{valid?: true} ->
put_change(changeset, :last_login, Ecto.DateTime.utc)
_ -> changeset
And let's say I have an Accounts context which is responsible for creating new accounts. Like so:
defmodule AppExample.Accounts do
def create_user(attrs \\ %{}) do
|> User.registration_changeset(attrs)
|> Repo.insert
So as you can ese, the field last_login is inserted automatically using Ecto.DateTime.utc to get the now() time. So, my questions are the following:
1) Is this the correct way of adding a default now() value to a field in Ecto?
2) How can I write tests for this? I don't know how can I get the value of that particular field. Please check the example below for details.
defmodule AccountsTest do
#valid_attrs %{email: "", password: "123123"}
test "create_user/1 creates a new users with last_login set to now" do
assert {:ok, %User{} = user} = Accounts.create_user(#valid_attrs)
assert == ""
assert user.last_login == ### ????? How can I get that NOW value here for the test
1) Is this the correct way of adding a default now() value to a field in Ecto?
You can default this field to now() in a migration instead of computing its value manually.
alter table(:users) do
modify :last_login, :string, default: fragment("now()")
2) How can I write tests for this?
You could assert that the value is in the last e.g. 15 seconds:
assert DateTime.diff(DateTime.utc_now, user.last_login, :second) <= 15

How does ransack search works on an array list?

I am using Rails 4.2.5, Ruby 2.2, ransack.
I am trying to implement search functionality using Ransack. I have something like:
emails = ["", "", ""]
users_list ={|a| User.where(email: a).first}
checked_in_users = Kaminari.paginate_array(users_list)
This gives me proper list of users in the page. But if I want to search by email, what should I do ?
#q = checked_in_users.ransack params[:q]
This gives me:
"NoMethodError (undefined method `ransack' for #<Array"
HAML code:
= search_form_for [#q], url: users_path(some_id: id) do |form|
= form.text_field :user_name_or_user_email_cont, placeholder: 'Name or email', class: 'form-control'
What would be the correct way to do it with ransack ?
If you want to search the entire list of users, you could do something like this:
#q = User.ransack(params[:q])
#users =[:page])
You want to call ransack on your model prior to adding pagination. Once you have the ransack result, you can add pagination. This section of the documentation shows you how to handle pagination with ransack. In its most basic form, this is how you can use ransack.
Also, it looks like you have some odd code in your example. Apologies if I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to do.
When you call{|a| User.where(email: a).first}, you're making a where query 3 times in this case and returning an array of 3 models. Ransack won't operate on that array.
I would change it to something like this in your case:
emails = ["", "", ""]
#q = User.where(email: emails).ransack(params[:q])
#checked_in_users =[:page])
Just know that you'd be searching from an array of users with emails of "", "", and "". If you search with your ransack form for "", you wouldn't get any search results. This may not be what you want.

Pass locals from controller to active model serializer

I am trying to pass locals(prod: to AMS in my controller, as follows:
#options_json =, prod:
#options_json = #options_json.to_json(serialization_context:, serialization_options: {prod:})
I am not sure whether to pass it during initialization or during call to to_json. Moreover I am unable to read this passed param in my OptionTypeSerializer. I've tried using options[:prod], serialization_options[:prod], serialization_opts[:prod] and a few different solutions that I found on stackoverflow, but none worked.
My AMS is pointed to master and in my gemfile.lock AMS version is active_model_serializers (0.10.0.rc5)
Also tried using:
#options_json =, serialization_context:, prod:
but getting the value of instance_options[:prod] as null, although it is not null
Whenever I need to pass options into a serializer I do something like this:
# Controller
class CatalogPagesController < ApplicationController
# GET /catalog_pages/event/:id
def event
#catalog_pages = #event.catalog_pages
render json: #catalog_pages, index: true, each_serializer: Adm::CatalogPageSerializer
# Serializer
class CatalogPageSerializer < Adm::FormSerializer
attributes :id, :body, :catalog_page_templates
def include_catalog_page_templates?
return true unless #options[:index].present?
In this example I want to conditionally not return certain elements of JSON when coming from the index route.

Rails 4, Lupa: chaining with OR

I'm using Lupa for filtering (Lupa is framework independent, easy to test, benchmarks well against has_scope, etc.).
How can I chain scopes with OR logic in Lupa? This works great when the params are known ahead of time, but not when the filters are user-determined.
Perhaps the solution is in the dates_between section of the docs, but I cannot seem to figure it out.
I have a form that allows users to select the gender of an animal - male, female - using checkboxes. I want users to be able to check one, the other, or both and return the intuitive result.
Lupa's author's blog (#edelpero) nudged me in the right direction, but I feel either I am misunderstanding something or the docs might be improved (probably the former). Maybe some type-o's below as I'm simplifying from an app I'm kicking through, but here is a solution:
= form_tag pups_path, method: :get do
= check_box_tag 'male', 'm'
= check_box_tag 'female', 'f'
# add a hidden field so that the gender method in the scope class is called
= hidden_field_tag 'gender', 'anything' # tag must have a value
= submit_tag :search
class PupsController < ApplicationController
def index
#pups =
def search_params
params.permit(:male, :female, :gender) # permit all three
scope class
class WalkSearch < Lupa::Search
class Scope
def male
# leave blank to avoid chaining; handled in gender below
def female
# leave blank to avoid chaining; handled in gender below
def gender
# standard procedure for OR logic
scope.joins(:pup).where('pups.male_female' => [

Generating a unique URL with tokens in Rails 4 for an external form response

I have a 'Feedback' model whereby a user should be able to request feedback on his/her job performance. I have written basic actions for creating a new feedback request, and the mailer for sending the request to the provider (person who will respond with feedback).
I would like advice from the community on implementing the following:
Once a new feedback request is created, the email that is sent should contain a link to a form where the provider can input his feedback on the users performance.
The feedback provider should not be required to log-in or sign-up in any way (i.e. completely external to the application).
Once submitted, feedback from the provider should be captured in the
Now, I have the following ideas to implement it, but am not sure if this is the best way to proceed:
Generate a unique token upon the creation of a new feedback request. Something like this: Best way to create unique token in Rails?.
The token should then be entered into 'feedbacks' table.
Mailer should then generate variable (e.g. #url) which generates link to another controller (let's say 'external_feedback' and action which does not require log-in (e.g. no before_filter :authenticate_user! from Devise).
That URL should contain a parameter with the token for the specific feedback request.
The action should be to update the 'feedback' request and a form generated with simple_form.
The whole thing is similar to responding to a questionnaire or survey (like Survey Monkey).
After some research I believe the Friendly ID gem may be useful here. I was also reading Section 8 of and perhaps I need to implement an authenticity_token in the formal sense. What I am really looking for is:
Is the above approach the generally correct way to go about doing this?
If so, any specifics on how you would implement it (with or without Friendly ID)?
Do you know of any gems that exist for generating such URLs/tokens?
Thank you in advance. I am now including the current state of model and controller details:
# == Schema Information
# Table name: feedbacks
# id :integer not null, primary key
# user_id :integer
# p_first_name :string(255)
# p_last_name :string(255)
# p_email :string(255)
# goal_id :integer
# u_comment :text
# p_comment :text
# created_at :datetime
# updated_at :datetime
class Feedback < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :goal
has_many :feedback_attributes
validates_presence_of :p_first_name, :p_last_name, :p_email, :goal_id
And this is my mailer:
class FeedbackMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def feedback_request(user, feedback)
#user = user
#feedback = feedback
#url = 'http://thisistheexampleurlforfeedback'
mail(to: #feedback.p_email, subject: "#{#user.first_name} #{#user.last_name} has requested your feedback", from:
Add a token field to the feedback model with an index and add a callback to populate it on create e.g.
before_create :add_token
def add_token
self.token = SecureRandom.hex[0,10].upcase
end while self.class.exists?(token: token)
now add a new route for the providers feedback
resources :feedbacks do
get 'provider'
put 'provider_update' # you might not need this one, if you are happy to use update
In your controller make sure they don't get rejected by devise
before_filter :authenticate_user!, except: [:provider, :provider_update]
def provider
#feedback = Feedback.find_by token: params[:token]
then in the app/views/feedback/provider.html.haml you can use url in simple_form to send it to the correct update location and only provide the input that they should see.
f.inputs :p_comment
Now update your mailer.
#url = provider_feedback_url(#feedback, token: #feedback.token)
You could do something similar to this using friendly id but you would still need to create some sort of unique slug and then use Feedback.friendly.find instead. I think you would want to combine it with a token to ensure it's still the provider giving the feedback - so the only benefit would really be hiding the true id/count. I think you should update p_* fields to provider_* so that the next dev knows what's in it - it's not the 90s!