Rails 4, Lupa: chaining with OR - ruby-on-rails-4

I'm using Lupa for filtering (Lupa is framework independent, easy to test, benchmarks well against has_scope, etc.).
How can I chain scopes with OR logic in Lupa? This works great when the params are known ahead of time, but not when the filters are user-determined.
Perhaps the solution is in the dates_between section of the docs, but I cannot seem to figure it out.
I have a form that allows users to select the gender of an animal - male, female - using checkboxes. I want users to be able to check one, the other, or both and return the intuitive result.

Lupa's author's blog (#edelpero) nudged me in the right direction, but I feel either I am misunderstanding something or the docs might be improved (probably the former). Maybe some type-o's below as I'm simplifying from an app I'm kicking through, but here is a solution:
= form_tag pups_path, method: :get do
= check_box_tag 'male', 'm'
= check_box_tag 'female', 'f'
# add a hidden field so that the gender method in the scope class is called
= hidden_field_tag 'gender', 'anything' # tag must have a value
= submit_tag :search
class PupsController < ApplicationController
def index
#pups = PupSearch.new(Pup.all).search(search_params)
def search_params
params.permit(:male, :female, :gender) # permit all three
scope class
class WalkSearch < Lupa::Search
class Scope
def male
# leave blank to avoid chaining; handled in gender below
def female
# leave blank to avoid chaining; handled in gender below
def gender
# standard procedure for OR logic
scope.joins(:pup).where('pups.male_female' => [


Ruby on Rails - Cocoon gem, Don't Pre-populate existing/added posts in edit action

My application has models Campaign & Post, I have:
class Campaign < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts, inverse_of: :campaign
accepts_nested_attributes_for :posts, reject_if: :all_blank, allow_destroy: true
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :campaign
My form:
= simple_form_for(#campaign) do |f|
= f.error_notification
= f.input :title
= f.simple_fields_for :posts do |post|
= render 'post_fields', f: post
= link_to_add_association 'Add Post', f, :posts, wrap_object: Proc.new {|post| post.user_id = current_user.id; post }
I use Cocoon gem for nested_forms.
When I go to my campaigns#edit view, I can see all posts that were already added to a campaign (natural behavior of the gem), and I can add new posts to my campaign and/or edit existing posts .
I have also a button that has this param: add_to: 'existing_campaign' and what I am trying to achieve is, if my link has ?add_to=existing_campaign, I don't want to show/Pre-populate any of the posts that were already added to campaign, so user can only add new posts to the campaign
My link_to looks like:
= link_to 'Add Post', edit_campaign_path(campaign, add_to: 'existing_campaign'),
short explain: if edit link has param ?add_to=existing_campaign, I don't Pre-populate already added posts, if param doesn't exists, I Pre-populate posts
How can I achieve this?
Set up an attr_accessor in campaign to control whether or not existing posts should be seen...
class Campaign < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor hide_posts
Set the value in your edit method
class CampaignsController < ApplicationController
def edit
#campaign.hide_posts = params[:add_to] == 'existing_campaign'
Ensure the temporary variable is in your strong parameters (so that redisplay after failed update remembers to hide posts)
def campaign_params
params.require(:campaign).permit( :hide_posts, ...
Now on your view you can do...
= f.hidden_field :hide_posts
= f.simple_fields_for :posts do |post|
= render('post_fields', f: post) unless #campaign.hide_posts && post.object.persisted?
Updating with more specifics ...
You as the design need to decide if you want to move the logic to a helper. If you aren't aware of skinny controller / fat model or another strategy for organizing your codebase read this ... Link. For now, I'm going to assume you will use a helper.
The theory & some nitpicky things ...
What's going to happen with skinny controller is you need that parameter accessible in the view logic (but that would be insecure and violate the rails way). Since you shouldn't just expose params to the view, you instead are passing the message containing the parameter's value. Object orientation teaches us to use pass messages. Rails says to use instances variables (#something) in the controller and the view has access to those.
We need to setup the conditional logic next. One of the Rails ways is to use helpers to remove extraneous logic from the view or make it readable. This qualifies as something that unless you have another reason I'm not aware of - this should be in a helper. I would be tempted here to just test for boolean and call another partial for the extra view you make.
Which means I have to assume your tests will change too (if not done in a standard way, you have to include to get access to that method/object).
Specific to your question
link_toon the page calling the nested form should be true/false...
= link_to 'Add Post', edit_campaign_path(campaign, show_posts: false)
Your controller will have #show_posts in whatever action of the campaign controller you are using (edit or new usually). You need to set #show_posts = params[:show_posts]
Write the helper ...
def showPosts?(show_posts)
testPart == true ? 'only_comment' : 'post_fields'
A new partial ... which is basically the same, but drops the simple_fields_for loop which populates the other posts.
Your _form partial will change from what you had above to ...
= f.simple_fields_for :posts do |post|
= render 'posts_fields', f: post
To ...
= render showPosts?(#show_posts), f: post
Update, I tested all the parts & got it working with your exact syntax - I ended up using ternary operator in the helper.

How does one go about partial updates?

How does one go about partial updates (i.e. via PATCH)? rake routes indicates that def update handles PUT and PATCH. This is how my Rails API is setup:
#user.first_name = user_params[:attributes][:'first-name']
#user.last_name = user_params[:attributes][:'last-name']
In user model. Both first_name and last_name have validates … presence: true. However, client, is trying to hit the endpoint with just attributes[first-name]. Note, attributes[last-name] is not being passed in the request. Rails thinks that #user.first_name has a value, but #user.last_name is nil. So a validation error is thrown
One way I thought of going about this was something like:
#user.first_name = user_params[:attributes][:'first-name'].present? ? user_params[:attributes][:'first-name'] : #user.first_name
#user.last_name = user_params[:attributes][:'last-name'].present? ? user_params[:attributes][:'last-name'] : #user.last_name
Is this a viable approach? Or is there something better I can consider?
EDIT. A more sophisticated problem is when I need to pre-calculate before actually saving the object. Take for example a product trying to update its price against a discount value, if present
def update
product = Product.find(params[:id])
product.amount_in_cents = product_params[:attributes][:'amount-in-cents']
product.discount_in_percentage = product_params[:attributes][:'discount-in-percentage'].present? ? product_params[:attributes][:'discount-in-percentage'].to_f : nil # Can be 0.10
if product.discount_in_percentage.present?
product.amount_in_cents = product.amount_in_cents + (product.amount_in_cents * product.discount_in_percentage)
product.amount_in_cents = product.amount_in_cents
if product.save
# ...
In Rails, we have a convention that the attributes in Model should be fetched to the Rails App like user[first_name] , user[last_name] and in controller we build a private method like users_params which will represent the data to be fed to the User model. like
# in controller
def update
user = User.find(params[:id])
# This will prepare a whitelisted params data
def users_params
params.require(:user).permit(:first_name, :last_name, ...)
No need of this
#user.first_name = user_params[:attributes][:'first-name'].present? ? user_params[:attributes][:'first-name'] : #user.first_name
#user.last_name = user_params[:attributes][:'last-name'].present? ? user_params[:attributes][:'last-name'] : #user.last_name
In your case, you need to reformat the params keys to first_name instead of first-name and so forth. This will help you do your stuff with ease.
Tip: Try to keep it simpler as possible

Where should I place bestseller? method - in model or somewhere else?

I've got some simple model:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :categories
Now I would like to check in some service, if product is a bestseller and do other action for it:
class ProductService
def remind
Product.all.each do |product|
puts product unless bestseller?
So now what is the best place to put the bestseller? method - inside model or in the service as private method?
In future it may be used in some other services or actions.
Do you think the model is right place to put this method there?
Example of bestsellers method (bestsellers are picked manualy by adding to category 'bestsellers':
def bestseller?(product)
def bestseller?(product_id)
I still haven't decided which one is better (both do the same)

Rails 4: strong_params,nested_attributes_for and belongs_to association trouble

I really can't get my head around Rails 4 strong parameters, belongs_to association and form with fields_for.
Imagine I have model for quoting some price:
class Quote < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :fee
accepts_nested_attributes_for :fee
Now, I have seeded some fees into the db, and have put some radiobuttons on my form_for #quote using fields_for. The values of the radiobuttons are simply ids of the records.
Here is the troubling part, the controller:
def create
#quote = Quote.new(quote_params)
def quote_params
params.require(:quote).permit(:amount_from, fee_attributes: [:id])
From my understanding, automagically Rails should fetch fee record with some id, but there is some mystic error instead.
params hash is: "quote"=>{"amount_from"=>"1200", "fee_attributes"=>{"id"=>"1"}}
Log tail:
Completed 404 Not Found in 264ms
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Fee with ID=1 for Quote with ID=)
app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:14:in `create'
I really don't understand what is going on here, have read Rails association guide, googled for hour for all info, but to no avail.
What I want to achieve here is to understand the correct "Rails way" to fetch some associations for new Quote object using some params I've put in the form.
Guess I got nested_attributes_for wrong, somehow thought it would call Fee.find automagically.
I've opted for ditching fields_for helpers from the form and rendering fields manually like
radio_button_tag 'fee[id]', fee.id
Then in controller I have 2 params methods now:
def quote_params
def fee_params
And my action looks like
def create
#quote = Quote.new(quote_params)
#quote.fee = Fee.find(fee_params[:id])
Any additions on best practices when one has to handle lots of different objects with not so straight init logic are welcome.

How to use pundit scopes?

I have just made the switch to Pundit from CanCan. I am unsure about a couple of things, and how Pundit is best used.
For example:
If you have a resource that can have multiple parent objects, for instance lets say a Goal belongs to a student and instructor. Therefor, a student can have many goals and an instructor can have many goals. In a controller index action you might do:
if params[:student_id].present?
#account = Student.find(params[:student_id])
#goals = #account.goals
elsif params[:instructor_id].present?
#account Instructor.find(params[:instructor_id])
#goals = #account.goals
params are not usable inside policies, so the logic needs to be done here. I think. For what I can tell, if you skip the policy_scope you will get an unauthorized error when viewing the index page for goals.
Would you:
#goals = policy_scope(#account.goals)
#goals = policy_scope(Goal.scoped).where( account_id: #account.id)
What happens when you throw a bunch of includes in the mix?
#example = policy_scoped(#school.courses.includes(:account => :user, :teacher ))
Or when needed to order...is this correct?
policy_scope(Issue.scoped).order("created_at desc")
When using scopes: What is :scope here? Is :scope an instance of the model being evaluated? I've tried accessing its attributes via :scope, but didn't work.
class Scope < Struct.new(:user, :scope)
Reading through this from a security perspective I can see a couple things that bear mentioning. For example, if you are allowing users to specify the student_id and instructor_id param fields, what's to stop them from passing in an ID for someone other than themselves? You don't ever want to let a user specify who they are, especially when you are basing policies on the users type.
For starters, I would implement Devise and add an additional boolean field called instructor that would be true when the user was an instructor but default to false for students.
Then your Users would automatically have an instructor? method defined, which will return true if the value in the instructor column is true.
You could then add a helper for students:
def student?
Now using Devise (which gives us access to a current_user variable) we can do things like current_user.instructor? which will return true if they are an instructor.
Now on to the policy itself. I just started using Pundit a few weeks ago, but this is what I'd do in your situation:
class GoalPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
class Scope < GoalPolicy
attr_reader :user, :scope
def initialize(user, scope)
#user = user
#scope = scope
def resolve
#scope.where(user: #user)
Then your (I'm assuming GoalsController class and index method) method can look like:
def index
policy_scope(Goal) # To answer your question, Goal is the scope
If you wanted to order you could also do
def index
I just realized that you asked this question half a year ago, but hey! Maybe it'll answer some questions other people have and maybe I'll get some feedback on my own budding Pundit skills.
Follow #Saul's recommendation on adding devise or other means of authentication.
Then you'll want to do this (Entity is Goal in your case):
#entities = policy_scope(Entity).where(...)
In entity_policy.rb:
class EntityPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
class Scope < ApplicationPolicy::Scope
def resolve
# Here you have access to `scope == Entity` and `user == current_user`
scope.where(entity: user.entity)
You might wonder why is where duplicated. The answer is (and here is the answer to your question): they serve different purposes. Although currently they are identical, but consider this:
You now have an admin user who has access to everything. Your policy changes:
class EntityPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
class Scope < ApplicationPolicy::Scope
def resolve
if user.admin?
scope.where(entity: user.entity)
If you have organizations with goals and the following restful endpoint:
When a user visits /organizations/1/goals you want to make sure the user is only allowed access to goals when the user is part of the organization:
scope.where(organization: user.organization) in the policy
And you also want to make sure that when an admin visits they can only see the goals related to that organization:
policy_scope(Goal).where(organization_id: params[:organization_id]) in the controller.