Steps for creating an optimizer on TensorFlow - c++

I'm trying to implement a new optimizer that consist in a big part of the Gradient Descent method (which means I want to perform a few Gradient Descent steps, then do different operations on the output and then again). Unfortunately, I found 2 pieces of information;
You can't perform a given amount of steps with the optimizers. Am I wrong about that? Because it would seem a logical option to add.
Given that 1 is true, you need to code the optimizer using C++ as a kernel and thus losing the powerful possibilities of TensorFlow (like computing gradients).
If both of them are true then 2 makes no sense for me, and I'm trying to figure out then what's the correct way to build a new optimizer (the algorithm and everything else are crystal clear).
Thanks a lot

I am not 100% sure about that, but I think you are right. But I don't see the benefits of adding such option to TensorFlow. The optimizers based on GD I know usually work like this:
for i in num_of_epochs:
g = gradient_of_loss()
some_storage = f(previous_storage, func(g))
params = func2(previous_params, some_storage)
If you need to perform a couple of optimization steps, you can simply do it in a loop:
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)
for i in range(10):
I don't think parameter multitrain_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, steps) was needed in the implementation of the current optimizers and the final user can easily simulate it with code before, so that was probably the reason it was not added.
Let's take a look at a TF implementation of an example optimizer, Adam: python code, c++ code.
The "gradient handling" part is processed entirely by inheriting optimizer.Optimizer in python code. The python code only define types of storage to hold the moving window averages, square of gradients, etc, and executes c++ code passing to it the already calculated gradient.
The c++ code has 4 lines, updating the stored averages and parameters.
So to your question "how to build an optimizer":
1 . define what you need to store between the calculations of the gradient
2. inherit optimizer.Optimizer
3. implement updating the variables in c++.


Detecting bad input for `boost::math::tools::brent_find_minima()`

This documentation page of boost::math::tools::brent_find_minima says about its first argument:
The function to minimise: a function object (or C++ lambda) ... with no maxima occurring in that interval.
But what happens if this is not the case? (After all, this condition is rather difficult to pre-ensure, especially since the function is usually expensive to evaluate at many points.) Best would be to detect violations to this condition on the fly.
If this condition is violated, does boost throw an exception, or does it exhibit undefined behavior?
A workaround I am thinking of is to build the checking into the lambda ("function to minimize"), by capturing and maintaining a std::map<double,double> holding all the points that have been evaluated, and comparing each new evaluation with its nearest neighbor in each direction, to check whether there may be a local maximum. But I don't want to do all that if it isn't necessary.
There is no way for this to be done. If you read Corless's A Graduate Introduction to Numerical Methods, you'll read a very interesting point: All numerically defined functions are discontinuous halfway between representables, and have zero derivatives between representables. Basically they can be thought of as a sum of Heaviside functions.
So none of them are differentiable in the mathematical sense. Ok, maybe you think this is a bit unfair-the scale should be zoomed out. But how much? We know that |x-1| isn't differentiable at x=1, but how could a computer tell that? How does it know that there isn't some locally smooth mollifier that makes it differentiable between x=1-eps and x=1+eps? I don't think there's a good answer to this question.
One of the most difficult problems in this class arises in quadrature. Some of these methods work fast when the complex extension of the function has poles far from the real axis. Try to numerically determine that.
Function spaces are impossible to determine numerically. Users just have to get it right.

Exploding gradient for gpflow SVGP

When optimizing a SVGP with Poisson Likelihood for a big data set I see what I think are exploding gradients.
After a few epochs I see a spiky drop of the ELBO, which then very slowly recovers after getting rid of all progress made before.
Roughly 21 iterations correspond to an Epoch.
This spike (at least the second one) resulted in a complete shift of the parameters (for vectors of parameters I just plotted the norm to see changes):
How can I deal with that? My first approach would be to clip the gradient, but that seems to require digging around the gpflow code.
My Setup:
Training works via Natural Gradients for the variational parameters and ADAM for the rest, with a slowly (linearly) increasing schedule for the Natural Gradient Gamma.
The batch and inducing point sizes are as large as possible for my setup
(both 2^12, with the data set consisting of ~88k samples). I include 1e-5 jitter and initialize the inducing points with kmeans.
I use a combined kernel, consisting of a combination of RBF, Matern52, a periodic and a linear kernel on a total of 95 features (a lot of them due to a one-hot encoding), all learnable.
The lengthscales are transformed with gpflow.transforms.
with gpflow.defer_build():
k1 = Matern52(input_dim=len(kernel_idxs["coords"]), active_dims=kernel_idxs["coords"], ARD=False)
k2 = Periodic(input_dim=len(kernel_idxs["wday"]), active_dims=kernel_idxs["wday"])
k3 = Linear(input_dim=len(kernel_idxs["onehot"]), active_dims=kernel_idxs["onehot"], ARD=True)
k4 = RBF(input_dim=len(kernel_idxs["rest"]), active_dims=kernel_idxs["rest"], ARD=True)
k1.lengthscales.transform = gpflow.transforms.Exp()
k2.lengthscales.transform = gpflow.transforms.Exp()
k3.variance.transform = gpflow.transforms.Exp()
k4.lengthscales.transform = gpflow.transforms.Exp()
m = gpflow.models.SVGP(X, Y, k1 + k2 + k3 + k4, gpflow.likelihoods.Poisson(), Z,
minibatch_size=MB_SIZE, name=NAME)
UPDATE: Using only ADAM
Following the suggestion by Mark, I switched to ADAM only,
which helped me get rid of that sudden explosion. However, I still initialized with an epoch of natgrad only, which seems to save a lot of time.
In addition, the variational parameters seem to change a lot less abrupt (in terms of their norm at least). I guess they'll converge way slower now, but at least it's stable.
Just to add to Mark's answer above, when using nat grads in non-conjugate models it can take a bit of tuning to get the best performance, and instability is potentially a problem. As Mark points out, the large steps that provide potentially faster convergence can also lead to the parameters ending up in in bad regions of the parameter space. When the variational approximation is good (i.e. the true and approximate posterior are close) then there is good reason to expect that the nat grad will perform well, but unfortunately there is no silver bullet in the general case. See for some intuition.
This is very interesting. Perhaps trying to not use natgrads is a good idea as well. Clipping gradients indeed seems like a hack that could work. And yes, this would require digging around in the GPflow code a bit. One tip that can help towards this, is by not using the GPflow optimisers directly. The model._likelihood_tensor contains the TF tensor that should be optimised. Perhaps with some manual TensorFlow magic, you can do the gradient clipping on here before running an optimiser.
In general, I think this sounds like you've stumbled on an actual research problem. Usually these large gradients have a good reason in the model, which can be addressed with careful thought. Is it variance in some monte carlo estimate? Is the objective function behaving badly?
Regarding why not using natural gradients helps. Natural gradients use the Fisher matrix as a preconditioner to perform second order optimisation. Doing so can result in quite aggressive moves in parameter space. In certain cases (when there are usable conjugacy relations) these aggressive moves can make optimisation much faster. This case, with the Poisson likelihood, is not one where there are conjugacy relations that will necessarily help optimisation. In fact, the Fisher preconditioner can often be detrimental, particularly when variational parameters are not near the optimum.

Number of test-cases for a boolean function

I'm confused about the number of test cases used for a boolean function. Say I'm writing a function to check whether the sale price of something is over $60 dollars.
function checkSalePrice(price) {
return (price > 60)
In my Advance Placement course, they ask the minimum # of test include boundary values. So in this case, the an example set of tests are [30, 60, 90]. This course I'm taking says to only test two values, lower and higher, eg (30, 90)
Which is correct? (I know this is pondering the depth of a cup of water, but I'd like to get a few more samples as I'm new to programming)
Kent Beck wrote
I get paid for code that works, not for tests, so my philosophy is to test as little as possible to reach a given level of confidence (I suspect this level of confidence is high compared to industry standards, but that could just be hubris). If I don't typically make a kind of mistake (like setting the wrong variables in a constructor), I don't test for it. I do tend to make sense of test errors, so I'm extra careful when I have logic with complicated conditionals. When coding on a team, I modify my strategy to carefully test code that we, collectively, tend to get wrong.
Me? I make fence post errors. So I would absolutely want to be sure that my test suite would catch the following incorrect implementation of checkSalePrice
function checkSalePrice(price) {
return (price >= 60)
If I were writing checkSalePrice using test-driven-development, then I would want to calibrate my tests by ensuring that they fail before I make them pass. Since in my programming environment a trivial boolean function returns false, my flow would look like
assert checkSalePrice(61)
This would fail, because the method by default returns false. Then I would implement
function checkSalePrice(price) {
return true
Now my first check passes, so I know what this boundary case is correctly covered. I would then add a new check
assert ! checkSalePrice(60)
which would fail. Providing the corrected implementation would pass the check, and now I can confidently refactor the method as necessary.
Adding a third check here for an arbitrary value isn't going to provide additional safety when changing the code, nor is it going to make the life of the next maintainer any easier, so I would settle for two cases here.
Note that the heuristic I'm using is not related to the complexity of the returned value, but the complexity of the method
Complexity of the predicate might include covering various problems reading the input. For instance, if we were passing a collection, what cases do we want to make sure are covered? J. B. Rainsberger suggested the following mnemonic
Bruce Dawson points out that there are only 4 billion floats, so maybe you should [test them all].
Do note, though, that those extra 4 billion minus two checks aren't adding a lot of design value, so we've probably crossed from TDD into a different realm.
You stumbled into on of the big problems with testing in general - how many tests are good enough?!
There are basically three ways to look at this:
black box testing: you do not care about the internals of your MuT (method under test). You only focus on the contract of the method. In your case: should return return true when price > 60. When you think about this for while, you would find tests 30 and 90 ... and maybe 60 as well. It is always good practice to test corner cases. So the answer would be: 3
white box testing: you do coverage measurements of your tests - and you strive for example to hit all paths at least once. In this case, you could go with 30 and 90 - which would be resulting in 100% coverage: So the answer here: 2
randomized testing, as guided by QuickCheck. This approach is very much different: you don't specify test cases at all. Instead you step back and identify rules that should hold true about your MuT. And then the framework creates random input and invokes your MuT using that - trying to find examples where the aforementioned rules break.
In your case, such a rule could be that: when checkSalePrice(a) and checkSalePrice(b) then checkSalePrice(a+b). This approach feels unusual first, but as soon as start exploring its possibilities, you can find very interesting things in it. Especially when you understand that your code can provide the required "creator" functions to the framework. That allows you to use this approach to even test much more complicated, "object oriented" stuff. It is just great to watch the framework find a flaw - and to then realize that the framework will even find the "minimum" example data required to break a rule that you specified.

LPSolve - specify constant coefficients

I'm using LPSolve IDE to solve a LP problem. I have to test the model against about 10 or 20 sets of different parameters and compare them.
Is there any way for me to keep the general model, but to specify the constants as I wish? For example, if I have the following constraint:
A >= [c]*B
I want to test how the model behaves when [c] = 10, [c] = 20, and so on. For now, I'm simply preparing different .lp files via search&replace, but:
a) it doesn't seem too efficient
b) at some point, I need to consider the constraint of the form A >= B/[c] // =(1/[c]*B). It seems, however, that LPSolve doesn't recogize the division operator. Is specifying 1/[c] directly each time the only option?
It is not completely clear what format you use with lp_solve. With the cplex lp format for example, there is no better way: you cannot use division for the coefficient (or even multiplication for that matter) and there is no function to 'include' another file or introduce a symbolic names for a parameter. It is a very simple language, and not suitable for any complex task.
There are several solutions for your problem; it depends if you are interested in something fast to implement, or 'clean', reusable and with a short runtime (of course this is a compromise).
You have the possibility to generate your lp files from another language, e.g. python, bash, etc. This is a 'quick and dirty' solution: very slow at runtime, but probably the faster to implement.
As every lp solver I know, lp_solve comes with several modelling interfaces: you can for example use the GNU mp format instead of the current one. It recognizes multiplication, divisions, conditionals, etc. (everything you are looking for, see the section 3.1 'numeric expressions')
Finally, you have the possibility to use directly the lp_solve interface from another programming language (e.g. C) which will be the most flexible option, but it may require a little bit more work.
See the lp_solve documentation for more details on the supported input formats and the API reference.

Matlab Hilbert Transform in C++

First, please excuse my ignorance in this field, I'm a programmer by trade but have been stuck in a situation a little beyond my expertise (in math and signals processing).
I have a Matlab script that I need to port to a C++ program (without compiling the matlab code into a DLL). It uses the hilbert() function with one argument. I'm trying to find a way to implement the same thing in C++ (i.e. have a function that also takes only one argument, and returns the same values).
I have read up on ways of using FFT and IFFT to build it, but can't seem to get anything as simple as the Matlab version. The main thing is that I need it to work on a 128*2000 matrix, and nothing I've found in my search has showed me how to do that.
I would be OK with either a complex value returned, or just the absolute value. The simpler it is to integrate into the code, the better.
Thank you.
The MatLab function hilbert() does actually not compute the Hilbert transform directly but instead it computes the analytical signal, which is the thing one needs in most cases.
It does it by taking the FFT, deleting the negative frequencies (setting the upper half of the array to zero) and applying the inverse FFT. It would be straight forward in C/C++ (three lines of code) if you've got a decent FFT implementation.
This looks pretty good, as long as you can deal with the GPL license. Part of a much larger numerical computing resource.
Simple code below. (Note: this was part of a bigger project). The value for L is based on the your determination of your order, N. With N = 2L-1. Round N to an odd number. xbar below is based on the signal you define as the input to your designed system. This was implemented in MATLAB.
L = 40;
n = -L:L; % index n from [-40,-39,....,-1,0,1,...,39,40];
h = (1 - (-1).^n)./(pi*n); %impulse response of Hilbert Transform
h(41) = 0; %Corresponds to the 0/0 term (for 41st term, 0, in n vector above)
xhat = conv(h,xbar); %resultant from Hilbert Transform H(w);
Not a true answer to your question but maybe a way of making you sleep better. I believe that you won't be able to be much faster than Matlab in the particular case of what is basically ffts on a matrix. That is where Matlab excels!
Matlab FFTs are computed using FFTW, the de-facto fastest FFT algorithm written in C which seem to be also parallelized by Matlab. On top of that, quoting from
For FFT dimensions that are powers of 2, between 214 and 222, MATLAB
software uses special preloaded information in its internal database
to optimize the FFT computation.
So don't feel bad if your code is slightly slower...