Data from shader to main program - opengl

I'm working on a small program in OpenGL and realized I needed to retrieve some data from the geometry shader to the main program so I could handle mouse events.
Not much, just some specific square coordinates that are calculated in the geometry shader.
How should I do this? Should I use a small FBO or should I make all the calculations in the main program and then send them to the geometry shader?

Generally speaking, you should do as much computation as possible in the host program.
If you want to read back data from a shader, Google is your friend. Outputting to an FBO is possible, although you'll also need a nontrivial fragment shader. The best option is often to use an SSBO, although image load-store or transform feedback may be more appropriate depending on what you're trying to do.

The easiest way to do this, is to colorcode you values, you need to send to host and use glGetPixels method.
You need to render to a seperate framebuffer, to hide the calculation from the screen.
If you want to implement Hittesting on objects of your scene and are not GPU bound this is the way to go.


Is it possible to reprocess a fragment shader before it is drawn to the screen?

Is there a way to make the fragment shader pass through another fragment shader before it is drawn? As in the following example:
Consider that I want to draw a scene but only inside a shape, I can check in the shader
if the TexCoords of the fragment are inside the shape I want.
Pass 1: Bind post processing shader
Pass 2: Draw se scene
Pass 3: Bind default or disable post processing shader
Drawing without post processing shader
Drawing with post processing shader
I'm aware of the framebuffer, and it works, but it goes through a process of rendering the whole screen, and that can cost me performance in the future, especially considering that this post processing shader will be turned on, off and reset several times during the rendering of a frame
OpenGL does not recognize the idea of chaining shader stages in the manner you suggest. During any particular rendering operation, there is exactly one fragment shader active. Period.
Of course, OpenGL also does not care where your shader strings come from. It doesn't care if there's a single file on a disk with that text in it or not. All it cares about is that you pass text corresponding to valid GLSL to glShaderSource.
So if you like, you can manufacture a single shader from multiple conceptual "shaders". This can be as simple as just concatenating a bunch of file strings together (which glShaderSource can do for you, since it takes multiple strings), or it can be a complex operation where you recognize certain variables as interface variables and carefully synthesize a main function from these disparate pieces.
How you go about doing that is ultimately up to you.
Alternatively, you can take an "ubershader" approach. That is, put all of the possible post-processing stuff in one shader, and use uniform variables to tell whether or not a particular post-processing step is currently active.
Write a shader that does both things: calculates the colour, and discards the fragment if it's outside a certain shape. Render the scene with that shader.
Perhaps if you want to avoid wasting time processing pixels outside the shape, you can set the "scissor rectangle" to the bounding box of your shape, so OpenGL won't even run the shader for pixels outside that box.

Access different Fragment in Fragmentshader OpenGL

Can I access and change output values of another Fragment at a certain location in the Fragmentshader?
For example in the main() loop I process everything just like usualy and output the color with some value. But in adition to that I also want the fragment at position vec3(5,3,6) (in world coordinates) to have the same colour.
Now I already did some researche on the web on that. The OpenGL site says, the fragmentshader has one fragment as input and has one fragment as output, which doesnt sound very promising.
Also I know that all fragments are being processed in parallel. But maybe it is posible to say, if the fragment at this position has not been processed yet, write this color to it and take this fragment as already processed.
My be someone can explain if this is posible somehow and if not, why this is not a good idea. The best guess I would have is, to build this logic into the shader, it would have a very bad effect on the general performance.
My be someone can explain if this is posible somehow and if not, why this is not a good idea.
It's not a question of bad idea vs. good idea. It's simply not possible.
The closest you can get to this functionality is ARB_fragment_shader_interlock. Through its interlock and ordering guarantees, it allows limited interoperation. And that limitation is... it only allows interoperation for fragments that cover the same pixel/sample.
So even this functionality does not allow you to write to some other pixel.
The absolute best you can do is use SSBOs and atomic counters to have fragment shaders write what color values and "world coordinates" they would like to write to, then have a second process execute that buffer as either a rendering command or a compute shader to actually write that data.
As already pointed out in Nicol's answer, you can't write to additional fragments of a framebuffer surface in the fragment shader.
The description of your use case is not clear enough to tell what might work best. In the interest of brainstorming, the most direct approach that comes to mind is that you don't use a framebuffer draw surface at all, but output to an image instead.
If you bind a texture as an image, you can write to it in the fragment shader using the imageStore() built-in function. This function takes coordinates as one of the argument, so you can write to any pixel you want, as well as write multiple pixels from the same shader invocation.
Depending on what exactly you want to achieve, I could also imagine a hybrid approach, where your primary rendering still goes to a framebuffer, but you write additional pixel values to an image at the desired positions. Then, in a second rendering pass, you can combine the content of the image with the primary rendering. The combination could be done with blending if the math/logic is simple enough. If you need a more complex combination, you can use a texture as the framebuffer attachment of the initial pass, and then use the result of the rendering and the extra image as two inputs for the fragment shader of the combination pass.

issues abour shaders and transformations in opengl

If I'm not wrong, shaders are programs that run in GPU, right?
Do we send data to this programs using glUniformMatrix*?
I don't know if it's right but if I send a MVP matrix to the shader, the object's vertices that I want to render will use the position calculated by the shader right before calling the render function.
If I want to render a lot of objects and I must send the MVP matrix then render the object right after, so I will have a code that send to GPU -> render a lot of times. However if I'm not wrong again this is not a good practice because I'm losing performance because the cost of send information to GPU is very expensive. So a way to get a better performance is send all the informations to GPU then render all the objects.
And the questions of 1 million dollars is, How can the shader program identify that the MVP matrix is used by a single object and not another one?
If I'm not wrong, shaders are programs that run in GPU, right?
Possibly. Many implementations of OpenGL have software renderers that they can fall back to if resources on the GPU are constrained. But usually, yes, they're run on the GPU.
Do we send data to this programs using glUniformMatrix*?
That's the usual way. You also set things like texture coordinates either via immediate mode methods like glTexCoord*() (in legacy OpenGL), or via buffer objects.
I don't know if it's right but if I send a MVP matrix to the shader, the object's vertices that I want to render will use the position calculated by the shader right before calling the render function.
There are different types of shaders. A vertex shader is called once for each vertex. A fragment shader is called once per fragment (roughly once per output screen-space pixel that actually gets drawn). Generally you will probably want to send the model, view, and projection matrices separately to the vertex shader. (Or possibly in some combination that lifts some computations out of the shader.) Then you'll multiply each vertex by the appropriate matrix (or combo of matrices).
And there are other types of shaders beyond those, but those 2 are the most common.
If I want to render a lot of objects and I must send the MVP matrix then render the object right after, so I will have a code that send to GPU -> render a lot of times. However if I'm not wrong again this is not a good practice because I'm losing performance because the cost of send information to GPU is very expensive. So a way to get a better performance is send all the informations to GPU then render all the objects.
I wouldn't get overly worried about performance until you have shaders working properly. Performance can be dependent on a lot of different factors. One is how often you send or receive data to or from the GPU and how much data you're transferring. Another is how many passes you do for each shader, and another is the size of your textures, geometry, and other stuff.
And the questions of 1 million dollars is, How can the shader program identify that the MVP matrix is used by a single object and not another one?
The way I've done that in the past is to set the current shader program and uniforms via glUseProgram() and glUniform*(), then upload my geometry for an object, and repeat as necessary for each object or set of objects as needed.

GLSL How to retrieve vertex position after a shader process it?

I wrote a program that simulates soft bodies using springs. It looks nice but the problem is it consumes a lot of CPU time. So I can not run it on my laptop or any not high end PC.
I thought It would be a good idea to write a vertex shader and move the logic to the GPU. I've read some tutorials and made a toon shader so I thought (wrong) I was ready to go.
The big problem I have is that I need to know the old position of a vertex to calculate the new one. I don't know how could I retrieve a vertex position so I could send it back to the shaders each frame?
I'm not really sure is this even possible to do and maybe I'm trying to do something that shaders are never meant to do. I am still researching but I thought I could ask an see if maybe someone can help.
You can use the transform feedback mechanism if your hardware supports OpenGL 3.0 or above. There are also other techniques for getting the vertex position back, like carefully arranging your rendering so that you're writing a triangle (or point primitive) to each separate pixel on the screen. This is fairly difficult, and you need to render to a floating-point buffer, which requires FBO support.

Getting normal information from OpenGL render output

I'll try to keep this simple.
I want a way to access the normal information of the scene, from the Frame Buffer output (or similar). The same way one is able to access the Depth Buffer using glGetTexImage and GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT.
I know I could set up a fragment shader which outputs the normal information in RGB color space, which could in turn be read from the rendered image. I'm wondering however if there is a way to do this within the openGL API.
I'll clarify anything upon request as best as I can,
Thank you
You already know the solution: Render the normal as RGB. There's no built-in normal buffer you could use. If you don't want to render your scene twice, use framebuffer objects (FBO) with multiple render targets (MRT). Then you can write both color and normal into separate textures in your fragment shader.