Integrating paypal with c++ MFC app - c++

We are planning to integrate Paypal with one of our cpp application written using MFC. The question is shall we use Rest apis to accomplish this? or there is any other easier way to do achieve this? I have recently used Paypal REST Services via Postman and they look pretty easy. What I want to achieve is how can I use rest apis for paypal without launching the browser ? How can I achieve Login credentials from the user ? Can anyone point me to right direction ?
Appreciate your help in advance.

I'd suggest using PayPal REST API as they putting more effort into it. There is also SOAP API, but I would not use it. It seems like dated.
You can use ultra modern Casablanca C++ REST SDK which is an open source framework from Microsoft available at: to implement your end-point.

You can do that using Wizdome which is c++ / MFC oriented. A product named Datattoo recovery developed under c++ and MFC allows paying for the amount of data successfully recovered, and the integration with PayPal is done that way.
Here is a more detailed description about the process:


Using the Facebook API from Mono

I am developing a mobile application with MonoTouch and Mono for Android, and possibly Win8. I need to access the Facebook API, and I would prefer to do that in C# given the above mentioned platforms.
I know that I can make HTTP requests towards the Facebook API myself, but I am wondering if there are any libraries that wraps these for me and give me an object model to program against. I have done some searching around but have mostly come across libraries that are no longer supported or shut down.
Does anyone have recent experience with my problem and can give recommendations?
This should help you get started with the facebook integration using Mono for Android.
I am not sure what limitations (if any) there are with regard to using these libraries on a mobile device, but there are some Facebook SDK's for C#.
Here is one -
I have decided to follow a native approach to get as close to a seamless integration as I can get.
For iOS that means which are bindings to the official Objective-C Facebook SDK. I have done login so far and that was very easy. With the access token in place I can make future Facebook API calls from a library like the above or I can create a Mono class library with a service that wraps HTTP calls. This service can then be reused in any C# project (such as Mono for Android).
My plan is to do something similar for Android. I have seen people compile the java library in MonoDevelop as an AndroidResource and then create a wrapper which calls into the Java.

Can you write a Facebook application in C?

What API is available to use Facebook from C or C++, and is there a library to do the grunt work for me? (So that you for instance can use Facebook from a desktop program written in C++.)
Thanks sehe.
Yes you are able to develop Facebook application using C/C++.
Here's a good API
You can develop a Facebook Application in whatever language you want, as long as you can ask for data over the network. The API does not care what language you are using to query it. The SDKs are only there as a starting point for languages that are commonly used to write applications, such as JavaScript and PHP.
I know the question has already been "answered", but since the asker changed their question, here is information about repositories on github which may serve as starting points for modern Open Graph API C++ applications. All of these are open source :)
sure you can my facebook Graph mobile app is developed using Qt c++

Is it viable to set up a store only using magento API?

I am trying to set up a web store using magento on a SOA Architecture. So I intend to use all of the functionalities through the API connecting it with mule ESB.
However on my research I have read that the magento API is Silly Slow. And now I am wondering if it actually can handle the requests of an entire website.
Has anybody done something like this before? Can it actually work? If not, is there a workaround?
No, it is not viable to setup a store using only Magento's SOAP and RPC APIs. THat is not the intention of these APIs.
There are examples where people have done what you are looking for such as
They claim to be 40% faster than native Magento.
I've tried the tool, and it is quite functional.

Access Exchange Mails using EWS without C# code?

Is there a way I can access the Exchange Mails/Calendars/Addressbook without .NET or non cross platform thing? I want to access them with C++ but on both MS and Linux. Their docs says it is possible but there is no any non C#/.Net example.
EWS combines the functionality that is included in WebDAV and CDOEX, and provides logic that makes common scenarios such as calendaring workflows easy to implement. EWS is a SOAP-based XML Web service that can be accessed remotely from any operating system and any language that can send requests over HTTPS.
Please share with me if there is any way or I'm missing something!
I agree that there are few examples outside the C# / Powershell realm. That being said, if you stick to plain EWS, it should be possible. I have no idea the WebServce access from C++ is anything similar to C#. In C# you point Visual Studio (or wsdl.exe) to the WSDL of the WebService and it will create a set of proxy classes which do all the SOAP handling.
If you don't have something similar with C++ you'll need to build the SOAP requests yourself.
See for a reference to the EWS operations and XML elements.
One thing you might want to utilize is the EWS Managed API. It has a nice tracing feature which dumps all the requests/responses to the console. So, you can write up a small test program and see what the request has to look like. This could help you building the EWS requests on the C++ side.

Can anybody comment on django-wapi?

Aside for a few user guides found at I have not managed to find much about WAPI.
I was wondering if anyone has had an experience using WAPI and django to create a web api?
I'm a little intimidated by the amount of magic these frameworks seem to do.
Are there any other good alternatives to creating a web api in python?
Here is a decent guide to the django WAPI for building a restful API: