Can you write a Facebook application in C? - c++

What API is available to use Facebook from C or C++, and is there a library to do the grunt work for me? (So that you for instance can use Facebook from a desktop program written in C++.)
Thanks sehe.

Yes you are able to develop Facebook application using C/C++.
Here's a good API

You can develop a Facebook Application in whatever language you want, as long as you can ask for data over the network. The API does not care what language you are using to query it. The SDKs are only there as a starting point for languages that are commonly used to write applications, such as JavaScript and PHP.
I know the question has already been "answered", but since the asker changed their question, here is information about repositories on github which may serve as starting points for modern Open Graph API C++ applications. All of these are open source :)

sure you can my facebook Graph mobile app is developed using Qt c++


Windows client application using GSSAPI/Kerberos API to authenticate through KDC

Sorry for my question if it's obvious but I came from developing in the embedded world.
I m trying to develop a simple windows application in c/c++ to authenticate through KDC using either GSSAPI or Kerberos API directly. The assumption is the KDC and the server components are already in place. I think I understand how the whole process of authentication through Kerberos works between client, server and the KDC.
The problem is I don't know where to start to start using the GSSAPI or Kerberos API. I m using window 8 with visual studio 2013. Does windows SDK already pre-package with GSSAPI/Kerberos V5 API(maybe SSPI) for developer to start calling? I read on the web that application would need to go through SSPI to access the Kerberos API. Is that true? Seems like I can also download the Kerberos V5 SDK from MIT website but getting it to compile in windows is not simple.
I guess my question is what do I need to get start? I am struggling to see how all these different pieces fit together. Anyone who went through what I m going through or who can help is much appreciated.
I came across the same problem and saw this Q unanswered if someone hasn't had much experience in this domain then it might makes sense to look at the following:
A basic client-server implemented using SSPI/GSS with detailed steps
on how to setup stuff.
The corresponding MSDN documentation to
wrap your head around the same piece of code.
A better description of how to map SSPI API's to GSS API's.
On *nix you mostly have to rely on GSSAPI, they are popular hopefully there will be a port for your environment.

Integrating paypal with c++ MFC app

We are planning to integrate Paypal with one of our cpp application written using MFC. The question is shall we use Rest apis to accomplish this? or there is any other easier way to do achieve this? I have recently used Paypal REST Services via Postman and they look pretty easy. What I want to achieve is how can I use rest apis for paypal without launching the browser ? How can I achieve Login credentials from the user ? Can anyone point me to right direction ?
Appreciate your help in advance.
I'd suggest using PayPal REST API as they putting more effort into it. There is also SOAP API, but I would not use it. It seems like dated.
You can use ultra modern Casablanca C++ REST SDK which is an open source framework from Microsoft available at: to implement your end-point.
You can do that using Wizdome which is c++ / MFC oriented. A product named Datattoo recovery developed under c++ and MFC allows paying for the amount of data successfully recovered, and the integration with PayPal is done that way.
Here is a more detailed description about the process:

Using the Facebook API from Mono

I am developing a mobile application with MonoTouch and Mono for Android, and possibly Win8. I need to access the Facebook API, and I would prefer to do that in C# given the above mentioned platforms.
I know that I can make HTTP requests towards the Facebook API myself, but I am wondering if there are any libraries that wraps these for me and give me an object model to program against. I have done some searching around but have mostly come across libraries that are no longer supported or shut down.
Does anyone have recent experience with my problem and can give recommendations?
This should help you get started with the facebook integration using Mono for Android.
I am not sure what limitations (if any) there are with regard to using these libraries on a mobile device, but there are some Facebook SDK's for C#.
Here is one -
I have decided to follow a native approach to get as close to a seamless integration as I can get.
For iOS that means which are bindings to the official Objective-C Facebook SDK. I have done login so far and that was very easy. With the access token in place I can make future Facebook API calls from a library like the above or I can create a Mono class library with a service that wraps HTTP calls. This service can then be reused in any C# project (such as Mono for Android).
My plan is to do something similar for Android. I have seen people compile the java library in MonoDevelop as an AndroidResource and then create a wrapper which calls into the Java.

Using, dropbox, (OR ANY cloud storage) with a C++ application

How do you use cloud storage such as Dropbox in your C++ Apllication ? I've checked out their API and they only have Java, Python, and Ruby options. If you cant use dropbox with a c++ app, is therte any cloud storage provider that has an API for C++.
The drop box APIs seem to be wrappers for a http interface.
So if you want to hit them up from C++ you can use a http supporting library like libcurl to access stuff using the REST api
Droper is an open source C++/Qt Dropbox client that I have recently wrote. It can be compiled for Windows and Linux, but the GUI is optimized for Symbian mobile phones. Check it out.
I've found several differnet APIs on their website, righ under the place you propably found the ruby / pathon stuff..
Not sure if this is, wha you were looking for..

Web interface for c++ applications

Our company has a set of 3d modeling softwares written in c++ with qt based gui. We are planning to offer these applications to customers to try them from a web browser. I mean to say, we need to create web interfaces for native c++ codes. Please suggest me which technology, languages should be used. If possible please give some links to some white papers or case studies for this kind of projects. I am totally clue less :)
Ideally you would keep your c++ code on the server and use a mixture of HTML and Javascript on the browser. However since 3d modeling is so client centric you may have to run some c++ code directly in the browser.
There are a few options to look at:
Adobe Alchemy
Google Native Client
A Java Applet using NestedVM
Netscape plugin API
You could also run a few instances of your application on your server inside an XVnc session and let people use it through a VNC viewer applet. The simplest solution however is still to offer a downloadable demo of your application.
Have a look at Wt
Take a look at Native Client.
Soon you might be use WebGL to do 3D in the browser. But how long it will take for browsers to include it I do not know. But it might be good to look at it to not rule out using it in the future.
If creating everything again is too expensive, always you can create a distributed application:
One program running the main application in C++ and generating (for example) XML files.
A web application reading the XML files generated by the C++ application and translating them into the web application language (for example Adobe Flex).
Good luck!