The execution sequence after conditional variable notify - c++

There are two threads (Call them T1 and T2) that sync with each other by boost condition variable and mutex like:
boost::condition_variable global_cond;
boost::mutex global_mutex;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock( global_mutex);
thread1() {
tread2() {
Let's say I can gugarntee that thread2 come to wait first and then thread1 will do the notify.
My question is, is that determinastic that code_block_a() or code_block_b() will execute first?

Not guaranteed. The system may perform context switching right after thread1 called notify_one() and allow thread2() to run. And it may not.
Please note that your code is generally buggy because global_cond.wait(lock) can be spuriously woken up and tread2 can run code_block_b() even before thread1() has run.


Why is this printing 1,3,2? [duplicate]

For simplicity, let's assume that we have only one conditional variable to match a single condition that is reflected by a boolean.
1) Why does std::condition_variable::wait(...) locks the mutex again after a "notify" has been sent to un-sleep it?
2) Seeing the behaviour in "1)", does that mean that when you do std::condition_variable::notify_all it only makes it so that all of the waiting threads are unblocked/woken up... but in order instead of all at once? If so, what can be done to do it all at once?
3) If I only care about threads sleeping until a condition is met and not care a single bit for any mutex acquisition, what can I do? Is there an alternative or should current std::condition_variable::wait(...) approach(es) be hacked around this?
If "hackery" is to be used, will this function work for unblocking all waiting threads on a condition and can it be called from any(per thread) threads:
//declared somehwere and modified before sending "notify"(ies)
std::atomic<bool> global_shared_condition_atomic_bool;
//the single(for simplicity in our case) condition variable matched with the above boolean result
std::condition_variable global_shared_condition_variable;
static void MyClass:wait()
std::mutex mutex;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
while (!global_shared_condition_atomic_bool) global_shared_condition_variable.wait(lock);
it would have been called from random "waiting" threads like so:
void random_thread_run()
//random code...
MyClass:wait(); //wait for whatever condition the class+method is for.
//more random code...
Gate class
#ifndef Gate_Header
#define Gate_Header
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
class Gate
gate_open = false;
void open()
gate_open = true;
void wait()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
while (!gate_open) cv.wait(lock);
void close()
gate_open = false;
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
bool gate_open;
Condition variables wake things up spuriously.
You must have a mutex and it must guard a message of some kind for them to work, or you have zero guarantee that any such wakeup occurred.
This was done, presumably, because efficient implementations of a non-spurious version end up being implemeneted in terms of such a spurious version anyhow.
If you fail to guard the message editing with a mutex (ie, no synchronization on it, the state of the message is undefined behavior. This can cause compilers to optimize the read from memory to skip it after the first read.
Even excluding that undefined behavior (imagine you use atomics), there are race conditions where a message is set, a notification occurs, and nobody waiting on the notification sees the message being set if you fail to have the mutex acquired in the time between the variable being set and the condition variable being notified.
Barring extreme cases, you usually want to use the lambda version of wait.
Auditing condition variable code is not possible unless you audit both the notification code and the wait code.
struct gate {
bool gate_open = false;
mutable std::condition_variable cv;
mutable std::mutex m;
void open_gate() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
void wait_at_gate() const {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
cv.wait( lock, [this]{ return gate_open; } );
void open_gate() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
No, your code will not work.
The mutex protects modifications to the shared variable. As such, all of the waiting threads and the signaling thread must lock that specific mutex instance. With what you've written, each thread has its own mutex instance.
The main reason for all of this mutex stuff is due to the concept of spurious wakeup, an unfortunate aspect of OS implementations of condition variables. Threads waiting on them sometimes just start running even though the condition hasn't been satisfied yet.
The mutex-bound check of the actual variable allows the thread to test whether it was spuriously awoken or not.
wait atomically releases the mutex and starts waiting on the condition. When wait exits, the mutex is atomically reacquired as part of the wakeup process. Now, consider a race between a spurious wakeup and the notifying thread. The notifying thread can be in one of 2 states: about to modify the variable, or after modifying it and about to notify everyone to wake up.
If the spurious wakeup happens when the notifying thread is about to modify the varaible, then one of them will get to the mutex first. So the spuriously awoken thread will either see the old value or the new value. If it sees the new, then it has been notified and will go do its business. If it sees the old, then it will wait on the condition again. But if it saw the old, then it blocked the notifying thread from modifying that variable, so it had to wait until the spurious thread went back to sleep.
Why does std::condition_variable::wait(...) locks the mutex again after a "notify" has been sent to un-sleep it?
Because the mutex locks access to the condition variable. And the first thing you have to do after waking up from a wait call is to check the condition variable. As such, that must be done under the protection of the mutex.
The signalling thread must be prevented from modifying the variable while other threads are reading it. That's what the mutex is for.
Seeing the behaviour in "1)", does that mean that when you do std::condition_variable::notify_all it only makes it so that all of the waiting threads are unblocked/woken up... but in order instead of all at once?
The order they wake up in is not specified. However, by the time notify_all returns, all threads are guaranteed to have been unblocked.
If I only care about threads sleeping until a condition is met and not care a single bit for any mutex acquisition, what can I do?
Nothing. condition_variable requires that access to the actual variable you're checking is controlled via a mutex.

Two std::unique_lock used on same mutex causes deadlock ?

I found this code on code review stack exchange which implements a producer-consumer problem. I am posting a section of code here.
In the given code, let's consider a scenario when producer produces a value by calling void add(int num), it acquires lock on mutex mu and buffer.size()==size_ this makes the producer go on wait queue due to the conditional variable cond.
At the same moment, a context switch takes place and consumer calls function int remove() to consume value , it tries to acquire the lock on mutex mu , however the lock has already been acquired previously by the producer so it fails and never consumes the value, hence causing a deadlock.
Where am I going wrong here ? Because the code seems to work properly when I run it, debugging it didn't help me.
void add(int num) {
while (true) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> locker(mu);
cond.wait(locker, [this](){return buffer_.size() < size_;});
int remove() {
while (true)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> locker(mu);
cond.wait(locker, [this](){return buffer_.size() > 0;});
int back = buffer_.back();
return back;
The idea for std::condition_variable::wait(lock, predicate), is that you you wait until the predicate is met and have the lock on mutex afterwards. To do this atomically (which is important most of the time) you have to lock the mutex first, then the wait will release it and lock it for checking the predicate. If it is met the mutex stays locked and the execution continues. If not, the mutex will be released again.
OutOfBound's answer is good, but a bit more detail on exactly what is "atomic" is useful.
The wait operation on a condition variable has a precondition and a postcondition that the passed in mutex is locked by the caller. The wait operation unlocks the mutex internally and does so in a way that is guaranteed not to miss any notify or notify_all operations from other threads that happen as a result of unlocking the mutex. Inside wait the unlock of the mutex and entering a state waiting for notifies are atomic with respect to each other. This avoids sleep/wakeup races.
The conditional critical section form tests the predicate internally. It still depends on notifies being done correctly however.
In some sense, one can think of wait as doing this:
while (!predicate()) {
/* sleep for a short time or spin */
The condition variable with notifies allows the commented line in the middle to be efficient. Which gives:
while (!predicate()) {
atomic { /* This is the key part. */

Using std::conditional_variable to wait on a condition

For simplicity, let's assume that we have only one conditional variable to match a single condition that is reflected by a boolean.
1) Why does std::condition_variable::wait(...) locks the mutex again after a "notify" has been sent to un-sleep it?
2) Seeing the behaviour in "1)", does that mean that when you do std::condition_variable::notify_all it only makes it so that all of the waiting threads are unblocked/woken up... but in order instead of all at once? If so, what can be done to do it all at once?
3) If I only care about threads sleeping until a condition is met and not care a single bit for any mutex acquisition, what can I do? Is there an alternative or should current std::condition_variable::wait(...) approach(es) be hacked around this?
If "hackery" is to be used, will this function work for unblocking all waiting threads on a condition and can it be called from any(per thread) threads:
//declared somehwere and modified before sending "notify"(ies)
std::atomic<bool> global_shared_condition_atomic_bool;
//the single(for simplicity in our case) condition variable matched with the above boolean result
std::condition_variable global_shared_condition_variable;
static void MyClass:wait()
std::mutex mutex;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
while (!global_shared_condition_atomic_bool) global_shared_condition_variable.wait(lock);
it would have been called from random "waiting" threads like so:
void random_thread_run()
//random code...
MyClass:wait(); //wait for whatever condition the class+method is for.
//more random code...
Gate class
#ifndef Gate_Header
#define Gate_Header
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
class Gate
gate_open = false;
void open()
gate_open = true;
void wait()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
while (!gate_open) cv.wait(lock);
void close()
gate_open = false;
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
bool gate_open;
Condition variables wake things up spuriously.
You must have a mutex and it must guard a message of some kind for them to work, or you have zero guarantee that any such wakeup occurred.
This was done, presumably, because efficient implementations of a non-spurious version end up being implemeneted in terms of such a spurious version anyhow.
If you fail to guard the message editing with a mutex (ie, no synchronization on it, the state of the message is undefined behavior. This can cause compilers to optimize the read from memory to skip it after the first read.
Even excluding that undefined behavior (imagine you use atomics), there are race conditions where a message is set, a notification occurs, and nobody waiting on the notification sees the message being set if you fail to have the mutex acquired in the time between the variable being set and the condition variable being notified.
Barring extreme cases, you usually want to use the lambda version of wait.
Auditing condition variable code is not possible unless you audit both the notification code and the wait code.
struct gate {
bool gate_open = false;
mutable std::condition_variable cv;
mutable std::mutex m;
void open_gate() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
void wait_at_gate() const {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
cv.wait( lock, [this]{ return gate_open; } );
void open_gate() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
No, your code will not work.
The mutex protects modifications to the shared variable. As such, all of the waiting threads and the signaling thread must lock that specific mutex instance. With what you've written, each thread has its own mutex instance.
The main reason for all of this mutex stuff is due to the concept of spurious wakeup, an unfortunate aspect of OS implementations of condition variables. Threads waiting on them sometimes just start running even though the condition hasn't been satisfied yet.
The mutex-bound check of the actual variable allows the thread to test whether it was spuriously awoken or not.
wait atomically releases the mutex and starts waiting on the condition. When wait exits, the mutex is atomically reacquired as part of the wakeup process. Now, consider a race between a spurious wakeup and the notifying thread. The notifying thread can be in one of 2 states: about to modify the variable, or after modifying it and about to notify everyone to wake up.
If the spurious wakeup happens when the notifying thread is about to modify the varaible, then one of them will get to the mutex first. So the spuriously awoken thread will either see the old value or the new value. If it sees the new, then it has been notified and will go do its business. If it sees the old, then it will wait on the condition again. But if it saw the old, then it blocked the notifying thread from modifying that variable, so it had to wait until the spurious thread went back to sleep.
Why does std::condition_variable::wait(...) locks the mutex again after a "notify" has been sent to un-sleep it?
Because the mutex locks access to the condition variable. And the first thing you have to do after waking up from a wait call is to check the condition variable. As such, that must be done under the protection of the mutex.
The signalling thread must be prevented from modifying the variable while other threads are reading it. That's what the mutex is for.
Seeing the behaviour in "1)", does that mean that when you do std::condition_variable::notify_all it only makes it so that all of the waiting threads are unblocked/woken up... but in order instead of all at once?
The order they wake up in is not specified. However, by the time notify_all returns, all threads are guaranteed to have been unblocked.
If I only care about threads sleeping until a condition is met and not care a single bit for any mutex acquisition, what can I do?
Nothing. condition_variable requires that access to the actual variable you're checking is controlled via a mutex.

Not all threads notified of condition_variable.notify_all()

I have following scenario:
condition_variable cv;
mutex mut;
// Thread 1:
void run() {
while (true) {
// create_some_data();
// Thread 2
void thread2() {
mutex lockMutex;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lockMutex);
while (running) {
// copy data
// process data
// Thread 3, 4... - same as Thread 2
I run thread 1 all the time to get new data. Other threads wait with condition_variable until new data is available, then copy it and do some work on it. Work perfomed by threads differs in time needed to finish, the idea is that threads will get new data only when they finished with the old one. Data got in meantime is allowed to be "missed". I don't use shared mutex (only to access data) because I don't want threads to depend on each other.
Above code works fine on Windows, but now I run it on Ubuntu and I noticed that only one thread is being notified when notify_all() is called and the other ones just hangs on wait().
Why is that? Does Linux require different approach for using condition_variable?
Your code exhibits UB immediately as it relocks the unique lock that the cv has relocked when it exits wait.
There are other problems, like not detecting spurious wakeups.
Finally cv notify all onky notified currently waiting threads. If a thread shows up later, no dice.
It's working by luck.
The mutex and the condition variable are two parts of the same construct. You can't mix and match mutexes and cvs.
try this:
void thread2() {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(mut); // use the global mutex
while (running) {
// mutex is already locked here
// test condition. wakeups can be spurious
// copy data
// process data
Per this documentation:
Any thread that intends to wait on std::condition_variable has to
acquire a std::unique_lock, on the same mutex as used to
protect the shared variable
execute wait, wait_for, or wait_until. The wait operations atomically release the mutex and suspend the execution of the
When the condition variable is notified, a timeout expires, or a spurious wakeup occurs, the thread is awakened, and the mutex is
atomically reacquired. The thread should then check the condition
and resume waiting if the wake up was spurious.
This code
void thread2() {
mutex lockMutex;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lockMutex);
while (running) {
doesn't do that.

boost::condition_variable and lock

boost::condition_variable cond;
boost::mutex mut;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
boost::condition_variable cond;
boost::mutex mut;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
Is there an impact if I omit the lock before calling cond.notify_one() ?
The C++11 standard does not state any requirement for notify_one and notify_all; so not holding the lock when you signal a condition_variable is fine. However, it's often necessary for the signaling thread to hold the lock until it sets the condition checked by the waiting thread after it's woken up. If it does not, the program may contain races. For an example, see this SO question: Boost synchronization.
When thread2 is waking, it will attempt to re-aquire the lock. If thread1 is holding the lock, thread2 will block until thread1 releases the lock.
In the code shown here, this doesn't significantly impact behavior. If you were to add any behavior in thread1 after cond.notify_one();, that behavior would be guaranteed to execute before thread2 proceeds in the second code block only.
Alternatively, you could construct the unique lock in thread2 before entering the for loop, rather than just before waiting on the condition variable. This would ensure that thread1 blocks when trying to construct its own unique lock until thread2 is waiting for a signal, provided that thread1 is not executing before thread2 has initialized itself and entered the loop. This would allow you to guarantee that thread1 doesn't send any notifications that thread2 isn't waiting for.