boost::condition_variable and lock - c++

boost::condition_variable cond;
boost::mutex mut;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
boost::condition_variable cond;
boost::mutex mut;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
Is there an impact if I omit the lock before calling cond.notify_one() ?

The C++11 standard does not state any requirement for notify_one and notify_all; so not holding the lock when you signal a condition_variable is fine. However, it's often necessary for the signaling thread to hold the lock until it sets the condition checked by the waiting thread after it's woken up. If it does not, the program may contain races. For an example, see this SO question: Boost synchronization.

When thread2 is waking, it will attempt to re-aquire the lock. If thread1 is holding the lock, thread2 will block until thread1 releases the lock.
In the code shown here, this doesn't significantly impact behavior. If you were to add any behavior in thread1 after cond.notify_one();, that behavior would be guaranteed to execute before thread2 proceeds in the second code block only.
Alternatively, you could construct the unique lock in thread2 before entering the for loop, rather than just before waiting on the condition variable. This would ensure that thread1 blocks when trying to construct its own unique lock until thread2 is waiting for a signal, provided that thread1 is not executing before thread2 has initialized itself and entered the loop. This would allow you to guarantee that thread1 doesn't send any notifications that thread2 isn't waiting for.


Wrong std::condition_variable example on cppreference?

In their example usage of std::condition_variable they have essentially
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
bool ready = false;
void worker_thread()
// Wait until main() sends data
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
cv.wait(lk, []{return ready;});
// more ...
int main()
std::thread worker(worker_thread);
data = "Example data";
// send data to the worker thread
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m);
ready = true;
// more...
My problem now is the variable ready which is not declared std::atomic*.
Why doesn't this introduce a race condition if spurious wakeup occurs?
No, there is no race condition.
Even if the condition variable spuriously wakes up, it must re-acquire the lock. hence, two things happen:
no thread can touch ready while the lock is held, as a lock protects it.
by re-acquiring the lock, the boolean must be synchronized, because the lock enforce memory order acquire, which causes ready to have the latest value.
So there is no way for race condition to happen.

Is std::condition_variable thread-safe?

I have some code like this:
std::queue<myData*> _qDatas;
std::mutex _qDatasMtx;
Generator function
void generator_thread()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(_qDatasMtx);
_qData.push(new myData);
//std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(cvMtx); //need lock here?
Consumer function
void consumer_thread()
std::unique_lock lck(_qDatasMtx);
if(_qDatas.size() > 0)
delete _qDatas.front();
So if I have dozens of generator threads and one consumer thread, do I need a mutex lock when calling cv.notify_one() in each thread?
And is std::condition_variable thread-safe?
do I need a mutex lock when calling cv.notify_one() in each thread?
is std::condition_variable thread-safe?
When calling wait, you pass a locked mutex which is immediately unlocked for use. When calling notify you don't lock it with the same mutex, since what will happen is (detailed on links):
Wakeup thread that is waiting
Lock mutex for use
From std::condition_variable:
execute notify_one or notify_all on the std::condition_variable (the lock does not need to be held for notification)
and from std::condition_variable::notify_all:
The notifying thread does not need to hold the lock on the same mutex as the one held by the waiting thread(s);
With regards to your code snippet:
//std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(cvMtx); //need lock here?
No you do not need a lock there.
notify_one can be called from multiple threads without a lock.
However, in order for normal operation to work and no chance of notifications "slipping through", you must hold the lock the condition variable is guarded by between the point where you modify the spurious wakeup guard and/or package the condition variable checks on read, and the point where you notify one.
Your code appears to pass that test. However this version is more clear:
std::unique_lock lck(_qDatasMtx);
for(;;) {
cv.wait(lck,[&]{ return _qDatas.size()>0; });
delete _qDatas.front();
and it reduces spurious unlocking/relocking.

Is my wait - notify mechanism using std::mutex correct?

I started using std::mutexes to stop a thread and wait for another thread to resume it. It works like this:
Thread 1
// Ensures the mutex will be locked
// Locks it again to pause this thread
Thread 2
// Executed when thread 1 should resume processing:
However I am not sure if this is correct and will work without problems on all platforms. If this is not correct, what is the correct way to implement this in C++11?
The problems with the code
// Ensures the mutex will be locked
.try_lock() tries to aquire the lock and returns true if successful, i.e., the code says "if we aquire the lock then retry to lock it again and again until we fail". We can never "fail" as we currently own the lock ourselves that we are waiting on, and so this will be an infinite loop. Also, attempting to lock using a std::mutex that the caller have already aquired a lock on is UB, so this is guaranteed to be UB. If not successful, .try_lock() will return false and the while loop will be exited. In other words, this will not ensure that the mutex will be locked.
The correct way to ensure the mutex will be locked is simply:
This will cause the current thread to block (indefinitely) until it can aquire the lock.
Next, the other thread tries to unlock a mutex it does not have a lock on.
// Executed when thread 1 should resume processing:
This won't work as it's UB to .unlock() on a std::mutex that you don't already have a lock on.
Using locks
When using mutex locks, it's easier to use a RAII ownership-wrapper object such as std::lock_guard. The usage pattern of std::mutex is always: "Lock -> do something in critical section -> unlock". A std::lock_guard will lock the mutex in its constructor, and unlock it in its destructor. No need to worry about when to lock and unlock and such low-level stuff.
std::mutex m;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk{m};
/* We have the lock until we exit scope. */
} // Here 'lk' is destroyed and will release lock.
A simple lock might not be the best tool for the job
If what you want is to be able to signal a thread to wake up, then there's the wait and notify structure using std::condition_variable. The std::condition_variable allows any caller to send a signal to waiting threads without holding any locks.
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
using namespace std::literals;
int main() {
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cond;
std::thread t{[&] {
std::cout << "Entering sleep..." << std::endl;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk{m};
cond.wait(lk); // Will block until 'cond' is notified.
std::cout << "Thread is awake!" << std::endl;
cond.notify_all(); // Notify all waiting threads.
t.join(); // Remember to join thread before exit.
However, to further complicate things there's this thing called spurious wakeups that mean that any waiting threads may wake up at any time for unknown reasons. This is a fact on most systems and has to do with the inner workings of thread scheduling. Also, we probably need to check that waiting is really needed as we're dealing with concurrency. If, for example, the notifying thread happens to notify before we start waiting, then we might wait forever unless we have a way to first check this.
To handle this we need to add a while loop and a predicate that tells when we need to wait and when we're done waiting.
int main() {
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cond;
bool done = false; // Flag for indicating when done waiting.
std::thread t{[&] {
std::cout << "Entering sleep..." << std::endl;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk{m};
while (!done) { // Wait inside loop to handle spurious wakeups etc.
std::cout << "Thread is awake!" << std::endl;
{ // Aquire lock to avoid data race on 'done'.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk{m};
done = true; // Set 'done' to true before notifying.
There are additional reasons why it's a good idea to wait inside a loop and use a predicate such as "stolen wakeups" as mentioned in the comments by #David Schwartz.
It sounds to me that you are looking for condition variable. In the end there should always be a way to make it work through mutexes, but condition variable is the current C++ idiomatic way to handle the `block and wait until something happens' scenario.
The behavior of a mutex when a thread that holds it attempts to lock it is undefined. The behavior of a mutex when a thread that doesn't hold it attempts to unlock it is undefined. So your code might do anything at all on various platforms.
Instead, use a mutex together with a condition variable and a predicate boolean. In pseudo-code:
To block:
Acquire the mutex.
While the predicate is false, block on the condition variable.
If you want to re-arm here, set the predicate to false.
Release the mutex.
To release:
Acquire the mutex.
Set the predicate to true.
Signal the condition variable.
Release the mutex.
To rearm:
Acquire the mutex.
Set the predicate to false.
Release the mutex.
Please check this code....
std::mutex m_mutex;
std::condition_variable m_cond_var;
void threadOne(){
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
while (!ready){
void threadTwo(){
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
read = true;
I hope you will get the solution. And it is very proper!!

The execution sequence after conditional variable notify

There are two threads (Call them T1 and T2) that sync with each other by boost condition variable and mutex like:
boost::condition_variable global_cond;
boost::mutex global_mutex;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock( global_mutex);
thread1() {
tread2() {
Let's say I can gugarntee that thread2 come to wait first and then thread1 will do the notify.
My question is, is that determinastic that code_block_a() or code_block_b() will execute first?
Not guaranteed. The system may perform context switching right after thread1 called notify_one() and allow thread2() to run. And it may not.
Please note that your code is generally buggy because global_cond.wait(lock) can be spuriously woken up and tread2 can run code_block_b() even before thread1() has run.

Not all threads notified of condition_variable.notify_all()

I have following scenario:
condition_variable cv;
mutex mut;
// Thread 1:
void run() {
while (true) {
// create_some_data();
// Thread 2
void thread2() {
mutex lockMutex;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lockMutex);
while (running) {
// copy data
// process data
// Thread 3, 4... - same as Thread 2
I run thread 1 all the time to get new data. Other threads wait with condition_variable until new data is available, then copy it and do some work on it. Work perfomed by threads differs in time needed to finish, the idea is that threads will get new data only when they finished with the old one. Data got in meantime is allowed to be "missed". I don't use shared mutex (only to access data) because I don't want threads to depend on each other.
Above code works fine on Windows, but now I run it on Ubuntu and I noticed that only one thread is being notified when notify_all() is called and the other ones just hangs on wait().
Why is that? Does Linux require different approach for using condition_variable?
Your code exhibits UB immediately as it relocks the unique lock that the cv has relocked when it exits wait.
There are other problems, like not detecting spurious wakeups.
Finally cv notify all onky notified currently waiting threads. If a thread shows up later, no dice.
It's working by luck.
The mutex and the condition variable are two parts of the same construct. You can't mix and match mutexes and cvs.
try this:
void thread2() {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(mut); // use the global mutex
while (running) {
// mutex is already locked here
// test condition. wakeups can be spurious
// copy data
// process data
Per this documentation:
Any thread that intends to wait on std::condition_variable has to
acquire a std::unique_lock, on the same mutex as used to
protect the shared variable
execute wait, wait_for, or wait_until. The wait operations atomically release the mutex and suspend the execution of the
When the condition variable is notified, a timeout expires, or a spurious wakeup occurs, the thread is awakened, and the mutex is
atomically reacquired. The thread should then check the condition
and resume waiting if the wake up was spurious.
This code
void thread2() {
mutex lockMutex;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lockMutex);
while (running) {
doesn't do that.