Workbook gem - how to write the excel to html in a formatted manner? - ruby-on-rails-4

I am using Workbook gem to preview the excel file without page breaks in my website. Right now, I am successful in extracting the excel file and writing it into html format and display as preview.
The following code extracts and writes the excel to html:
excel_file = "#{file_url}"
excel_file.write_to_html(file_name + ".html")
But this gives me an unformatted html sheet with no rows and columns or any of the existing excel file.
According to murb/workbook documentation, it is said that we can pass the format as a hash within its options.
write_to_html(filename = "#{title}.html", options = {})
So, to achieve the format hash, I tried the following code:
But this returns a null hash. So, how can i get all the formats from the excel file and write to html? Or at least show the html table with borders for all rows and columns.

The author here. The Workbook gem is mainly built to extract and rerepresent the data in files, and not so much the formatting. In the past I made a few attempts on adding support to maintain formatting when converting, but it is far from complete. Some importers don't even set the formatting hash as you found out, notably the xlsx importer needs work on this.
The HTML was built to simply give a basic preview of the data. It basically returns a html-page with all tables which is by default unformatted, although format-names are used in the classes. There is an option though, if you'd pass style_with_inline_css: true... but then it requires an importer to actually set the format hash properly...
I'm happy to guide you here and there when you want to improve the xlsx importer code to suit your needs and hopefully the workbook gem in general, but it will need serious work if you want more than just some background colours and font properties.


Read-in df from csv before launching main app | Dash

I am trying to get my first dashboard with python dash running.
The whole thing is very similar to this
At the beginning a Dataframe is read in from a csv. My problem seems to be quite easy to solve but somehow I am not succeeding:
I want to create a initial window that allows the user to select (from e.g. dropdown) the csv file (or accordingly the path) that is read in. All the .csv files look the same but just have different values.
When using the modal components I get problems with the install of bootstrap and I thought there must be an easier way?
Thanks for your help!

TinyMCE, Django and python-docx

I'm looking into using a rich text editor in my Django project. TinyMCE looks like the obvious solution, however i see that the output format is html (here). Goal is to store user input and then serve it inside a word document using python-docx( which is not html).
Do you know of any solution for this? Either a feature of tinyMCE or a html to word-format converter which keeps styles, or maybe another rich text editor similar to tinymce?
This is another option which i found to be working fine. Still at the point of trying to convert HTML to Word without losing styles. A solution for this may be pywin32 as stated here but it doesn't help me that much + it's Windows only.
After quite some digging i found pandoc and pypandoc which appear to be able to translate in any of these output formats:
"asciidoc, beamer, commonmark, context, docbook, docbook4, docbook5, docx, dokuwiki, dzslides, epub, epub2, epub3, fb2, gfm, haddock, html, html4, html5, icml, jats, json, latex, man, markdown, markdown_github, markdown_mmd, markdown_phpextra, markdown_strict, mediawiki, ms, muse, native, odt, opendocument, opml, org, plain, pptx, revealjs, rst, rtf, s5, slideous, slidy, tei, texinfo, textile, zimwiki"
I haven't figured out how to integrate such an input to python-docx.
I had the same challenge. You'll want to use Python's Beautiful Soup library to iterate through the content in your HTML editor (I use Summernote, but any HTML editor should work) then parse HTML tags into a usable format for python-docx. Pandoc and Pypandoc will convert files for you (e.g. you start with a LateX file and need to convert it to Word), but will not provide the tools to need to convert to and from xml/html.
Good luck!

add macro to excel using python xlswriter with data in original excel

I'm using the following code to add a Macro to Excel. I notice that the data / other WorkSheets from the original Excel had dropped completely but the Macro is showing.
This is the code that I am using:
import xlsxwriter
workbooks = xlsxwriter.Workbook('C:\\Users\\user\Desktop\\test.xlsm')
I used the link and it seems to be the same from another page
I wondered if there is another library that I should use for this?
I tried the following link Use Python to Inject Macros into Spreadsheets it seems that here again the data from the original file is overwritten. Not sure if this is a duplicate or not, or if I missed something rather obvious ?
Unfortunately, xlsxwriter can't load information from already existing Excel workbooks; it is only used for making new ones. You are overwriting your old workbook with a blank one that has your macros.
If you need to load information, look into openpyxl. It can be used for creating .xlsm files.
One way around it is to create the macro you want in another Excel so we can execute it to affect the other Excel. Then using it runs the VBA.
enter code here
#import win32com.client
#xl = 0

How do I display a field name containing the substring OMIT in ApEx?

One of the fields in my database table is named DATEOFDISCHARGEFROMITU. In any report output, this displays as DATEOFDISCHARGEFRU. I've figured out that the missing characters form the word 'OMIT', which makes me think it's related to this old problem in a previous version of ApEx (I'm using version 4.1.)
Is there a way to display the whole field name in the report header when the field name contains the string 'OMIT'?
Note: Using html character codes will allow the field name to display properly, but then when the report is exported to CSV the character codes are of course shown instead of the full field name. I need a solution that works for exports as well as displaying onscreen.
Platforms (tested): Oracle Application Express (APEX), Version 4.0.2
Note: I am not sure how the linked OTN post is relevant to your problem aside from the coincidence that their file export contains the word "OMIT" and your column title contains the word "OMIT".
It's safe to say that "OMIT" isn't an APEX or ORACLE reserved word that is sabotaging your output. However, if you were talking about a scrap of SQL that attempted to create a table named "SELECT" or "WHERE"
you'll be blocked by the RDBMS from proceeding. :)
I tried an export with a query that contained a column header labeled "OMIT" (see the far right in the example.) The .csv file interpreted by Microsoft Excel looked like this:
I wrote up a separate Q&A post about creating dynamic APEX report headers to answer your follow-on question about a suitable solution for providing a clean, htmlcode-free output when a report is eventually exported to a text, comma separated (or other delimited) output.
In summary, the linked post suggests to set up a dynamic PL/SQL Function within a page item. The page item can be referenced directly in the report column header definition. This is a screenshot demonstrating a possible solution:
The link to the general explanation has more details on the APEX design tasks that gets to this final product.
I solved this by using this solution for exporting to csv without an enclosing quote character - as that was another challenge I was faced with for the particular application I was developing. By manually creating the export file I was also able to define the column headings exactly, and the "OMIT" issue did not occur.
Technically that's not a solution for displaying a report with the required headings that can also be exported (Richard's response does that) but it does what I need it to and solves the immediate problem of the DATEOFDISCHARGEFROMITU column heading.

read file from url path and display in chart format

i working on one project. i want to read file which path from url,this file containing xml data i have to show this data in chart format.
Basically, your steps may be these:
Validate the URL data (StructKeyExists + FileExists + isFile).
Read and parse XML file, you can do this with XmlParse.
Convert XML object into the query (see query functions).
Render the data using great charting tags.
If you want more detailed help -- please expand your question, to make it more specific.