QT - Dialog(modal) with sub functions - c++

firstly I have to apologize for my bad English, I'm still learning the language ;)
Now, my Problem:
I've created a Dialog named form.ui, I've created it via pointer in the main Header:
QDialog *newform;
Ui::Form Form;
private slots:
void slotShowEntry();
void newEntry();
Then I called it in the main Program:
void SoftwareV::slotNewEntry()
newform =new QDialog;
connect(Form.buttonBox_ok_ab, SIGNAL(accepted()), newform, SLOT(newEntry()));
Now, I want to get the information the user has written/given into the Dialog with the Subfunction called newEntry(),eg I want to get text from the QLineEdit, but I have no idea how I can connect the Dialog with the subfunction.
I hope somebody can help me with this Problem! thank you!

There's not quite enough information in your code to be exact, but I think what you're looking for is something like this in your newEntry method:
QString user_text = Form.someLineEdit->text ();
Instead of "someLineEdit", the name of the control is the name you gave it in Qt Designer when you created the form. What you do with the user_text result is up to you. Each control in the form has a unique name, and how you get data out of the control depends on the type of control (QCheckBox, QComboBox, QLineEdit, etc.). Each of those controls has functions for setting and retrieving data. You can look them up in Qt Assistant for complete details.


Create a window of custom class type in Qt

This is my first question here, so I'm trying to not sound stupid!
I have a main window in Qt that has a button to create (sub-?) windows within the main window. This can be done as many times as the user wants, and each sub-window displays the same set of properties/items. I figured writing a class to hold all these properties would be a smart way to go about it (this would inherit the main window class), as each instance of the child window would automatically get the properties. I am using a slot to create each instance.
Besides the desired properties, what do I add to the child window class to let Qt know that if I create an object of that type it should open a window?
For example, say I have implemented all the child window properties in a header file that looks something like this:
#include <QObject>
#include <QDialog> //Not sure about this
class ChildWindow : public ParentWindow
ChildWindow(QObject* parent);
//Remaining properties like QSpinBox, Radio buttons etc
how then would I implement my slot? Like this?
void Parent::Slot()
ChildWindow* window;
window = new ChildWindow(this);
My problem is that I don't see any code that indicates that window is a separate window. I can see that it is of type ChildWindow, but does just including QDialog give it the show() functionality?
I realise the first suggestion would be try and see if this works, but in the unlikely scenario that it works I wouldn't have learnt anything and I still wouldn't know why it worked, and if it didn't I would be back here asking this same question. I hope you guys understand.
error C2039: 'show' : is not a member of 'ChildWindow'
So I am guessing including QDialog did not do the trick
If I add this to the ChildWindow constructor
QDialog* child;
child = new QDialog;
Do I have to do the same in the slot definition as well?

How to catch information for Qt designer

I have created a Qdialog box using the Qt creator designer as shown below:
When I need to display it, I'm instantiate the class dialogoverwrite (.cpp, .h and .ui)
DialogOverwrite *OverwriteDialog = new DialogOverwrite;
OverwriteOption = OverwriteDialog->result()
My issue is that I want to get the QDialogButtonBox result but I do not know how. the current code, returning the result of the OverwriteDialog but it's not returning any QDialogButtonBox::Yes, QDialogButtonBox::YesToAll ...
How to catch the QButtonGroup result and not the QDialog result.
In the same way, If I want to change the label value from "File(s) and/or Folder(s)" to another label, how to access to this QLabel ?
Thanks for your help
When you pressed QDialogButton it was emit signal clicked(QAbstractButton*) by catching this signal you can identify which action button pressed.
Please go through following link it would be help you.
Qt: How to implement QDialogButtonBox with QSignalMapper for non-standard button ??
Well the standard way to do this is to handle the result by connecting it. So you could do:
connect(this, SIGNAL(clickedDialogButton(QAbstractButton*)),
SLOT(dialogButton(QAbstractButton* aButton)));
Next you would create a function in your class called dialogButton (for example) and have that handle the result:
void MyUI::dialogButton(QAbstractButton* aButton) {
// Obtain the standard button
StandardButton button = buttonBox−>standardButton(button);
// Switch on the type of button
switch (button) {
case QDialogButtonBox::YesToAll:
// Do the thing you would like to do here
// add some more cases?
You could also check for the signal given by the QButtonGroup. Something like: void QGroupButton::buttonClicked(QAbstractButton* button) would work in the same way.

Display the input of QLineEdit in a different window and or dialog?

I am writing a small QT gui application where there is a QLineEdit in my mainwindow.ui and I want to display the entered text in a separate dialog and or window when a button is pressed.
Now, I have stored the input in a variable, and I am also able to show this string on a label within this same mainwindow,
void MainWindow::on_GoButton_clicked()
QString mytext = ui->lineEdit_1->text();
Now, I want to open a popup dialog (can be a window also), for example SecDialog;
SecDialog secdialog;
and display the text of mainwindow->mytext string variable in a label of the SecDialog. How can I do that ??? I know it is a basic level question, but I think it will help clear lot of my doubts reagrding moving values of variables in between forms and classes.
So this is your situation:
From your code, the dialog is a modal dialog:
SecDialog secdialog;
//secdialog.setModal(true); // It's not needed since you already called exec(), and the
// dialog will be automatically set to be modal just like what
// document says in Chernobyl's answer
To make the dialog display the text from the Window,
the concept is to pass the information(text) from the Window
to the dialog, and use a setter function from the dialog to display it.
Like Floris Velleman's answer, he passed the mytext string (by reference) to a customized dialog constructor and called the setter theStringInThisClass(myString) at once.
The implementation detail of this function is complemented by Chernobyl's answer (use the name setLabelText instead):
void SecDialog::setLabelText(QString str)
ui->label->setText(str); // this "ui" is the UI namespace of the dialog itself.
// If you create the dialog by designer, it's from dialog.ui
// Do not confuse with the ui from mainwindow.ui
Chernobyl suggested another way which calls the setter in the slot function and it bypasses the need of defining another constructor, but basically the concept is the same:
void MainWindow::on_GoButton_clicked()
QString mytext = ui->lineEdit_1->text();
SecDialog secdialog;
secdialog.setLabelText(myText); // display the text in dialog
I try to illustrate the concept as clear as possible, because from my previous experience on your question, you just "copy & paste" codes from answers and took them as your final solution, which is not right. So I hope this summary could help you understand the concept and then you may write your own code.
This task can be easy done with getter/setter method or with signal and slot, but setter is more suitable here. In SecDialog header:
void setLabelText(QString str);
//in cpp
void SecDialog::setLabelText(QString str)
ui->label->setText(str);//it is label dialog
Also line where you set modal to true is not necessary because
This property holds whether show() should pop up the dialog as modal
or modeless. By default, this property is false and show() pops up the
dialog as modeless. Setting his property to true is equivalent to
setting QWidget::windowModality to Qt::ApplicationModal. exec()
ignores the value of this property and always pops up the dialog as
Assuming SecDialog is a custom class with an interface file as well you might want to pass it as a constructor argument or pass it by using another function.
So in the SecDialog constructor you could have something like:
SecDialog::SecDialog(QWidget* parent, const QString& myString)
: QDialog(parent),
And then you could call it like:
SecDialog secdialog(this, mytext);

Taking data from a Dialog in Qt and using it in a Ui

So I'm making a text editor using Qt and right now I have a button that opens a dialog called "Format text". I want it to work kind of like the dialog in notepad called "font" where you select a few text attributes from some drop down lists and it shows you what your text will look like. Right now I have it working where you can select the font style, font color, and font size and hit preview and it shows you in a box in the dialog what your text will look like. However, I have a button called "okay" which is supposed to change the highlighted text or the text you are about to type, but I can't figure out how to display those changes on the main window. The .ui files are private and a lot of the already made functions and pointers are the same in every ui file so if I change the ui file to pubic I have to change a whole bunch of things. Can anyway give me a simple answer? I'm trying to do this with as little confusion as possible. More coding and less confusion is better than less coding and more confusion for someone of my skill level. Sorry that this is all one giant paragraph and that I didn't provide any code, but I didn't think the code was necessary, however if you do need some of the code i'd be happy to share it.
Thank you for your help and your time. I hope you all have a nice evening.
QDialog have a signal called finished(), you can connect this signal with your slot. To accomplish your work, pass a QSettings or for simplicity QStringList to dialog settings (responsible for changing font, color ...), the QStringList will save user defined settings, after closing the dialog, iterate through QStringList member to alert Main window.
A pseudo code will look like this
Class Editor:
TextSettings textSettings;
textSettings.setSettings(settings); // settings is a member
connect(textSettings, &finished(int)), this, SLOT(alertEditor(int)))
Editor::alertEditor(int s)
if(s == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < settings.size(); ++i)
settings.at(i).toLocal8Bit().constData(); // extract various user settings
Class TextSettings:
TextSettings::TextSettings(QStringList settings)
settings << ui->combobox->currentItem(); // font name as example

Modifying QFileDialog::getOpenFileName to have an additional drop down

I am a student programmer using Qt to build a reader Table for my company. This reader is both an editor and converter. It reads in a .i file allows table editing of a text document and then puts out a .scf file which is essentially a separated value file stacked under a legend built with headers. I digress... Basically the file format imported is really hard to scan and read in(mostly impossible) so what I'd like to is modify the open file preBuilt QFileDialog to include an additional drop down when older file types are selected to declare their template headers.
When the user selects .i extension files(option 2 file type) I would like to enable an additional drop down menu to allow the user to select which type of .i file it is(template selected). This way I don't have to deal with god knows how many hours trying to figure out a way to index all the headers into the table for each different type. Currently my importFile function calls the dialog using this:
QString fileLocation = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,("Open File"), "", ("Simulation Configuration File(*.scf);;Input Files(*.prp *.sze *.i *.I *.tab *.inp *.tbl)")); //launches File Selector
I have been referencing QFileDialog Documentation to try and find a solution to what I need but have had no avail. Thanks for reading my post and thanks in advance for any direction you can give on this.
UPDATE MAR 16 2012;
First I'd like to give thanks to Masci for his initial support in this matter. Below is the connect statement that I have along with the error I receive.
//Declared data type
QFileDialog openFile;
QComboBox comboBoxTemplateSelector;
connect(openFile, SIGNAL(currentChanged(const &QString)), this, SLOT(checkTemplateSelected()));
I also noticed that it didn't like the way I added the QComboBox to the modified dialog's layout(which is the second error). I really hope that I'm just doing something dumb here and its an easy task to overcome.
In response to tmpearce's comment heres my header code;
#include <QWidget>
namespace Ui {
class ReaderTable;
class ReaderTable : public QWidget
explicit ReaderTable(QWidget *parent = 0);
public slots:
void checkTemplateSelected();
void importFile();
void saveFile();
Ui::ReaderTable *ui;
Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any contributions to this challenge!
Instance a QFileDialog (do not call getOpenFileName static method), access its layout and add a disabled QComboBox to it.
// mydialog_ and cb_ could be private fields inside MyClass
mydialog_ = new QFileDialog;
cb_ = new QComboBox;
connect(mydialog, SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(checkFilter(const QString&)));
if (mydialog_->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
QString selectedFile = mydialog_->selectedFiles()[0];
QString cbSelection = cb_->currentText();
the slot would be something like:
void MyClass::checkFilter(const QString& filter)
cb_->setEnabled(filter == "what_you_want");
returning from the dialog exec(), you could retrieve selected file and cb_ current selection.
Notice you could add something more complex than a simple QComboBox at the bottom of the dialog, taking care of gui cosmetics.
Actually I don't like very much this approach (but that was what you asked for :-). I would make a simple dialog like this:
and enable the combo only if the selected file meets your criteria. The "browse" button could call getOpenFileMethod static method in QFileDialog.
You can handle item selection by this signal:
void QFileDialog::fileSelected ( const QString & file )
Then it occurs, call setFilter with type you want.
Sorry, if i don't understand your task.