qt c++ multiple mouse events different order - c++

at the moment I have to code some mouse-events in C++. I know that there are mouse events for press, release, move, double click.
What I wonder about is how to distinguish between events when they are used in a different order. Lets say I do:
Mouse move -> Mouse click -> Mouse move -> Mouse release
How can I distinguish between the first an the second Mouse-move event?
I solved that by using a flag "Mouse-click-flag" that is set true while running the Mouse-click-event. In the mouse-move routine, I have an if-Statement checking (Mouse-click-flag== true), that decides weather or not to run the Mouse-click-event-routine. This works but it seemes very complicated.
How would one solve this?
Thank you

What you're doing is correct. You would also want to set Mouse-click-flag to false on your mouse release event, but you've probably figured that out and just didn't say it. You mention running a mouse-click-event routine on the first move. Is there a reason you don't run that in the mousePressEvent routine? There are good reasons sometimes...just confirming that's what you need.
If you only care about mouse move events while the user has the mouse down, then as thuga said, turn off mouse tracking by calling "setMouseTracking" on the widget and set it to false. Then you will only ever get click-move-release patterns.


Using two mice to perform completely different actions in Windows

I'm currently trying to develop an application to use two mice to perform completely different actions in Windows. However, after having spent couple days on it, I'm starting to wonder if what I want to do is even possible using Windows APIs. As I'm far from being an expert in Windows APIs, I would like to get your opinions to know whether I'm going in the right direction or whether I should try to do it completely differently (maybe developing a driver ?).
Here's what I want to do : Imagine two mice are plugged in my computer. I would like to use the first one as a regular mouse, while the second one would be used to perform completely different actions. For instance, by clicking the second left mouse button, it would open a new tab in Firefox (sending a CTRL+T command to FireFox app) and when clicking the right button, it would send a CTRL+C. Then, by moving the second mouse upwards, it would zoom in, and when moving it downwards, the firefox page would zoom out (so the mouse cursor on screen would remain fix while doing that !). The idea is to recognize as well which application is currently used (which one has mouse/keyboard focus) and perform different actions depending on it. So for instance, the second mouse left click would generate a CTRL+T in FireFox, a CTRL+B in WORD and a CTRL+S in Notepad (in fact, the idea is to parameterize those actions at will). All of that while the first mouse must continue to act just as a regular mouse.
So, it's important to understand that my application will run in the background and will never, per se, interact directly with the user (no GUI as it doesn't require the user to input anything). Its purpose is just to modify the mouse inputs coming from the second mouse and send other inputs(messages) to the application currently being used.
So far, I'm using raw input. I'm able to differentiate which mouse is being used and I'm able to send messages (application specific) to other applications when an action is performed on the second mouse. I'm even able to lock the cursor on screen when the second mouse is moved (so as only the corresponding message is sent to the application of interest !). However, I'm unable to block the button messages sent by the second mouse to the app with the mouse focus. Hence, when clicking on the second mouse right button in Notepad for instance, my specific command ("aaa" for the moment as I'm just trying with letters for sake of simplicity) is sent (and displayed in the notepad window) BUT the contextual Notepad menu opens as well… (hence it's received as well a WM_RBUTTONDOWN message).
My question is then : How can I block the mouse button messages ((WM_RBUTTONDOWN, and so on…) to be received by other applications when the second mouse is used? Is it even possible ? The problem is that (in my understanding) those messages have higher priority over the WM_input messages… So when I read the WM_input message in my application and detects that the button was pressed from the second mouse, it's already too late and the WM_xBUTTONDOWN was already sent !)
I know that using the mouse hooks, I could block those but then, there is no way to differentiate the origin of the message (and of course, detecting which mouse is used is the main point of my application).
I've tried as well using DirectInput8 but it doesn't support anymore the usage of several mice (Windows specifically says to use raw input to this effect).
So, I guess that by know you've gotten that I'm quite lost and have no idea whether what I want to do it even achievable. Any help would be more than welcome.
Looking forward to reading your replies.
I was about to suggest hooks, but then I read that you looked into that already. I guess, the last resort for your problem would be to write your own driver.
After Windows installed the second mouse in it's usual way, you can go to the Device Manager and change the driver of the mouse you want to "repurpose" to your own driver.
Although, developing a driver is probably nothing one will do as a side task in a project.

What did I miss about WM_MOUSEMOVE?

What I am going to do is very simple, I want to hide the mouse cursor after 1 second if the move does not move or click.
I searched and saw someone recommends using WM_MOUSEMOVE. In my app, however, WM_MOUSEMOVE is simply a dectection of whether the mouse is in the client area. If it is, the app receives WM_MOUSEMOVE continually. I've read the MSDN page but I am still confused.
Use WM_SETCURSOR for cursor related works. This message is made for that purpose. Your mentioning of client area suggest you probably need to use SetCapture API also.
Another way (or more modern way of doing) is using TrackMouseEvent. It provides WM_MOUSEHOVER.
The recommendation is correct. What you need to do is define a timer (for example, one that triggers the WM_TIMER message).
You activate it in the first mouse movement (WM_MOUSEMOVE). If a mouse movement won't occur within the interval you defined for the timer, the WM_TIMER event will fire and you can then hide the mouse.
Each time the WM_MOUSEMOVE event fires, you simply restart the timer (using its dedicated API). So that WM_MOUSEMONVE events prevent the timer from expiring. If WM_MOUSEMOVE stop arriving (because you don't move the mouse anymore), the timer will tick without interrupts until it elapses and fires.

How to detect if mouse click is legit or automated?

How to know if a mouse click is simulated or not? When mouse click send by a program or real mouse device
... I'm programming a system detection for a game to avoid bots, autoclicks,etc that only accept legit mouse clicks
This depends a bit on the kind of application you are writing, but if you can, I would watch the cursor movement, not the clicks.
Human mouse movement has non-uniform speeds, reaction times, imprecisions (clicks on different coordinates of your buttons, etc...).
Also, you can defend a gui against bots by randomly requiring an interaction that is hard to script. For example: If scripts depend upon buttons being always in the same position, I would make sure that, while trying to remain intuitive, the dialog should pop up in slightly different positions every time.
Otherwise: There is no way to detect if the mouse is a real one or a really well simulated one. The Windows HID/MacOS/Linux driver layer abstracts away the distinction between Mice, TrackPens, TrackBalls, draw-pads, touch screens... and of course script-mice...
Although the blog post itself is about a different issue, I refer you to Raymond Chen's excellent Old New Thing. In this specific blog post he talks about the validity of message parameters going into an application, but also makes the point that:
There's no point discussing the possibility that the sender of the message is playing tricks and lying to you because (1) your program should just go along with the ruse and respond to fake menu messages as if they were real menu messages, because (2) there's no way to tell that you're being lied to anyway. To detect lying, you'd have to be able to read into the mindset of the programmer who sent you the message.
Essentially the argument is that you should respond to mouse clicks as mouse clicks, regardless of how those clicks were generated.
Is mouse keys simulated mouse input or legit? The point of simulating mouse input is to make them look exactly like real mouse input. If the simulation is doing its job, then your job is impossible. Sorry, that's the blessing & curse of software for you. Here are some more imperfect ideas:
Use GetKeyboardState and verify that the button states are correct. If the message faker is using PostMessage, they will likely not be setting keyboard state and this would indicate fakery.
If you are targeting known applications that are doing the input simulation, detect them and complain. This is not perfect at all for many reasons.
Fuzzy logic, as many other people have suggested.
You need to be creative and figure out the difference between a simulated event and a real one to you, as there is no generalized answer.
It can't be done (reliably (with software alone anyway))
I've used WIN32API calls to read pixels/manipulate the mouse/send keystrokes to automate large portions of video games and other repetitive tasks. You could write a lot of code to analyze the input, but equally smart developers are just going to modify their code to match.
When I first try to automate a mouse click, that's all I'll do. Send a mouse click. And most of the time it works. You might have code that tracks the mouse movement and the entire stack of mouse events that would fire along with a legitimate click and say, 'That wasn't real - we ignore it' but nothing stops the developer from also implementing mouse movements.
The mouse events are more complex than keypresses; but it's essentially the same idea. If you write code that monitors the time between keypresses and determine that I'm sending the '2' key to your application in EXACTLY 250ms intervals, you might decide I'm a bot. But, all I'll do is modify my code to send the keystroke in 250ms + a random value between -25 and 25 ms.
It's a never-ending game of cat and mouse. The best solution is to make tasks non-trivial so simple forms of automation aren't applicable.
The question is a bit thin on details.
Events can be sent directly to controls without moving the mouse so find out where the mouse is when you get the click event and see if it's on the control. Keyboard input requires control focus, so check that too.
For situations where the mouse moves, you won't be able to tell if the mouse movement is recorded and played back. If its scripted then perhaps you could monitor the mouse behavior in the parent panel(s) of the control and use those events and movements to ascertain whether it is real or not. An automated click might appear from nowhere and cause an flurry of unlikely hover, focus events.
Only way it would be possible is with some specialist hardware and software on the mouse itself that sends evidence of the actual mechanical click. Via software this is not possible.
Although in my other answer I mention that you should ideally just respond to clicks as clicks, there is one possibility that could work, depending on how a "programmatic" click is generated.
I am assuming a Windows platform, due to the "vb.net" tag:
With the WinAPI you can send a message to any window in order to simulate, for example, a WM_LBUTTONDOWN event. In this message you would include the X and Y location of the mouse at the time the button was pressed - or where the receiving program expects it to be. When you handle the message you could use the GetCursorPos call to get the actual cursor position. Verify that the current position is close to that in the message, and handle it as a click, otherwise ignore it.
Bear in mind however that the nature of the message queue is such that it could take some time to handle the event, and the mouse can move a long way in a short space of time.
This solution would only work if the "click" is generated by a simple Send/PostMessage. If the application that is generating the click simulates the movement of the mouse also, then you should probably see the other answers :)
You can check the mouse event flags LLMHF_INJECTED and LLMHF_LOWER_IL_INJECTED or utilize input hooks to monitor mouse input data, where malformed data may indicated that input was injected.
I'm not sure there is a way to determine with perfect accuracy whether a mouse click is automated or not. I mean, you could write your own USB driver that sits in between the native mouse driver and the OS and relays only "real" clicks to you. However, even that can be defeated by plugging in a USB device (like a smartphone) that's programmed to send USB packets to host computer.
What are you trying to accomplish that requires you to distinguish between real mouse clicks and fake ones?
Create a statistical learning solution by logging the past X mouse events in your program. When the user clicks on the control, determine the probability based on the last X actions that it's a real click.
Train your solution using real clicks and a large variety of automated scenarios.
This is obviously not a guaranteed-to-work solution and is more for fun than anything else.
It is much more harder than what you think because input macro programs produce legit mouse and keyboard input messages to your game. I don't think there is a way to check if the input message is actually triggered by a physical hardware input (like mouse or keyboard) unless OS provides you with accessibility of input-driver-level.
Since this is specifically for a game, you can see how other games handle this situation. Some of the common methods are,
Check frequency of mouse clicks. (human beings cannot click as fast as programs.)
At random points or when it doubts, use CAPTCHA to verify. (Read this: http://www.threadmeters.com/v-1Vvd/CAPTCHA_The_Obvious_AntiBot_Solution/ )
Use outside monitoring tools to inspect all processes running in a machine to find out programs known for cheating purpose. Steam does this. Check Valve Anti-Cheat System Blizzard's WoW also does the same thing with Warden.
My own advice would be "Use your gameplay system". Since every game has its own rules and gameplay styles, it wouldn't be too hard to detect whether a player is cheating or not. This approach won't be a general solution and it could be silly but if it works for your game, why not? :)
There are two ways you could work around this problem.
Make a new Button with a Text proving that the user isn't AFK and if the user doesn't press the button, kick him or her out. Generate the button in random locations.
If the user isn't moving for a while, (for example, 10 mins) kick him or her out.

How can I make the mousePressed and mouseDoubleClicked events mutually exclusive?

Hey guys ... Well I'm experiencing this silly problem that whenever I perform a double click event, two mousePressed events are also triggered, meaning that mousePressed event code is also executed twice for no reason .. How can I configure the event such that first the clicks are checked for doubleClick event, and only if this is NOT true, they move on to mousePressed events .. ? Is this possible ?
Before you spend too much time trying to figure this out, consider what Raymond Chen has said about the "Logical consequences of the way Windows converts single-clicks into double-clicks". The techniques he talks about should be easily adaptable to Qt. But also the UI consequences of the "dubious design of having the double-click action be unrelated to the single-click action" - you may be trying to do something that will be confusing to your users (on the other hand - you might trying to prevent something from confusing your users).
Also, the related article, "Why doesn't double-right-click bring up the Properties dialog?" might be of interest.
I'm going to assume you mean for the same widget. The quick and dirty way would be to move the mouse press code into a private method, have the mouse press event set a timer to go off after the expire timer for a possible double click. In the double click code be sure to turn off the timer if it gets called. This will prevent the mouse press event from running twice. In the timer code, have it call the private method.

How to detect the mouse state in Qt without a MouseEvent

Okay, using Qt, I'd like to know how to detect the current state of the mouse at any point in time - without a MouseEvent.
Using QCursor::pos(), you can get its position, but is there a way to determine the current state of the buttons?
Basically, I'm looking to verify the state of the mouse when a timer goes off, so it won't be related to any particular MouseEvent, and so there's no MouseEvent to query. I need to know how to query for the mouse's state - in particular the state of the buttons - without having a MouseEvent.
Oh, and I'm using Qt 3, so if such a function has been added in Qt 4 but isn't in Qt 3, it doesn't help me much (though it would still be nice to know about).
Qt::MouseButtons QApplication::mouseButtons () [static]:
Returns the current state of the buttons on the mouse. The current
state is updated syncronously as the event queue is emptied of events
that will spontaneously change the mouse state (QEvent::MousePress and
QEvent::MouseRelease events).
It should be noted this may not reflect the actual buttons held on
theinput device at the time of calling but rather the mouse buttons as
last reported in one of the above events. If no mouse buttons are
being held Qt::NoButton is returned.
Edit: hmm, I just noticed you asked about Qt3.3. This answer applies to Qt4 I'm afraid.
Is it a hard requirement that you don't use MouseEvent? Or can you use MouseEvents indirectly?
If you create a boolean variable for every button and update it with mouse pressed / released events then you could just look at the values of the relevant booleans when the timer goes off.
Update for Qt5 (5.3.2):
if (QGuiApplication::mouseButtons() == Qt::LeftButton) { ... }
I am using a QApplication, but there is no mouseButtons() function there. You will need to include <QGuiApplication>