How can I make the mousePressed and mouseDoubleClicked events mutually exclusive? - c++

Hey guys ... Well I'm experiencing this silly problem that whenever I perform a double click event, two mousePressed events are also triggered, meaning that mousePressed event code is also executed twice for no reason .. How can I configure the event such that first the clicks are checked for doubleClick event, and only if this is NOT true, they move on to mousePressed events .. ? Is this possible ?

Before you spend too much time trying to figure this out, consider what Raymond Chen has said about the "Logical consequences of the way Windows converts single-clicks into double-clicks". The techniques he talks about should be easily adaptable to Qt. But also the UI consequences of the "dubious design of having the double-click action be unrelated to the single-click action" - you may be trying to do something that will be confusing to your users (on the other hand - you might trying to prevent something from confusing your users).
Also, the related article, "Why doesn't double-right-click bring up the Properties dialog?" might be of interest.

I'm going to assume you mean for the same widget. The quick and dirty way would be to move the mouse press code into a private method, have the mouse press event set a timer to go off after the expire timer for a possible double click. In the double click code be sure to turn off the timer if it gets called. This will prevent the mouse press event from running twice. In the timer code, have it call the private method.


qt c++ multiple mouse events different order

at the moment I have to code some mouse-events in C++. I know that there are mouse events for press, release, move, double click.
What I wonder about is how to distinguish between events when they are used in a different order. Lets say I do:
Mouse move -> Mouse click -> Mouse move -> Mouse release
How can I distinguish between the first an the second Mouse-move event?
I solved that by using a flag "Mouse-click-flag" that is set true while running the Mouse-click-event. In the mouse-move routine, I have an if-Statement checking (Mouse-click-flag== true), that decides weather or not to run the Mouse-click-event-routine. This works but it seemes very complicated.
How would one solve this?
Thank you
What you're doing is correct. You would also want to set Mouse-click-flag to false on your mouse release event, but you've probably figured that out and just didn't say it. You mention running a mouse-click-event routine on the first move. Is there a reason you don't run that in the mousePressEvent routine? There are good reasons sometimes...just confirming that's what you need.
If you only care about mouse move events while the user has the mouse down, then as thuga said, turn off mouse tracking by calling "setMouseTracking" on the widget and set it to false. Then you will only ever get click-move-release patterns.

How to know if the Gtk::ComboBoxText is popup

I am writing a simple GUI, in which I have a ComboBoxText. I write a log message when ever the user clicks on the ComboBoxText.
I have tried almost all the button release and popup signals but no results. The only thing which works is signal_changed() but I don't not need that. Please help me, below is my sample code :
and here is the call back function:
bool ComboBoxText::ComboInput(GdkEventButton *pEvt) {
// Here do the desired stuffs !!
return false; }
Use GTK+ property popup-shown. Not sure about Gtkmm syntax, probably property_popup_shown().get_value().
If you need a signal to listen to, connect to popdown or notify::popup-shown (the latter is invoked when property value changes; again, I'm not sure about Gtkmm syntax).
The idea here was to fire an event when the ComboBoxText is clicked. After some readings I figured it out that the ComboBoxText does not fire any on_click event as such.
One could mask a key press event (which by the way gets fired) and call the signal handler. This might not be handy for people who specifically looking for a on_click event but for those who are working with a keyboard or touch screen device. Here is a small chunk of code :`
cheers :)

QT Event Problem

I am writing a qt program and have the following requirement.
When 30 sec passed without any click, lock the screen. If someone clicks again after these 30 secs, redirect him to a login screen.
I have read the qt doc about event and I believe that I need either method 1 or 2 to process mouse event.
1.Installing an event filter on qApp
An event filter on qApp monitors all events sent to all objects in the application.
2.Reimplementing QApplication::notify().
Qt's event loop and sendEvent() call this function to dispatch events. By reimplementing it, you get to see events before anybody else.
They also seems powerful to me, but I don't understand their difference.
Which one suits my requirement? Thank You.
You can basically achieve the same thing with either solution except for the fact that QApplication::notify (or its override) will be called before any event filter that may be on your application.
As the first approach does not require subclassing QApplication, it usually is the preferred one.The only reason to override QApplication::notify in your case would be if you needed to override it due to other reasons anyway, e.g. because you need to do anything related to your own custom events.
But looking at your requirements I would personally go for the following solution:
Install an event filter on qApp
Create a timer with a 30 seconds interval
Connect the timer to the lock screen method
Have your event filter reset the timer every time a mouse press is detected.
Dependent on your application you might also want to look for KeyPress events and maybe MouseMove events as well.

Distinguish between single and double click events in Qt

I have a QAbstractItemView that needs to react to single and double click events. The actions are different depending on whether it was single clicked or double clicked. The problem that is occurring is that the single click event is received prior to the double click event.
Is there a recommended way/best practice for distinguishing between the two? I don't want to perform the single click action when the user has actually double clicked.
I am using Qt 4.6
It's a good UI design to make sure your single-clicks and double-clicks are conceptually related:
Single-Click: select icon
Double-Click: select icon and open it
Single-Click: select color
Double-Click: select color and open palette editor
Notice how in these examples the single-click action is actually a subset of the double-click. This means you can go ahead and do your single-click action normally and just do the additional action if the double-click comes in.
If your user interface does something like:
Single-Click: select icon
Double-Click: close window
Then you are setting your users up to fail. Even if they remember what single-clicking does versus double-clicking all the time, it's very easy to accidentally move your mouse too far while double-clicking or wait too long.
I'm sorry to hear that.
In that case, I found these two articles useful:
Logical consequences of the way
Windows converts single-clicks into
higher-order clicks
You can find answer in the thread titled Double Click Capturing on QtCentre forum;
You could have a timer. Start the
timer in the releaseEvent handler and
make sure the timeout is long enough
to handle the double click first.
Then, in the double click event
handler you can stop the timer and
prevent it from firing. If a double
click handler is not triggered, the
timer will timeout and call a slot of
your choice, where you can handle the
single click. This is of course a
nasty hack, but has a chance to work.
Using PySide which is the Python binding of Qt 4.8 I saw that single clicks deliver a QEvent.MouseButtonPress event and double clicks deliver a single QEvent.MouseButtonPress event closely followed by a QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick. The delay is approximately about 100ms on Windows. That means you still have a problem if you need to differentiate between single and double clicks.
The solution needs another QTimer with a slightly higher delay than the inbuilt delay (adding some overhead). If you observe a QEvent.MouseButtonPress event you start your own timer, in case of timeout it is a single click. In case of a QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick it is a double click and you stop the timer to avoid counting as single click.

QT Repaint/Redraw/Update/Do Something

I'm New to QT. I understand that you can force a display refresh, but I've pulled all my hair out trying to figure out how. Here is what I'm specifically trying to do.
I press a button (onClick signal event), which runs code that changes an image (QLabel) on the display, waits for input, and then proceeds by changing a new image (different QLabel). I've tried everything and the display doesn't refresh until the onclick signal event code is complete. Right now, I'm not waiting for user input, I'm using usleep(~500 ms) for testing purposes.
From what I read, QT is event driven meaning that I'm basically creating a bunch of events, that get put in a que, and executed when the (onClick signal event) returns to the (main loop)/(event handler). I don't want to wait until the function is complete, it's going to make programming extremely painful if I have to accomplish this routine entirely based on events.
How can I force the QLabel pixmap to refresh. I've tried everything. Below is all the code I have tried in my onClick signal event handler. (upButton is the name of the QLabel which is a pixmap)
QPaintEvent paintevent(ui->upButton->childrenRegion());
QPaintEvent * test = &paintevent;
As you can see, I'm just shooting in the dark at this point. I've tried to look at sample code and do all my homework, but I'm lost. Appreciate any help, advice, and or sample code.
I was using sleep to emulate a brief amount of time the computer was waiting for something to happen.
As I stated in my question, I didn't want to use events because it's a whole lot of unnecessary work to accomplish something extremely simply.
Also, the 'event' that needs to take place for the program to continue, is a USB event. Since I'm using an HID class device, there is no way to set an event to happen without a wait loop. USB HID classes don't permit setting interrupts, the OS claims the device.
I managed to get the above to work. I walked through the debugger and noticed the display would refresh before the sleep function. Running the program independently, I got random results with the display refreshing 1% of the time. I got rid of the sleep function, and added some other code in it's place to emulate a delay, and it was fine.
Just for everyone's knowledge, this is possible, it's not forbidden, and it's easy to do with the following:
qApp is a global external variable in the QApplication header.
Because this USB event is making my flow tricky, I stumbled upon the QWaitCondition Class. I was going to start a process waiting for the USB event. I would wait until the process releases the wait condition for my routine to continue.
But if anyone thinks this is a bad idea, please, speak out. I really do appreciate your feedback PiedPiper and Hostile Fork.
Thank you.
I noticed sometimes when you have multiple layered widgets, or widgets inside of widgets it helps to call their repaint() events.
For example
This is far easier then pushing out any processing to another Thread, or creating additional event handlers.
You shouldn't be waiting for input in your event handler. You need to rethink the logic of your program to use events the way they were intended. All the update() and repaint() calls in your code are unnecessary if you return to the event loop.
If i understood correctly, you have a slot and in this slot, you update the image shown in a QLabel. But you want this change to be displayed before the slot finishes.
If that is the case, issue an update() event, and call qApp->processEvents(). This method processes events that are waiting in the event queue and then returns, therefore this may be what you are after.
PS: an update() may not be necessary at all, i am not sure.