Stroustrup: For C++, how do I install FLTK library? - c++

Question: Can someone give me instructions on how to install FLTK for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, so that I can use FLTK for C++?
Extra Information:
the Chapter 12 drill, in Bjarne Stroustrup's Programming: Principle and Pracice using C++ wants me to install FLTK.
I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2015.
I downloaded the files at
Then I opened the fltk.dsw in C://Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC.
But the build failed.
I searched this website for any similar problems; but the last similar question is a person asking for help with VS2010, 4 years ago.
I'm sorry again, guys. but this issue seems beyond my grasp because this is my first time installing a library on C++

Since the above answer was given, changes have occurred that have made it easier to install the FLTK library on a Microsoft Windows system. I have outlined below how I went about installing the FLTK library and getting a simple FLTK program to run.
For those of you working your way through Bjarne Stroustrup's Programming, Principles, and Practices Using C++, here is how I got the FLTK library installed and operational on a Windows 10.0.18363 Build 18363 a.k.a. Windows 10 1809 Pro using the VCPKG and MSYS2 versions of the FLTK library 1.3.5.
Using Microsoft VCPKG
The steps below assume that Visual Studio is already installed.
1. Clone the VCPKG
1.1 Open PowerShell as an Administrator.
1.2 Enter a directory to clone the VCPKG--e.g. C:\ProgramFiles.
1.3 Copy and paste the following into PowerShell and press enter to start downloading VCPKG or go to git clone
1.3.1 After VCPKG finishes downloading, there should be a vcpkg-master directory. Enter the following at the command line: cd vcpkg-master .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat .\vcpkg integrate install
1.3.2 The command in step will compile the VCPKG library using the most recent Visual Studio it can find on your system.
1.3.3 The command in step will configure Visual Studio to locate all vcpkg header files and binaries on a per-user basis. There's no need for manual editing of VC++ Directories paths. SEE for more info.
1.4 This concludes the installation of VCPKG. For more information, see the following:
2. Install FLTK Using VCPKG
2.1 In PowerShell, execute the following commands:
2.1.1 .\vcpkg install fltk:x86-windows
2.1.2 .\vcpkg install fltk:x64-windows
2.2 The above two commands will install FLTK into vcpkg-master\packages.
3. Modify the x.H file
3.1 When trying to run the FLTK test program under Visual Studio 2019, I was getting the error message: "… cannot open include file ‘x11/xlib.h’ no such file or directory …" that is documented in Resource #3 below. So, I ended up modifying the x.H file as instructed in this resource. Here's what to do. . .
3.2 If you get this error, double-click on the error message to open up the file within Visual Studio. If it does not open, I found my file in: ..\vcpkg-master\installed\x64-windows\include\FL\x.H
3.3 Go to line 28, "...between # include “Enumerations.H” on line 27 and # ifdef WIN32..." add include "# define WIN32" as shown by the red arrow in the screen shot below:
Using MSYS2
The steps below assume that MSYS2 is already installed.
1. Install FLTK
1.1 Open the MSYS2 MSYS terminal.
1.2 For 64-bit systems, enter: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-fltk
For 32-bit systems, enter: pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-fltk
1.3 In the ../msys64/mingw64/bin directory, there should be a fltk-config file. If the installation was successful, you should see the fltk version number after executing the following command: fltk-config --version.
Using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.4.5
1. Create a new project
1.1 Select File --> New --> Project or press CTRL+SHIFT+N
1.2 Click on Windows Desktop Application
1.3 Enter a project name and create your project
2. Create a header file
2.1 Right-click on the Header Files folder and select Add --> New Item
2.2 Name the header file
2.3 In the new header file, under #include "resource.h" enter the following:
#include <Fl/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
2.4 Save the file.
3. Open the source file
3.1 Under #include "framework.h", enter a #include statement for the header file created in step 2 above.
3.2 Locate the comment: // TODO: Place code here.
3.3 Copy and paste the following code below the comment in Step 3.2:
Fl_Window window(200, 200, "Window Title");
Fl_Box box(0, 0, 200, 200, "Hey, I mean, Hello, World!");;
return Fl::run();
3.4 Press CTRL+F5 to run the program. A window should display with the words: "Hey, I mean, Hello, World!".
Using MSYS2
1. Using a text editor or IDE of your choice, create a header file and copy and paste the following:
#include <Fl/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
2. Create a source file--e.g. fltk_test.cpp. Copy and paste the following code into the source file:
#include "name of your header file in Step 1"
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
Fl_Window *window = new Fl_Window(340, 180);
Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(20, 40, 300, 100, "Hello World");
window->show(argc, argv);
return Fl::run();
3. Compile and build the source
3.1 Open a MSYS MinGW 64 terminal
3.2 Enter the following at the command line: g++ -v -g <your source file name> -lfltk -o <your exe file name>. For example, g++ -v -g fltk_test.cpp -lfltk -o fltk_test.exe
3.4 The linker flag -lfltk MUST come after the source file [THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!]. If it does not, undefined reference errors will be generated.
4. Run the program: .\fltk_test.exe. A window should display with the words: "Hello, World!".
EXTRA - Makefile
Below is a sample Makefile using the file name: fltk_mingw_test
# DATE: 2020 FEB 27
# FILENAME: Makefile
# DESCRIPTION: This is a Makefile for the MSYS2 version of FLTK
# 1.3.5. It will compile and build the Hello World program
# found at
CXX = $(shell fltk-config --cxx)
DEBUG = -g
CXXFLAGS = $(shell fltk-config --use-gl --use-images --cxxflags ) -I.
LDFLAGS = $(shell fltk-config --use-gl --use-images --ldflags )
LDSTATIC = $(shell fltk-config --use-gl --use-images --ldstaticflags )
TARGET = C:\<your path>\fltk_mingw_test.exe #File extension must be exe
OBJS = fltk_mingw_test.o
SRCS = fltk_mingw_test.cpp
.SUFFIXES: .o .cpp
%.o: %.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEBUG) -c $<
all: $(TARGET)
fltk_mingw_test.o: fltk_mingw_test.cpp fltk_mingw_test.h
clean: $(TARGET) $(OBJS)
rm -f *.o 2> /dev/null
rm -f $(TARGET) 2> /dev/null
Please note: you need to put a tab character at the beginning of every recipe line! This is an obscurity that catches the unwary. If you prefer to prefix your recipes with a character other than tab, you can set the .RECIPEPREFIX variable to an alternate character (see Special Variables).
vcpkg: a C++ package manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
Vcpkg: a tool to acquire and build C++ open source libraries on Windows
How to install and use fltk-1.3.4 in Visual Studio 2017 2.0 [complete guide] – preventing cross-contamination
GNU make Manual

To install the FLTK to work with the VS 2015, you can follow this article:
Now the latest version of FLTK is 1.3.3 and you can find it from here and select the ‘fltk-1.3.3-source.tar.gz’ to download. I already downloaded this one and followed the steps in the above guide document, finally it is successful and the test result is matched the expected one as below:


VS Code building .exe files in Windows 10, how do I change to build for windows 10 compatibility

So I am having trouble building my .exe files in visual studio code for my current windows OS. for some reason, my .exe files, when I run a diagnostic on them, seem to only be compatible for windows 8, not 10.
Processor architecture: AMDx64
system: x64 based PC
VS code version: 1.74.3
When creating a simple "Hello World" application I tried following this tutorial, and it didn't have any problems. It was when I followed the tutorial for importing external libraries that the problems ocured.
I’ve tried importing an external library, and used msys2 to install the files in the bin/include/lib folders for mingw64.
I set my include path to the include folder, and I’ve set my compiler to default. My JSON tasks document appears correct, and when I build the .exe file, it builds successfully… but it only builds an executable file compatible for windows eight
I ran the properties compatibility test, and this is the output I get
What exactly do I need to do in order to change the OS version to make it compatible to run on both the visual studio code terminal, and my system terminal as well?
the following is the output once I ran the build process
Starting build...
C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\cpp.exe -IC:\msys64\mingw64\include -fdiagnostics-color=always -g "D:\Documents\C++\VS_Code\FMT Import\FMTImport.cpp" -o "D:\Documents\C++\VS_Code\FMT Import\FMTImport.exe" -lfmt
>Build finished successfully.
config name:C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/g++.exe
compiler path: C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/g++.exe
intellisense mode: ${default}
edit 2:
running terminal attempts to build..
for g++
D:\Documents\C++\VS_Code\FMT Import>g++ -o FMTImport FMTImport.cpp
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/12.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\William\AppData\Local\Temp\ccshGhdE.o:FMTImport.cpp:(.text+0x8c): undefined reference to `fmt::v9::vprint(fmt::v9::basic_string_view<char>, fmt::v9::basic_format_args<fmt::v9::basic_format_context<fmt::v9::appender, char> >)'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
for clang++
D:\Documents\C++\VS_Code\FMT Import>clang++ FMTImport.cpp -o FMTImport
FMTImport.cpp:1:10: fatal error: 'fmt/format.h' file not found
#include <fmt/format.h>

How to install GMP Mp on windows? (C++)

I've followed every single guide I could possibly find but to be completely honest I have no idea what some installation 'steps' even mean.
I tried installing Cygwin (and MYSY) and running the commands that the guides told me to, but the terminal either doesn't do anything or it gives me the error: 'no such file or directory'. (I changed the folder directory to where my files where)
Also I'm not entirely sure I installed everything correctly because I should've checked some add-ons during the installation right? I did as in the guide but still I maybe missed something...
Could someone please explain to me step by step how to install it saying explicitly all that has to be done, (I'm running windows 7) considering It's the first time I do such thing and I have no idea what ./configure , make and all the other commands even mean...
The following is a simple step by step using only cygwin tools.
To compile C++ we need the g++ compiler; to locate the correct package to be installed the cygwin tool is cygcheck (that is installed by default), with the -p switch it interrogates the database at
$ cygcheck -p bin/g++
Found 3 matches for bin/g++
gcc-g++-7.3.0-1 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
gcc-g++-7.3.0-2 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
gcc-g++-7.3.0-3 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
so we need the gcc-g++ package.
To install it, we run the cygwin setup, select the Full view, search the gcc-g to filter the thousands of packages and click on skip at the gcc-g++ row
after complety the installation, to verify we have it correctly installed:
$ cygcheck -c gcc-g++
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version Status
gcc-g++ 7.3.0-3 OK
Installing gcc-g++ will pull also the installation of the C compiler package gcc-core.
To compile a gmp program we need the proper header and shared library; that are usually included in a "*-devel" package:
$ cygcheck -p include/gmpxx.h
Found 9 matches for include/gmpxx.h
libgmp-devel-6.1.0-3p1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development) (installed binaries and support files)
libgmp-devel-6.1.1-1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development) (installed binaries and support files)
libgmp-devel-6.1.2-1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development)
mingw64-i686-gmp-6.0.0a-2 - mingw64-i686-gmp: Multiple Precision arithmetic library for Win32 toolchain (installed binaries and support files)
All the packages with mingw64 are for cross compiling and we can ignore, so it is libgmp-devel. Verifying that is properly installed
$ cygcheck -c libgmp-devel
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version Status
libgmp-devel 6.1.2-1 OK
And the package content is the header files and the import libraries
$ cygcheck -l libgmp-devel
Now we can program one example, I am taking it from
and written in a file called mpz_add.cpp
You can use whatever editor you want. The important is that the file follows
the Unix line termination standard LF and not the Windows CR+LF (see note below if not)
$ file mpz_add.cpp
mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text
$ cat mpz_add.cpp
#include <gmpxx.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (void)
mpz_class a, b, c;
a = 1234;
b = "-5678";
c = a+b;
cout << "sum is " << c << "\n";
cout << "absolute value is " << abs(c) << "\n";
return 0;
To compile our example and test it:
$ g++ mpz_add.cpp -lgmpxx -lgmp -o mpz_add
$ ./mpz_add
sum is -4444
absolute value is 4444
We can also verify which library are linked in the program mpz_add, I added some extra comment:
$ cygcheck ./mpz_add
D:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll <= cygwin library
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll <= windows system library
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll ...
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNELBASE.dll ...
D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggmp-10.dll <= GMP C library
D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggmpxx-4.dll <= GMP C++ library
D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll <= C library
D:\cygwin64\bin\cygstdc++-6.dll <= C++ library
If the file has the wrong line termination, the best tool is d2u (Dos to Unix)
$ cygcheck -p bin/d2u
Found 6 matches for bin/d2u
dos2unix-7.4.0-1 - dos2unix: Line Break Conversion
$ file mpz_add.cpp
mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
$ d2u mpz_add.cpp
dos2unix: converting file mpz_add.cpp to Unix format...
$ file mpz_add.cpp
mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text
As you added also the tag makefile and autotools, the first is in the package make:
$ cygcheck -p bin/make.exe
Found 6 matches for bin/make.exe
make-4.2.1-2 - make: The GNU version of the 'make' utility
The second is more complex and you need the packages autoconf automake and libtool,

Can build Mysql Connector C++ on vs 2017?

I tried to build mysql-connector-c++ from source to static library.
Referring the official spec here, I generated the Visual studio solution by the following command:
cmake -DMYSQL_DIR="E:\mysql-5.7.21-winx64" -DWITH_BOOST="E:\libs\boost_1_67_0_BUILDED" -DWITH_JDBC=ON -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ../
Then, I opened the vs solution generated by cmake.Run build, got the two libs: mysqlcppconn8-static-mt.lib, mysqlcppconn-static-mt.lib, and copied them to my project.
When I built my project (also vs2017 version), I got the error:
mysqlcppconn-static-mt.lib(net_serv.obj) : error LNK2038: 检测到“_MSC_VER”的不匹配项: 值“1800”不匹配值“1900”(ActionProcessor.obj 中)
I am confused. They're all built in vs2017, and platform toolset are all set to "Visual Studio 2017 (v141)". I can't understand where 1800_MSC_VER has come from.
Here is what I did
Visual Studio 15, (2017)
Static (.lib)
With static runtime (/MT)
Bison (In a folder without spaces)
Perl (ActiveState or Strawberry)
OpenSSL 1.0.2q.tar.gz
Add CMAKE, Bison and pearl to your system path
Check to see if you got all setup correctly
C:\>cmake --version
cmake version 3.9.6
C:\>bison --version
bison (GNU Bison) 2.4.1
C:\>m4 --version
m4 (GNU M4) 1.4.13
C:\>perl -version
This is perl 5, version 24, subversion 3 (v5.24.3)
Step 1: Build OpenSSL 1.0.x
Note: if you want to build OpenSSL 1.1.x steps will be a bit different
Extract to: C:\mysql-8.0.15\openssl-1.0.2q
Run: x64 Native Tools Command prompt for VS 2017
cd C:\mysql-8.0.15\openssl-1.0.2q
perl Configure VC-WIN64A no-shared --openssldir=.\rel64
nmake -f ms\nt.mak
nmake -f ms\nt.mak install
nmake -f ms\nt.mak clean
perl Configure debug-VC-WIN64A no-shared --openssldir=.\dbg64
nmake -f ms\nt.mak
nmake -f ms\nt.mak install
Step 2: Build MySQL (Yes the actual database)
Extract to: C:\mysql-8.0.15
Run: x64 Native Tools Command prompt for VS 2017
cd C:\mysql-8.0.15\
cmake . -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ^
-DWITH_BOOST=C:/mysql-8.0.15/boost ^
-DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release ^
-DWITH_SSL=C:\mysql-8.0.15\openssl-1.0.2q\rel64 ^
Copy m4.exe to C:\mysql-8.0.15\sql\ this avoids any m4.exe errors during built
Open MySQL.sln and build for release x64
Copy binary_log_funcs.h and binary_log_types.h from mysql-8.0.15\libbinlogevents\export to mysql-8.0.15\include
The library should be located at:
Static release library: C:\mysql-8.0.15\archive_output_directory\Release\mysqlclient.lib
Step 3: Build MySQL Connector C++
Copy C:\mysql-8.0.15-dbg\archive_output_directory\Debug\mysqlclient.lib
to C:\mysql-8.0.15-dbg\lib\vs14
Browse to the path of the MySQL Connector Project.
Click Configure, Select Visual studio 15 2017 Win64, native compilers
WITH_SSL = C:\mysql-8.0.15\openssl-1.0.2q\rel64
WITH_BOOST= C:\mysql-8.0.15\boost\boost_1_66_0
Open MySQL_CONCPP.sln build for Release x64
The library is located at:
Step 4: Test it
Note: This test is for the JDBC style API. If you are not maintaining an existing application, use the new xdevapi API.
Create a new project and put the following in main.cpp
#include <Windows.h>
#include <driver.h>
#include <connection.h>
#include <statement.h>
#include <exception.h>
sql::Driver *mDriver;
sql::Connection *mConnection;
int main() {
mDriver = get_driver_instance(); //or use: new MySQL_Driver()
try {
mConnection = mDriver->connect("host", "username", "password");
}catch(sql::SQLException& ex) {
std::cout << ex.what();
delete mConnection;
return 0;
Set: Linker > Input > Additional Dependecies:
Set: Configuration Properties > VC++ Directories
Include Directories.
Library Directories.
I don't even know where to start explaining to be honest. Building this was a massive pain.
Before you begin to read this, please ensure you have the following:
Because I was writing my own "wrapper" and trying to make UNICODE work properly, I was getting weird exceptions, and I was unable to debug anything because I downloaded the latest package which is built without debug information (
This is the first time I try to build this, so I went to their Github repository and grabbed the latest "master":
BUT! This does not contain the "JDBC" sources, which is by the way the "native" connector as they call it. So I grabbed it from the branch: and then copied the files into "mysql-connector-cpp-master\jdbc".
OK. I opened "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017" and navigated to "mysql-connector-cpp-master". At this point I still had no idea what I am doing and how to build it, all I could understand from the docs and different articles here is to run:
cmake -DWITH_JDBC=ON --build .
This started to configure things and build OK, but it stopped here:
-- Searching for static libraries with the base name(s) "mysqlclient"
CMake Error at FindMySQL.cmake:524 (message):
Could not find "mysql.h" from searching "/usr/include/mysql
/usr/local/include/mysql /opt/mysql/mysql/include
/opt/mysql/mysql/include/mysql /usr/local/mysql/include
/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql C:\Program Files/MySQL/*/include
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:332 (INCLUDE)
OK. So what now... where is "mysql.h" ?! After searching... and searching, I found this: Missing mysql.h and trying to find mysql-devel
And I quote:
Grab the MySQL Community Server and install it on your system. It
contains a directory called include in which you find the mysql.h.
Ok, great we need more stuff. So I download: and run the command again.
Happy days, something happened but no libs yet. I did get however a VS 2017 solution called: "MYSQLCPPCONN.sln".
This contains VS 2017 configuration to build the library for Win32. And of course trying to build with this solution will give you A LOT of unresolved external symbols.
So I run again the cmake but with static option added:
This time when I open "MYSQLCPPCONN.sln" I can see another project "mysqlcppconn-static" and this builds fine without issues.
However, in my case I need x64. I just created a new configuration for x64 by copying the exiting configuration fron Win32.
So that's it, I have both Win32 and x64 "mysqlcppconn-static.lib".
Overall Conclusion at this time:
Quite hard to build, without experience you will spend some time...
No proper documentation, their existing documentation is poorly
written and very confusing.
No UNICODE support, yes the projects compile as Multi-Byte
Character Set.
I will see if I can debug and find out why am I getting exceptions in the library when using this (from their documentation):
sql::ConnectOptionsMap connection_properties;
connection_properties["hostName"] = "";
connection_properties["port"] = "";
connection_properties["userName"] = "";
connection_properties["password"] = "";
connection_properties["schema"] = "";
connection_properties["OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT"] = 10;
connection_properties["CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS"] = (true);
connection_properties["OPT_CHARSET_NAME"] = "utf8";
connection_properties["OPT_SET_CHARSET_NAME"] = "utf8";
I hope you can build your library with this information, and hopefully in the future it will become more easier and clear.
Good Luck.

C++ Mingw32 CreateProcess() failed with error code 2: The system cannot find the file specified

I am just trying to run a basic program in notepad++ and mingw32. I have attempted multiple different thing but I continue to get.
Current directory: \\THEBOX\Users\jacks_000\Documents
C:\MinGW\mingw32\bin\g++.exe -g "testpgrm"
CreateProcess() failed with error code 2:
The system cannot find the file specified.
================ READY ================
When I run the nppexec I use the following
C:\MinGW\mingw32\bin\g++.exe -g "$(FILE_NAME)"
I have also tried:
C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe -g "$(FILE_NAME)"
I am just using a basic test program:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
return 0;
I don't know if I will have issue running it in the command prompt if I save it this way or if I have done something wrong. I am running Windows 10 if that is a issue.
Current directory: \THEBOX\Users\jacks_000\Documents
I think it's because g++ can't access to a SMB share.
Try to compile the file locally.
The problem is with the location of "C:\MinGW\mingw32\bin\g++.exe". Where it is on your PC, and what is the actual filename, will depend on your installation.
For example, on my machine I have and old version in "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks13_02\MinGW\bin\mingw32-g++.exe", but a newer installation in another folder.
So you need to find the executable name and location of the compiler. You won't need to use the top two lines, just "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks13_02\MinGW\bin\mingw32-g++.exe -g test.c", for example.
I did this and it gave a result of :
C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks13_02\MinGW\bin\mingw32-g++.exe -g test.c
Process started >>>
<<< Process finished. (Exit code 0)
================ READY ================

Compiling source Qt 4.7.4 on windows 7 error qmake is not an internal or external command

Edit 2 -
I don't have the application file qmake in the /bin folder and this is the error I am getting.
Path environment variable : C:\development\referencebuilds\qt\4.7.4\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.4\bin\
Command Prompt - visual studio 2005
Source folder - C:\development\referencebuilds\qt\4.7.4\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.4
Steps -
Downloaded src
Extracted the files to folder – qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.4(C:\development\referencebuilds\qt\4.7.4)
configure.exe -opensource -fast -no-accessibility -no-qt3support -no-multimedia -no-audio-backend -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -no-webkit -no-scripttools -platform win32-msvc2005 -D “_BIND_TO_CURRENT_VCLIBS_VERSION=1”
The error I get is
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.762
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
.4\bin\qmake C:/development/referencebuilds/qt/4.7.4/qt-everywhere-opensource-sr
c-4.7.4/\ -o Makefile -spec win32-msvc2005
qmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\development\referencebuilds\qt\4.7.4\qt-everywher
e-opensource-src-4.7.4\bin\qmake' : return code '0x1'
I know I dont have the app files for qmake and many other appfiles in my \bin folder. How do I get them?
Edit 1
Well, after trying out all the answers, the situation still remains the same. I think i should add more details to what I am doing.
I am copying bin files(.dll , Appplication, Application Extension, Incremental Linker File, Program Debug Database, ) from another machine and the version of Qt was 4.7.2
My questions are -
1. Do you see that as the cause for all the issues here? If yes, how do I get all the above files? If I just congigure as above and then run nmake I get
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.762
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:/development/referen cebuilds/qt/4.7.4/\ -o Makefile
-spec win32-msvc2008
'C:\development\referencebuilds\qt\4.7.4\bin\qmake' is not recognized
as an inte rnal or external command, operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077:
'C:\development\referencebuilds\qt\4.7.4\bin\qmake' : return code
'0x1' Stop.
1, Downloaded the source file named
qt-everywhere-opensource-4.7.4 and saved it in folder c:\development\referencebuilds\qt\4.7.4\
2, uncompressed the zip file and the files extracted into folder
3, Copied back all files from the folder
c:\development\referencebuilds\qt\4.7.4\qt-everywhere-opensource-4.7.4 to c:\development\referencebuilds\qt\4.7.4\
4, ran
configure.exe -opensource -fast -no-acce ssibility -no-qt3support
-no-multimedia -no-audio-backend -no-phonon -no-phonon- backend
-no-webkit -no-scripttools -platform win32-msvc2008 -D
5, nmake and now I get the following errors.
C:/development/referen cebuilds/qt/4.7.4/\ -o Makefile
-spec win32-msvc2008 Could not find mkspecs for your
QMAKESPEC(win32-msvc2008) after trying:
C:\Qt\4.7.2\mkspecs Error processing project file:
C:/development/referencebuilds/qt/4.7.4//projects .pro NMAKE : fatal
error U1077: 'C:\development\referencebuilds\qt\4.7.4\bin\qmake.EX E'
: return code '0x3' Stop.
I have no clue as to why it is refering to C:\Qt\4.7.2\mkspecs . How do I get over this error? what is exactly happening. How do I prevent such issues in future?
Your install directory is:
Let's call it $(QTDIR). Now:
Extend your PATH variable to include $(QTDIR)\bin
Specify the QMAKESPEC environment variable to be win32-msvc2005
Open a Visual Studio command prompt to get the Visual Studio environment variables
Run configure
Run nmake
This procedure usually gets the Qt build to work for me.
Make sure that you don't have any existing QT directories in your path before you call configure and nmake.
It looks like you have a previous version of Qt installed. "C:\Qt\4.7.2\". And it would seem you have it setup in your system variables. Look for a variable called QTDIR in your system environment variables. Which is why you are getting an error, basically your 4.7.2 Qt is trying to build the new version.
Two options:
Un-install your old Qt via add/remove software in the control panel.
Remove your QTDIR system variable for the time being (will require a re-login) so that when you try to build from source it will use the correct binaries from the source folder.
Then just follow this guide: