Internal Server Error bitnami redmine - redmine

I have a git integration problem with Redmine, I use the image of the BitNami hosted on Amazon server, someone has found himself in a similar error that could help me?
Thank you all for the attention!

In order to configure the Bitnami Redmine Stack wit GIT, you should take a look to the guide below:


Automatic deployment of my django website after making changes

i have deployed my Django portfolio using nginx server.but now i want a feature in which i make changes to my Github repo and then it will get automatic deployed to my nginx server.
how can i do this?.
Read more about Jenkins this will help you to pull code from the Github webhook and deploy it automatically, you just have to push code on Github. You just have to install it on the server and set up everything.
you can use cicd but recently it is requiered to validate account with credit cart... if you dont have a card can use git hook for auto deployment

AWS Lightsail Django Bitnami : Operational Error- Attempt to write read only database

I have a website that is completely functional in development, however, I'm unable to configure the server permissions for my .sqlite3database file, so as to allow database changes eg Login, and Register. I'm using the bitnami stack for Django on AWS lightsail and I would appreciate help on the matter. Thanks !
Bitnami developer here!
Django stack uses Apache as its server, which is configured to delegate those requests to a Python daemon process.
It may be the case that if you were using a venv or extra python configuration, you'd have to adapt the virtual host configuration file to take that into account.
$ cat /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/vhosts/myapp-http-vhost.conf
SGIDaemonProcess APPNAME python-home=/opt/bitnami/python python-path=/opt/bitnami/projects/APPNAME

Update Parse-Server-Example

I thought it would be a topic to find easily on the web, but I couldnt find a solution..
I deployed the parse-server-example on AWS Elastic Beanstalk according to the original documentation and it works perfectly. Can anyone give me a hint how to update this server to the newest version? I try to use the parse-dashboard and I get the error "server version too low".
I cloned the parse server with eb cli already. But I do not know how / which files to update.
Thanks for any hint!
In package.json, you update the version next to 'parse-server'. I think by default this is '~2.0'?
Parse Dashboard requires Parse-Server to be '>=2.1.4', HOWEVER, currently I'm having issues when changing the parse-server version, it breaks my AWS server instance. Currently have an issue open on GitHub (, so keep an eye on that.
But yeah, that's where you update your Parse-Server version, I believe!
Once you've done this locally on your machine, you obviously need to deploy the updates to AWS via the Beanstalk Dashboard, as this will install/update any node modules from package.json.

Where can I find the equivalent of detailed Heroku logs on AWS?

I have a ruby application that I used to deploy and run on Heroku, but recently switched to AWS by using Opsworks. The application is running just fine, but I had a question about detailed error logs.
On Heroku, I could just type heroku logs and get detailed logs that would help me troubleshoot errors I saw in my application. However, I can't quite find the equivalent in AWS. I've tried going into my ec2 instance and into /var/log/ to find the detailed logs I need. The closest thing I found was going into the /ngninx folder and viewing the [app_name].com.acess.log file. I get logs, but they are not nearly as detailed as what I saw on Heroku.
As a result, troubleshooting is really difficult so far on AWS. Does anyone know of a location to some detailed logs or a way to enable some if they do not exist by default?
Any insight would be really helpful : )
You can find the log on AWS OpsWorks by doing something like this :
sudo su deploy
cd /srv/www/[app_name]/shared/log/
There you can find the logs, for example probably a production.log or unicorn.stdout.log

Cannot Create a new Project using Bitnami Django Stack console

I have installed bitnami django stack 1.8.7. I want to create a new project from the bitnani django console, but it does not work it does not recognize and the
I followed this documentation
The bitnami django console does not recognize python and django commands
Can you help me please? What I m doing wrong??
Bitnami developer here.
That documentation is really old.
The link below explains how to create a new Django project using Bitnami Django stack (check Native Installer tab):
I hope it helps.
P.S.: I know you have found this documentation. However, it could be useful for other users. Regards.