Cannot Create a new Project using Bitnami Django Stack console - django

I have installed bitnami django stack 1.8.7. I want to create a new project from the bitnani django console, but it does not work it does not recognize and the
I followed this documentation
The bitnami django console does not recognize python and django commands
Can you help me please? What I m doing wrong??

Bitnami developer here.
That documentation is really old.
The link below explains how to create a new Django project using Bitnami Django stack (check Native Installer tab):
I hope it helps.
P.S.: I know you have found this documentation. However, it could be useful for other users. Regards.


Ho Do I Restart Sitecore Server From Code?

We have a requirement to install Sitecore packages programmatically from a custom admin page. The package installation is working but once the package is installed I wanted to restart the Sitecore server from code.
Sitecore.Install.Installer installer = new Sitecore.Install.Installer();
I tried with installer.ExecutePostStep but not sure what action I need to provide to this function.
If anyone has done it before Please help .
Basically I wanted to execute the functionality from code what the two below check boxes are doing when we do manual installation.
The easiest thing will be to restart the Sitecore's application pool by a Restart-Application PowerShell command.
Find more details here.

Trouble deploying django webapp onto google cloud

I've been following the google cloud documentation titled, "Running Django on the App Engine standard environment" . I'm using the same app provided in the documentation in the "Cloning the Django App". Honestly, I get lost in the google cloud documentation under the "Configuring Database Settings" section. This what my (mysite/ in the given app mentioned previously)
Mysite/ img
Whenever running python makemigrations - I get the following error message on the CLI...
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Set the SECRET_KEY environment variable
Also, I have noticed there is no .env file in that repo. Would I maybe have to create it myself or would is it fine? Again I am using the github given app via the documentation.
Just trying to deploy Django website to google cloud. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im on Mac Big Sur btw if that matters.
I tried to deploy the application using this documentation and got the same error you mentioned about. Then I observed that there is some issue with the github files mentioned in the documentation for which an open github issue is there. The reason for the issue is that the current code in the github repository matches a new tutorial version and we hope to get the new tutorial version updated soon to match the current code in the github repository.
For now using a specific previous version of ‘mysite/’ file in place of the current ‘mysite/’ file and adding ‘PyMySQL==1.0.2’ in requirements.txt file will work. The required previous version of the ‘mysite/’ can be found in this link. Follow the documentation for all remaining steps.

Using wwwhisper for a Django app in Heroku

it is possible to use wwwhisper add-on for a Django app? In that case, where can I find any guide about how to configure it? I've already installed the add-on, but I don't know how to make it work.
wwwhisper author here. The add-on works only with Ruby and Node.js applications on Heroku.

Creating first Django project using jython

I am trying to create my 1st project in django using jython. I am following this tutorial -
As mentioned in tutorial, I navigate to the directory where i intend to create a django project and run 'jython C:\jython2.5.1\Lib\site-packages\django\bin\'. On pressing enter, it says- Type ' help' for usage.
It is not creating a new project. I am using windows and have installed jython 2.5.1 and django 1.1.1.
I tried searching on google but no luck. This is the very first step and i am not getting how to do it. please help.
You need to type startproject your_project, where your_project is whatever you want to call your project.

How do I install an open source django-application?

I want to install an existing django app, The code is at
I installed django and I understand how to create a new django project.
But how do you deploy an existing app? I know how this works in Rails or Symfony, but I don't really get the django concept here.
Where do I put the files? Which scripts do I run?
Thanks for the steps.
Why is this any different from deploying your own applications? Just put them somewhere in your PYTHONPATH and set up mod_wsgi or whatever to serve them.