Creating an Akka stream for parallel processing of collection elements - akka

I am trying to define a graph for Akka stream that contain parallel processing flow (I am using Akka.NET but this shouldn't matter). Imagine a data source of orders, each order consists of an order ID and a list of products (order items). The workflow is as follows:
Receive and order
Broadcast the order to two flows, flow A will deal with order items, channel B will deal with Order ID (some bookkeeping work)
Flow A: Split collection of order items into individual elements, each one to be processed separately
Flow A: For each order items that result from the split in the previous step call some external service which looks up extra information (price, availability etc.)
Flow B: do some extra bookkeeping for the given Order ID
Merge flows A and B
Send to the sink merged data from the previous step which result in enriched order information
Steps 1 (Source.From), 2 (Broadcast), 4-5 (Map), 6 (Merge), 7 (Sink) looks OK. But how is collection split implemented in Akka or reactive streams terms? This is not broadcasting or flattening, a collection of N elements need to be split into N independent substreams that will later be merged back. How is this achieved?

I recommend to do it in one flow. I know two flows looks cooler but trust me it's not worth it in terms of simplicity of design (I tried). You may write something like this
import{Flow, Sink, Source, SubFlow}
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.Future
case class Item()
case class Order(items: List[Item])
val flow = Flow[Order]
.mapAsync(4) { order =>
Future {
// Enrich your order here
.mapConcat { order => -> _)
.mapAsync(4) { case (order, item) =>
Future {
// Enrich your item here
order -> item
.groupBy(2, tuple => tuple._1)
.fold[Map[Order, List[Item]]](immutable.Map.empty) { case (map, (order, item)) => map.updated(order, map.getOrElse(order, Nil) :+ item) }
.mapConcat { { case (order, newItems) => order.copy(items = newItems)} }
but even this approach is bad. There are so many things can go wrong either with code above or your design. What will you do if enrichment of one of order's items fails? What if enrichment of order object fails ? What should happens to your stream(s) ?
If I were you I'd have Flow[Order] and process its children in mapAsync so at least it guarantees I don't have partially processed orders.


How to query big data in DynamoDB in best practice

I have a scenario: query the list of student in school, by year, and then use that information to do some other tasks, let say printing a certificate for each student
I'm using the serverless framework to deal with that scenario with this Lambda:
const queryStudent = async (_school_id, _year) => {
var params = {
TableName: `schoolTable`,
KeyConditionExpression: 'partition_key = _school_id AND begins_with(sort_key, _year)',
try {
let _students = [];
let items;
do {
items = await dynamoClient.query(params).promise();
_students = items.Items;
params.ExclusiveStartKey = items.LastEvaluatedKey;
} while (typeof items.LastEvaluatedKey != 'undefined');
return _students;
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error: ', e);
const mainHandler = async (event, context) => {
let students = await queryStudent(body.school_id, body.year);
await printCerificate(students)
So far, it’s working well with about 5k students (just sample data)
My concern: is it a scalable solution to query large data in DynamoDB?
As I know, Lambda has limited time execution, if the number of student goes up to a million, does the above solution still work?
Any best practice approach for this scenario is very appreciated and welcome.
If you think about scaling, there are multiple potential bottlenecks here, which you could address:
Hot Partition: right now you store all students of a single school in a single item collection. That means that they will be stored on a single storage node under the hood. If you run many queries against this, you might run into throughput limitations. You can use things like read/write sharding here, e.g. add a suffix to the partition key and do scatter-gatter with the data.
Lambda: Query: If you want to query a million records, this is going to take time. Lambda might not be able to do that (and the processing) in 15 minutes and if it fails before it's completely through, you lose the information how far you've come. You could do checkpointing for this, i.e. save the LastEvaluatedKey somewhere else and check if it exists on new Lambda invocations and start from there.
Lambda: Processing: You seem to be creating a certificate for each student in a year in the same Lambda function you do the querying. This is a solution that won't scale if it's a synchronous process and you have a million students. If stuff fails, you also have to consider retries and build that logic in your code.
If you want this to scale to a million students per school, I'd probably change the architecture to something like this:
You have a Step Function that you invoke when you want to print the certificates. This step function has a single Lambda function. The Lambda function queries the table across sharded partition keys and writes each student into an SQS queue for certificate-printing tasks. If Lambda notices, it's close to the runtime limit, it returns the LastEvaluatedKey and the step function recognizes thas and starts the function again with this offset. The SQS queue can invoke Lambda functions to actually create the certificates, possibly in batches.
This way you decouple query from processing and also have built-in retry logic for failed tasks in the form of the SQS/Lambda integration. You also include the checkpointing for the query across many items.
Implementing this requires more effort, so I'd first figure out, if a million students per school per year is a realistic number :-)

Distribute work stored in table to multiple processes

I have a database table where each row represents a work to be done. This table is filled up/receive work through a rest API. Apart from a rest-service taking up the work, I have another service which uses actors to process this work.
I need suggestions in distributing this work evenly across these workers. This work is not one time, it is kind of done at an interval until user deletes that.
Therefore I need a mechanism where
The work as it comes is distributed evenly.
If the second service(work consumer) fails it can again boot up with all the records in table and distribute the work again.
Each actor represents one row of the work table.
class WorkActor(workId: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: ActorMaterializer) extends Actor {
// read the record from table or whereever you want to read
override def preStart(): Unit = {"WorkActor start ===> " + self)
override def receive: Receive = {
case _ => {}
Create an Akka cluster sharding region to dispatch the request from rest api to corresponding actor. Calling startShardingRegion function to return an actorRef. Then you could send the message to this sharding actorRef by rest API, and then corresponding will help you handle the message.
final case class CommandEnvelope(id: String, payload: Any)
def startShardingRegion(role: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem) = {
typeName = role,
entityProps = Props(classOf[WorkActor]),
settings = ClusterShardingSettings(system),
extractEntityId = ClusterConfig.extractEntityId,
extractShardId = ClusterConfig.extractShardId
// sharding key
object ClusterConfig {
private val numberOfShards = 100
val extractEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {
case CommandEnvelope(id, payload) => (id, payload)
val extractShardId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = {
case CommandEnvelope(id, _) => (id.hashCode % numberOfShards).toString
case ShardRegion.StartEntity(id) => (id.hashCode % numberOfShards).toString
Read or recover the data from preStart function in the actor. There are many choice. You may read the uncompleted work from MQ (Kafka), Akka persistence (RDS, Cassandra) etc.
SBR has open source solution. That is an advanced topic if your business logic works.
The general outline of a solution is to use Akka Cluster, Cluster Sharding, and Akk Cluster Singleton. When the cluster is considered formed (generally when some minimum number of members have joined the cluster), you start the Cluster Sharding system (sharding work items by the DB's primary key) and then a Cluster Singleton will read the DB table and send work items to Cluster Sharding for distribution among the nodes of the cluster. Akka Streams and particularly Alpakka's Slick JDBC integration may prove useful within the singleton. Another cluster singleton to periodically check on jobs may also be useful to recover from cluster node failures (but see below for something to consider there).
Two notes:
If using Cluster Sharding and Cluster Singleton, you probably want to consider what happens in a split-brain situation: this is a distributed system and the probability of a split-brain eventually happening can be presumed to be 100%. In the split-brain scenario, you will very likely have the same jobs being performed simultaneously by different sides of the split, so you need to ask if that's acceptable in your use-case.
If not, then you will need a component which monitors the communications between nodes in your cluster to detect a split-brain and takes steps to resolve the condition: Lightbend's Split Brain Resolver is a good choice if you aren't interested in implementing this yourself.
In a related vein, if the jobs consist of many steps which must be performed, a question to ask is, if a cluster or node fails after completing, say, eight of ten steps, is it acceptable to redo steps 1-8 vs. starting with step 9? If the answer to this is "no", then you'll need to persist the intermediate state of the job. Akka Persistence is a great choice here, though you may want to read up on event sourcing. If using Persistence with Cluster Sharding and Cluster Singleton, it should be noted, you will almost certainly need to handle split-brains (see previous item).

GCP Dataflow droppedDueToClosedWindow & Commit request for stage S8 and key 8 is larger than 2GB

We run into problems with our Dataflow on Google Cloud. Our pipeline consists of various input steps, which get data pushed in with GCP PubSub. We then aggregate the data and sort it. These 1 steps are clearly too heavy for Dataflow and the window we configured. We get an exception [2] on the step. Also we see these metrics:
droppedDueToClosedWindow 3,838,662 Bids/AggregateExchangeOrders
droppedDueToClosedWindow 21,060,627 Asks/AggregateExchangeOrders
Now I am seeking advice how to attack this issue. Should I break down the steps, so for example iterations and sorting can be done with parallel steps?
Is there a way to get more information about what exactly happens?
Should we increase the number of workers? (Currently 1).
We are rather new with Dataflow. .. Good advice is most welcome.
Edit: I am adding a bit of details on the steps.
This is how the steps below are 'chained' together:
public PCollection<KV<KV<String, String>, List<ExchangeOrder>>> expand(PCollection<KV<String, KV<String, String>>> input) {
return input.apply("PairWithType", new ByPairWithType(type))
.apply("UnfoldExchangeOrders", new ByAggregatedExchangeOrders())
.apply("AggregateExchangeOrders", GroupByKey.<KV<String, String>, KV<String, KV<BigDecimal, BigDecimal>>>create())
.apply("ReorderExchangeOrders", ParDo.of(new ReorderExchangeOrders()));
So here, clearly we iterate through a collection of orders, and parse the type (twice), so it'a big decimal.
Which makes me think, we could skip one parse step as described here:
Convert string to BigDecimal in java
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
KV<String, KV<String, String>> key = c.element().getKey();
List<KV<String, String>> value = c.element().getValue();
exchangeOrder -> {
try {
BigDecimal unitPrice = BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.valueOf(exchangeOrder.getKey()));
BigDecimal quantity = BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.valueOf(exchangeOrder.getValue()));
if (quantity.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
// Exclude exchange orders with no quantity.
c.output(KV.of(key.getValue(), KV.of(key.getKey(), KV.of(unitPrice, quantity))));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Exclude exchange orders with invalid element.
} we group and sort. (And optionally reverse it), it seems this step is not taking a huge load.
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
KV<String, String> pairAndType = c.element().getKey();
Iterable<KV<String, KV<BigDecimal, BigDecimal>>> exchangeOrderBook = c.element().getValue();
List<ExchangeOrder> list = new ArrayList<>();
exchangeOrderBook.forEach(exchangeOrder -> list.add(
new ExchangeOrder(exchangeOrder.getKey(), exchangeOrder.getValue().getKey(), exchangeOrder.getValue().getValue())));
// Asks are sorted in ASC order
// Bids are sorted in DSC order
if (pairAndType.getValue().equals(EXCHANGE_ORDER_TYPE.BIDS.toString())) {
c.output(KV.of(pairAndType, list));
[ 1 ] Dataflow screenshot:
[ 2 ] Exception: Commit request for stage S8 and key 8 is larger than 2GB and cannot be processed.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Commit request for stage S8 and key 8 is larger than 2GB and cannot be processed. This may be caused by grouping a very large amount of data in a single window without using Combine, or by producing a large amount of data from a single input element.$Commit.getSize($new$0(
The error message is kind of straightforward.
The root cause of the problem, as many of the comments point out, is that the structure that contains all the results for one of the DoFn's is larger than 2GB, and your best option would be to partition your data in some way to make your work units smaller.
In the code I see that some of the structures returned by DoFn's are nested structures in the form KV>. This arrangement forces Dataflow to send the whole response back in one monolithic bundle, and prevents it from chunking it into smaller pieces.
One possible solution would be to use composite keys instead of nested structures for as long as possible in the pipeline, and only combine them when strictly necessary.
For example,
instead of KV>, the DoFn could return
KV<(concat(Key1, Key2)), Value>
This would split the work units into much smaller sets that can then be dispatched in parallel to multiple workers.
To answer the other questions, increasing the number of workers will have no effect as the huge collection generated by DoFn looks like is not splittable. Adding logging to see how the collection arrives at 2GB might provide useful tips to prevent this.

Joining a stream against a "table" in Dataflow

Let me use a slightly contrived example to explain what I'm trying to do. Imagine I have a stream of trades coming in, with the stock symbol, share count, and price: { symbol = "GOOG", count = 30, price = 200 }. I want to enrich these events with the name of the stock, in this case "Google".
For this purpose I want to, inside Dataflow, maintain a "table" of symbol->name mappings that is updated by a PCollection<KV<String, String>>, and join my stream of trades with this table, yielding e.g. a PCollection<KV<Trade, String>>.
This seems like a thoroughly fundamental use case for stream processing applications, yet I'm having a hard time figuring out how to accomplish this in Dataflow. I know it's possible in Kafka Streams.
Note that I do not want to use an external database for the lookups – I need to solve this problem inside Dataflow or switch to Kafka Streams.
I'm going to describe two options. One using side-inputs which should work with the current version of Dataflow (1.X) and one using state within a DoFn which should be part of the upcoming Dataflow (2.X).
Solution for Dataflow 1.X, using side inputs
The general idea here is to use a map-valued side-input to make the symbol->name mapping available to all the workers.
This table will need to be in the global window (so nothing ever ages out), will need to be triggered every element (or as often as you want new updates to be produced), and accumulate elements across all firings. It will also need some logic to take the latest name for each symbol.
The downside to this solution is that the entire lookup table will be regenerated every time a new entry comes in and it will not be immediately pushed to all workers. Rather, each will get the new mapping "at some point" in the future.
At a high level, this pipeline might look something like (I haven't tested this code, so there may be some types):
PCollection<KV<Symbol, Name>> symbolToNameInput = ...;
final PCollectionView<Map<Symbol, Iterable<Name>>> symbolToNames = symbolToNameInput
Note that we had to use viewAsMultiMap here. This means that we actually build up all the names for every symbol. When we look things up we'll need make sure to take the latest name in the iterable.
PCollection<Detail> symbolDetails = ...;
.apply(ParDo.withSideInputs(symbolToNames).of(new DoFn<Detail, AugmentedDetails>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
Iterable<Name> names = c.sideInput(symbolToNames).get(c.element().symbol());
Name name = chooseName(names);
c.output(augmentDetails(c.element(), name));
Solution for Dataflow 2.X, using the State API
This solution uses a new feature that will be part of the upcoming Dataflow 2.0 release. It is not yet part of the preview releases (currently Dataflow 2.0-beta1) but you can watch the release notes to see when it is available.
The general idea is that keyed state allows us to store some values associated with the specific key. In this case, we're going to remember the latest "name" value we've seen.
Before running the stateful DoFn we're going to wrap each element into a common element type (a NameOrDetails) object. This would look something like the following:
// Convert SymbolToName entries to KV<Symbol, NameOrDetails>
PCollection<KV<Symbol, NameOrDetails>> left = symbolToName
.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<SymbolToName, KV<Symbol, NameOrDetails>>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
SymbolToName e = c.element();
// Convert detailed entries to KV<Symbol, NameOrDetails>
PCollection<KV<Symbol, NameOrDetails>> right = details
.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<Details, KV<Symbol, NameOrDetails>>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
Details e = c.element();
c.output(KV.of(e.getSymobl(), NameOrDetails.details(e)));
// Flatten the two streams together
.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<KV<Symbol, NameOrDetails>, AugmentedDetails>() {
private final StateSpec<ValueState<String>> nameSpec =
public void processElement(ProcessContext c
#StateId("name") ValueState<String> nameState) {
NameOrValue e = c.element().getValue();
if (e.isName()) {
} else {
String name =;
if (name == null) {
// Use symbol if we haven't received a mapping yet.
name = c.element().getKey();

While using ConcurrentQueue, trying to dequeue while looping through in parallel

I am using the parallel data structures in my .NET 4 application and I have a ConcurrentQueue that gets added to while I am processing through it.
I want to do something like:
personqueue.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(20).ForAll(i => ... );
as I make database calls to save the data, so I am limiting the number of concurrent threads.
But, I expect that the ForAll isn't going to dequeue, and I am concerned about just doing
ForAll(i => {
as there is no guarantee that I am popping off the correct one.
So, how can I iterate through the collection and dequeue, in a parallel fashion.
Or, would it be better to use PLINQ to do this processing, in parallel?
Well I'm not 100% sure what you try to archive here. Are you trying to just dequeue all items until nothing is left? Or just dequeue lots of items in one go?
The first probably unexpected behavior starts with this statement:
For a ConcurrentQueue, you get a 'Snapshot'-Enumerator. So when you iterate over a concurrent stack, you only iterate over the snapshot, no the 'live' queue.
In general I think it's not a good idea to iterate over something you're changing during the iteration.
So another solution would look like this:
// this way it's more clear, that we only deque for theQueue.Count items
// However after this, the queue is probably not empty
// or maybe the queue is also empty earlier
Parallel.For(0, theQueue.Count,
new ParallelOptions() {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 20},
() => {
theQueue.TryDequeue(); //and stuff
This avoids manipulation something while iterating over it. However, after that statement, the queue can still contain data, which was added during the for-loop.
To get the queue empty for moment in time you probably need a little more work. Here's an really ugly solution. While the queue has still items, create new tasks. Each task start do dequeue from the queue as long as it can. At the end, we wait for all tasks to end. To limit the parallelism, we never create more than 20-tasks.
// Probably a kitty died because of this ugly code ;)
// However, this code tries to get the queue empty in a very aggressive way
Action consumeFromQueue = () =>
while (tt.TryDequeue())
; // do your stuff
var allRunningTasks = new Task[MaxParallism];
for(int i=0;i<MaxParallism && tt.Count>0;i++)
allRunningTasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(consumeFromQueue);
If you are aiming at a high throughout real site and you don't have to do immediate DB updates , you'll be much better of going for very conservative solution rather than extra layers libraries.
Make fixed size array (guestimate size - say 1000 items or N seconds worth of requests) and interlocked index so that requests just put data into slots and return. When one block gets filled (keep checking the count), make another one and spawn async delegate to process and send to SQL the block that just got filled. Depending on the structure of your data that delegate can pack all data into comma-separated arrays, maybe even a simple XML (got to test perf of that one of course) and send them to SQL sproc which should give it's best to process them record by record - never holding a big lock. It if gets heavy, you can split your block into several smaller blocks. The key thing is that you minimized the number of requests to SQL, always kept one degree of separation and didn't even have to pay the price for a thread pool - you probably won't need to use more that 2 async threads at all.
That's going to be a lot faster that fiddling with Parallel-s.