I got a simple server app. When new client connecting, it handles request from client and send data back to it. My problem is to provide a async execution of handle thread. Now, when began a handle thread it stops acceptor loop and wait for return of corresponding function.
The question is how to organize the continuation of acceptor loop (to be able to simultaneously handle other connection) after starting a handle thread?
class Server
boost::asio::io_service service;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor* acceptor;
boost::mutex mtx;
void acceptorLoop();
void HandleRequest(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket* clientSock);
void Server::acceptorLoop()
std::cout << "Waiting for clients..." << std::endl;
while (TRUE)
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket clientSock (service);
acceptor->accept(clientSock); //new socket accepted
std::cout << "New client joined! ";
boost::thread request_thread (&Server::HandleRequest, this, &clientSock); //create a thread
request_thread.join(); //here I start thread, but I want to continue acceptor loop and not wait until function return.
void Server::HandleRequest(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket* clientSock)
if (clientSock->available())
//Works with socket
acceptor = new boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor(service, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 8001));
acceptorLoop(); //loop started
You have two main problems here:
Thread joining - you are waiting for thread finish before accept new connection
Using pointer to a socket created on a stack
I recommend you this changes:
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket clientSock (service);
acceptor->accept(clientSock); //new socket accepted
std::cout << "New client joined! ";
std::thread{std::bind(&Server::HandleRequest, this, std::placeholders::_1), std::move(clientSock)}.detach();
And HandleRequest will change to this:
void Server::HandleRequest(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket&& clientSock)
if (clientSock.available())
//Works with socket
You can also store thread somewhere and join it later instead of detaching.
So why do you call join? Join is about waiting for a thread to finish, and you say you don't want to wait for the thread, so, well... just don't call join?
Consider a situation where you need to maintain 256 tcp connections with devices just for ocassionally sending commands. I want to do this in parallel(It needs to block until it gets the response), I'm trying to use QThreadPool for this purpose but I have some doubts if it is possible.
I tried to use QRunnable but I'm not sure how sockets will behave between threads (sockets should be used only in thread that they were created in?)
I'm also worried about efficiency of this solution, I would be glad if somebody could propose some alternatives, not necessarily using QT.
Below I'm posting some snippets of the code.
class Task : public QRunnable {
//creating TaskSubclass instance and socket in it
TaskSubclass *sub;
void run() override {
//some debug info and variable setting...
sub->doSomething( args );
class TaskSubclass {
Socket *sock; // socket instance
void doSomething( args )
//writing to socket here
class MainProgram : public QObject{
QThreadPool *pool;
Task *tasks;
pool = new QThreadPool(this);
//create tasks here
void run(){
//decide which task to start
My favorite solution for this problem is by multiplexing your sockets using select(). That way you don't need to create additional threads, and it is a "very POSIX" way to do it.
See for example see this tutorial:
Or a related question in:
Using select(..) on client
As OMD_AT has allready pointed out the best solution is to use Select() and let the kernel do the job for you :-)
here you have an example of an Async approach and an Syncron multi thread approach.
In this example we create 10 connection to a google webservice and make a simple get request to the server, we measure how long all connections in each approach needed to receive the response from the google server.
Be aware that you should use a more faster webserver to make a real test, like the localhost because the network latency has a big impact on the result.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrentRun>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QAtomicInt>
class Task : public QRunnable
Task() : QRunnable() {}
static QAtomicInt counter;
static QElapsedTimer timer;
virtual void run() override
QTcpSocket* socket = new QTcpSocket();
socket->connectToHost("www.google.com", 80);
socket->write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.google.com\r\n\r\n");
if(!--counter) {
qDebug("Multiple Threads elapsed: %lld nanoseconds", timer.nsecsElapsed());
QAtomicInt Task::counter;
QElapsedTimer Task::timer;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
// init
int connections = 10;
Task::counter = connections;
QElapsedTimer timer;
/// Async via One Thread (Select)
// handle the data
auto dataHandler = [&timer,&connections](QByteArray data) {
if(!--connections) qDebug(" Single Threads elapsed: %lld nanoseconds", timer.nsecsElapsed());
// create 10 connection to google.com and send an http get request
for(int i = 0; i < connections; i++) {
QTcpSocket* socket = new QTcpSocket();
socket->connectToHost("www.google.com", 80);
socket->write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.google.com\r\n\r\n");
QObject::connect(socket, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, [dataHandler,socket]() {
/// Async via Multiple Threads
for(int i = 0; i < connections; i++) {
QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start(new Task());
return app.exec();
Multiple Threads elapsed: 62324598 nanoseconds
Single Threads elapsed: 63613967 nanoseconds
Although, the answer is already accepted, I would like to share my)
What I understood from your question: Having 256 currently active connections, from time to time you send a request ("command" as you named it) to one of them and wait for the response. Meanwhile, you want to make this process multithreaded and, though you said "It needs to block until it gets the response", I assume you implied blocking a thread which handles request-response process, but not the main thread.
If I indeed understand the question right, here is how I suggest to do it using Qt:
#include <functional>
#include <QObject> // need to add "QT += core" in .pro
#include <QTcpSocket> // QT += network
#include <QtConcurrent> // QT += concurrent
#include <QFuture>
#include <QFutureWatcher>
class CommandSender : public QObject
// Sends a command via connection and blocks
// until the response arrives or timeout occurs
// then passes the response to a handler
// when the handler is done - unblocks
void SendCommand(
QTcpSocket* connection,
const Command& command,
const int timeout = 1000; // milliseconds, set it to -1 if you want no timeouts
// Sending a command (blocking)
connection.write(command.ToByteArray()); // Look QByteArray for more details
if (connection.waitForBytesWritten(timeout) {
qDebug() << connection.errorString() << endl;
emit error(connection);
// Waiting for a response (blocking)
QDataStream in{ connection, QIODevice::ReadOnly };
QString message;
do {
if (!connection.waitForReadyRead(timeout)) {
qDebug() << connection.errorString() << endl;
emit error(connection);
in >> message;
} while (!in.commitTransaction());
responseHandler(Response{ message }); // Translate message to a response and handle it
// Non-blocking version of SendCommand
void SendCommandAsync(
QTcpSocket* connection,
const Command& command,
void(*responseHandler) (Response&&))
QFutureWatcher<void>* watcher = new QFutureWatcher<void>{ this };
connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::finished, [connection, watcher] ()
emit done(connection);
// Does not block,
// emits "done" when finished
QFuture<void> future
= QtConcurrent::run(this, &CommandSender::SendCommand, connection, command, responseHandler);
void done(QTcpSocket* connection);
void error(QTcpSocket* connection);
Now you can send a command to a socket using a separate thread taken from a thread pool: under the hood QtConcurrent::run() uses the global instance of QThreadPool provided by Qt for you. That thread blocks until it gets a response back and than handles it with responseHandler . Meanwhile, your main thread managing all your commands and sockets stays unblocked. Just catch done() signal which tells that response was received and handled successfully.
One thing to note: asynchronous version sends request only when there is a free thread in the thread pool and waits for it otherwise. Of course, that is the behavior for any thread pool (that is exactly the point of such pattern) but just do not forget about that.
Also I was writing code without Qt in handy so may contain some errors.
Edit: As it turned out, this is not thread safe as sockets are not reentrant in Qt.
What you can do about it is to associate a mutex with a socket and lock it each time you execute its function. This can be done easily creating a wrapper around QTcpSocket class. Please, correct me if I wrong.
I am using the HTML Server 3 example from boost as my learning tool (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/doc/html/boost_asio/examples.html#boost_asio.examples.http_server_3) for asynchronous message handling.
I have taken the example, and turned it into a library with a server object I can instantiate in my programs. The only thing I have done to the above example is remove the main.cpp and compile it as a library. And it works to the extend that I can instantiate the server object in my code, and pass messages to it from the command line.
Where I am struggling is how to terminate the server gracefully. From the sample code I see this:
server::server(const std::string& address, const std::string& port,
std::size_t thread_pool_size,
Handler &handler)
: thread_pool_size_(thread_pool_size),
// Register to handle the signals that indicate when the server should exit.
// It is safe to register for the same signal multiple times in a program,
// provided all registration for the specified signal is made through Asio.
signals_.async_wait(boost::bind(&server::handle_stop, this));
So an asynchronous thread is set up to listen for signals and respond to them
I have implemented this server object in a thread in my program as follows:
class ServerWorker
ServerWorker(std::string theHost, std::string thePort)
Host = theHost;
Port = thePort;
void Start()
MYRequestHandler handler;
int nCores = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency();
server *mServer = new server(Host, Port, nCores, handler);
catch(std::exception &e) { /* do something */ }
void Stop()
mServer->stop(); // this should raise a signal and send it to the server
// but don't know how to do it
std::string Host;
std::string Port;
server *mServer;
// Launch as server on a new thread
boost::function<void()> th_func = boost::bind(&ServerWorker::Start, &sw);
boost::thread swThread = boost::thread(th_func);
// How do I signal the server in the swThread to stop?
How do I implement the stop() method on the server object to send the signal to itself? I have tried:
1) raise(SIGTERM) - kills the whole program
2) raise(SIGINT) - kills the whole program
raise() is appropriate for having a process signal itself.
void ServerWorker::Stop()
Be aware that raise() is asynchronous. It will issue the signal and return immediately. Hence, control may continue before the io_service processes the enqueued SignalHandler.
void run_server()
// Launch as server on a new thread
ServerWorker server_worker(...);
boost::thread worker_thread([&server_worker]() { server_worker.Start(); });
// Raises SIGTERM. May return before io_service is stopped.
// Need to synchronize with worker_thread. The `worker_thread` may still be
// in `ServerWorker::Start()` which would go out of scope. Additionally,
// the `worker_thread` is joinable, so its destructor may invoke
// `std::terminate()`.
Here is a minimal example demonstrating using Boost.Asio signal handling, raise(), and synchronization:
#include <cassert>
#include <csignal>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
int main()
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
// Prevent io_service from running out of work.
boost::asio::io_service::work work(io_service);
// Boost.Asio will register an internal handler for SIGTERM.
boost::asio::signal_set signal_set(io_service, SIGTERM);
const boost::system::error_code& error,
int signal_number)
std::cout << "Got signal " << signal_number << "; "
"stopping io_service." << std::endl;
// Raise SIGTERM.
// By the time raise() returns, Boost.Asio has handled SIGTERM with its
// own internal handler, queuing it internally. At this point, Boost.Asio
// is ready to dispatch this notification to a user signal handler
// (i.e. those provided to signal_set.async_wait()) within the
// io_service event loop.
std::cout << "io_service stopped? " << io_service.stopped() << std::endl;
assert(false == io_service.stopped());
// Initiate thread that will run the io_service. This will invoke
// the queued handler that is ready for completion.
std::thread work_thread([&io_service]() { io_service.run(); });
// Synchornize on the work_thread. Letting it run to completion.
// The io_service has been explicitly stopped in the async_wait
// handler.
std::cout << "io_service stopped? " << io_service.stopped() << std::endl;
assert(true == io_service.stopped());
io_service stopped? 0
Got signal 15; stopping io_service.
io_service stopped? 1
I'm writing a threaded TcpServer (each client in its own thread) using QTcpServer and QTcpSocket. The client application works correctly and sends data every 3 seconds but the readReady() signal never fires, meaning my receive_data() function is never called. When using socket->waitForReadyRead() and calling receive_data() by myself everything works fine. Please have a look at the code below, maybe I made some mistake with the moveToThread / connect functionality Qt offers.
#ifndef CLIENT_H
#define CLIENT_H
#include <QThread>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include "PacketDefinitions.h"
#include "tcpserver.h"
class Client : public QObject
explicit Client(int socket,TcpServer *parent,bool auto_disconnect = true);
bool isGameServer(){return is_gameserver;}
GameServerPacket getGameServerData(){return gameserver;}
void run();
QTcpSocket* client;
TcpServer *parent_server;
int socket;
GameServerPacket gameserver;
ClientPacket clientdata;
bool is_gameserver;
bool auto_disconnect;
QHostAddress client_ip;
quint16 client_port;
void disconnected(Client *);
private slots:
void remove_from_clientlist();
void receive_data();
void display_error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error);
#endif // CLIENT_H
#include "client.h"
#include "PacketDefinitions.h"
#include "time.h"
#include <iostream>
Client::Client(int _socket, TcpServer *parent,bool _auto_disconnect)
auto_disconnect = _auto_disconnect;
parent_server = parent;
is_gameserver = false;
socket = _socket;
void Client::run(){
client = new QTcpSocket();
if(client->setSocketDescriptor(socket) == false){
std::cout << client->errorString().toStdString() << std::endl;
if(connect(client,SIGNAL(readyRead()),this,SLOT(receive_data()),Qt::DirectConnection) == false) return;
client_ip = client->peerAddress();
client_port = client->peerPort();
std::cout << "New incomming connection " << client->peerAddress().toString().toStdString() << ":" << client->peerPort() << std::endl;
//this works fine
// while(client->waitForReadyRead()){
// receive_data();
// }
void Client::receive_data(){
QDataStream stream(client);
quint32 magic; stream >> magic;
//interpret data
if(magic == GAMESERVER_MAGIC){
is_gameserver = true;
gameserver.port = client_port;
gameserver.ip = client_ip;
std::cout << "GameServer " << gameserver.name << " registerd" << std::endl;
}else if(magic == CLIENT_MAGIC){
is_gameserver = false;
//get nearby servers
GameServerListPacket server_list = parent_server->getServerList(clientdata);
QDataStream outstream(client);
std::cout << "Sending ServerList(" << server_list.server_count << ") to " << client->peerAddress().toString().toStdString() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Unknown package " << magic << std::endl;
//not enough data read, somthing is wrong, just for debugging
if(client->bytesAvailable()> 0) std::cout << "BytesAvailable " << client->bytesAvailable() << std::endl;
if(auto_disconnect) remove_from_clientlist();//close the connection once the serverlist was deployed
In the TcpServer.cpp add_client() is called when newConnection() was emitted by the QTcpServer:
void TcpServer::add_client(){
QTcpSocket *socket = 0;
if(thread_pool.size() < max_connections && (socket = server->nextPendingConnection())){
QThread *thread = new QThread();
Client * client = new Client(socket->socketDescriptor(),this,auto_disconnect);
the order calling client->run() and thread->start() doesn't seem to matter. Some time ago the code (not this exact code) worked fine but I can't remember what I changed that made it fail. Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Edit 1:
I derived from QTcpServer and reimplemented void incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor) which works fine. I dont use QThreadPool, its just a QMap and remove_client(Client*) closes the QTcpSocket and stops the thread and removes it from the map. Everything works fine on linux, on windows I get the following error: QSocketNotifier: socket notifiers cannot be disabled from another thread ASSERT failure in QCoreApplication::sendEvent: "Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread....
Caused by this remove_client(Client*)
void TcpServer::remove_client(Client *client){
QMap<Client*,QThread*>::iterator itr = thread_pool.find(client);
if(itr != thread_pool.end()){
//delete itr.key(); causes the problem on windows
delete itr.value();
Where and how should I free the Client object? If i'd use QThreadPool theres no way to iterate through the clients in case i want to send a message to more than one client. I could use a list/map holding only the Client* but then QThreadPool might delete them for me right before i want to access it. Any suggestions?
There is a problem with how you move your client object to a new thread. Actually, Client::run executes in the same thread as TcpServer::add_client.
Also QTcpSocket client remains in the default thread, while its container (Client class) is moved to a new thread. That's why the connection with Qt::DirectConnection type doesn't work.
Try this:
class Client : public QObject
public slots:
void run();
Client::Client(int _socket, TcpServer *parent,bool _auto_disconnect)
client = new QTcpSocket(this);
void Client::run()
connect(client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(receive_data()));
And here's how you should move your client to a new thread:
void TcpServer::add_client()
QThread *thread = new QThread();
Client * client = new Client(socket->socketDescriptor(),this,auto_disconnect);
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), client, SLOT(run()));
There are a number of things wrong with your code.
1.You have two QTcpSocket object trying to collect data from the same underlying socket descriptor. You appear to use the first one only to get access to the socket descriptor value which you then pass to your Client class. You might end up losing data because you won't be able to tell which socket will be getting what data from the operating system.
If you are creating a derived class of QTcpServer, rather reimplement QTcpServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor) instead of your existing TcpServer::add_client() function. Since this protected function is called once for every new connection, you don't need to make any connections to the newConnection() signal, nor do you have to loop while new connections are pending. You will also then only have one QTcpSocket connected to each socket descriptor so you won't lose data.
2.You seem to be using QThreadPool to manage threads. If you make Client a derived class of QRunnable (take not that with multiple inheritance of QObject, QObject must always be first), you don't need to check the maximum connections and you can eliminate all the QThread boiler-plating.
Taking 1. and 2. into account, your TcpServer::add_client() function will be replaced with:
void TcpServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor){
Client * client = new Client(socketDescriptor,this,auto_disconnect);
With QThreadPool, there's no need to check whether the max number of threads has been reached or not. If the maximum has been reached, any new calls to start() will queue the next connection until a thread becomes available.
3.The reason your socket is not reading any data unless you call waitForReadyRead() is because you're executing the run() function in the main thread, creating the local socket in the main thread, you make a DirectConnection with the instance of Client and then move client to a different thread. You cannot have direct connections between threads.
You will need to add a local QEventLoop to your run() function to handle all events and signals of your new thread but remember to connect signals to your loop's quit() slot so the run() function will exit, otherwise your thread will continue to run forever.
I'm trying to write a simple server to send messages asynchronously, but my callback for async_write doesn't get called. By the way, data is succesfully transmitted to the client.
Firs, my server initialisation code:
void Server::start()
ioService = new boost::asio::io_service();
acceptor = new tcp::acceptor(*ioService, tcp::endpoint(tcp::v4(), port));
serverRunning = true;
serverThread = new boost::thread(&Server::run, this);
My start accept and accept handler methods:
void Server::startAccept()
serverSocket = new tcp::socket(acceptor->get_io_service());
boost::bind(&Server::handleAccept, shared_from_this(),
void Server::handleAccept( const boost::system::error_code& error )
The handleAccept method get called when i connect, the changeState method does nothing for now. After the client connected, i put some data to the toSend vector, and the server's thread sends them:
void Server::run(){
while( serverRunning ){
if (toSend.size()>0 ){
for (int i=0; i<toSend.size(); i++){
cout << "async write" << endl;
boost::asio::async_write(*serverSocket, boost::asio::buffer(toSend.at(i)),
boost::bind(&Server::handleSend, shared_from_this(),
I can see "async write" messages coming on std out, and the client recieves the data as well. My handleSend method is just some cout now, but it never get called. Why?
If you really want to poll the io_service manually, do this after it gets some work, and call reset between the iterations.
Besides, do not call asio::async_write in a loop - the data won't arrive in the correct order. Instead, either prepare a single sequence of buffers and send it at once, or chain async_write - completion handler - async_write, as shown in the examples.
I use boost asio to handle a session per thread like this:
Server::Server(ba::io_service& ioService, int port): ioService_(ioService), port_(port)
ba::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(ioService_, ba::ip::tcp::endpoint(ba::ip::tcp::v4(), port_));
for (;;)
socket_ptr sock(new ba::ip::tcp::socket(ioService_));
boost::thread thread(boost::bind(&Server::Session, this, sock));
void Server::Session(socket_ptr sock)
const int max_length = 1024;
char buffer[256] = "";
// HandleRequest() function performs async operations
if (HandleHandshake(sock, buffer))
HandleRequest(sock, buffer);
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cerr << "Exception in thread: " << e.what() << "\n";
std::cout << "Session thread ended \r\n"; // THIS LINE IS NEVER REACHED
In Server::Session() I do at some point async io using async_read_some() and async_write() functions.
All works well and in order for this to work I have to have a call to ioService_.run() inside my spawn thread otherwise Server::Session() function exits and it does not process the required io work.
The problem is that ioService_.run() called from my thread will lead for the thread not to exit at all because in the meantime other requests come to my listening server socket.
What I end up with is threads starting and processing for now sessions but never releasing resources (ending). Is it possible to use only one boost::asio::io_service when using this approach ?
I believe you are looking for run_one() or poll_one() this will allow you to have the thread either execute a ready handler (poll) or wait for a handler (run). By only handling one, you can pick how many to execute before exiting your thread. As opposed to run() which executes all the handlers until the io_service is stopped. Where as poll() would stop after it handled all the ones that are currently ready.
The way I structured handling connection here was bad.
There is quite a good video presentation about how to design your asio server bellow(made by asio creator)
Thinking Asynchronously: Designing Applications with Boost Asio