why we need interface or pure virtual function in c++ - c++

why we need interface ( pure virtual function or abstract class) in c++?
Instead of having abstract class, Can we have a base class with virtual function defined in it, and override that virtual function in derived class.
what would be the advantage and disadvantage with the above approach ( except we can create the object of the base class)?

Pure virtual functions are for when there's no sensible way to implement the function in the base class. For example:
class Shape {
virtual float area() const = 0;
You can write derived classes like Circle and Rectangle that implement area() using the specific formulas for those kinds of shapes. But how would you implement area() in Shape itself, if it weren't pure virtual? How do you compute the area of a shape without even knowing what kind of shape it is?
If your function can be implemented (in a useful way) in the base class, then go ahead and implement it. Not all base classes need to be abstract. But some of them just inherently are abstract, like Shape.

Pure virtual functions is your way of telling the users of your class that they cannot use the class on its own, without inheriting from it.
Obviously, you can do what you describe, and the system is going to compile and work as expected. However, an pure virtual function is not a construct for the compiler; it is for humans who read your code. It is with this construct that you tell the readers of your code that they must inherit from your class, because the class is not designed to be instantiated on its own.
You use pure virtual functions in situations when there is no reasonable default implementation for a function. This tells people who implement your class that they must provide certain functionality, and the compiler helps them in detecting situations when they forgot to provide an implementation.
If, on the other hand, you provide a default implementation for a virtual function that should be implemented by a subclass, and then the users of your class library forget to provide an implementation, the problem would not be detected until run-time.

An interface give you the ability to specify a set of behaviors that
all classes that implement the interface will share in common.
Consequently, we can define variables and collections (such as arrays)
that don't have to know in advance what kind of specific object they
will hold, only that they'll hold objects that implement the
As others have said, an interface is a contractual obligation to implement certain methods, properties and events [...] That's a sufficiently awesome benefit to justify the feature.
and here
(please refer to these very good explanations)


Object Oriented approach of Polymorphism

I have been taught in my C++ OOP class about polymorphism that how we can provide virtual function interfaces to derived classes. But the question is how all this can help? Every time we make a base class pointer and store a derived class object in it, But why? Can't we do it just by function overriding.
Please Tell a programming problem which cannot be solved except with polymorphism in C++
Virtual functions and overriding vs. non-virtual functions and name hiding
Virtual functions make a class polymorphic. A virtual function can be overriden in derived classes. When you invoke that function through a base class pointer, it's always the function corresponding to the real dynamic type of the poined object that will be called. It's dynamic determination at run-time.
Non-virtual functions can't be overriden. When a derived class has a non-virtual function with the same signature than the base class, it's two different functions but the name of the derived class hides the one of the base class. When you invoke the function through a base class pointer, it's allways the function corresponding to the base class which will be invoked. It's static determination at compile-time.
What's the benefit ? do we need virtual functions ?
Virtual functions are just an easy way to define abstraction. The typical example are shapes. You define an abstract shape, with a virtual functions such as calculateSurface(). You then can call that function via any pointer and you'll be sure that for any concrete shape (e.g. circle, square, hexagon...) it will always apply the right formula for the object.
Abstraction is convenient. But you could live without it. For example, you could as well implement the same functionality, by using a shape code, and having a a calculateSurface() that would execute the right formula depending on the shape code. It's perfectly possible. It's just more difficult to maintain, because everytime you create a new shape, you'd need to ad another if (shapeCode==xx) clause in all the places where the behavior is dependent of the shape.
In fact you don't even need an OOP. In former times, before c++ existed, it was a common programming technique to use function pointers in C to emulate such a type dependent behavior (using a struct that contained a function pointer for every type dependent operation). Again, it's perfectly feasible, but even more tedious and more error prone and less encapsulated.
So, there is no problel that would require polymorphism to be solved. There are just plenty of problems where OOP and polymorphism makes the problem easier to solve, with more maintainable code.

When to mark a function in C++ as a virtual?

Because of C++ nature of static-binding for methods, this affects the polymorphic calls.
From Wikipedia:
Although the overhead involved in this dispatch mechanism is low, it
may still be significant for some application areas that the language
was designed to target. For this reason, Bjarne Stroustrup, the
designer of C++, elected to make dynamic dispatch optional and
non-default. Only functions declared with the virtual keyword will be
dispatched based on the runtime type of the object; other functions
will be dispatched based on the object's static type.
So the code:
Polygon* p = new Triangle;
provided that area() is a non-virtual function in Parent class that is overridden in the Child class, the code above will call the Parent's class method which might not be expected by the developer. (thanks to the static-binding I've introduced)
So, If I want to write a class to be used by others (e.g library), should I make all my functions to be virtual for the such previous code to run as expected?
The simple answer is if you intend functions of your class to be overridden for runtime polymorphism you should mark them as virtual, and not if you don't intend so.
Don't mark your functions virtual just because you feel it imparts additional flexibility, rather think of your design and purpose of exposing an interface. For ex: If your class is not designed to be inherited then making your member functions virtual will be misleading. A good example of this is Standard Library containers,which are not meant to be inherited and hence they do not have virtual destructors.
There are n no of reasons why not to mark all your member functions virtual, to quote some performance penalties, non-POD class type and so on, but if you really intent that your class is intended for run time overidding then that is the purpose of it and its about and over the so-called deficiencies.
Mark it virtual if derived classes should be able to override that method. It's as simple as that.
In terms of memory performance, you get a virtual pointer table if anything is virtual, so one way to look at it is "please one, please all". Otherwise, as the others say, mark them as virtual if you want them to be overridable such that calling that method on a base class means that the specialized versions are run.
As a general rule, you should only mark a function virtual if the class is explicitly designed to be used as a base class, and that function is designed to be overridden. In practice, most virtual functions will be pure virtual in the base class. And except in cases of call inversion, where you explicitly don't provide a contract for the overriding function, virtual functions should be private (or at the most protected), and wrapped with non-virtual functions enforcing the contract.
That's basically the idea ; actually if you are using a parent class, I don't think you'll need to override every methods so just make them virtual if you think you'll use it this way.

How to define an interface in C++?

I'm working on a C++ class which provides an abstraction of BSD sockets for networking. I want to define an interface ISocket which is implemented by CSocket and MockSocket (the latter for unit testing). I know that I need to define the methods that I want implementing classes to provide as pure virtual, i.e.
class ISocket {
virtual int Socket(int domain, int type, int protocol) = 0;
What I'm worried about is whether a class of type ISocket can be instantiated. My instincts tell me that any class with at least one pure virtual method is an abstract class (i.e. interface) and cannot be instantiated, but I have a niggling worry in the back of my mind that I need to do something about the auto-generated constructors and destructor that the C++ compiler will provide (Effective C++ is both a gift--when you remember everything you read in it--and a curse--when you don't).
Am I doing this correctly, or is there a best practise for defining interfaces in C++ that I'm not following here?
In general, you should declare a virtual destructor; otherwise you'll get into undefined behaviour if you try to invoke delete on a pointer-to-interface. There are no such issues with constructors.
Oh, and you are correct that it is not possible to instantiate an object of a class with a pure-virtual.
My instincts tell me that any class with at least one pure virtual method is an abstract class (i.e. interface) and cannot be instantiated
Your instincts are correct on this one. Types with at least one pure virtual function can't be instantiated and will generate a compiler error.
You are doing correct:An abstract class is a class that is designed to be specifically used as a base class. An abstract class contains at least one pure virtual function. You cannot instantiate a virtual class.
You are correct in thinking that any class with a pure virtual method is abstract and cannot be instantiated.
Personally I tend to add a protected destructor to most of my interfaces as in many/most cases I don't want the code that uses the interface to be able to destroy it. Alternatively you should add a public virtual destructor (not pure, with an empty body!) so that the object can be deleted via the interface pointer and the correct destructors will be called.

C++: What is a class interface?

I know that in C++ there is no interface keyword or whatsoever, but that it is more of a design-pattern instead.
So, if I have an Apple class, which contains information and methods to work on apples (color, sourness, size, eat, throw)..
What would an interface to Apple look like?
What do you usually need interfaces for?
You just use pure virtual functions in a class.
class IApple
virtual ~IApple() {} // Define a virtual de-structor
virtual color getColor() = 0;
virtual sourness getSourness() = 0;
virtual size getSize() = 0;
virtual void eat() = 0;
Martin's illustrated an interface. Re your other question - what do you usually need them for:
they can be used as base classes by functions that provide this API
an interface may be a small part of the derived class's overall functionality; a derived class can implement many interfaces
pointers or references to interfaces (possibly in containers) can be used in code to decouple that code from any particular implementation (i.e. as a base for run-time polymorphic code using virtual functions / dispatch)
this can help reduce compile times and break cyclic dependencies
the implementation might be provided by a caller or a factory method
being able to vary the implementation often makes the system overall more flexible and reusable
implementations that facilitate testing can be slotted in
the interface itself may have value as a form of usage documentation (sometimes I even create interfaces as illustrates of expected template policy parameters, although there's no actual need to derive your policy from them)
some design patterns work by changing the implementation during the lifetime of the containing object/code
they can be used as a kind of annotation or trait for a class - even without providing any actual behaviour of their own - with other code checking whether the interface is a base when deciding on appropriate behaviour
A interface is a set of members eg. functions and variables that is shared between different classes so you can access the members of the interface without having to know which class it was in the first place, as long as it implements the interface you can be sure it has the members.
You can use it for example to iterate through different objects calling the same function on each.

Should methods that implement pure virtual methods of an interface class be declared virtual as well?

I read different opinions about this question. Let's say I have an interface class with a bunch of pure virtual methods. I implement those methods in a class that implements the interface and I do not expect to derive from the implementation.
Is there a need for declaring the methods in the implementation as virtual as well? If yes, why?
No - every function method declared virtual in the base class will be virtual in all derived classes.
But good coding practices are telling to declare those methods virtual.
virtual is optional in the derived class override declaration, but for clarity I personally include it.
Real need - no. Once a method is declared as virtual in the base class, it stays virtual for all derived classes. But it's good to know which method is virtual and which - not, instead of checking this in the base class. Also, in most cases, you cannot be sure, if your code will be derived or not (for example, if you're developing some software for some firm). As I said, it's not a problem, as once declared as virtual, it stays virtual, but just in case .. (:
There is no requirement to mark them virtual.
I'd start by arguing that virtual advertises to readers that you expect derived classes to override the virtual to do something useful. If you are implementing the virtual to do something, then the virtual method might have nothing to do with the kind of thing your class is: in which case marking it virtual is silly. consider:
class CommsObject {
virtual OnConnect();
virtual OnRawBytesIn();
class XMLStream : public CommsObject {
virtual OnConnect();
virtual OnXMLData();
In that example, OnConnect is documented as virtual in both classes because it makes sense that a descendent would always want to know. OnRawBytesIn doesn't make sense to "Export" from XMLStream as it uses that to handle raw bytes, and generate parsed data - which it notifies via OnXMLData().
Having done all that, I'd then argue that the maintainer of a 3rd class, looking at XMLStream, might think that it would be "safe" to create their own OnRawBytes function and expect it to work as a normal overloaded function - i.e. the base class would call the internal correct one, and the outer one would mask the internal OnRawBytes.
So omitting the virtual has hidden important detail from consumers of the class and made the code behave in unexpected ways.
So ive gone full circle: Don't try to use it as a hint about the intended purpose of a function - DO use it as a hint about the behaviour of the function: mark functions virtual consistently so downstream programmers have to read less files to know how a function is going to behave when overridden.
No, it is not needed and it doesn't prevent any coding errors although many coders prefer to put it.
Once C++0x becomes mainstream you'll be able to use the override specifier instead.
Once 'virtual', it's virtual all the way down to the last child. Afaik, that's the feature of the c++.
If you never derive from a class then there is no point making its methods virtual.