C++: What is a class interface? - c++

I know that in C++ there is no interface keyword or whatsoever, but that it is more of a design-pattern instead.
So, if I have an Apple class, which contains information and methods to work on apples (color, sourness, size, eat, throw)..
What would an interface to Apple look like?
What do you usually need interfaces for?

You just use pure virtual functions in a class.
class IApple
virtual ~IApple() {} // Define a virtual de-structor
virtual color getColor() = 0;
virtual sourness getSourness() = 0;
virtual size getSize() = 0;
virtual void eat() = 0;

Martin's illustrated an interface. Re your other question - what do you usually need them for:
they can be used as base classes by functions that provide this API
an interface may be a small part of the derived class's overall functionality; a derived class can implement many interfaces
pointers or references to interfaces (possibly in containers) can be used in code to decouple that code from any particular implementation (i.e. as a base for run-time polymorphic code using virtual functions / dispatch)
this can help reduce compile times and break cyclic dependencies
the implementation might be provided by a caller or a factory method
being able to vary the implementation often makes the system overall more flexible and reusable
implementations that facilitate testing can be slotted in
the interface itself may have value as a form of usage documentation (sometimes I even create interfaces as illustrates of expected template policy parameters, although there's no actual need to derive your policy from them)
some design patterns work by changing the implementation during the lifetime of the containing object/code
they can be used as a kind of annotation or trait for a class - even without providing any actual behaviour of their own - with other code checking whether the interface is a base when deciding on appropriate behaviour

A interface is a set of members eg. functions and variables that is shared between different classes so you can access the members of the interface without having to know which class it was in the first place, as long as it implements the interface you can be sure it has the members.
You can use it for example to iterate through different objects calling the same function on each.


why we need interface or pure virtual function in c++

why we need interface ( pure virtual function or abstract class) in c++?
Instead of having abstract class, Can we have a base class with virtual function defined in it, and override that virtual function in derived class.
what would be the advantage and disadvantage with the above approach ( except we can create the object of the base class)?
Pure virtual functions are for when there's no sensible way to implement the function in the base class. For example:
class Shape {
virtual float area() const = 0;
You can write derived classes like Circle and Rectangle that implement area() using the specific formulas for those kinds of shapes. But how would you implement area() in Shape itself, if it weren't pure virtual? How do you compute the area of a shape without even knowing what kind of shape it is?
If your function can be implemented (in a useful way) in the base class, then go ahead and implement it. Not all base classes need to be abstract. But some of them just inherently are abstract, like Shape.
Pure virtual functions is your way of telling the users of your class that they cannot use the class on its own, without inheriting from it.
Obviously, you can do what you describe, and the system is going to compile and work as expected. However, an pure virtual function is not a construct for the compiler; it is for humans who read your code. It is with this construct that you tell the readers of your code that they must inherit from your class, because the class is not designed to be instantiated on its own.
You use pure virtual functions in situations when there is no reasonable default implementation for a function. This tells people who implement your class that they must provide certain functionality, and the compiler helps them in detecting situations when they forgot to provide an implementation.
If, on the other hand, you provide a default implementation for a virtual function that should be implemented by a subclass, and then the users of your class library forget to provide an implementation, the problem would not be detected until run-time.
An interface give you the ability to specify a set of behaviors that
all classes that implement the interface will share in common.
Consequently, we can define variables and collections (such as arrays)
that don't have to know in advance what kind of specific object they
will hold, only that they'll hold objects that implement the
As others have said, an interface is a contractual obligation to implement certain methods, properties and events [...] That's a sufficiently awesome benefit to justify the feature.
and here
(please refer to these very good explanations)

Name of this C++ pattern and the reasoning behind it?

In my company's C++ codebase I see a lot of classes defined like this:
// FooApi.h
class FooApi {
virtual void someFunction() = 0;
virtual void someOtherFunction() = 0;
// etc.
// Foo.h
class Foo : public FooApi {
virtual void someFunction();
virtual void someOtherFunction();
Foo is this only class that inherits from FooApi and functions that take or return pointers to Foo objects use FooApi * instead. It seems to mainly be used for singleton classes.
Is this a common, named way to write C++ code? And what is the point in it? I don't see how having a separate, pure abstract class that just defines the class's interface is useful.
Edit[0]: Sorry, just to clarify, there is only one class deriving from FooApi and no intention to add others later.
Edit[1]: I understand the point of abstraction and inheritance in general but not this particular usage of inheritance.
The only reason that I can see why they would do this is for encapsulation purposes. The point here is that most other code in the code-base only requires inclusion of the "FooApi.h" / "BarApi.h" / "QuxxApi.h" headers. Only the parts of the code that create Foo objects would actually need to include the "Foo.h" header (and link with the object-file containing the definition of the class' functions). And for singletons, the only place where you would normally create a Foo object is in the "Foo.cpp" file (e.g., as a local static variable within a static member function of the Foo class, or something similar).
This is similar to using forward-declarations to avoid including the header that contains the actual class declaration. But when using forward-declarations, you still need to eventually include the header in order to be able to call any of the member functions. But when using this "abstract + actual" class pattern, you don't even need to include the "Foo.h" header to be able to call the member functions of FooApi.
In other words, this pattern provides very strong encapsulation of the Foo class' implementation (and complete declaration). You get roughly the same benefits as from using the Compiler Firewall idiom. Here is another interesting read on those issues.
I don't know the name of that pattern. It is not very common compared to the other two patterns I just mentioned (compiler firewall and forward declarations). This is probably because this method has quite a bit more run-time overhead than the other two methods.
This is for if the code is later added on to. Lets say NewFoo also extends/implements FooApi. All the current infrastructure will work with both Foo and NewFoo.
It's likely that this has been done for the same reason that pImpl ("pointer to implementation idiom", sometimes called "private implementation idiom") is used - to keep private implementation details out of the header, which means common build systems like make that use file timestamps to trigger code recompilation will not rebuild client code when only implementation has changed. Instead, the object containing the new implementation can be linked against existing client object(s), and indeed if the implementation is distributed in a shared object (aka dynamic link library / DLL) the client application can pick up a changed implementation library the next time it runs (or does a dlopen() or equivalent if it's linking at run-time). As well as facilitating distribution of updated implementation, it can reduce rebuilding times allowing a faster edit/test/edit/... cycle.
The cost of this is that implementations have to be accessed through out-of-line virtual dispatch, so there's a performance hit. This is typically insignificant, but if a trivial function like a get-int-member is called millions of times in a performance critical loop it may be of interest - each call can easily be an order of magnitude slower than inlined member access.
What's the "name" for it? Well, if you say you're using an "interface" most people will get the general idea. That term's a bit vague in C++, as some people use it whenever a base class has virtual methods, others expect that the base will be abstract, lack data members and/or private member functions and/or function definitions (other than the virtual destructor's). Expectations around the term "interface" are sometimes - for better or worse - influenced by Java's language keyword, which restricts the interface class to being abstract, containing no static methods or function definitions, with all functions being public, and only const final data members.
None of the well-known Gang of Four Design Patterns correspond to the usage you cite, and while doubtless lots of people have published (web- or otherwise) corresponding "patterns", they're probably not widely enough used (with the same meaning!) to be less confusing than "interface".
FooApi is a virtual base class, it provides the interface for concrete implementations (Foo).
The point is you can implement functionality in terms of FooApi and create multiple implementations that satisfy its interface and still work with your functionality. You see some advantage when you have multiple descendants - the functionality can work with multiple implementations. One might implement a different type of Foo or for a different platform.
Re-reading my answer, I don't think I should talk about OO ever again.

C++ Using interfaces or not? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm programming a library and I'm defining an interface for each class by making it's functions and destructor pure virtual. Now, over the time, I've experienced many disadvantages of this design (- just to name some of them: no static methods possible, a lot of virtual inheritence, and, of course, virtual functions are extremly slow.)
The only advantage I see in interfaces is to provide the user with a simple interface and hide the complex details behind them.
But considering all the disadvantages, I don't see why even big, known libraries are using interfaces. (f.e. Ogre 3D, Irrlicht and many other 3D libraries, where performance is the most important thing.)
My question is:
Is there a really convincing point which I'm missing why to use interfaces? Why do others do that? What is more common - using interfaces or
not using them?
Also, when using interfaces - is it valid to make some sort of "hybrid" design? Where classes relying on performance are implemented directly on the interface layer to avoid virtual function calls, and all other classes are implemented as usual? Or is this a bad design?
Your questions
Why use interfaces?
"Interfaces" isn't a well defined term in C++: some people consider any base class with virtual methods to be an interface, while others expect there to be no data members, or no public data members, or no private data members; a few people might say all members must be virtual, and others that they must be pure virtual.
There are pros and cons to each design decision:
base classes with virtual functions are C++'s mechanism for runtime polymorphism, which is a great reason to use them
keeping public data out of the base class preserves freedom to calculate the data on the fly
keeping private data out of the base class avoids having to change it therein when only the implementation changes; such changes force a client recompilation rather than a re-link (being able to just relink is especially useful when the implementation's in a shared object / library that's dynamically linked, as only an updated library need be distributed)
virtual dispatch makes it easy to implement state machines (changing the implementatino at run-time), as well as switching in mock implementations for testing
What is more common - using interfaces or not using them?
That's hugely dependent on the type of application, whether the data inputs or state naturally benefit from runtime polymorphism, and the design decisions made by the programmers' involved. C++ is used for such wildly divergent purposes that no general statement's meaningful.
Also, when using interfaces - is it valid to make some sort of "hybrid" design?
Yes - some "hybrid" approaches are listed under "mitigation" below.
Discussion of your remarks
"virtual functions are extremly slow"
Actual virtual dispatch is necessarily out-of-line, so can be about an order of magnitude worse than an inline call if doing something very simple (e.g. getter/setter for int member), but see mitigation below. (Often the optimiser can avoid virtual dispatch if the dynamic type of the variable involved is known at compile time).
"no static methods possible"
Each class can have static methods - there's just no way to invoke them polymorphically, but what would it even mean to do so? You must have some way to know the dynamic/runtime type as that's the basis for selecting which function to call....
There are a LOT of options for tuning performance - what you should often becomes obvious when you very carefully consider your actual performance problem. The following's a random smattering to give a taste of what's possible and occasionally useful....
Mitigation - granularity of work performed by virtual functions
Try to do as much work as possible per virtual function call. For example, a set_pixel function taking a single pixel would normally be bad interface design. A set_pixels function that can take an arbitrarily long list would be much better, but there're many other alternatives such as providing some kind of virtual drawing surface that the client code can work on without runtime polymorphic dispatch, then pass back the entire surface in one virtual function call.
Mitigation - handover to static-polymorphic code
You can manually orchestrate targeted (per performance profiling results) handover from run-time to compile-time polymorphism (albeit at the cost of manually maintaining a centralised handover routine.
Assume a base class B with virtual void f();, and two derived D1, D2.
First, some polyrmophic algorithmic code that explicitly neuters virtual dispatch:
template <typename T>
struct Algo
void operator()(T& t)
.. do lots of stuff...
t.T::f(); // each t member access explicitly dispatched statically
...lots more...
Then, some code to dispatch to a static-type-specific instantiation of a specified algorithm based on dynamic type:
template <template <typename> class F>
void runtime_to_compiletime(B& b) {
if (D1* p = dynamic_cast<D1*>(&b))
else if (D2* p = dynamic_cast<D2*>(&b))
D1 d1;
D2 d2;
Mitigation - orchestrate your own type information
If dynamic_cast is too slow in your implementation, you can get lightning fast switching on dynamic type - at the considerable cost of having to maintain it - as follows:
struct Base
Base() : type_(0) { }
int get_type() const { return type_; }
Base(int type) : type_(type) { }
int type_;
struct Derived : Base
Derived() : Base(1) { }
Then fast switching is trivial:
void f(Base* p)
switch (p->get_type())
... handle using static type in here ...
Mitigation - data in "interfaces"
Instead of virtual int f() const; to expose an int data member that only a few derived classes need to calculate on the fly, consider:
class Base
Base() : virtual_f_(false) { }
int f() const { return virtual_f_ ? virtual_f() : f_; }
int f_;
bool virtual_f_;
virtual int f() const { }
Interfaces are just one of the many mechanisms C++ provides to get reusability and extendibility.
If class A has a pointer to concrete class B, you cannot resuse class A withouth B.
Solution: you introduce an interface I implemented by B, and A has a pointer to I. In this way, you can reuse class A in your software (or in other applications) withouth B (please note that you bring I together with A so you need to implement it someway)
If a class A has a pointer to concrete class B, class A is bounded to use the "algorithms" provided by B. In future, if you need to use different "algorithms", you are forced to modify A source code.
Solution: if A has a pointer to an interface I, you are free to change I implementation (eg. you can substitute B with C, both implementing I) withouth modifying A source code.
(By the way: mock implementations for testing are included in the extendibility case).
Let's recap:
you don't need to define an interface for each class of your software: you only need to put an interface when you need a hot spot for extendibility or reusability (yes: sadly this require you to think about your design instead of adopt blindly a rule...).
C++ offers many techniques to get the same results: instead of interfaces you can use templates or delegates (see std::function, boost::signal and so on).
the advantage you see in interfaces ("to provide the user with a simple interface and hide the complex details behind them") is best obtained by means of encapsulation. You don't need interface classes to get information hiding. It's enough that your classes don't export details in the public section.
I think you can use next approach: when you have multiply implementations of same interface and implementation selection should be performed at runtime (maybe those interface and implementation wrap some kind of "strategy" etc.) then you should use "interface-implementation" approach (with factory creation, etc.), when it's some kind of utility functionality - than you should avoid "interface-implementation" approach. You also should not forget about correct objects creation/destruction calls between libraries and main code. Hope this helps.
Using non intrusive polymorphism http://isocpp.org/blog/2012/12/value-semantics-and-concepts-based-polymorphism-sean-parent can help with problems of multiple inheritance and virtual inheritance by truly separating interface from implementation. This should eliminate the need for virtual inheritance. In my personal opinion virtual inheritance is a sign of bad/old design.
Also if you are using polymorphism in order to achieve the open closed principal then static polymorphism via CRTP can be much faster.
class Base {
virtual void foo(){
//default foo which the suer can override
void bar(){
class UserObject : public Base{
void foo() override{
//I needed to change default foo,
//this probably cannot be inlined unless the compiler is really
//good at devirtialization
template<typename T_Derived>
class Base {
virtual void foo(){
//default foo which the suer can override
void bar(){
class UserObject : public Base<UserObject>{
void foo() {
//I needed to change default foo, ths can be inlined no problem
One advantage with interfaces is that enables you to write unit tests. When writing a component that uses an interface, you can implement a simple fake version of the interface. The fake version can be given to the component to use during unit tests. This means unit tests will be fast as they don't really execute the library operation. Your fake implementation of the interface can be coded to return values and data to your component to cause it to execute certain code paths and the fake implementation can check that the component made expected calls to the interface.
This convinces me! Obviously, not all libraries are the same. Writing a fake version of a 3D graphics library might not always be useful as you really need to use your own eyes to see the image is correct as a unit test might be tricky to code to check the output is correct here. But, for many other applications unit tests are worth the extra work because they give you confidence to make changes to the code base and be sure it still works as behaves, and help ensure quality.

Use of making the base class polymorphic?

I know the keyword virtual makes the base class polymorphic and if I create an object and call a virtual function, corresponding function will be called based on the run time allocation but why should I create an object with different types. I mean
Base *ptr = new Derived;
ptr->virtualfunction(); //calls the function which has implemented in Derived class.
If I create an object so that
Derived *ptr = new Derived;
ptr->virtualfunction(); // which does the same without the need of making the function virtual.
Because you might want to store objects of different types together:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Base>> v;
v.push_back(make_unique(new DerivedA()));
v.push_back(make_unique(new DerivedB()));
v.push_back(make_unique(new DerivedC()));
Now, if you go over that vector:
for (auto& p : v) {
It will call foo() of DerivedA, B, and C appropriately.
Let's go with a simple example : Let's say you have
class Base {};
class Derived1 : public Base {};
class Derived2 : public Base {};
Now, let's say you want to be able to store in a vector (or any container) both Derived1 and Derived2 instances.
You have to use the base class in that case.
// or std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Base>>
The need for polymorphism is the need of processing different data in the same manner. Rather than reimplementing over and over the same algorithm for dataset with different shapes, wouldn't it be much easier to have only one implementation of that algorithm, and parameterize it with different operators?
That's the essence of polymorphism. You start with an algorithm, establish the interface it must interact with, and then build implementations of that interface. In C++ the notion of interface is implicit in every classes. Any class exposes one interface (though it may support many interfaces through its ancestors), and its descendants implement it as well. By making certain methods virtuals, the descendants may override and adapt them to their own internal structures, without modifying how the object is manipulated from the outside.
So polymorphism is really that, values which may adopt different shapes, and the means to access and manipulate them uniformally. The key point in answering your question is perhaps that the algorithm does not know which implepentation it is manipulating. You provide a trivial example where the code knows that it works with an instance of Derived, and thus may call its methods directly. In generic code, or code refering to an interface (so to speak), that knowledge does not exist, which forces the code to rely on the base class methods (and requires the programmer to ensure that the classes he plans to use with that code are well defined - ie. virtual - where needed).
There are many useful applications of polymorphism, but they all derive from the above principle:
heterogeneous dataset (as illustrated by other answers),
injection ( in which different implementations of the same interface may be swapped one for another at runtime),
testing (and more specifically mocking, in which classes which interact with a given class C are replaced by dummies which help test the correct behaviour of C),
to name a few. Note that compile time polymorphism (templates), and runtime polymorphism (virtual methods and inheritance) both achieve that goal, albeit in a different way, and with different pros and cons.

Factory Pattern in C++ -- doing this correctly?

I am relatively new to "design patterns" as they are referred to in a formal sense. I've not been a professional for very long, so I'm pretty new to this.
We've got a pure virtual interface base class. This interface class is obviously to provide the definition of what functionality its derived children are supposed to do. The current use and situation in the software dictates what type of derived child we want to use, so I recommended creating a wrapper that will communicate which type of derived child we want and return a Base pointer that points to a new derived object. This wrapper, to my understanding, is a factory.
Well, a colleague of mine created a static function in the Base class to act as the factory. This causes me trouble for two reasons. First, it seems to break the interface nature of the Base class. It feels wrong to me that the interface would itself need to have knowledge of the children derived from it.
Secondly, it causes more problems when I try to re-use the Base class across two different Qt projects. One project is where I am implementing the first (and probably only real implementation for this one class... though i want to use the same method for two other features that will have several different derived classes) derived class and the second is the actual application where my code will eventually be used. My colleague has created a derived class to act as a tester for the real application while I code my part. This means that I've got to add his headers and cpp files to my project, and that just seems wrong since I'm not even using his code for the project while I implement my part (but he will use mine when it is finished).
Am I correct in thinking that the factory really needs to be a wrapper around the Base class rather than the Base acting as the factory?
You do NOT want to use your interface class as the factory class. For one, if it is a true interface class, there is no implementation. Second, if the interface class does have some implementation defined (in addition to the pure virtual functions), making a static factory method now forces the base class to be recompiled every time you add a child class implementation.
The best way to implement the factory pattern is to have your interface class separate from your factory.
A very simple (and incomplete) example is below:
class MyInterface
virtual void MyFunc() = 0;
class MyImplementation : public MyInterface
virtual void MyFunc() {}
class MyFactory
static MyInterface* CreateImplementation(...);
I'd have to agree with you. Probably one of the most important principles of object oriented programming is to have a single responsibility for the scope of a piece of code (whether it's a method, class or namespace). In your case, your base class serves the purpose of defining an interface. Adding a factory method to that class, violates that principle, opening the door to a world of shi... trouble.
Yes, a static factory method in the interface (base class) requires it to have knowledge of all possible instantiations. That way, you don't get any of the flexibility the Factory Method pattern is intended to bring.
The Factory should be an independent piece of code, used by client code to create instances. You have to decide somewhere in your program what concrete instance to create. Factory Method allows you to avoid having the same decision spread out through your client code. If later you want to change the implementation (or e.g. for testing), you have just one place to edit: this may be e.g. a simple global change, through conditional compilation (usually for tests), or even via a dependency injection configuration file.
Be careful about how client code communicates what kind of implementation it wants: that's not an uncommon way of reintroducing the dependencies factories are meant to hide.
It's not uncommon to see factory member functions in a class, but it makes my eyes bleed. Often their use have been mixed up with the functionality of the named constructor idiom. Moving the creation function(s) to a separate factory class will buy you more flexibility also to swap factories during testing.
When the interface is just for hiding the implementation details and there will be only one implementation of the Base interface ever, it could be ok to couple them. In that case, the factory function is just a new name for the constructor of the actual implementation.
However, that case is rare. Except when explicit designed having only one implementation ever, you are better off to assume that multiple implementations will exist at some point in time, if only for testing (as you discovered).
So usually it is better to split the Factory part into a separate class.