random substitution function for arbitrary Clojure form - clojure

Given an arbitrary form in a Clojure expression, I would like to design a function that returns a form of the same type signature randomly chosen.
The function, which I'll name rand-form-sub, should behave as follows:
(rand-form-sub 2) => 8
(rand-form-sub 'or) => and
;; both and and or obey the same haskellian type signature:
;; f :: a -> a -> bool, where as are comparable for equality
(rand-form-sub '+) => - ;; both + and - obey f :: int -> int -> int
I suspect that the solution involves 1) limiting the scope of the function to a subset of Clojure (e.g., standard lib) 2) a cond structure at the top-most level 3) an array-map representing semantically valid substitutions.
Finally, I'm aware of a possible limitation in Clojure's lack of type signatures, but I'm willing to compromise to find the best method possible.
How can I find a form of an equivalent type signature for an arbitrary Clojure form, given that Clojure doesn't have type signatures?
NOTE: Please feel free to edit to correct any misuse of jargon in my post: I'm not sure if I'm using the term form correctly.

Not a direct answer, but you might find inspiration in clojure.spec generators:


Evaluation of arguments in function called by macro

Macros do not evaluate their arguments until explicitly told to do so, however functions do. In the following code:
(defmacro foo [xs]
(println xs (type xs)) ;; unquoted list
(blah xs))
(defn blah [xs] ;; xs is unquoted list, yet not evaluated
(println xs)
(foo (+ 1 2 3))
It seems that blah does not evaluate xs, since we still have the entire list: (+ 1 2 3) bound to xs in the body of blah.
I have basically just memorized this interaction between helper functions within macros and their evaluation of arguments, but to be honest it goes against what my instincts are (that xs would be evaluated before entering the body since function arguments are always evaluated).
My thinking was basically: "ok, in this macro body I have xs as the unevaluated list, but if I call a function with xs from within the macro it should evaluate that list".
Clearly I have an embarassingly fundamental misunderstanding here of how things work. What am I missing in my interpretation? How does the evaluation actually occur?
I've thought on this a bit more and it seems to me that maybe viewing macro arguments as "implicitly quoted" would solve some confusion on my part.
I think I just got mixed up in the various terminologies, but given that quoted forms are synonymous with unevaluated forms, and given macro arguments are unevaluated, they are implicitly quoted.
So in my above examples, saying xs is unquoted is somewhat misleading. For example, this macro:
(defmacro bluh [xs]
`(+ 1 2 ~xs))
Is basically the same as the below macro (excluding namespacing on the symbols). Resolving xs in the call to list gives back an unevaluated (quoted?) list.
(defmacro bleh [xs]
(list '+ '1 '2 xs)) ;; xs resolves to a quoted list (or effectively quoted)
Calling bleh (or bluh) is the same as saying:
(list '+ '1 '2 '(+ 1 2 3))
;; => (+ 1 2 (+ 1 2 3))
If xs did not resolve to a quoted list, then we would end up with:
(list '+ '1 '2 (+ 1 2 3))
;; => (+ 1 2 6)
So, in short, macro arguments are quoted.
I thnk part of my confusion came from thinking about the syntax quoted forms as templates with slots filled in e.g. (+ 1 2 ~xs) I would mentally expand to (+ 1 2 (+ 1 2 3)), and seeing that (+ 1 2 3) was not quoted in that expansion, I found it confusing that function calls using xs (in the first example above blah) would not evalute immediately to 6.
The template metaphor is helpful, but if I instead look at it as a
shortcut for (list '+ '1 '2 xs) it becomes obvious that xs must be a quoted list otherwise the expansion would include 6 and not the entire list.
I'm not sure why I found this so confusing... have I got this right or did I just go down the wrong path entirely?
[This answer is an attempt to explain why macros and functions which don't evaluate their arguments are different things. I believe this applies to macros in Clojure but I am not an expert on Clojure. It's also much too long, sorry.]
I think you are confused between what Lisp calls macros and a construct which modern Lisps don't have but which used to be called FEXPRs.
There are two interesting, different, things you might want:
functions which, when called, do not immediately evaluate their arguments;
syntax transformers, which are called macros in Lisp.
I'll deal with them in order.
Functions which do not immediately evaluate their arguments
In a conventional Lisp, a form like (f x y ...), where f is a function, will:
establish that f is a function and not some special thing;
get the function corresponding to f and evaluate x, y, & the rest of the arguments in some order specified by the language (which may be 'in an unspecified order');
call f with the results of evaluating the arguments.
Step (1) is needed initially because f might be a special thing (like, say if, or quote), and it might be that the function definition is retrieved in (1) as well: all of this, as well as the order that things happen in in (2) is something the language needs to define (or, in the case of Scheme say, leave explicitly undefined).
This ordering, and in particular the ordering of (2) & (3) is known as applicative order or eager evaluation (I'll call it applicative order below).
But there are other possibilities. One such is that the arguments are not evaluated: the function is called, and only when the values of the arguments are needed are they evaluated. There are two approaches to doing this.
The first approach is to define the language so that all functions work this way. This is called lazy evaluation or normal order evaluation (I'll call it normal order below). In a normal order language function arguments are evaluated, by magic, at the point they are needed. If they are never needed then they may never be evaluated at all. So in such a language (I am inventing the syntax for function definition here so as not to commit CL or Clojure or anything else):
(def foo (x y z)
(if x y z))
Only one of y or z will be evaluated in a call to foo.
In a normal order language you don't need to explicitly care about when things get evaluated: the language makes sure that they are evaluated by the time they're needed.
Normal order languages seem like they'd be an obvious win, but they tend to be quite hard to work with, I think. There are two problems, one obvious and one less so:
side-effects happen in a less predictable order than they do in applicative order languages and may not happen at all, so people used to writing in an imperative style (which is most people) find them hard to deal with;
even side-effect-free code can behave differently than in an applicative order language.
The side-effect problem could be treated as a non-problem: we all know that code with side-effects is bad, right, so who cares about that? But even without side-effects things are different. For instance here's a definition of the Y combinator in a normal order language (this is kind of a very austere, normal order subset of Scheme):
(define Y
((λ (y)
(λ (f)
(f ((y y) f))))
(λ (y)
(λ (f)
(f ((y y) f))))))
If you try to use this version of Y in an applicative order language -- like ordinary Scheme -- it will loop for ever. Here's the applicative order version of Y:
(define Y
((λ (y)
(λ (f)
(f (λ (x)
(((y y) f) x)))))
(λ (y)
(λ (f)
(f (λ (x)
(((y y) f) x)))))))
You can see it's kind of the same, but there are extra λs in there which essentially 'lazify' the evaluation to stop it looping.
The second approach to normal order evaluation is to have a language which is mostly applicative order but in which there is some special mechanism for defining functions which don't evaluate their arguments. In this case there often would need to be some special mechanism for saying, in the body of the function, 'now I want the value of this argument'. Historically such things were called FEXPRs, and they existed in some very old Lisp implementations: Lisp 1.5 had them, and I think that both MACLISP & InterLisp had them as well.
In an applicative order language with FEXPRs, you need somehow to be able to say 'now I want to evaluate this thing', and I think this is the problem are running up against: at what point does the thing decide to evaluate the arguments? Well, in a really old Lisp which is purely dynamically scoped there's a disgusting hack to do this: when defining a FEXPR you can just pass in the source of the argument and then, when you want its value, you just call EVAL on it. That's just a terrible implementation because it means that FEXPRs can never really be compiled properly, and you have to use dynamic scope so variables can never really be compiled away. But this is how some (all?) early implementations did it.
But this implementation of FEXPRs allows an amazing hack: if you have a FEXPR which has been given the source of its arguments, and you know that this is how FEXPRs work, then, well, it can manipulate that source before calling EVAL on it: it can call EVAL on something derived from the source instead. And, in fact, the 'source' it gets given doesn't even need to be strictly legal Lisp at all: it can be something which the FEXPR knows how to manipulate to make something that is. That means you can, all of a sudden, extend the syntax of the language in pretty general ways. But the cost of being able to do that is that you can't compile any of this: the syntax you construct has to be interpreted at runtime, and the transformation happens each time the FEXPR is called.
Syntax transformers: macros
So, rather than use FEXPRs, you can do something else: you could change the way that evaluation works so that, before anything else happens, there is a stage during which the code is walked over and possibly transformed into some other code (simpler code, perhaps). And this need happen only once: once the code has been transformed, then the resulting thing can be stashed somewhere, and the transformation doesn't need to happen again. So the process now looks like this:
code is read in and structure built from it;
this initial structure is possibly transformed into other structure;
(the resulting structure is possibly compiled);
the resulting structure, or the result of compiling it is evaluated, probably many times.
So now the process of evaluation is divided into several 'times', which don't overlap (or don't overlap for a particular definition):
read time is when the initial structure is built;
macroexpansion time is when it is transformed;
compile time (which may not happen) is when the resulting thing is compiled;
evaluation time is when it is evaluated.
Well, compilers for all languages probably do something like this: before actually turning your source code into something that the machine understands they will do all sorts of source-to-source transformations. But these things are in the guts of the compiler and are operating on some representation of the source which is idiosyncratic to that compiler and not defined by the language.
Lisp opens this process to users. The language has two features which make this possible:
the structure that is created from source code once it has been read is defined by the language and the language has a rich set of tools for manipulating this structure;
the structure created is rather 'low commitment' or austere -- it does not particularly predispose you to any interpretation in many cases.
As an example of the second point, consider (in "my.file"): that's a function call of a function called in, right? Well, may be: (with-open-file (in "my.file") ...) almost certainly is not a function call, but binding in to a filehandle.
Because of these two features of the language (and in fact some others I won't go into) Lisp can do a wonderful thing: it can let users of the language write these syntax-transforming functions -- macros -- in portable Lisp.
The only thing that remains is to decide how these macros should be notated in source code. And the answer is the same way as functions are: when you define some macro m you use it just as (m ...) (some Lisps support more general things, such as CL's symbol macros. At macroexpansion time -- after the program is read but before it is (compiled and) run -- the system walks over the structure of the program looking for things which have macro definitions: when it finds them it calls the function corresponding to the macro with the source code specified by its arguments, and the macro returns some other chunk of source code, which gets walked in turn until there are no macros left (and yes, macros can expand to code involving other macros, and even to code involving themselves). Once this process is complete then the resulting code can be (compiled and) run.
So although macro look like function calls in the code, they are not just functions which don't evaluate their arguments, like FEXPRs were: instead they are functions which take a bit of Lisp source code and return another bit of Lisp source code: they're syntax transformers, or function which operate on source code (syntax) and return other source code. Macros run at macroexpansion time which is properly before evaluation time (see above).
So, in fact macros are functions, written in Lisp, and the functions they call evaluate their arguments perfectly conventionally: everything is perfectly ordinary. But the arguments to macros are programs (or the syntax of programs represented as Lisp objects of some kind) and their results are (the syntax of) other programs. Macros are functions at the meta-level, if you like. So a macro if a function which computes (parts of) programs: those programs may later themselves be run (perhaps much later, perhaps never) at which point the evaluation rules will be applied to them. But at the point a macro is called what it's dealing with is just the syntax of programs, not evaluating parts of that syntax.
So, I think your mental model is that macros are something like FEXPRs in which case the 'how does the argument get evaluated' question is an obvious thing to ask. But they're not: they're functions which compute programs, and they run properly before the program they compute is run.
Sorry this answer has been so long and rambling.
What happened to FEXPRs?
FEXPRs were always pretty problematic. For instance what should (apply f ...) do? Since f might be a FEXPR, but this can't generally be known until runtime it's quite hard to know what the right thing to do is.
So I think that two things happened:
in the cases where people really wanted normal order languages, they implemented those, and for those languages the evaluation rules dealt with the problems FEXPRs were trying to deal with;
in applicative order languages then if you want to not evaluate some argument you now do it by explicitly saying that using constructs such as delay to construct a 'promise' and force to force evaluation of a promise -- because the semantics of the languages improved it became possible to implement promises entirely in the language (CL does not have promises, but implementing them is essentially trivial).
Is the history I've described correct?
I don't know: I think it may be but it may also be a rational reconstruction. I certainly, in very old programs in very old Lisps, have seen FEXPRs being used the way I describe. I think Kent Pitman's paper, Special Forms in Lisp may have some of the history: I've read it in the past but had forgotten about it until just now.
A macro definition is a definition of a function that transforms code. The input for the macro function are the forms in the macro call. The return value of the macro function will be treated as code inserted where the macro form was. Clojure code is made of Clojure data structures (mostly lists, vectors, and maps).
In your foo macro, you define the macro function to return whatever blah did to your code. Since blah is (almost) the identity function, it just returns whatever was its input.
What is happening in your case is the following:
The string "(foo (+ 1 2 3))" is read, producing a nested list with two symbols and three integers: (foo (+ 1 2 3)).
The foo symbol is resolved to the macro foo.
The macro function foo is invoked with its argument xs bound to the list (+ 1 2 3).
The macro function (prints and then) calls the function blah with the list.
blah (prints and then) returns that list.
The macro function returns the list.
The macro is thus “expanded” to (+ 1 2 3).
The symbol + is resolved to the addition function.
The addition function is called with three arguments.
The addition function returns their sum.
If you wanted the macro foo to expand to a call to blah, you need to return such a form. Clojure provides a templating convenience syntax using backquote, so that you do not have to use list etc. to build the code:
(defmacro foo [xs]
`(blah ~xs))
which is like:
(defmacro foo [xs]
(list 'blah xs))

Clojure: function composition at runtime

Suppose I have a set of functions f_1 ... f_n that I want to compose at runtime, such that I get for example:
(f_a (f_b (f_c) (f_d)) (f_e))
Therefore I need the types of the parameters and the return value of each function in order to know, which functions I can plug into each other.
First Attempt: Annotate each function
(defn foo [n f]
^{:params [Number clojure.lang.Fn]
:return String}
(do stuff with f and n, return a string))
I don't like this approach because of obvious reasons, such as if I wanted to use clojure.core as the set of functions I would have to annotate every function, which wouldn't be very desirable.
How would you attempt to solve this problem?
Could core.typed help me with that?
I do similar things when composing the search query to pass to solr and use a map for the arguments to all the functions and have them all return a map with whatever changes the function decided to make contained in the map, and everything else returned unchanged. So in short i would:
use a map for the input and output of every function
core.typed is not helpful because everything is a map
prismatic.schema is very helpful because you can use it to know what keys are required and to write tests that validate the structure of these maps.
Projects/people with more of an inclination to statically typed functional languages will likely turn to monads in cases like this because they are a powerful tool for describing composition in a type safe way.

Why does Clojure allow (eval 3) although 3 is not quoted?

I'm learning Clojure and trying to understand reader, quoting, eval and homoiconicity by drawing parallels to Python's similar features.
In Python, one way to avoid (or postpone) evaluation is to wrap the expression between quotes, eg. '3 + 4'. You can evaluate this later using eval, eg. eval('3 + 4') yielding 7. (If you need to quote only Python values, you can use repr function instead of adding quotes manually.)
In Lisp you use quote or ' for quoting and eval for evaluating, eg. (eval '(+ 3 4)) yielding 7.
So in Python the "quoted" stuff is represented by a string, whereas in Lisp it's represented by a list which has quoteas first item.
My question, finally: why does Clojure allow (eval 3) although 3 is not quoted? Is it just the matter of Lisp style (trying to give an answer instead of error wherever possible) or are there some other reasons behind it? Is this behavior essential to Lisp or not?
The short answer would be that numbers (and symbols, and strings, for example) evaluate to themselves. Quoting instruct lisp (the reader) to pass unevaluated whatever follows the quote. eval then gets that list as you wrote it, but without the quote, and then evaluates it (in the case of (eval '(+ 3 4)), eval will evaluate a function call (+) over two arguments).
What happens with that last expression is the following:
When you hit enter, the expression is evaluated. It contain a normal function call (eval) and some arguments.
The arguments are evaluated. The first argument contains a quote, which tells the reader to produce what is after the quote (the actual (+ 3 4) list).
There are no more arguments, and the actual function call is evaluated. This means calling the eval function with the list (+ 3 4) as argument.
The eval function does the same steps again, finding the normal function + and the arguments, and applies it, obtaining the result.
Other answers have explained the mechanics, but I think the philosophical point is in the different ways lisp and python look at "code". In python, the only way to represent code is as a string, so of course attempting to evaluate a non-string will fail. Lisp has richer data structures for code: lists, numbers, symbols, and so forth. So the expression (+ 1 2) is a list, containing a symbol and two numbers. When evaluating a list, you must first evaluate each of its elements.
So, it's perfectly natural to need to evaluate a number in the ordinary course of running lisp code. To that end, numbers are defined to "evaluate to themselves", meaning they are the same after evaluation as they were before: just a number. The eval function applies the same rules to the bare "code snippet" 3 that the compiler would apply when compiling, say, the third element of a larger expression like (+ 5 3). For numbers, that means leaving it alone.
What should 3 evaluate to? It makes the most sense that Lisp evaluates a number to itself. Would we want to require numbers to be quoted in code? That would not be very convenient and extremely problematic:
Instead of
(defun add-fourtytwo (n)
(+ n 42))
we would have to write
(defun add-fourtytwo (n)
(+ n '42))
Every number in code would need to be quoted. A missing quote would trigger an error. That's not something one would want to use.
As a side note, imagine what happens when you want to use eval in your code.
(defun example ()
(eval 3))
Above would be wrong. Numbers would need to be quoted.
(defun example ()
(eval '3))
Above would be okay, but generating an error at runtime. Lisp evaluates '3 to the number 3. But then calling eval on the number would be an error, since they need to be quoted.
So we would need to write:
(defun example ()
(eval ''3))
That's not very useful...
Numbers have be always self-evaluating in Lisp history. But in earlier Lisp implementations some other data objects, like arrays, were not self-evaluating. Again, since this is a huge source of errors, Lisp dialects like Common Lisp have defined that all data types (other than lists and symbols) are self-evaluating.
To answer this question we need to look at eval definition in lisp. E.g. in CLHS there is definition:
Syntax: eval form => result*
Arguments and Values:
form - a form.
results - the values yielded by the evaluation of form.
Where form is
any object meant to be evaluated.
a symbol, a compound form, or a self-evaluating object.
(for an operator, as in <<operator>> form'') a compound form having that operator as its first element.A quote form is a
constant form.''
In your case number "3" is self-evaluating object. Self-evaluating object is a form that is neither a symbol nor a cons is defined to be a self-evaluating object. I believe that for clojure we can just replace cons by list in this definition.
In clojure only lists are interpreted by eval as function calls. Other data structures and objects are evaluated as self-evaluating objects.
'(+ 3 4) is equal to (list '+ 3 4). ' (transformed by reader to quote function) just avoid evaluation of given form. So in expression (eval '(+ 3 4)) eval takes list data structure ('+ 3 4) as argument.

Scheme and Clojure don't have the atom type predicate - is this by design?

Common LISP and Emacs LISP have the atom type predicate. Scheme and Clojure don't have it. http://hyperpolyglot.wikidot.com/lisp
Is there a design reason for this - or is it just not an essential function to include in the API?
In Clojure, the atom predicate isn't so important because Clojure emphasizes various other types of (immutable) data structures rather than focusing on cons cells / lists.
It could also cause confusion. How would you expect this function to behave when given a hashmap, a set or a vector for example? Or a Java object that represents some complex mutable data structure?
Also the name "atom" is used for something completely different - it's one of Clojure's core concurrency mechanisms to manage shared, synchronous, independent state.
Clojure has the coll? (collection?) function, which is (sort of) the inverse of atom?.
In the book The Little Schemer, atom? is defined as follows:
(define (atom? x)
(and (not (pair? x))
(not (null? x))))
Noting that null is not considered an atom, as other answers have suggested. In the mentioned book atom? is used heavily, in particular when writing procedures that deal with lists of lists.
In the entire IronScheme standard libraries which implement R6RS, I never needed such a function.
In summary:
It is useless
It is easy enough to write if you need it
Which pretty much follows Scheme's minimalistic approach.
In Scheme anything that is not a pair is an atom. As Scheme already defines the predicate pair?, the atom? predicate is not needed, as it is so trivial to define:
(define (atom? s)
(not (pair? s)))
It's a trivial function:
(defun atom (x)
(not (consp x)))
It is used in list processing, when the Lisp dialect uses conses to build lists. There are some 'Lisps' for which this is not the case or not central.
Atom is either a symbol, a character, a number, or null.
(define (atom? a)
(or (symbol? a)
(char? a)
(number? a)
(null? a)))
I think those are all the atoms that exist, if you find more add to the conditional expression. For example, if you think a string is an atom, add (string? a), :-). The absence of a definition for atom, allows you to define it the way you want. After all, Scheme does not know what an atom is.
In Lisp nil is an atom, so I've made null an atom. nil is also a list by simplification nil = (nil . nil), the same way the integral numbers are rational numbers by simplification, 2 = 2/1, 2 is an integral number, 2/1 is a rational number, as both are equals by simplification of the rational one; one says the integral number 2 is also a rational number. But the list predicate is already defined in Scheme, nothing to worry about.
About the question. As long as I am concerned Scheme has predicates only for class types, atom is not a class type, atom is an abstraction that incorporates several class types. Maybe that is the reason. But pair is not a class type either, but it does not incorporate several class types, and yet some may consider pair as a class type.
Atom means that a certain thing is not a compound thing. One reason not to include such a predicate is when the language allows you to define atomic types, so the pletora of atoms can grow wider and wider, and such a predicate would make no sense. I don't know if Scheme allows for this. I can only say that Scheme predicates (the built-in ones) are all specific. You can ask, is this an apple?, is this an orange?; but you cannot ask is this a fruit?. :-). Well, you can, if you do it yourself. Despite what a said, Scheme has a general predicate number?, and number specific predicates, integer?, rational?, real?; notwithstanding, number can be thought of as a class type (the other predicates refer to sub-types of number), whereas atom is not (at least in Scheme).
class types: types that belong to a certain class of things. Example:
number, integer, real, rational, character, procedure, list, vector, string, etc.

Sum function doesn't work :/

A while ago this code seemed to work, but now it doesn't anymore. Is there something wrong with it?
user=> (defn sum [a b] (a + b))
user=> (sum 3 4)
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
It's probably time to take a break :)
Perhaps try:
(defn sum [a b] (+ a b))
Clojure, being a member of the Lisp family, always uses prefix notation for arithmetic expressions.
Since you're trying to write such a function, I wonder if it might be helpful to point out that + is just a regular function in Clojure, as it is in any other Lisp. In fact, there are no special "arithmetic expressions" in Clojure, just function applications whose arguments are numbers and whose operator functions perform arithmetic operations.
In fact, in most Lisps there are no special "operators" in the sense distinguished pieces of syntax which would need to be wrapped for their functionality to be available in the form of a function. Clojure is unusual as a Lisp in this regard in that it explicitly depends on its host platform for some fairly basic features; e.g. floating-point exponentiation is available in vanilla Clojure in the form of the pow method of the java.lang.Math class (but see clojure.contrib.math for some nice functions to perform various arithmetic ops not in clojure.core).
Java methods would have to be wrapped in Clojure to be used as functions (e.g. passed to map etc.), so in that way they might bring to mind operators from languages such as C, Python or indeed Java itself. They are still called using prefix notation, though.
There is already a + function in clojure.core, so be very careful when redefining it, you're probably better off avoiding this.
All Lisps including Clojure use prefix notation. You should call a function like (fn-name args). In your example Clojure tries to call an Integer as a function, because that's the first element of the list. Integers do not implement the IFn interface, so that explains the error message.
You can in fact get an infix notation for mathematical functions using a function. For this function see page 13 of the first chapter of The Joy Of Clojure, freely available here: http://www.manning.com/fogus/Fogus_MEAP_Ch1.pdf.