Akka infinite loop dead letter - akka

I have two UntypedActors which will exchange messages in infinite loop.
class ActorA extends UntypedActor {
public void onReceive(Object message) throws Throwable {
if (message instanceof String) {
ActorRef actorb = getContext().actorOf(Props.create(ActorB.class));
actorb.tell(0, getSelf());
if (message instanceof Integer) {
int count = (Integer) message;
System.out.println("ActorA: " + count++);
getSender().tell(count, getSelf());
class ActorB extends UntypedActor {
public void onReceive(Object message) throws Throwable {
if (message instanceof Integer) {
int count = (Integer) message;
System.out.println("ActorB: " + count++);
getSender().tell(count, getSelf());
Below is a code which will execute above actors.
ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("bb");
ActorRef master = system.actorOf(Props.create(ActorA.class), "ddd");
master.tell("Msg", master);
After many iterations suddenly I receive:
from Actor[akka://bb/user/ddd/$a#-1708720414] to Actor[akka://bb/user/ddd#250962293] was not delivered. [1] dead letters encountered.
My question is why after multiple loops between two actors finally I received dead letter ? I know that its connected with memory allocation but I received only over 100 loops and dead letter appeared.


akka getContext(). become() HotSwap not receiving messages

having code in akka and playing with become() need to understand why it receive only first msg and then it ignores ...
package ping_pong;
import akka.actor.AbstractActor;
import akka.actor.ActorRef;
import akka.actor.ActorSystem;
import akka.actor.Props;
public class PingPongActor extends AbstractActor {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ActorSystem _system = ActorSystem.create("PingPongActorApp");
ActorRef masterpp = _system.actorOf(Props.create(PingPongActor.class), "pp");
masterpp.tell(PING, masterpp);
System.out.println("after first msg");
masterpp.tell(PING, masterpp);
masterpp.tell(PING, masterpp);
masterpp.tell(PING, masterpp);
masterpp.tell(PING, masterpp);
masterpp.tell(PING, masterpp);
System.out.println("last msg");
static String PING = "PING";
static String PONG = "PONG";
int count = 0;
public Receive createReceive() {
return receiveBuilder().match(String.class, ua -> {
if (ua.matches(PING)) {
System.out.println("PING" + count);
count += 1;
if (count <= 10) {
getSelf().tell(PONG, getSelf());
getContext().become(receiveBuilder().match(String.class, ua1 -> {
if (ua1.matches(PONG)) {
System.out.println("PONG" + count);
count += 1;
if (count > 10) {
System.out.println("DONE" + count);
It gives result:
21:36:34.098 [PingPongActorApp-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] INFO
akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started after first msg
last msg PING0 PONG1
the question is why it ignores the other PING or also PONG messages ... ?
When you getContext().become, you are replacing the entire Receive for that actor, so
getContext().become(receiveBuilder().match(String.class, ua1 -> {
if (ua1.matches(PONG)) {
System.out.println("PONG" + count);
count += 1;
You are installing a Receive which will only respond to messages matching PONG.
As an aside: Thread.sleep is basically the single worst thing you can do in an actor, as it prevents the actor from doing anything and also consumes a dispatcher thread. It would be a much better idea to schedule a message to yourself in 100 millis which would then trigger the unbecome.

Simple program with Callable Future never terminates

I was playing around with Callable and Future and stumbled upon an issue.
This is a piece of code that never terminates and times out even though the IDE allows 5 seconds to run, and the code does not need more than 3 seconds (It gives a Time Limit Exceeded error): https://ideone.com/NcL0YV
/* package whatever; // don't place package name! */
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;
/* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class is public. */
class Ideone
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
Ideone obj = new Ideone();
Future<Integer> res = obj.doCallable();
public Future<Integer> calculate(Integer input) {
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
return executor.submit(() -> {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Sleep time in ms = "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-start));
return input * input;
public Future<Integer> doCallable() {
int value = 99;
try {
Callable<Future> callable = () -> calculate(value);
Future<Integer> future = callable.call();
return future;
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
This is a similar piece of code that terminates because I added "System.exit(0)" (which is not advisable): https://ideone.com/HDvl7y
/* package whatever; // don't place package name! */
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;
/* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class is public. */
class Ideone
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
Ideone obj = new Ideone();
Future<Integer> res = obj.doCallable();
public Future<Integer> calculate(Integer input) {
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
return executor.submit(() -> {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Sleep time in ms = "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-start));
return input * input;
public Future<Integer> doCallable() {
int value = 99;
try {
Callable<Future> callable = () -> calculate(value);
Future<Integer> future = callable.call();
return future;
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Please help me understand why do we need System.exit(0) or shutdown() even if callable task is complete (future.get() call is a blocking call).
I did all the above to solve the main issue of ever-increasing threads in my application because of the below code snippet. I am not sure how to complete this future automatically after a certain timeout without involving the main thread (which exits right away).
public void publish(#NonNull final String message,
#NonNull final String topicArn) throws PublishingException {
if (!publishAsync(message, topicArn)) {
throw new PublishingException("Publish attempt failed for the message:"
+ message);
private boolean publishAsync(final String message,
final String topicArn) {
Callable<Future> publishCallable = () -> snsClient.publishAsync(topicArn, message);
try {
Future<PublishResult> result = publishCallable.call();
log.debug("Asynchronously published message {} to SNS topic {}.", message, topicArn);
return !result.isDone() || result.get().getMessageId() != null;
} catch (final Exception e) {
return false;
void shutdown()
Initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted. Invocation has no additional effect if already shut down.
This method does not wait for previously submitted tasks to complete execution. Use awaitTerminationto do that.

vert.x: publish and consume messages from event bus

I wrote the following code:
public class VertxApp {
public static void main(String[] args) { // This is OK
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
vertx.deployVerticle(new ReceiveVerticle()); // line A
vertx.deployVerticle(new SendVerticle()); // line B
public class ReceiveVerticle extends AbstractVerticle{
public void start(Future<Void> startFuture) {
vertx.eventBus().consumer("address", message -> {
System.out.println("message received by receiver");
public class SendVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
public void start(Future<Void> startFuture) throws InterruptedException {
System.out.println("SendVerticle started!");
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
System.out.println("Sender sends a message " + i );
vertx.eventBus().publish("address", "message" + i);
This code is inconsistent. There is a race condition. If I run the code several times, sometimes all 5 messages sent are consumed, and sometimes none of them is consumed.
Can you please explain why there is race condition here and how it can be solved?
There is no race condition, deploying a verticle is an asynchronous operation and your receiver verticle may register the consumer after the sender verticle has sent the messages.
To make sure operations happen in order, use the deploy method which takes a handler argument:
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
vertx.deployVerticle(new ReceiveVerticle(), ar -> {
if (ar.succeeded()) {
vertx.deployVerticle(new SendVerticle());
} else {
// handle the problem -> ar.cause()

Jetty Continuation handler registration

I'm writing a servlet that runs commands on an exsisting java system ("MyJavaSystem") and write output to user.
The commands executed are asynchronous and servlet must return each result line to client.
I'm using Jetty and Continuation.
Here is my code:
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
private static final long timeoutMs = 6000;
public MyJavaSystem sys;
Continuation continuation = null;
public MyServlet (MyJavaSystem a) { sys = a; }
public void service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
String commandResult = (String)request.getAttribute("results");
if (commandResult == null)
continuation = ContinuationSupport.getContinuation(request);
if (continuation.isInitial())
if (continuation.isExpired())
if ( request.getParameter("command") != null && ! request.getParameter("command").equals("") )
// Execute command
// suspend the request
// ---- Here I need to register myHandler and myHandler2
} else {
// Write command result line to user
// Called by sys every new line in command output
public void myHandler(String commandOutput)
if (continuation != null)
// Called by sys when the command is done
public void myHandler2(String commandOutput)
if (continuation != null)
The sys.execute() is a non-blocking call (due to system implementation) and myHandler(), myHandler2() functions will be called by the external java sys during command executions.
How can I register this handlers?
If i run the code above i get:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: IDLE, initial
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.AsyncContinuation.dispatch(AsyncContinuation.java:427)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.AsyncContinuation.resume(AsyncContinuation.java:892)
at mypackage.MyServlet.myHandler(MyServlet.java:22)

Good example of livelock?

I understand what livelock is, but I was wondering if anyone had a good code-based example of it? And by code-based, I do not mean "two people trying to get past each other in a corridor". If I read that again, I'll lose my lunch.
Here's a very simple Java example of livelock where a husband and wife are trying to eat soup, but only have one spoon between them. Each spouse is too polite, and will pass the spoon if the other has not yet eaten.
public class Livelock {
static class Spoon {
private Diner owner;
public Spoon(Diner d) { owner = d; }
public Diner getOwner() { return owner; }
public synchronized void setOwner(Diner d) { owner = d; }
public synchronized void use() {
System.out.printf("%s has eaten!", owner.name);
static class Diner {
private String name;
private boolean isHungry;
public Diner(String n) { name = n; isHungry = true; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public boolean isHungry() { return isHungry; }
public void eatWith(Spoon spoon, Diner spouse) {
while (isHungry) {
// Don't have the spoon, so wait patiently for spouse.
if (spoon.owner != this) {
try { Thread.sleep(1); }
catch(InterruptedException e) { continue; }
// If spouse is hungry, insist upon passing the spoon.
if (spouse.isHungry()) {
"%s: You eat first my darling %s!%n",
name, spouse.getName());
// Spouse wasn't hungry, so finally eat
isHungry = false;
"%s: I am stuffed, my darling %s!%n",
name, spouse.getName());
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Diner husband = new Diner("Bob");
final Diner wife = new Diner("Alice");
final Spoon s = new Spoon(husband);
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() { husband.eatWith(s, wife); }
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() { wife.eatWith(s, husband); }
Run the program and you'll get:
Bob: You eat first my darling Alice!
Alice: You eat first my darling Bob!
Bob: You eat first my darling Alice!
Alice: You eat first my darling Bob!
Bob: You eat first my darling Alice!
Alice: You eat first my darling Bob!
This will go on forever if uninterrupted. This is a livelock because both Alice and Bob are repeatedly asking each other to go first in an infinite loop (hence live). In a deadlock situation, both Alice and Bob would simply be frozen waiting on each other to go first — they won't be doing anything except wait (hence dead).
Flippant comments aside, one example which is known to come up is in code which tries to detect and handle deadlock situations. If two threads detect a deadlock, and try to "step aside" for each other, without care they will end up being stuck in a loop always "stepping aside" and never managing to move forwards.
By "step aside" I mean that they would release the lock and attempt to let the other one acquire it. We might imagine the situation with two threads doing this (pseudocode):
// thread 1
getLocks12(lock1, lock2)
while (lock2.locked())
// attempt to step aside for the other thread
// thread 2
getLocks21(lock1, lock2)
while (lock1.locked())
// attempt to step aside for the other thread
Race conditions aside, what we have here is a situation where both threads, if they enter at the same time will end up running in the inner loop without proceeding. Obviously this is a simplified example. A naiive fix would be to put some kind of randomness in the amount of time the threads would wait.
The proper fix is to always respect the lock heirarchy. Pick an order in which you acquire the locks and stick to that. For example if both threads always acquire lock1 before lock2, then there is no possibility of deadlock.
As there is no answer marked as accepted answer, I have attempted to create live lock example;
Original program was written by me in Apr 2012 to learn various concept of multithreading. This time I have modified it to create deadlock, race condition, livelock etc.
So let's understand the problem statement first;
Cookie Maker Problem
There are some ingredient containers: ChocoPowederContainer, WheatPowderContainer. CookieMaker takes some amount of powder from ingredient containers to bake a Cookie. If a cookie maker finds a container empty it checks for another container to save time. And waits until Filler fills the required container. There is a Filler who checks container on regular interval and fills some quantity if a container needs it.
Please check the complete code on github;
Let me explain you implementation in brief.
I start Filler as daemon thread. So it'll keep filling containers on regular interval. To fill a container first it locks the container -> check if it needs some powder -> fills it -> signal all makers who are waiting for it -> unlock container.
I create CookieMaker and set that it can bake up to 8 cookies in parallel. And I start 8 threads to bake cookies.
Each maker thread creates 2 callable sub-thread to take powder from containers.
sub-thread takes a lock on a container and check if it has enough powder. If not, wait for some time. Once Filler fills the container, it takes the powder, and unlock the container.
Now it completes other activities like: making mixture and baking etc.
Let's have a look in the code:
private Integer getMaterial(final Ingredient ingredient) throws Exception{
while (!container.getIngredient(quantity)) {
container.empty.await(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
//Thread.sleep(500); //For deadlock
public boolean getIngredient(int n) throws Exception {
if (quantityHeld >= n) {
quantityHeld -= n;
return true;
return false;
Everything runs fine until Filler is filling the containers. But if I forget to start the filler, or filler goes on unexpected leave, sub-threads keep changing their states to allow other maker to go and check the container.
I have also create a daemon ThreadTracer which keeps watch on thread states and deadlocks. This the output from console;
2016-09-12 21:31:45.065 :: [Maker_0:WAITING, Maker_1:WAITING, Maker_2:WAITING, Maker_3:WAITING, Maker_4:WAITING, Maker_5:WAITING, Maker_6:WAITING, Maker_7:WAITING, pool-7-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-7-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-8-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-8-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-6-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-6-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-5-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-5-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-1-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-3-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-2-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-1-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-4-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-4-thread-2:RUNNABLE, pool-3-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-2-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING]
2016-09-12 21:31:45.065 :: [Maker_0:WAITING, Maker_1:WAITING, Maker_2:WAITING, Maker_3:WAITING, Maker_4:WAITING, Maker_5:WAITING, Maker_6:WAITING, Maker_7:WAITING, pool-7-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-7-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-8-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-8-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-6-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-6-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-5-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-5-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-1-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-3-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-2-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-1-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-4-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-4-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-3-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-2-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING]
WheatPowder Container has 0 only.
2016-09-12 21:31:45.082 :: [Maker_0:WAITING, Maker_1:WAITING, Maker_2:WAITING, Maker_3:WAITING, Maker_4:WAITING, Maker_5:WAITING, Maker_6:WAITING, Maker_7:WAITING, pool-7-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-7-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-8-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-8-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-6-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-6-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-5-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-5-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-1-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-3-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-2-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-1-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-4-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-4-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-3-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-2-thread-2:RUNNABLE]
2016-09-12 21:31:45.082 :: [Maker_0:WAITING, Maker_1:WAITING, Maker_2:WAITING, Maker_3:WAITING, Maker_4:WAITING, Maker_5:WAITING, Maker_6:WAITING, Maker_7:WAITING, pool-7-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-7-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-8-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-8-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-6-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-6-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-5-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-5-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-1-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-3-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-2-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-1-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-4-thread-1:TIMED_WAITING, pool-4-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-3-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING, pool-2-thread-2:TIMED_WAITING]
You'll notice that sub-threads and changing their states and waiting.
A real (albeit without exact code) example is two competing processes live locking in an attempt to correct for a SQL server deadlock, with each process using the same wait-retry algorithm for retrying. While it's the luck of timing, I have seen this happen on separate machines with similar performance characteristics in response to a message added to an EMS topic (e.g. saving an update of a single object graph more than once), and not being able to control the lock order.
A good solution in this case would be to have competing consumers (prevent duplicate processing as high up in the chain as possible by partitioning the work on unrelated objects).
A less desirable (ok, dirty-hack) solution is to break the timing bad luck (kind of force differences in processing) in advance or break it after deadlock by using different algorithms or some element of randomness. This could still have issues because its possible the lock taking order is "sticky" for each process, and this takes a certain minimum of time not accounted for in the wait-retry.
Yet another solution (at least for SQL Server) is to try a different isolation level (e.g. snapshot).
I coded up the example of 2 persons passing in a corridor. The two threads will avoid each other as soon as they realise their directions are the same.
public class LiveLock {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
Object left = new Object();
Object right = new Object();
Pedestrian one = new Pedestrian(left, right, 0); //one's left is one's left
Pedestrian two = new Pedestrian(right, left, 1); //one's left is two's right, so have to swap order
class Pedestrian extends Thread {
private Object l;
private Object r;
private Pedestrian other;
private Object current;
Pedestrian (Object left, Object right, int firstDirection) {
l = left;
r = right;
if (firstDirection==0) {
current = l;
else {
current = r;
void setOther(Pedestrian otherP) {
other = otherP;
Object getDirection() {
return current;
Object getOppositeDirection() {
if (current.equals(l)) {
return r;
else {
return l;
void switchDirection() throws InterruptedException {
current = getOppositeDirection();
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " is stepping aside.");
public void run() {
while (getDirection().equals(other.getDirection())) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
C# version of jelbourn's code:
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace LiveLockExample
static class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var husband = new Diner("Bob");
var wife = new Diner("Alice");
var s = new Spoon(husband);
Task.Run(() => husband.EatWith(s, wife)),
Task.Run(() => wife.EatWith(s, husband))
public class Spoon
public Spoon(Diner diner)
Owner = diner;
public Diner Owner { get; private set; }
public void SetOwner(Diner d) { Owner = d; }
public void Use()
Console.WriteLine("{0} has eaten!", Owner.Name);
public class Diner
public Diner(string n)
Name = n;
IsHungry = true;
public string Name { get; private set; }
private bool IsHungry { get; set; }
public void EatWith(Spoon spoon, Diner spouse)
while (IsHungry)
// Don't have the spoon, so wait patiently for spouse.
if (spoon.Owner != this)
catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
// If spouse is hungry, insist upon passing the spoon.
if (spouse.IsHungry)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: You eat first my darling {1}!", Name, spouse.Name);
// Spouse wasn't hungry, so finally eat
IsHungry = false;
Console.WriteLine("{0}: I am stuffed, my darling {1}!", Name, spouse.Name);
Consider a UNIX system having 50 process slots.
Ten programs are running, each of which having to create 6 (sub)processes.
After each process has created 4 processes, the 10 original processes and the 40 new processes have exhausted the table. Each of the 10 original processes now sits in an endless loop forking and failing – which is aptly the situation of a livelock. The probability of this happening is very little but it could happen.
One example here might be using a timed tryLock to obtain more than one lock and if you can't obtain them all, back off and try again.
boolean tryLockAll(Collection<Lock> locks) {
boolean grabbedAllLocks = false;
for(int i=0; i<locks.size(); i++) {
Lock lock = locks.get(i);
if(!lock.tryLock(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
grabbedAllLocks = false;
// undo the locks I already took in reverse order
for(int j=i-1; j >= 0; j--) {
I could imagine such code would be problematic as you have lots of threads colliding and waiting to obtain a set of locks. But I'm not sure this is very compelling to me as a simple example.
Python version of jelbourn's code:
import threading
import time
lock = threading.Lock()
class Spoon:
def __init__(self, diner):
self.owner = diner
def setOwner(self, diner):
with lock:
self.owner = diner
def use(self):
with lock:
"{0} has eaten".format(self.owner)
class Diner:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.hungry = True
def eatsWith(self, spoon, spouse):
if self != spoon.owner:
time.sleep(1) # blocks thread, not process
if spouse.hungry:
print "{0}: you eat first, {1}".format(self.name, spouse.name)
# Spouse was not hungry, eat
print "{0}: I'm stuffed, {1}".format(self.name, spouse.name)
def main():
husband = Diner("Bob")
wife = Diner("Alice")
spoon = Spoon(husband)
t0 = threading.Thread(target=husband.eatsWith, args=(spoon, wife))
t1 = threading.Thread(target=wife.eatsWith, args=(spoon, husband))
if __name__ == "__main__":
I modify the answer of #jelbourn.
When one of them notices that the other is hungry, he(her) should release the spoon and wait another notify, so a livelock happens.
public class LiveLock {
static class Spoon {
Diner owner;
public String getOwnerName() {
return owner.getName();
public void setOwner(Diner diner) {
this.owner = diner;
public Spoon(Diner diner) {
this.owner = diner;
public void use() {
System.out.println(owner.getName() + " use this spoon and finish eat.");
static class Diner {
public Diner(boolean isHungry, String name) {
this.isHungry = isHungry;
this.name = name;
private boolean isHungry;
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void eatWith(Diner spouse, Spoon sharedSpoon) {
try {
synchronized (sharedSpoon) {
while (isHungry) {
while (!sharedSpoon.getOwnerName().equals(name)) {
//System.out.println("sharedSpoon belongs to" + sharedSpoon.getOwnerName())
if (spouse.isHungry) {
System.out.println(spouse.getName() + "is hungry,I should give it to him(her).");
} else {
isHungry = false;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(name + " is interrupted.");
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Diner husband = new Diner(true, "husband");
final Diner wife = new Diner(true, "wife");
final Spoon sharedSpoon = new Spoon(wife);
Thread h = new Thread() {
public void run() {
husband.eatWith(wife, sharedSpoon);
Thread w = new Thread() {
public void run() {
wife.eatWith(husband, sharedSpoon);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
package concurrently.deadlock;
import static java.lang.System.out;
/* This is an example of livelock */
public class Dinner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Spoon spoon = new Spoon();
Dish dish = new Dish();
new Thread(new Husband(spoon, dish)).start();
new Thread(new Wife(spoon, dish)).start();
class Spoon {
boolean isLocked;
class Dish {
boolean isLocked;
class Husband implements Runnable {
Spoon spoon;
Dish dish;
Husband(Spoon spoon, Dish dish) {
this.spoon = spoon;
this.dish = dish;
public void run() {
while (true) {
synchronized (spoon) {
spoon.isLocked = true;
out.println("husband get spoon");
try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
if (dish.isLocked == true) {
spoon.isLocked = false; // give away spoon
out.println("husband pass away spoon");
synchronized (dish) {
dish.isLocked = true;
out.println("Husband is eating!");
dish.isLocked = false;
spoon.isLocked = false;
class Wife implements Runnable {
Spoon spoon;
Dish dish;
Wife(Spoon spoon, Dish dish) {
this.spoon = spoon;
this.dish = dish;
public void run() {
while (true) {
synchronized (dish) {
dish.isLocked = true;
out.println("wife get dish");
try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
if (spoon.isLocked == true) {
dish.isLocked = false; // give away dish
out.println("wife pass away dish");
synchronized (spoon) {
spoon.isLocked = true;
out.println("Wife is eating!");
spoon.isLocked = false;
dish.isLocked = false;
Thread 1
if (try_lock(L2) != 0) {
goto top;
Thread 2
if (try_lock(L1) != 0) {
goto top;
The only difference is Thread 1 and Thread 2 try to acquire the locks in a different order. Livelock could happen as follows:
Thread 1 runs acquires L1, then a context switch occurs. Thread 2 runs acquires L2, then another context switch occurs. Thread 1 runs and cannot acquire L2, but before releasing L1 a context switch occurs. Thread 2 runs and cannot acquire L1, releases L2, and a context switch occurs. Thread 1 releases L1, and now we are basically back to the starting state, and in theory these steps could keep repeating forever.