euclid's lemma for prime numbers - primes

Euclid's lemma says that if p divides ab, then p divides a or p divides b.
If this is the case then p is prime.
What about when p=4, a=8 and b=9.
p| ab => p|72
(p|8 or p|9) is true.
This infers that p is prime.
But 4 is not a prime number.
I am overlooking something, and I am not sure what it is. There is definitely no restriction on a,b, and p, other than they are all integers.
Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated.

The lemma is that if p is prime and divides ab then p div a or p div b. Not that p must be prime if it divides a product
In your example p is relatively prime to b

Forty minutes later I realized, this implies for all a and b in Z.
This means that for all possible a and b such that p| ab.
From my example, when p=4, we need to try 2 and 2, because 4 divides itself as well.


Finding numbers with given GCD values

I was looking over the Eucledian algorithm for finding GCD of numbers. Now, it can be used to find GCD of two given numbers. However, if I am given GCD of a single number with multiple other numbers, for example, GCD of the first number with 3 other numbers (including itself), that is,
Given is: GCD of a with a, GCD of a with b, GCD of a with c, GCD of a with d.
and same goes for the other numbers, i.e. GCD of b with a, b with b, .....
Then, how can I find the individual numbers? I know that GCD(a,a) = a itself but the problem here is, that the individual GCD given are in a random order, and therefore, I don't know which input number is the GCD of which two numbers. In that case, how do I find the individual numbers?
Here is my GCD code:
int gcd(int a,int b)
return a;
return gcd(b,a%b);
Example: Let's say the input given is,
3 1 3 1 4 2 2 3 6
3 //(total numbers we have to find in original array)
Then output should be, 3 4 6. Because if you calculate GCD pairwise (total 9 pairs and hence 9 numbers as input) of each of these numbers, then we get the output as above.
Explanation: 3 -> GCD of (3,3)
1 -> GCD of (3,4)
3 -> GCD of (3,6)
1 -> GCD of (4,3)
4 -> GCD of (4,4)
2 -> GCD of (4,6)
6 -> GCD of (6,6)
3 -> GCD of (6,3)
2 -> GCD of (6,4)
Therefore, I have to find the numbers whose GCD is given as input. Hence, (3,4,6) are those numbers.
I think you can do this by the following process:
Find and remove largest number, this is one of the original numbers
Compute the gcd of the number just found in step 1, with all numbers previously found in step 1.
Remove each of these computed gcds from the input array of gcds (Strictly speaking remove 2 copies of each gcd)
Repeat until all numbers are found
The point is that this only goes wrong if the largest number x found in step 1 is not one of the original numbers. However, this can only happen if x is a gcd of two other numbers. These other numbers must be at least as large as x, but all such gcds have been removed in step 3. Therefore x is always one of the original numbers.
If the second line of the input is 1, then the first line of the input will have only one number, and due to your observation that gcd(a, a) = a, the value of a will be whatever value is on the first line of input.
If the value on the second line of input is greater than 1, then the problem can be reduced using the following observation. Given positive integers a and b, we know that gcd(a, b) <= a = gcd(a, a) and gcd(a, b) <= b = gcd(b, b) will always hold. Therefore, we can conclude that the largest two numbers on the first line of input must both be part of the basic set of numbers. The largest two numbers may be equal, but in your example, they are 4 and 6, and they are not equal.
If there are more than two numbers to find, let's call the largest two a and b. Since we now know the value of a and b, we can compute gcd(a, b) and remove two occurrences of that value from consideration as one of the input numbers. We remove two occurrences because gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a) are both in the list of input numbers. Then using similar logic, we conclude that the largest number remaining after a, b, gcd(a, b), and gcd(b, a) are removed must be one of the input numbers.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
This is actually pretty easy:
count how many times each distinct number appears in the array
if that count is odd, then that is one of the numbers in your set
if that count is even, that is not one of the numbers in your set.
This works because when x != y, gcd(x,y) = gcd(y,x) and that number will be in the array twice. Only values that come from gcd(x,x) will be in the array once, leading to an odd number of that specific value.
As we see here, that for each number with other number a GCD is calculated and added to the existing list, like this in the end we would be having n*n total numberer for original n numbers. So the same approach can be reverse used to find original numbers
Sort the list in descending order.
Collect top n^(0.5) numbers, that would be our answer.
For your example
3 1 3 1 4 2 2 3 6
Sorted = 6 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
value of n = 9
value of n^(0.5) = 3
choose top 3 numbers 6,4 and 3. Thats our answer

Hash and Modular Arthmetic

Let h(y) be the function defined as (a*y+b)mod m. So h(y) can take values from 0 to m-1.
Now we are given 7 integers- a,b,x,n,c,d,m. Our task is to find the total count of h(x),h(x+1),h(x+2)...h(x+n) such that the value of h(x+i) falls in the range of [c,d].where 0<=i<=n
Integer limits are:
1 ≤ m ≤ 10^15, c ≤ d < m, a,b < m, x+n ≤ 10^15, and a*(x+n) + b ≤ 10^15
For Example.
for input set {1,0,0,8,0,8,9} the output should be 9. Please suggest an efficient algorithm. Thanks!!!
This isn't a particularly strong hash. The only hard part about this problem is the obtuse notation with single-letter variables and specifying the problem as a 7-tuple.
Each increment of x increases h(x) by a. Therefore the total distance along x to get from c to d is simply (d-c)/a. Add one for the fencepost problem, or specify the problem with a half-open range for the sake of sanity.

Find {E1,..En} (E1+E2+..En=N, N is given) with the following property that E1* E2*..En is Maximum

Given the number N, write a program that computes the numbers E1, E2, ...En with the following properties:
1) N = E1 + E2 + ... + En;
2) E1 * E2 * ... En is maximum.
3) E1..En, are integers. No negative values :)
How would you do that ? I have a solution based on divide et impera but i want to check if is optimal.
Example: N=10
5,5 S=10,P=25
3,2,3,2 S=10,P=36
No need for an algorithm, mathematic intuition can do it on its own:
Step 1: prove that a result set with numbers higher than 3 is at most as good as a result set with only 3's and 2's
Given any number x in your result set, one might consider whether it would be better to divide it into two numbers.
The sum should still be x.
When x is even, The maximum for t (x - t) is reached when t = x/2 , and except for the special case x = 2, then it is greater than x, and for the special case x = 4, equal to x (see note 1).
When x is odd, The maximum for t (x - t) is reached when t = (x ± 1)/2.
What does this show? Only that you should only have 3's and 2's in your final set, because otherwise it is suboptimal (or equivalent to an optimal set).
Step 2: you should have as many 3's as possible
Now, as 3² > 2³, you should have as many 3's as possible as long as the remainder is not 1.
Conclusion: for every N >= 3:
If N = 0 mod 3, then the result set is only 3's
If N = 1 mod 3, then the result set has one pair of 2's (or a 4) and the rest is 3's
If N = 2 mod 3, then the result set has one 2 and the rest is 3's
Please correct this post. The times when I was writing well-structured mathematical proofs is far away...
Note 1: (2,4) is the only pair of distinct integers such that x^y = y^x. You can prove that with:
x^y = y^x
y ln(x) = x ln(y)
ln(x)/x = ln(y) / y
and the function ln(t)/t is strictly decreasing after its global maximum, reached between 2 and 3, so if you want two distinct integers such that ln(x)/x = ln(y)/y, one of them must be lower or equal to 2. From that you can infer that only (2,4) works
This is not a complete solution, but might help.
First off note that if you fix n, and two of the terms E_i and E_j differ by more than one (for example 3 and 8), then you can do better by "equalizing" them as much as possible, i.e., if the number p = E_i + E_j is even, you do better both terms by p/2. If p is odd, you do better by replacing them with p/2 and p/2+1 (where / is integer division).
That said, then if you knew what the optimal number of terms, n, was, you'd be done: let all E_i's equal N/n and N/n+1 (again integer division), so that their sum is still N (this is now a straightforward problem).
So the question now is what is the optimal n. Suppose for the moment that you are allowed to use real numbers. Then the solution would be N/n for each term and you could write the product as (N/n)^n. If you differentiate this with respect to n and find its root you find that n should be equal to N/e (where e is the Neper number, also known as Euler's number, e = 2.71828....). Therefore, I'd look for a solution where either n = floor(N/e) or n = floor(N/e)+1, and then choose all the E_i's equal to either N/n or N/n+1, as above.
Hope that helps.
The Online Encycolpedia of Integer Sequences gives a recurrence relation for the solution to this problem.
I'll leave it up to someone else to compare complexities. Not sure I can figure out the complexity of OP's method.

haskell, counting how many prime numbers are there in a list

i m a newbie to haskell, currently i need a function 'f' which, given two integers, returns the number of prime numbers in between them (i.e., greater than the first integer but smaller than the second).
Main> f 2 4
Main> f 2 10
here is my code so far, but it dosent work. any suggestions? thanks..
f :: Int -> Int -> Int
f x y
| x < y = length [ n | n <- [x..y], y 'mod' n == 0]
| otherwise = 0
Judging from your example, you want the number of primes in the open interval (x,y), which in Haskell is denoted [x+1 .. y-1].
Your primality testing is flawed; you're testing for factors of y.
To use a function name as an infix operator, use backticks (`), not single quotes (').
Try this instead:
-- note: no need for the otherwise, since [x..y] == [] if x>y
nPrimes a b = length $ filter isPrime [a+1 .. b-1]
Exercise for the reader: implement isPrime. Note that it only takes one argument.
Look at what your list comprehension does.
n <- [x..y]
Draw n from a list ranging from x to y.
y `mod` n == 0
Only select those n which evenly divide y.
length (...)
Find how many such n there are.
What your code currently does is find out how many of the numbers between x and y (inclusive) are factors of y. So if you do f 2 4, the list will be [2, 4] (the numbers that evenly divide 4), and the length of that is 2. If you do f 2 10, the list will be `[2, 5, 10] (the numbers that evenly divide 10), and the length of that is 3.
It is important to try to understand for yourself why your code doesn't work. In this case, it's simply the wrong algorithm. For algorithms that find whether a number is prime, among many other sources, you can check the wikipedia article: Primality test.
I you want to work with large intervals, then it might be a better idea to compute a list of primes once (instead of doing a isPrime test for every number):
primes = -- A list with all prime numbers
candidates = [a+1 .. b-1]
myprimes = intersectSortedLists candidates primes
nPrimes = length $ myprimes

Find a prime number?

To find whether N is a prime number we only need to look for all numbers less or equal to sqrt(N). Why is that? I am writing a C code so trying to understand a reason behind it.
N is prime if it is a positive integer which is divisible by exactly two positive integers, 1 and N. Since a number's divisors cannot be larger than that number, this gives rise to a simple primality test:
If an integer N, greater than 1, is not divisible by any integer in the range [2, N-1], then N is prime. Otherwise, N is not prime.
However, it would be nice to modify this test to make it faster. So let us investigate.
Note that the divisors of N occur in pairs. If N is divisible by a number M, then it is also divisible by N/M. For instance, 12 is divisble by 6, and so also by 2. Furthermore, if M >= sqrt(N), then N/M <= sqrt(N).
This means that if no numbers less than or equal to sqrt(N) divide N, no numbers greater than sqrt(N) divide N either (excepting 1 and N themselves), otherwise a contradiction would arise.
So we have a better test:
If an integer N, greater than 1, is not divisible by any integer in the range [2, sqrt(N)], then N is prime. Otherwise, N is not prime.
if you consider the reasoning above, you should see that a number which passes this test also passes the first test, and a number which fails this test also fails the first test. The tests are therefore equivalent.
A composite number (one that is not prime, or 1) has at least 1 pair of factors, and it is guaranteed that one of the numbers from each pair is less than or equal to the square root of the number (which is what you are asking about).
If you square the square root of the number, you get the number itself (sqrt(n) * sqrt(n) = n), so if you made one of the numbers bigger (than sqrt(n)) you would have to make the other one smaller. If you then only check the numbers 2 through sqrt(n) you will have checked all of the possible factors, since each of those factors will be paired with a number that is greater than sqrt(n) (except of course if the number is in fact a square of some other number, like 4, 9, 16, etc...but that doesn't matter since you know they aren't prime; they are easily factored by sqrt(n) itself).
The reason is simple, any number bigger than the sqrt, will cause the other multiplier, to be smaller than the sqrt. In such case, you should have already check it.
Let n=a×b be composite.
Assume a>sqrt(n) and b>sqrt(n).
a×b > sqrt(n)×sqrt(n)
a×b > n
But we know a×b=n, therefore a<sqrt(n) or b<sqrt(n).
Since you only need to know a or b to show n is composite, you only need to check the numbers up to sqrt(n) to find such a number.
Because in the worst case, number n can be expresed as a2.
If the number can be expressed diferently, that men that one of divisors will be less than a = sqrt(n), but the other can be greater.