Issue connecting SOAP through Postman - postman

I’m stuck with trying to connect to my SOAP API. The goal is to retrieve a quote via the “Getquote” function which is available in our webservice and use that quote in an application in Therefore, I want to make it work through form-data so I can reuse the keys and values in Bubble. I get a succesfull quote through the raw method. See picture
Raw method:
You can see that all my fields are in the body so with the form-data method I put all the individual fields in key and value but I get the error message you see below.
Form data method:
Can someone see what I'm doing wrong? Excuses me for I am just starting. There might be some beginner mistakes in there. Thanks for the help!

SOAP encodes messages by using XML. Form data uses a completely different encoding, which the SOAP server doesn't understand, hence the error.
Although I've never used it, there is a Chrome extension called Boomerang that supports SOAP requests, and which may suit you better.


Sending a file to an API using Postman form-data

I'm attempting to send a file to an API I've been developing through Postman, but the API has repeatedly failed to receive it. I initially thought this was a middleware issue, and attempted to use different modules to fix it. However, I have since realized that this is actually an issue in Postman itself
When I send the request and then review the request body in the Postman console, I can see that it fails to send the file at all, listing it as undefined.
I have seen a few people having this same issue, but was not able to find a solution that worked for me. I have already tried unchecking the Content-Type header, as well as closing and reopening the tab and Postman.
EDIT: I did not receive an answer to this, but I was able to find a workaround - coding a super basic html form that made a post request to the relevant endpoint. This did work, so I'm going to say this is likely a bug or settings issue in Postman itself, rather than something to do with my server's code.
Pretty sure you were in this thread already, but just in case,
this answer, and this one might be what you need.

How to access the true RAW request body from post man on a pre-request script?

I'm trying to authenticate myself against an API. This API uses the raw body from the request to create the hash that it will use to authenticate against my token.
For testing purposes, I'm using postman with a pre request script to create the hash. Everything works fine, with one exception:
In the code tab I have this
however if on the pre request script I dump the value of the request body I get by using I obtain
The problem is, its not exactly the same string, then the value retrieved by creates a hash with a different body that the server uses to create its hash (the server uses the one beautified with line endings and tabs). This is the script where I use the request body content:
So unless someone have an idea of how to retrieve the json body exactly on the format it was written, pretty much seems I cant use postman for this
EDIT: I don't know if this existed 5 years ago when the original Question was posted, but it's available in PostMan 8.12.2 at least.
When you have a request open in Postman, show the "Code" pane at the right by clicking the </> button seen in the right-hand toolbar.
Then in the dropdown header for code type, choose "HTTP".
The line numbers in the HTTP snippet are significant -- in my screenshot, the last four displayed lines are concatenated into line 6 of the actual HTTP.
just changed the post body tab to
new post body
and it went just fine. Not really the best solution i was expecting, but does the job :)

WSO2 ESB as a RabbitMQ produser

I tried to create proxy which will receive soap request and store it to rabbitmq.
Example from documentation works well, but it always stores full message with envelope and body elements.
How can I store pure xml message without envelope?
I used payload mediator, but got same result.
When you are storing, it will store with envelope as it must have a proper message. Even though you try to remove that, it may cause an error if message doesn't have an envelope.
You can try sending binary format (which will attach xml file in to message: Try this with POSTMAN tool) and it will send the xml file separate one. But still its' better not to remove envelope as it may cause errors.

Consume REST service that returns a single value

I am used to consuming Web services via a XMLHttpRequest, to retrieve xml or JSON.
Recently, I have been working with SharePoint REST services, which can return a single value (for example 5532, or "Jeff"). I am wondering if there is a more efficient way than XMLHttpRequest to retrieve this single value. For example, would it work if I loaded the REST url via an iframe, then retrieved the iframe content? Or is there any other well established method?
[Edit] By single value, I really mean that the service just returns these characters. This is not even presented in a JSON or xml response.
Any inefficiency in XMLHttpRequest is largely due to the overhead of HTTP, which the iframe approach is going to incur, as well. Furthermore, if the Sharepoint service expects to speak HTTP, you're going to need to speak HTTP. However, an API does not have to run over HTTP to be RESTful, per Roy Fielding, so if the service provided an API over a raw socket -- or if you simply wanted to craft your own slimmer HTTP request -- you could use a Flash socket via a library like: You could cut the request message size down to under 100 bytes, and could pull out the response data trivially.
The jQuery library is a well established framework which you can use. It´s also an article which answer your concrete question at StackOverflow.

How do I make a ColdFusion Web Service return SOAP instead of WDDX?

I've created a ColdFusion Web Service, but it's returning WDDX instead of SOAP. How do I make it return SOAP instead of WDDX?
Have the <cffunction> return an XML object, and have the "returnformat" parameter be set to "plain".
<cffunction name="GetData" returntype="xml" returnformat="plain">
For complex objects, you need to setup the CFCs correctly. Read: Using ColdFusion components to define data types for web services
update: Or, you can create the XML representation of your object yourself with <cfxml>, then return the XML object with returnType="xml" in cffunction.
You may check out coldbox's XMLConverter Plugin as code sample for converting built-in CF complex types into XML.
A CFC method with access=remote ought to return soap, rather than WDDX. I'm sure I've used this functionality for years. What I'm suspecting may be happening is that the content-type is based on the request a client makes. I would download Soap-UI and test http://your.server/yourCFC.cfc?wsdl to see whether SOAP-UI gets WDDX thrown back at it. If is does, I'm at a bit of a loss, but do report it here anyway and I'll take a further look.
If Soap-UI sees a proper response, take a look at the headers it's sending and compare them to the request you're making (possibly through the browser?)
You can also use Fiddler to record soap-ui traffic and compare that against any other source of requests.
The http request thing above may be completely off, but it's relatively easy to check and I think it's ringing a bell.
You may also want to check the return type of the function you're writing. In order for CF to generate a good WSDL, it needs to be able to extract metadata from the CFC you're returning.
A bit late to the game but were you hitting it as a plain HTTP request and not as with a SOAP packet?
For example were you doing this:
instead of an actual SOAP request with envelope, headers, body, etc?
The HTTP request returns WDDX by default or JSON by specifying the returnformat, while a SOAP request will return data in the format you are seeking.