WSO2 ESB as a RabbitMQ produser - wso2

I tried to create proxy which will receive soap request and store it to rabbitmq.
Example from documentation works well, but it always stores full message with envelope and body elements.
How can I store pure xml message without envelope?
I used payload mediator, but got same result.

When you are storing, it will store with envelope as it must have a proper message. Even though you try to remove that, it may cause an error if message doesn't have an envelope.
You can try sending binary format (which will attach xml file in to message: Try this with POSTMAN tool) and it will send the xml file separate one. But still its' better not to remove envelope as it may cause errors.


How to get payload size from custom handler in WSO2 APIM

I am trying to get payload size from both request and response for every kind of content type with custom handler in WSO2 APIM1.10.0
By reference this code, I can get the payload size with 2 ways:
Get header content length (at line 127)
Build message and get the body length (at line 132)
But I think both of these two way might have some problem.
User might give incorrect content length when invoking the API.
The API content type might be unpredictable.
So, how can I get payload size from both request and response?
You can do this by using a script mediator.
The length of the payload of the message can be received by calling mc.getPayloadXML() inside script mediator in both in-sequence and out-sequence.
Please refer this blog for more information and the documentation on usage of mediation extentions in API Manager.

Issue connecting SOAP through Postman

I’m stuck with trying to connect to my SOAP API. The goal is to retrieve a quote via the “Getquote” function which is available in our webservice and use that quote in an application in Therefore, I want to make it work through form-data so I can reuse the keys and values in Bubble. I get a succesfull quote through the raw method. See picture
Raw method:
You can see that all my fields are in the body so with the form-data method I put all the individual fields in key and value but I get the error message you see below.
Form data method:
Can someone see what I'm doing wrong? Excuses me for I am just starting. There might be some beginner mistakes in there. Thanks for the help!
SOAP encodes messages by using XML. Form data uses a completely different encoding, which the SOAP server doesn't understand, hence the error.
Although I've never used it, there is a Chrome extension called Boomerang that supports SOAP requests, and which may suit you better.

How should I implement a dynamic partner link endpoint in WSO2 BPS?

I am trying to implement a partner link with a dynamically determined endpoint address in a WSO2 BPS BPEL process. The idea is that the request sent to the process contains an endpoint URL and that this URL is used as the address for a certain partner link. I have successfully used endpoint references stored in the registry before, but I can't use that approach here as the address can be different every time the process is called.
I have tried a number of different approaches (using WSO2 BPS 3.5.1 and WS02 Developer Studio 3.8.0):
The approach used in the DynPartner example referenced in This gives me the following validation error in Developer Studio: The from-spec of "<xs:simpleType "string">" is not compatible with to-spec of "<wsdl:portType
"DynResponderPortType">". Also, when I deploy and invoke the process, I get an error stating that the endpoint cannot be created (Couldnt create any endpoint for element ...)
Assigning a fixed value to the partner link, e.g. like this:
<wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsdl11="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" uep_schema.xsd">
This works and does not give a validation error, but I haven't found a way to dynamically change the address that is used here based on the input my process is called with.
Create a variable that holds the endpoint reference, using a type that defines the content of an endpoint reference. I've tried several XSDs (, (which doesn't get validated without errors), the ws-addr.xsd from w3c, my own very simple XSD). I've had varying success with regarding how well Developer Studio could handle them and for instance generate initializations, but they all share the problem that I get a validation error stating something like The from-spec of "<element "EndpointReference">" is not compatible with to-spec of "<wsdl:portType
"ThisIsThePartnerLinkPortType">" -.
At this point, I am using the last approach with my own simple XSD. The process is actually working the way I intend it to, but I am still getting validation errors in Developer Studio which I would like to get rid of. Is there another and better way to approach this?
Thanks in advance for your help.
For anyone who is having the same issue: The approach is use now is that the BPS calls a specific proxy in the ESB (at a fixed location) and provides the endpoint URL to that proxy. The proxy then performs the actual call to the endpoint.
This has a number of advantages for me:
I get rid of the validation errors in the BPEL designer
Passing through the ESB allows me to perform validation on the message that I receive from the service located at the dynamic URL. Note that this is not possible in the BPS at the moment, as validation is not yet properly implemented. See also

How can I mediate a multipart message in WSO2 ESB 4.8.1?

I have to mediate a multipart message in a API resource, so that, at first I have to call virus scan service and depending on the response:
If the response is 200 OK continue.
Else, the response is 401 Unauthorized drop message and return 401 response.
I have tired drop message (due to limitations in measuring multipart messages) if I get 401 in mediation, but the original message always go on.
Is there any solutions for that? Is possible mediate message with Java class mediator?
Is there any way to drop parent message by messageID?
If you use a simple <drop/> in your sequence, the message shouldn't be processed further. How does your API/Proxy look like?
You can also process your message inside your custom Java class. See the following link for an example.

How do I make a ColdFusion Web Service return SOAP instead of WDDX?

I've created a ColdFusion Web Service, but it's returning WDDX instead of SOAP. How do I make it return SOAP instead of WDDX?
Have the <cffunction> return an XML object, and have the "returnformat" parameter be set to "plain".
<cffunction name="GetData" returntype="xml" returnformat="plain">
For complex objects, you need to setup the CFCs correctly. Read: Using ColdFusion components to define data types for web services
update: Or, you can create the XML representation of your object yourself with <cfxml>, then return the XML object with returnType="xml" in cffunction.
You may check out coldbox's XMLConverter Plugin as code sample for converting built-in CF complex types into XML.
A CFC method with access=remote ought to return soap, rather than WDDX. I'm sure I've used this functionality for years. What I'm suspecting may be happening is that the content-type is based on the request a client makes. I would download Soap-UI and test http://your.server/yourCFC.cfc?wsdl to see whether SOAP-UI gets WDDX thrown back at it. If is does, I'm at a bit of a loss, but do report it here anyway and I'll take a further look.
If Soap-UI sees a proper response, take a look at the headers it's sending and compare them to the request you're making (possibly through the browser?)
You can also use Fiddler to record soap-ui traffic and compare that against any other source of requests.
The http request thing above may be completely off, but it's relatively easy to check and I think it's ringing a bell.
You may also want to check the return type of the function you're writing. In order for CF to generate a good WSDL, it needs to be able to extract metadata from the CFC you're returning.
A bit late to the game but were you hitting it as a plain HTTP request and not as with a SOAP packet?
For example were you doing this:
instead of an actual SOAP request with envelope, headers, body, etc?
The HTTP request returns WDDX by default or JSON by specifying the returnformat, while a SOAP request will return data in the format you are seeking.