DBF Table Join without using Arcpy? - python-2.7

I have created a rather large CSV file (63000 rows and around 40 columns) and I want to join it with an ESRI Shapefile.
I have used ArcPy but the whole process takes 30! minutes. If I make the join with the original (small) CSV file, join it with the Shapefile and then make my calculations with ArcPy and continously add new fields and calculate the stuff it takes 20 minutes. I am looking for a faster solution and found there are other Python modules such as PySHP or DBFPy but I have not found any way for joining tables, hoping that could go faster.
My goal is already to get away from ArcPy as much as I can and preferable only use Python, so preferably no PostgreSQL and alikes either.
Does anybody have a solution for that? Thanks a lot!

Not exactly a programmatical solution for my problem but a practical one:
My shapefile is always static, only the attributes of the features will change. So I copy my original shapefile (only the basic files with endings .shp, .shx, .prj) to my output folder and rename it to the name I want.
Then I create my CSV-File with all calculations and convert it to DBF and save it with the name of my new shapefile to the output folder too. ArcGIS will now load the shapefile along with my own DBF file and I don't even need to do any tablejoin at all!
Now my program runs through in only 50 seconds!
I am still interested in more solutions for the table join problem, maybe I will encounter that problem again in the future where the shapefile is NOT always static. I did not really understand Nan's solution, I am still at "advanced beginner" level in Python :)


ClientError: Unable to parse csv: rows 1-1000, file

I've looked at the other answers to this issue and none of them are helping me. I am trying to run a simple random cut forest algorithm. I have a small data set of IPs which have been stripped down to only have numbers. I still get this error. It only has one column of these numbers. The CSV looks like this:
Have you looked at this sample notebook, and tried using it with your own data?
In a nutshell, it reads the CSV file with Pandas and trains the model like this:
rcf = RandomCutForest(role=execution_role,
data_location='s3://{}/{}/'.format(bucket, prefix),
output_path='s3://{}/{}/output'.format(bucket, prefix),
# automatically upload the training data to S3 and run the training job
You didn't say what your use case was, but as you're working with IP addresses, you may find the IP Insights built-in algorithm useful too: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/ip-insights.html
I was utilizing the sample notebook Julien Simon mentioned earlier, but at some point the data was ending up as strings! The funny thing about RCF algorithms is they have to run on integer data.
What I did is I made sure to cast the array as an int array as a double check and vallah! It worked. I am at loss over how the data ended up in a string format but alas, that was the issue. Simple solution.

Advises for handling a 200 GB CSV with geometry

I have a 200 GB CSV file that represent locations (points) around the globe. Each entry (row) has 64 columns and it has redundant information. I made some calculations and the size is approx. 800 million rows. My first approach was to push all the data into Postgres + Postgis. The data is not very clean and there are some rows that do not hold the datatype feature thus, I made an ORM implementation to first, validate and fix the datatype inconsistencies and handle exceptions.
The ORM I used was Django > 1.5 and it took approx. 3 hours to process less than 0.1% of the total dataset.
I tried also to partition the dataset in different files so that little by little I can process them pushing into the database. I used common unix commands like "Sed, Cat, AWK and Head" to do this but it takes so much time!
My questions are the following:
Using Django ORM sounds like a god approach?
What about SQLAlchemy could it help in making the insertions faster?
How can I split the dataset in shorter time?
I recently saw Pandas (Python library for data analysts) can it help with this task, maybe making the queries easier once the data is stored in the database.
Which other tools would you recommend to work with this massive amount of data?
Thank you for your help and reading the long post.

Spreadsheets: insert into columns as if a stack

First: I know this would be much easier if it was a .CSV but that is not possible (I'd 'a written the code in the time I wrote this post).
I want to insert numbers given by the user along with a time-stamp into a spreadsheet. There will be a graph in the spreadsheet that automatically generates based on columns a and b, hence the need to not be a .CSV. Column A holds Double-Floats of range 0 through 500 and Column B holds Date and Time information. Inserted rows must be at the top, thus pushing all existing data down by one row, each time.
I've been writing this manually and I think its time to stop doing that. I don't really care what language it is done in, but I would prefer C/C++ using at most the boost libraries. All libraries MUST be open-source. OS is Linux and input should from terminal or at least be given to the program as a parameter, such that the user's input could be piped into the program.
I found this, but I'm not sure if it is the best method as I'm not necessarily locked into python.
Insert row into Excel spreadsheet using openpyxl in Python
Thanks for any and all help.
Have you tried this? A C library that read Excel (xls) files: http://libxls.sourceforge.net.
Hope this meet your need.
An alternative: http://www.libxl.com, more powerful but not open source.

How to optimize writing this data to a postgres database

I'm parsing poker hand histories, and storing the data in a postgres database. Here's a quick view of that:
I'm getting a relatively bad performance, and parsing files will take several hours. I can see that the database part takes 97% of the total program time. So only a little optimization would make this a lot quicker.
The way I have it set-up now is as follows:
Read next file into a string.
Parse one game and store it into object GameData.
For every player, check if we have his name in the std::map. If so; store the playerids in an array and go to 5.
Insert the player, add it to the std::map, store the playerids in an array.
Using the playerids array, insert the moves for this betting round, store the moveids in an array.
Using the moveids array, insert a movesequence, store the movesequenceids in an array.
If this isn't the last round played, go to 5.
Using the movesequenceids array, insert a game.
If this was not the final game, go to 2.
If this was not the last file, go to 1.
Since I'm sending queries for every move, for every movesequence, for every game, I'm obviously doing too many queries. How should I bundle them for best performance? I don't mind rewriting a bit of code, so don't hold back. :)
Thanks in advance.
It's very hard to answer this without any queries, schema, or a Pg version.
In general, though, the answer to these problems is to batch the work into bigger coarser batches to avoid repeating lots of work, and, most importantly, by doing it all in one transaction.
You haven't said anything about transactions, so I'm wondering if you're doing all this in autocommit mode. Bad plan. Try wrapping the whole process in a BEGIN and COMMIT. If it's a seriously long-running process the COMMIT every few minutes / tens of games / whatever, write a checkpoint file or DB entry your program can use to resume the import from that point, and open a new transaction to carry on.
It'll help to use multi-valued inserts where you're inserting multiple rows to the same table. Eg:
INSERT INTO some_table(col1, col2, col3) VALUES
You can improve commit rates with synchronous_commit=off and a commit_delay, but that's not very useful if you're batching work into bigger transactions.
One very good option will be to insert your new data into UNLOGGED tables (PostgreSQL 9.1 or newer) or TEMPORARY tables (all versions, but lost when session disconnects), then at the end of the process copy all the new rows into the main tables and drop the import tables with commands like:
INSERT INTO the_table
SELECT * FROM the_table_import;
When doing this, CREATE TABLE ... LIKE is useful.
Another option - really a more extreme version of the above - is to write your results to CSV flat files as you read and convert them, then COPY them into the database. Since you're working in C++ I'm assuming you're using libpq - in which case you're hopefully also using libpqtypes. libpq offers access to the COPY api for bulk-loading, so your app wouldn't need to call out to psql to load the CSV data once it'd produced it.

use uno (openoffice api) to open spreadsheet *without* recalculation

I'm using pyuno to read an excel spreadsheet (running on linux.) Many cells have formulas referring to addins that are, obviously, not available. However the cell values are what I want.
But when I load and read the sheet, it seems those formulas are being evaluated and thus the values are being overwritten with errors.
I've tried several things, none of which have worked:
set flags AutomaticCalculation=False, MacroExecutionMode=NEVER_EXECUTE in the call to desktop.loadComponentFromURL
call document.enableAutomaticCalculation(False) on the loaded document
Any suggestions?
If formluas aren't a matter, you might circumvent the problem by processing a copy of your spreadsheet in which only the values (not the formulas) are present.
To achieve this quickly, select the whole sheet content, copy, special paste; then remove everything except "value". Save to a new file (make sure you don't overwrite the original file or every formula will be lost!). Your script should then be able to process this file.
This is an ugly solution, as there must be a way to do it programmaticaly.
Calc does not yet support using the cached results after loading the document. Libreoffice Calc does now use cached results for xls documents. The results are also stored in ods but are ignored while loading the document and the formula result is evaluated by compiling and interpreting the saved formula.
There are some plans to add this for ods and xlsx too but there are many ods producers out there writting incorrect results in the file. So till now the only solution is to have a second version of the document only saving the results (or implementing it inside calc).