Invoking a console application from C++ program - c++

I have an console application 'app.exe', which i want to invoke from a C++ program and then communicate with it as if it was a command line. Essentially I want to make a C++ wrapper around another console application so that I could pass input to it at will and receive output.
In pseudo-code something like:
std:string input("...some parameters..."), output;
Process app("app.exe");
app.InputOutput(input, output);
This must have been answered already, but I seem to lack proper terminology to look it up.
In case it matters, I am running Eclipse CDT on Windows 10 with GCC 5.3.0
EDIT: I need to be able to repeatedly send some values to 'app.exe' and repeatedly receive response, rather than just invoke it with parameters. This is needed for a small personal project so I do not care about it being platform-specific.

I used this code as a starting point, in an MFC dialog, to display output from a called process. It was rather painless as this is well documented. He tells you why he is doing what. It should be suitable as you are working with the Windows platform. But as Alf points out, cross platform is something else.

You can use the system function to invoke a shell (command line) command.
That command can be to execute a program with the arguments you want.
system returns the process exit code, but for other results there is no direct support. One easy way to access the output, for a program that just does a job and ends, is to redirect the program's output to a file.
Otherwise you'll have to use communication mechanisms such as pipes or Windows mailslots, that are not supported by the C++ standard library, i.e. you're then into platform-specific code.


Passing arguments to a program using another program

I have created two executables that accept command line arguments. Now, I want to pass arguments to available executables using C++ (executing on Windows). What is the best way of doing it?
I have used CreateProcess(); it's working fine for static input but I want to input dynamically through CLI.
The command-line (with arguments) is one of the parameters to CreateProcess(). Just put whatever arguments you want to pass on to the child executable in there.
What problems are you having with non-static input?
I usually use system(const char*) and it works for me :)
You pass over a string which contains the command as you type it in the command line. In your case it means the path to the exe file and the arguments it takes, with just spaces in between. It runs the specified process as if it was run from command-line.
For more information:
It sounds as though you already understand that string arguments can be sent via CreateProcess at launch time. If you want to continue to send data at run time, you have a couple options.
Use console redirection. Since you are already using the Win32 API, it is not too far of a stretch to write to cin of the child process after you have launched it. See this MSDN article. I think this might be what you mean by "input dynamically through CLI"
Use some sort of IPC. There are Win32 ways of doing this such as message queues, and more platform independent methods such as Protocol Buffers, Thrift, or Boost.Interprocess.
There is really more than one way to skin a cat when it comes to IPC and your goal is to do your research and make sure you have made the correct design decisions early on for how your processes will communicate.
If you do decide to use a more full-blown IPC rather than something like console redirection to solve a smaller problem, some questions you should ask yourself are:
Will I be able to send all the types of data using this type of IPC?
Will this communication ever need to cross network boundaries?
And, the two big questions that always show up are:
How maintainable will this be in the future?
Will this code ever have to run on another platform?
Hopefully this response is not overkill for your question.

how to run one program created exe file from another program in turbo c?

i am developed a program in dev c++ compiler name of file is CorrectPrgm.cpp and want to run CorrectPrgm.exe created by CorrectPrgm.cpp file. from Le.cpp which was developed in turbo c++ 3.0 compiler and my need is at the time of running Le.cpp i want to invoke/run CorrectPrgm.exe. The CorrectPrgm file accepts file name from user and produces output as list of tokens.
i have tried like this:
not working..
any other way to call...
Any help would be appreciated..
If you are on Windows Vista and above, probably you can't run it, as I believe this would be a 16-bit DOS applications. If it's 32-bit DOS app (proteced mode through DPMI, but unlikely) then it might run too, but that was too long ago to remmember how.
On Windows 7, you can install Windows XP mode (actually Virtual PC builtin kind of), and run it from there. XP still supports 16-bit apps.
I believe you can use one of the exec or spawn functions.
you can create a separate process for the program you want to invoke. But you will face a lot of problems. Firstly. correctPrgm.exe and le.exe will execute in two separate process. So you have to consider interprocess communication.
The best thing I'd suggest is break the CorrectPrgm.exe source file in functions and call the functions you need. Even you can use library and header file(s) to get the functionality of those functions.
You can also create threads. But then you have to design the threads (in one thread the CorrectPrgm will run) very carefully.

Wrapping executable's input and output in c++

There is a program in java (Minecraft) and for the server part of it, it opens up in a terminal and prompts the user for commands, as well as give feedback for loading progress and other stuff. How can I make a c++ "wrapper" to automatically send commands to the terminal, and receive the response?
I could automate commands such as say and kick with GUI elements. I am running a mac with OSX Lion.
It presumably reads and writes stdin/stdout. You should look up executing a binary (in this case java.exe) in c++ and how to read and write to it. Alternatively, you could write a wrapper in Java that gives you control without having to parse the text output.
The answer to this question would depend on the operating system as different systems use different approach how to deal with the standard input and output channels. On a UNIX system you'd create a pipe(2) (or two if you want to capture standard output and standard error separately), fork(2) the "server", use close(2) and dup(2) to put the various file descriptors into place, and then execve(2) the actual program. After this you can read/write to various descriptors.

Clear console using C++ with Xcode?

I'm trying to make a C++ console application using Xcode 4.1, but I can't find the command for cleaning the screen while the program is executing...
Any ideas? Thanks!
OSX doesn't have "consoles" the way Windows does. It has pseudoterminals, which act like an old-fashioned glass terminal to the program running "inside" them, and like a bidirectional pipe to the program that set them up. That outer program can do whatever it likes with the inner program's input and output. Notable examples of such programs are, which emulates the venerable VT-100, and ssh, which forwards the I/O over a secure channel to its own controlling terminal (which is probably itself a pseudoterminal). This is all by way of saying that there isn't a method that's guaranteed to work, because maybe the program on the outside of the pseudoterminal doesn't have a "screen" that you can meaningfully "clear." (Expect is a good example of a program like that.)
Having said that, though, if there is a screen, these days you can pretty much count on it to respect the VT-100 control codes. So this should do what you want:
std::cout << "\033[2J" << std::flush;
If you find that you need even one more control code, though, it's time to hook your program up to ncurses, which presents a nice friendly API to all the tricks that modern terminal windows are capable of, and will also have your back in the increasingly unlikely event that your program is attached to a terminal (or a program emulating a terminal) that is not a VT-100 nor one of its descendants.

How to interface with an executable in C++

I have an executable that I need to run some tests on in C++ - and the testing is going to take place on all of Windows, Linux and Mac OSes.
I was hoping for input on:
How would I interface with the previously built executable from my code? Is there some kind of command functionality that I can use? Also, since I think the commands change between OSes, I'd need some guidance in figuring out how I could structure for all three OSes.
EDIT - Interface = I need to be able to run the executable with a command line argument from my C++ code.
The executable when called from the commandline also ouputs some text onto a console - how would I be able to grab that ouput stream (I'd need to record those outputted values as part of my tests).
Feel free to ask me follow up questios.
If you use qt to develop your code, you'll find QProcess will allow you to spawn a command line program in a platform-agnostic way.
QObject *parent;
QString program = "yourcommandlineprogram";
QStringList arguments;
QProcess *myProcess = new QProcess(parent);
myProcess->start(program, arguments);
You can then read from the process with various function calls such as readAllStandardOutput (), and write to the input of the process with QProcess::write(QString).
Alternatively, if you prefer Boost to Qt, Boost.Process will also let you launch processes. I confess I don't like the syntax as much...
boost::process::command_line cl("yourcommandlineprogram");
boost::process::launcher l;
boost::process::child c = l.start(cl);
You can then work with your subprocess 'c' by using stream operators << and >> to read and write.
All those OSes support some form of "subprocess" calling technique, where your tester creates a new child process and executes the code under test there. You get to not only pass a command line, but also have the opportunity to attach pipes to the child process' standard input and output streams.
Unfortunately, there is no standard C++ API to create child processes. You'll have to find the appropriate API for each OS. For example, in Windows you could use the CreateProcess function: MSDN: Creating Processes (Windows).
See also Stackoverflow: How do you spawn another process in C?
As I understand, you want to:
Spawn a new process with arguments not known at runtime.
Retrieve the information printed to stdout by the new process.
Libraries such as QProcess can spawn processes, however, I would recommend doing it by hand for both Windows and MacOS/Linux as using QProcess for this case is probably overkill.
For MacOS/Linux, here's what I would do:
Set up a pipe in the parent process. Set the read end of the pipe to a new file descriptor in the parent.
In newly created child process, set stdout (file descriptor #1) to the write end of the pipe.
execvp in the newly created child process and pass the target executable along with what arguments you want to give it.
From the parent process, wait for the child (optional).
From the parent process, read from the file descriptor you indicated in Step 1.
First of all, is it possible that you simply need to want to make your original code reusable? In that case you can build it as library and link it in your new application.
If you really want to communicate with another executable then you can need start it as a subprocess of the main application. I would recommend the Process class of the Poco C++ libraries.
Looks like a job for popen(), available on Linux, Windows, and OS X
Sounds like you are only planning to do functional testing at the executable level. That is not enough. If you plane to do thorough testing, you should also write unit tests. For that there is some excellent frameworks. My prefered one (by far) for C++ is BOOST::Testing.
If you control source code there is also common tricks for functional testing beside launching exe from an external process : embed functional tests. You just add an option to your program that execute tests. This is cool because tests are embedded in code and autocheck can easily be launched in any execution environment.
That means that in the test environment, as you call your program with some test dedicated arguments, nothing keeps you from going the full way and redirect the content of stdout and even check the tests results from within the program. It will make the whole testing much easier than calling from an external launcher, then analysing the results from than launcher.