Wrapping executable's input and output in c++ - c++

There is a program in java (Minecraft) and for the server part of it, it opens up in a terminal and prompts the user for commands, as well as give feedback for loading progress and other stuff. How can I make a c++ "wrapper" to automatically send commands to the terminal, and receive the response?
I could automate commands such as say and kick with GUI elements. I am running a mac with OSX Lion.

It presumably reads and writes stdin/stdout. You should look up executing a binary (in this case java.exe) in c++ and how to read and write to it. Alternatively, you could write a wrapper in Java that gives you control without having to parse the text output.

The answer to this question would depend on the operating system as different systems use different approach how to deal with the standard input and output channels. On a UNIX system you'd create a pipe(2) (or two if you want to capture standard output and standard error separately), fork(2) the "server", use close(2) and dup(2) to put the various file descriptors into place, and then execve(2) the actual program. After this you can read/write to various descriptors.


Invoking a console application from C++ program

I have an console application 'app.exe', which i want to invoke from a C++ program and then communicate with it as if it was a command line. Essentially I want to make a C++ wrapper around another console application so that I could pass input to it at will and receive output.
In pseudo-code something like:
std:string input("...some parameters..."), output;
Process app("app.exe");
app.InputOutput(input, output);
This must have been answered already, but I seem to lack proper terminology to look it up.
In case it matters, I am running Eclipse CDT on Windows 10 with GCC 5.3.0
EDIT: I need to be able to repeatedly send some values to 'app.exe' and repeatedly receive response, rather than just invoke it with parameters. This is needed for a small personal project so I do not care about it being platform-specific.
I used this code as a starting point, in an MFC dialog, to display output from a called process. It was rather painless as this is well documented. He tells you why he is doing what. It should be suitable as you are working with the Windows platform. But as Alf points out, cross platform is something else.
You can use the system function to invoke a shell (command line) command.
That command can be to execute a program with the arguments you want.
system returns the process exit code, but for other results there is no direct support. One easy way to access the output, for a program that just does a job and ends, is to redirect the program's output to a file.
Otherwise you'll have to use communication mechanisms such as pipes or Windows mailslots, that are not supported by the C++ standard library, i.e. you're then into platform-specific code.

Access data from terminal

I have to write a program that intercepts data from terminal and i have to parse it. After processing when the data, i have to parse it before it goes to stdout.
I can't use tee or commands like prog > file 2>&1 as the program is going to be interactive.
For example :
If the user types ls in the terminal i have to parse it then it should go operating system and then when I get the result after processing I ll have to again parse it before it's displayed in the terminal.
I did my research and I think I can achieve it through pseudo terminal interfaces ( pty ).
Please let me know if there is a better way to achieve it.
I am using cpp and bash and the platform is *nix.
I can also use libexpect from expect.
I am not sure what do you mean here - you mean interactive program as "working in another terminal communicating with user" or even displaying GUI?
How does it specify the terminal? It is probably important what is program layout here (which program starts which).
If your application uses GUI to communicate with user, then I would simply do it this way:
start bash with sdtin and stdout attached to pipes,
your program reads & writes to it's end's of those pipes, parses data, and reads/writes on it's own stdin&stdout - so it appears on it's terminal.
If you mean controlling different terminal than your application's, it gets though since system generally does not expect program operating on multiple terminals. I don't think it's possible to filter communication between terminal and already working application attached to it. Starting another process spawning another terminal might be an option - to have basically two terminals working in sync. But then you will have to synchronize both processes by some other means (named pipes, network connection or some other IPC).
If you provide more detail on your program I might provide more directed help.
PS Don't tell me that you are writing some terminal keylogger ')
Your program is probably GUI based then - what i would recommend would be something similar to answer linked by banuj.
Best option will probably be to create three pipes, then fork, and in child process assign corresponding ends of pipes to stdin, stdout and stderr. Then child process should exec into shell - probably bash, although I am not sure if other shells would sound better if read out loud ;) Main process will be able to read/write other ends of mentioned pipes, parsing both inputs and outputs to bash and programs it runs.
You could also exec directly to commands user specifies, but that forces you to take over tedious job of a shell - managing current directory, environment variables, job control and so on.
Using above method might however cause some trouble - some programs (usually in security related contexts - eg. su(do) asking for password) will try to bypass stdin/stdout anyway and read directly from terminal device. I am not sure what can you do in such case - programing your own terminal emulator would be an option, but I don't know if you want to go this deep into system programming for this.
If you want some code snippet's, if you don't know how to do above, just ask ;)

Communication with a script from a C++ program

I have a c++ program (very complicated, and lengthy both in code and execution time).
Once in a while this program stops and calls a user-specified shell script.
Before calling the script, my program creates a .out file with current data. I call the script via system() command. The script then reads the .out file, and creates its own script.out file and exits.
Then the system() function call ends, and my program reads and parses the script.out file.
Question: is there a better way to execute communication between my c++ program and a random shell script?
My intent is to have full communication between the two. Script could virtually "ask" the program "What data do you have right now?" and the program would reply with some strict convention. Then the script could say "Add this data...", or "delete all your previous data" etc.etc.
The reason I need this is because the shell script tells the program to modify its data. The exact data that was put in the original .out file. So after the modification is done -- the actual data held by the program does not correspond to the data written in the .out file.
I swear I've searched around, but everyone suggests an intermediate file.
There are certainly ways to do that without intermediate files. The most common approach is to use command line arguments for input, and pipes for standard output; others also use pipes for input. The most straight-forward alternative to system then is to use popen.
On a unix-like system? Perhaps pipe (2) will work for you?
From the man page (Mac OS X 10.5 version):
#include <unistd.h>
int pipe(int fildes[2]);
The pipe() function creates a pipe (an object that allows unidirectional
data flow) and allocates a pair of file descriptors. The first descrip-
tor connects to the read end of the pipe; the second connects to the
write end.
You will, of course, have to follow the creation of the pipes with a fork and exec pair. Probably this has already been answered in detail, and now you know what to search on...
It's been a while since I did this, but:
In the main process, before forking the sub-process you call pipe twice. Now you have two pipes and control both ends of both of them.
You fork.
The main process will read from one pipe and write from the other. It doesn't matter which is which, but you need to be clear about this.
The child process will call one of the exec family of function to replace it's image with that of the shell you want to run but first you will use dup2 to replace it's standard input and output with the ends of the two pipes (again, this is where you need to be clear about which pipe is which).
At his point you have two processes, the main process can send things into one pipe ad they will be received on the standard input of the script, and anything the script writes to it's standard output will be sent up the other pipe to the controlling process. So they take turns, just like interacting with the shell.
You can use pipes or (maybe more convenient) sockets - for example frontends to gdb, or expect do that. It would require changes to your shell scripts, and switching from system() to more low-level fork() and exec().
It's rather complicated so please, be more specific about your environment and what you need to clarify.
You are asking the question on Interprocess Communication (IPC).
There are a lot of ways to do that. You can do a simply search and Internet will return you most answers.
If I am not wrong, Google chrome uses a technique called Named Pipe.
Anyway, I think the most "portable way" is probably a file. But if you know you are working on which operating system, you can definitely use most of the IPC techniques.

Where can I learn how to make a C++ program interact with the Operating System (Linux)

I am a C++ beginner.
I'd like to create small programs that interact with the operating system (using Kubuntu Linux). So far, I have not been able to locate any tutorial or handbook to get C++ to interface with the OS.
In PHP, I can use the command exec() or the backtick operator to launch commands typically executed in a console.
How can I do similar things in C++?
How can I get my C++ program to execute any other command?
How can I get the output of such commands?
You can use system() to execute arbitrary commands but, if you want to easily control the input and output with the program, you should look into popen().
For even more control, you can look into doing exactly what a shell might do, creating some extra file descriptors, forking to start another process, setting up file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 (input, output and error) in that process to connect them to your original process file descriptors then exec'ing the program you want to control. This isn't for the faint of heart :-)
You can use the system() command in stdlib to execute system commands:
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
system("ls -l");
system() returns an int as its return value, but the value of the int is system-dependent. If you try and use a command that doesn't exist, you'll get the standard "no such command" output back, and usually a non-zero return value. (For example, running system("ls -l"); on my Windows XP machine here returns a value of 1.
You can use system() as instructed previously or you can use libraries which provide access to standard POSIX API. unistd.h and The GNU C Library include many functions for OS interaction. The possibilities with these libraries are endless as you can implement the functionalities yourself. A simple example: scan a directory for text files with scandir() and print the contents of the files.

Crossplatform Bidirectional IPC

I have a project that I thought was going to be relatively easy, but is turning out to be more of a pain that I had hoped. First, most of the code I'm interacting with is legacy code that I don't have control over, so I can't do big paradigm changes.
Here's a simplified explanation of what I need to do: Say I have a large number of simple programs that read from stdin and write to stdout. (These I can't touch). Basically, input to stdin is a command like "Set temperature to 100" or something like that. And the output is an event "Temperature has been set to 100" or "Temperature has fallen below setpoint".
What I'd like to do is write an application that can start a bunch of these simple programs, watch for events and then send commands to them as necessary. My initial plan was to something like popen, but I need a bidrectional popen to get both read and write pipes. I hacked something together that I call popen2 where I pass it the command to run and two FILE* that get filled with the read and write stream. Then all I need to do is write a simple loop that reads from each of the stdouts from each of the processes, does the logic that it needs and then writes commands back to the proper process.
Here's some pseudocode
FILE *p1read, *p1write;
FILE *p2read, *p2write;
FILE *p3read, *p3write;
//start each command, attach to stdin and stdout
while (1)
//read status from each process
char status1[1024];
char status2[1024];
char status3[1024];
char command1[1024];
char command2[1024];
char command3[1024];
//do some logic here
//write command back to each process
The real program is more complicated where it peeks in the stream to see if anything is waiting, if not, it will skip that process, likewise if it doesn't need to send a command to a certain process it doesn't. But this code gives the basic idea.
Now this works great on my UNIX box and even pretty good on a Windows XP box with cygwin. However, now I need to get it to work on Win32 natively.
The hard part is that my popen2 uses fork() and execl() to start the process and assign the streams to stdin and stdout of the child processes. Is there a clean way I can do this in windows? Basically, I'd like to create a popen2 that works in windows the same way as my unix version. This way the only windows specific code would be in that function and I could get away with everything else working the same way.
Any Ideas?
On Windows, you invoke CreatePipe first (similar to pipe(2)), then CreateProcess. The trick here is that CreateProcess has a parameter where you can pass stdin, stdout, stderr of the newly-created process.
Notice that when you use stdio, you need to do fdopen to create the file object afterwards, which expects file numbers. In the Microsoft CRT, file numbers are different from OS file handles. So to return the other end of CreatePipe to the caller, you first need _open_osfhandle to get a CRT file number, and then fdopen on that.
If you want to see working code, check out _PyPopen in
I think you've made a very good start to your problem by using the popen2() function to abstract away the cross-platform issues. I was expecting to come and suggest 'sockets', but I'm sure that's not relevant after reading the question. You could use sockets instead of pipes - it would be hidden in the popen2() function.
I am 99% sure you can implement the required functionality on Windows, using Windows APIs. What I cannot do is point you to the right functions reliably. However, you should be aware the Microsoft has most of the POSIX-like API calls available, but the name is prefixed with '_'. There are also native API calls that achieve the effects of fork and exec.
Your comments suggest that you are aware of issues with availability of data and possible deadlocks - be cautious.