C++ template argument of unknown type - c++

Suppose we want to write a function which is supposed to get a value as a template parameter (for, say, efficiency reasons), but we don't know in advance the type of the parameter we're expecting. It is possible to implement it as
template<typename T, T val>
func() { cout << val; }
However, it is not fun to call such a function
func<int, 5>()
is it possible to rewrite func s.t. we can call it in the following way?

A solution that mostly depends on your actual function is to define it as it follows:
template<typename T>
constexpr void func(T val) { }
Then invoke it as f(5) and have the template parameter deduced from the parameter of the function itself.
Otherwise, in C++14, you cannot avoid using the pattern template<typename T, T value>.
It is the same pattern used by the Standard Template Library, see as an example the definition of std::integral_constant.
A possible solution that mitigates (maybe) the boilerplate is based on the use of a struct, as an example:
template<typename T>
struct S {
template<T value>
static void func() {}
You can the do something like this:
using IntS = S<int>;
// ....
With the upcoming revision C++17, you will manage to do it as it follows:
template<auto value>
void func() {}
This can be invoked as f<5>(), that is what you are looking for..


Divorce a parameter pack in a class template

I am trying to write a class template that uses a parameter-pack and implements a member function for each type contained in the parameter-pack.
This is what I have so far:
template <typename...T>
class Myclass {
void doSomething((Some_Operator_to_divorce?) T) {
* Do Something
std::cout << "I did something" << std::endl;
My goal is to have a class template that can be used in the following way:
Myclass<std::string, int, double> M;
M.doSomething("I am a String");
Where the class template mechanism will create an implementation for a doSomething(std::string x), a doSomething(int x) and a doSomething(double x) member function but not a doSomething(std::string x, int i, double f) member function.
I found a lot of examples in the web on the usability of parameter-packs, but I could not figure out if it can be used for my purpose, or if I totally misunderstood for what a parameter-pack can be used.
I thought that I need to unpack the parameter-pack but, after reading a lot of examples about unpacking parameter packs, I believe that this is not the right choice and it has a complete different meaning.
So, therefore, I am looking for a operation to "divorce" a parameter-pack.
There is no "operator" specifically that supports this, but what you're requesting can be done in a few different ways, depending on your requirements.
The only way to "extract" T types from a parameter pack of a class template with the purpose of implementing an overload-set of functions is to implement it using recursive inheritance, where each instance extracts one "T" type and implements the function, passing the rest on to the next implementation.
Something like:
// Extract first 'T', pass on 'Rest' to next type
template <typename T, typename...Rest>
class MyClassImpl : public MyClassImpl<Rest...>
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
using MyClassImpl<Rest...>::doSomething;
template <typename T>
class MyClassImpl<T> // end-case, no more 'Rest'
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
template <typename...Types>
class MyClass : public MyClassImpl<Types...>
using MyClassImpl<Types...>::doSomething;
This will instantiate sizeof...(Types) class templates, where each one defines an overload for each T type.
This ensures that you get overload semantics -- such that passing an int can call a long overload, or will be ambiguous if there are two competing conversions.
However, if this is not necessary, then it'd be easier to enable the function with SFINAE using enable_if and a condition.
For exact comparisons, you could create an is_one_of trait that only ensures this exists if T is exactly one of the types. In C++17, this could be done with std::disjunction and std::is_same:
#include <type_traits>
// A trait to check that T is one of 'Types...'
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct is_one_of : std::disjunction<std::is_same<T,Types>...>{};
Alternatively, you may want this to only work if it may work with convertible types -- which you might do something like:
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct is_convertible_to_one_of : std::disjunction<std::is_convertible<T,Types>...>{};
The difference between the two is that if you passed a string literal to a MyClass<std::string>, it will work with the second option since it's convertible, but not the first option since it's exact. The deduced T type from the template will also be different, with the former being exactly one of Types..., and the latter being convertible (again, T may be const char*, but Types... may only contain std::string)
To work this together into your MyClass template, you just need to enable the condition with SFINAE using enable_if:
template <typename...Types>
class MyClass
// only instantiates if 'T' is exactly one of 'Types...'
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_one_of<T, Types...>::value>>
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
// or
// only instantiate if T is convertible to one of 'Types...'
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_convertible_to_one_of<T, Types...>::value>>
void doSomething(const T&) { ... }
Which solution works for you depends entirely on your requirements (overload semantics, exact calling convension, or conversion calling convension)
Edit: if you really wanted to get complex, you can also merge the two approaches... Make a type trait to determine what type would be called from an overload, and use this to construct a function template of a specific underlying type.
This is similar to how variant needs to be implemented, since it has a U constructor that considers all types as an overload set:
// create an overload set of all functions, and return a unique index for
// each return type
template <std::size_t I, typename...Types>
struct overload_set_impl;
template <std::size_t I, typename T0, typename...Types>
struct overload_set_impl<I,T0,Types...>
: overload_set_impl<I+1,Types...>
using overload_set_impl<I+1,Types...>::operator();
std::integral_constant<std::size_t,I> operator()(T0);
template <typename...Types>
struct overload_set : overload_set_impl<0,Types...> {};
// get the index that would be returned from invoking all overloads with a T
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct index_of_overload : decltype(std::declval<overload_set<Types...>>()(std::declval<T>())){};
// Get the element from the above test
template <typename T, typename...Types>
struct constructible_overload
: std::tuple_element<index_of_overload<T, Types...>::value, std::tuple<Types...>>{};
template <typename T, typename...Types>
using constructible_overload_t
= typename constructible_overload<T, Types...>::type;
And then use this with the second approach of having a function template:
template <typename...Types>
class MyClass {
// still accept any type that is convertible
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_convertible_to_one_of<T, Types...>::value>>
void doSomething(const T& v)
// converts to the specific overloaded type, and call it
using type = constructible_overload_t<T, Types...>;
template <typename T>
void doSomethingImpl(const T&) { ... }
This last approach does it two-phase; it uses the first SFINAE condition to ensure it can be converted, and then determines the appropriate type to treat it as and delegates it to the real (private) implementation.
This is much more complex, but can achieve the overload-like semantics without actually requiring recursive implementation in the type creating it.

How can I get the C++ compiler to deduce T indirectly?

My template-fu is rather weak. I have this code:
template<typename T>
void Foo(void(*func)(T*)) { }
void Callback(int* data) { }
int Test()
...but I'd like something more readable than C's nasty function pointer syntax of void(*func)(T*).
Someone on my team suggested this:
template<typename T>
struct Types
typedef void Func(T*);
template<typename T>
void Foo2(typename Types<T>::Func* func) {}
void Test2()
Foo2(Callback); // could not deduce template argument for 'T'
Foo2<int>(Callback); // ok
(I'm still debating whether this is actually more readable, but that's a separate issue.)
How can I help the compiler figure out what T is without needing to explicitly specify it in the caller?
You can extract T from the function type using a traits class.
template<class F>
struct CallbackTraits;
template<class T>
struct CallbackTraits<void(*)(T)>
typedef T ArgumentType;
Your example can be modified like this:
template<typename F>
void Foo(F func)
typedef typename CallbackTraits<F>::ArgumentType T;
void Callback(int* data) { }
int Test()
This technique is used in the boost type-traits library:
This blog post goes into a bit more detail about the implementation of the technique:
Unfortunately this approach hides the information in the signature of Foo about the constraints on the argument passed in. In the above example the argument must be a function of type void(T*).
This alternative syntax does the same as the original example while being slightly more readable:
template<typename T>
void Foo(void func(T*)) { }
Another alternative syntax that may be more readable can be achieved using c++11's alias templates as follows:
template<typename T>
using Identity = T;
template<typename T>
void Foo(Identity<void(T*)> func) { }
Unforunately the latest MSVC fails to compile this, reporting an internal compiler error.
You won't be able to deduce the type based on a nested name: there is no reason why different instantiations of the outer type won't define an identical inner type. You could use a using alias, though:
template <typename T>
using Function = auto (*)(T*) -> void;
template <typename T>
void Foo(Function<T>) {
Personally, I would recommend against using any of that, however: in practice it seems much more advisable to actually take a function object which later allows using object with suitable function call operators to be used. For callbacks it is quite common that you'll need to pass in some auxiliary data. That is, you would either use an unconstrained template or one which takes a type-erased type, depending on what you want to do exactly:
template <typename Fun>
void Unconstrained(Fun fun) {
template <typename T>
void TypeErased(std::function<void(T*)> fun) {
The unconstrained version has the advantage that it can potentially inline the function call but it has the disadvantage that every function object type creates a new instantiation and that the argument types are likely to vary. The type-erased version effectively has to do something like a virtual function call but there is just one instantiation of the function template (per argument type T, of course).
Admittedly, the type-erased version's type won't be deduced from a function pointer (or any other argument which isn't a std::function<void(X*)>), i.e., you may want to have a forwarding function
template <typename T>
void TypeErased(Function<T> fun) {
In C++98 and C++03 template argument deduction only works with functions (and methods).
I don't think the picture changed in the more recent standards.

avoid specifying redundant template parameters which contain templated function pointer

Suppose we have this code:
template <class T, void (*u)(T&)>
void Foo()
// store the function u internally . . .
There are reasons to do something like this and I won't attempt to go into them. However, is there any way to avoid having to specify type T when calling Foo()? For example, to compile, one normally needs:
Foo<int, MyIntFunction>();
But if this int can be deduced from the function pointer, is this possible:
EDIT I'm aware of the solution to pass the actual function pointer in as a function parameter, however this is not desired here as it has some perf drawbacks in intensive loop.
In this example u is not a function pointer, it's a type (the signature of a function pointer). If you want to store a function pointer you need to pass it.
template<class T, class F = void(*)(T&)>
void Foo(F f)
// store the function pointer f here
called like so:
struct SomeType {};
void bar(SomeType& x);
Is this what you mean to do?
Short answer: I don't think it is possible.
Long one.. When calling a template function, you cannot omit the first parameter and specify the second: the compiler would try to match your MyIntFunction to the template parameter T. Generally, you can specify the first, but omit the second if the compiler can infer the second template parameter. In this case, this is not an option however, because you want to specify the second parameter explicitly.
The second template parameter has a dependency (T) on the first template parameter. Therefore, reversing the order of the template parameters is also not an option.
Your best bet would be to define it in a way similar to what Richard suggested:
template<class T>
void Foo(T f)
int a(1);
f(a); // this forces f to be a function taking an int as parameter
Here is a dirty implementation which basically does what the OP was asking for. It depends on too many assumptions, but could be at least something to discuss. The idea is to specify in advance all possible types which can serve as function argument, and then deduce this type.
template<typename T>
struct TD; //type display
template<typename FunctionType, typename T, typename ... Ts>
struct ArgumentDeduction
typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_same<void, typename std::result_of<FunctionType(T)>::type>::value
, T
, typename ArgumentDeduction<FunctionType, Ts ...>::type
>::type type;
template<typename FunctionType, typename T>
struct ArgumentDeduction<FunctionType, T>
typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_same<void, typename std::result_of<FunctionType(T)>::type>::value
, T
, void
>::type type;
template<typename FunctionType
, typename T = typename ArgumentDeduction<FunctionType, int, double>::type >
void foo()
struct AvoidConversion
struct DummyType{};
template<typename T> DummyType operator()(T x) { return DummyType(); }
struct Bar : public AvoidConversion
using AvoidConversion::operator();
void operator()(int x);
//void operator()(double x); //try also this
int main()
foo<Bar>(); //calls the foo<Bar,int> version
One main assumption here is the form of the Bar functor, which in principle accepts any type, but has a relevant implementation of type void only for the single allowed type.
Again, I don't think this is rather useful, but I guess this comes closest to the OP's question up to now.
EDIT: Otherwise, i.e. without AvoidConversion in the code above, the compiler will perform an implicit conversion and the argument deduction gives true for all types which are convertible into each other (such that, e.g., int is deduced when there is only a function taking double).
If someone sees a way to avoid this ugly AvoidConversion hack and deduce the parameter type somehow more elegant, I would be interested in seeing that.

C++ Templates: Function as Template Class Parameter

So in C++ we can pass functions as template parameters like so:
template <typename func>
int tester(func f)
return f(10);
So I have a template class which uses a function, and I've been using it like this, where each time I would pass the function and a variable to it.
template <typename type_t>
class TCl
template <typename func>
int Test(func f, type_t Var>
// Blah blah blah
But I would like to make the function one of the class template parameters to make it easier to use.
So I first tried this:
template <typename func>
template <typename type_t, func f>
class TCl
But when I compile this I get:
Compiler Error C3857: multiple type parameter lists are not allowed
Because God forbid my code should actually compile the first time I try it.
Now my problem has been that while I know the parameters types for the function (in this case size_t, size_t), the return type could be anything, so long as there is a proper comparison operator for type_t.
After several hours of reading online, I found a working solution.
template <typename type_t, typename ret_t, ret_t f(size_t, size_t)>
class TCl
While it work, it kind of ruins the aesthetic of the code. And I would greatly prefer something like in the original example where I specify a func type, and don't have to worry about specifying the return type.
So does anyone have any suggestions?
Also, no Boost.
Thank you guys. I used Jarod42's solution.
#Drax & Lightness Races in Orbit:
I had considered placing the type before hand, but it would have placed the burden on the programmer to define the function pointer in order to use it, which seemed unnecessarily cruel :)
Jarod42 however solved that using macros and the decltype operator, which I had completely forgotten about.
There was a slight problem with your example Jarod42.
#define TCl_T(type_t, function) Tcl<type_t, decltype(function), function>
Generates an error:
error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
This solves it.
#define TCl_T(type_t, function) Tcl<type_t, decltype(&function), function>
Apparently we have to specify that it is a pointer.
Once again, thanks for the help guys!
template <typename type_t, typename ret_t, ret_t f(size_t, size_t)>
class TCl;
You may use a Macro:
#define TCl_T(type_t, function) Tcl<type_t, decltype(function(0, 0)), function>
And then use it like:
// bool my_func(size_t, size_t);
TCl_T(int, my_func) tcl; // tcl is a Tcl<int, bool, my_func>
And if you change TCl to:
template <typename type_t, typename prototype_t, prototype_t f>
class TCl;
You may use a Macro:
#define TCl_T(type_t, function) Tcl<type_t, decltype(function), function>
Well just put the template parameters on the same line :
template <typename type_t, typename func, func f>
class TCl
And I would greatly prefer something like in the original example where I specify a func type, and don't have to worry about specifying the return type.
Okay, so simply do that! :-) I don't understand why you have gone from passing the entire function type as a template argument, to splitting it up into return type and parameter types. And, in doing so, you introduced your stated problem. But you didn't explain why you made this change.
Why not simply:
template <typename type_t, typename func_t, func_t f>
class TCl
// ...
This is the logical evolution of your own approach, is it not?
Here's an example that works:
#include <iostream>
template <typename type_t, typename func_t, func_t f>
struct T
T() { f(); }
type_t a; /**< Irrelevant here, but gives your `type_t` something to do */
void foo() { std::cout << "A\n"; }
int bar() { std::cout << "B\n"; return 0; }
int main()
T<int, void(*)(), &foo> t1;
T<int, int (*)(), &bar> t2;
// Output:
// A
// B
Live demo
Shame you can't use more deduction in the template-argument-list. Jarod42 had an interesting idea with macros in order to shorten the call, though I'm not sure it improved the aesthetic.
I wonder whether this means that your assertion:
make the function one of the class template parameters to make it easier to use
is false.

Syntax for Templated Member Functions

Consider the following code:
template <typename Datatype>
class MyClass
void doStuff();
template <typename AnotherDatatype>
void doTemplateStuff(AnotherDatatype Argument);
template <typename Datatype>
void MyClass<Datatype>::doStuff()
// ...
template <typename Datatype>
template <typename AnotherDatatype>
void MyClass<Datatype>::doTemplateStuff(AnotherDatatype Argument)
// ...
The implementation for the second member function, doTemplateStuff, will not compile if I condense it like this:
template <typename Datatype, typename AnotherDatatype>
void MyClass<Datatype>::doTemplateStuff(AnotherDatatype Argument)
// ...
Why is this? Shouldn't separating template information by commas have the same effect as putting each typename on its own line? Or is there some subtle difference I'm not aware of...?
(Also, if someone can think of a better title please let me know.)
This is an excellent question. I don't know the specific reason that the standards committee decided to design templates this way, but I think it's a callback to lambda calculus and type theory. Mathematically speaking, there is an isomorphism between any function that takes two arguments and returns a value and a function that takes in a single argument, then returns a function that takes in yet another argument and then returns a value. For example:
λx. λy. x + y
is isomorphic with (but not identical to)
λ(x, y). x + y
where (x, y) is a single object representing the pair of x and y.
With C++ member function templates, C++ chose to use the first of these systems. You have to specify all the arguments for the outermost function, then, separately, all of the arguments for the innermost function. Mathematically this is equivalent to specifying all of the arguments at the same time in one argument list, but C++ didn't choose to do this.
Now, a really good question is why they didn't do this. I'm not fully sure of the rationale, but if I had to guess it's because of weird interactions with template specialization. If I can think of something specific I'll update this post.
Putting comma's between the template declaration tells the compiler to expect two template parameters. In your case, because the object is a template object when you declare the function as you do you're violating your own declaration. It's looking for that second template in the MyClass object, referencing the actual class declaration and realizing that it's an error.
template<typename T, typename V>
struct Foo{
void bar();
template<typename T, typename V>
void Foo<T,V>::bar(){...}
is what it's expecting to see.
template<typename T>
struct Foo{
void bar();
template<typename T, typename V>
void Foo<T>::bar(){...}
is an error. It's wondering where that other template parameter came from.
If you want to do this you'll need to write the function right there:
template<typename T>
struct Foo{
template<typename V>
void bar(const V& _anInputValue){
cout << _anInputValue;
void baz();
template<typename T>
void Foo<T>::baz(){
cout << "Another function.";