Editing a template in SSRS - templates

I have a template that needs to be edited (new logo and color scheme).
I cannot find a way to edit the current template. The template is located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ProjectItems\ReportProject", however when I try to open the template, I get an error.
I cannot open it in SSRS by going to File >> Open.
Searching on the internet did not show me how to edit an existing template, only how to create a new one.
I am currently using visual studio 2010.

I will go around. First create a project in your visual studio and add your template as existing item to your reports. Edit the report and save it back to the desired folder.


Unable to add app.config file in Visual Studio 2017?

Working in Visual Studio 2017; I have added a class library in my project. Now I want to add an app.config file.
When I try to add by "Add new Item" but config file is missing from item list.
How can I do it?
You probably forgot to install workload .NET desktop development.
Go to installation, click to modify and include the workload .NET desktop development.
Check image of installation screen
Just right click your class library. Click on Add -> New Item and you should find Application Configuration file
If you have a solution without any project or all project are unloaded, you would not find the Application Configuration File
If you are missing visual studio templates,then Close all instance of Visual Studio and Open visual studio command prompt and type,
devenv /installvstemplates
Press Enter. Let the process be complete and now open visual studio. You will get all missing templates under Visual Studio installed templates.
I couldn't add app.config using the GUI tools for my web project. However, I have added the app.config file manually and the build process picked it up and used it.

Why visual studio doesn't come with Resources template by default?

Hello I am trying to create a “.resx” file and when I went to the menu add “new item” it doesn't show me the template for create resources file as it shows in the following image. But if I go to Visual Studio 2015 it actually shows that option available. So why if it is visual studio 2017 it doesn't come with that template by default ? And I want to know what are the steps that I have to take in order to install this template.
Note: If my question is incorrectly please AND YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME A DISLIKE make sure to GIVE ME A FEEDBACK Thank you for reading this.
click here to see the picture
After having the same issue (I think). I found that you have to choose ".NET desktop develpment" when you install VS 2017 to get the resource template.
Search for visual studio installer in your menu and then choose modify.
Check ".NET desktop develpment" and click modify. After that you should be able to see the templates in VS 2017.
what about this one?
ResX Manager

How do I create a new "header file (.h)" in an existing "C++ Project" in "Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015"?

I can create such a file by opening a separate instance of studio, but I can't get my project to recognize it as an essential file in the side panel. I would prefer an answer by using studios own UI to create the file, but importing it will work as well if possible.
Note: I need an answer to Visual Studio year 2015. I have read that major program changes have been made since 2012/2013 and thus such solutions will probably not work.
Right click on your project in project explorer (normally on the right) and choose Add new item...
Select C++ header file there.

WRL Project Template not found for Visual Studio 2013

I am trying to follow these steps on MSDN for building a WRL-based C++ WinRT component. However in step #3, I am unable to find anything related to WRL in the results:
In the Search online templates box in the upper right corner, type
WRL Class Library. When the template appears in the search results,
choose the OK button)
How can I get the WRL Project Template for Visual Studio 2013?
Update: The template on the VS Gallery has now been updated and is now available for Visual Studio 2013 as well.
It seems the WRL Project Template for Visual Studio has not yet been updated for Visual Studio 2013. There is a workaround however:
Instead of acquiring the project template from VS2013, download it through the website. WRL Class Library.
The downloaded file would be called WRLVSIXProject.vsix.
Change the file extension. Rename it to WRLVSIXProject.zip
Unzip the zip file.
Open the file extension.vsixmanifest in a text editor
In the section, insert the following line after the first line:
<InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro" Version="12.0" />
Save the file and close it
Zip all the contents of this folder back to a file called WRLVSIXProject.zip
Rename the file back to WRLVSIXProject.vsix
Double click on the file. It will now provide an option to install this project template for Visual Studio 2013
Install and proceed
Now when you do "File -> New Project" in VS2013, you will see an option called "WRLClassLibrary" under Visual C++ > Windows Store

SSRS 2008 R2 - Add Custom Template to New Report Wizard

I created a custom SSRS template and it works if I use new item; however, most of our developers use the new report wizard. Is there a way to get customer templates to appear in that list (Ocean, Generic, Corporate, Slate, etc.)?
I don't know many of the details of what is permitted in the style definition, but the file to edit is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Business Intelligence Wizards\Reports\Styles\en\StyleTemplates.xml
I'm surprised to see that Microsoft does acknowledge (support?) that this file can be edited:
You can alter existing templates or add new ones by editing the
StyleTemplates.xml file in the \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Business Intelligence Wizards\Reports\Styles\ folder, where is the language you
are using (for example, if you are using the English language version
of Visual Studio, the folder name is "EN"). This folder is located on
the computer on which Report Designer is installed. NoteNote There are
two copies of the StyleTemplates.xml file. To modify the styles that
are applied through the Report Wizard, edit the file that is in the
folder created for the language you are using.
Being able to update StyleTemplates.xml was helpful, but to add default Page Headers and Footers you need to update Report.rdl
For the version of SSRS listed in the answers below, this file should be found in the following location:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ProjectItems\ReportProject\Report.rdl
I had to make my changes in another folder, then copy the file back into this directory.
source: http://www.powerpivotblog.nl/sql-server-reporting-services-ssrs-templates-and-styles/