SSRS 2008 R2 - Add Custom Template to New Report Wizard - templates

I created a custom SSRS template and it works if I use new item; however, most of our developers use the new report wizard. Is there a way to get customer templates to appear in that list (Ocean, Generic, Corporate, Slate, etc.)?

I don't know many of the details of what is permitted in the style definition, but the file to edit is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Business Intelligence Wizards\Reports\Styles\en\StyleTemplates.xml
I'm surprised to see that Microsoft does acknowledge (support?) that this file can be edited:
You can alter existing templates or add new ones by editing the
StyleTemplates.xml file in the \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Business Intelligence Wizards\Reports\Styles\ folder, where is the language you
are using (for example, if you are using the English language version
of Visual Studio, the folder name is "EN"). This folder is located on
the computer on which Report Designer is installed. NoteNote There are
two copies of the StyleTemplates.xml file. To modify the styles that
are applied through the Report Wizard, edit the file that is in the
folder created for the language you are using.

Being able to update StyleTemplates.xml was helpful, but to add default Page Headers and Footers you need to update Report.rdl
For the version of SSRS listed in the answers below, this file should be found in the following location:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ProjectItems\ReportProject\Report.rdl
I had to make my changes in another folder, then copy the file back into this directory.


Visual Studio 2017 ASP NET Core 2 Scaffolding Templates

Is it possible to add custom scaffolding templates to Visual Studio 2017 community for things like MVC Controllers and Views?
I've seen a number of tutorials which suggest adding custom templates to the following locations but nothing seems to work:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Web\Mvc\Scaffolding\Templates
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Web\MVC 4\CodeTemplates
For example, if I want to add a new Controller via the right-click menu, any custom templates added to the above locations just do not show. Likewise the View templates do not appear either.
Ok, so the following steps work:
Copy the Templates folder from the following location to the root of the project directory:
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\microsoft.visualstudio.web.codegenerators.mvc\<version>
In VS2017, when adding a Controller or View, the selected scaffold is then brought in from the local Template directory residing within the project. These can be tweaked and changed as necessary.
It looks as though it is not possible to "add" to the scaffold list.

How do I create a new "header file (.h)" in an existing "C++ Project" in "Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015"?

I can create such a file by opening a separate instance of studio, but I can't get my project to recognize it as an essential file in the side panel. I would prefer an answer by using studios own UI to create the file, but importing it will work as well if possible.
Note: I need an answer to Visual Studio year 2015. I have read that major program changes have been made since 2012/2013 and thus such solutions will probably not work.
Right click on your project in project explorer (normally on the right) and choose Add new item...
Select C++ header file there.

Editing a template in SSRS

I have a template that needs to be edited (new logo and color scheme).
I cannot find a way to edit the current template. The template is located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ProjectItems\ReportProject", however when I try to open the template, I get an error.
I cannot open it in SSRS by going to File >> Open.
Searching on the internet did not show me how to edit an existing template, only how to create a new one.
I am currently using visual studio 2010.
I will go around. First create a project in your visual studio and add your template as existing item to your reports. Edit the report and save it back to the desired folder.

Visual Studio Express 2013: How to create project with existing C++ source files ?

There has been a lot of discussion about this topic but still no concrete answer about it or atleast I can not find it. I am unable to find the option File->New->Project from existing files
I have already the source files and to avail the advantage of some tools in visual studio express I installed the trial version 2013 and even after playing with it a little bit and looking for it on internet I did not find this option.
Is there any possible way to create project with existing source files like this in 2013 version ?
or should I install some older version ?
Suggestions/comments/solutions .. Please
You could try creating a blank project and then importing the files into it. Not sure if the version you're using is able to do that. Otherwise, create a new project and new source files and copy/paste the code (it's not a great solution).
In Visual Studio Express 2013 I found I was able to export an existing project as a template then build a new project off of that template.
File -> Export Template
File -> New Project and the saved Template was available to choose from.
According to "This option ( File->New->Project from existing files) is not available in Visual Studio Express editions..." so the short answer would be "no."
#JBentley - the OP asked if he could perform the task "like this", where "this" means "using File->New->Project from existing files".

Why does the Visual Studio conversion wizard 2010 create a massive SDF database file?

I've opened a 2009 C++ sln in 2010 and run the Visual Studio 2010 conversion wizard. It seems to have done the conversion fine, but there's a 60 MB .sdf file created with the same name as my .sln file (apart from extension)! There was no sdf file before. I'm pretty sure when I've used the wizard on C# projects this file hasn't been created.
It looks like it's created to help the conversion wizard, but I don't see why it's left when the wizard has finished. The tables in the database are:
I assume I can just delete this file?
It is the code browser database, it replaces the NCB file in earlier releases. In VC++ 2010 the intellisense and browsing features have been completely redesigned to provide greater functionality and accuracy.
It's the browsing database. You may delete it; it will be recreated.